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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 310 KB, 555x555, bostonlit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11935363 No.11935363 [Reply] [Original]

On the 12th of October, 2018, several eminent Bostonians converged to one meeting point and spoke the graces of literature and of the unfolding currents of contemporary thought. This is all hearsay, however. If one of you gents from the meetup could detail how it went, we would all be much the better for it.

In addition, would any of you be interested in a meetup in your area? Let's collect some place names and see where things go.

>> No.11935794

Were there brownies?

>> No.11935936


Did Jessandra find her shoe?

>> No.11935972


>> No.11936295

Well it was kind of strange to be desu.
One guy brought this notebook and kept bragging that he was the one who invented the Cormac McCarthye meme and that he also popularized the Anna Karenina, ‘I was reluctant to read a book about a woman’ copypasta.
There was another guy who was militantly vegan. Really humorless about it
And finally there was the guy who wouldn’t make eye contact with anybody and just kept saying, ‘call me anon’ whenever anybody asked his name. He smelled a little funny but he was so pretty knowledgeable about Pynchon and Gass.

Other than that it was the usual mix of pseuds and faggots.

>> No.11937198

We should do one in São Paulo

>> No.11937369

Atlanta anyone?

>> No.11938109

Can we do a Kansas meetup or should I just keep to my cornhusk dolls

>> No.11938116

I'd go

>> No.11938125

anyone in chicago?

>> No.11938128

What was the deal with that tall negro in a hoodie ?
Was he part of the meetup or just some weirdo coming along ?

>> No.11938132

who here pacific northwest, I'd drive to Spokane for a meetup

>> No.11938153

ye, kitsap

>> No.11938230

hey :)

>> No.11938233

Any bongs around? I want to call a meeting and watch you all from afar.

>> No.11938310

Annapolis meeting when?

>> No.11938479
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Good lord that sounds awful

>> No.11938489
File: 44 KB, 600x443, 3E484CE6-4666-4644-ACA8-EC152943A6F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in estonia ?

>> No.11938519

I'm too nervous to go the /Boston/ meetup because it's become impossible to separate the memes from the reality.

Also how come the boston meetup is the only one that (claims to) occur with any regularity? High concentration of universities in the area I guess?

>> No.11938555

anyone in München?

>> No.11938634

yeah but down in Hyde Park

>> No.11938646

Dont do one in new york

>> No.11938690

Toronto, anyone?

>> No.11938732

Any interest in starting a meetup? I thought I had seen some threads for one a while back but they stopped posting and I never went

>> No.11938778

I can't actually go to ATL but I do live at a major school, I doubt you want to travel though

>> No.11938847

Nein Bernd.

>> No.11938852


>> No.11938874

What school? I have friends around the state, so I actually travel pretty often.

>> No.11938883


>> No.11938917

yeah that's about right, most of the people at meetups are uni students aside from the boomer who runs it

>> No.11938929

>would any of you be interested in a meetup in your area? Let's collect some place names and see where things go.
Arizona, preferably Phoenix.

>> No.11938954

Twin Cities?

>> No.11938958

UNC Chapel Hill checking in

>> No.11939486


>> No.11939503

This, I would go

>> No.11939515

Me too brother

>> No.11939533

Austin, TX represent. anybody wanna go to Trudy's for meximarts and IRL shitpost about daddy Pynchon?

>> No.11939571

Fayetteville checking in

>> No.11939855

I'm in KS, what city/town are you in?

>> No.11939862

New York, specifically the city or anywhere a little north.

>> No.11939863

Anyone attending University of Virginia? Looking for some chill lit friends.

>> No.11939864

half of estonia isnt even in estonia anon...

>> No.11940005

two different guys showed up dressed as DFW although with one it was pretty hard to tell because his bandana slipped off and he didn't notice
one girl came and she just talked about her own poetry if anyone asked her anything and if you mentioned another poet she would just stop talking
there were also two french guys there and people thought maybe they were like philosophy students or something but it turned out they weren't there for the meetup and when they heard what it was they just left

>> No.11940011

>anywhere a little north
yes, a /lit/ meetup in Yonkers is a spectacular idea you muppet

>> No.11940333

I could come there in a couple weeks.

>> No.11940356

What are you studying?

>> No.11940391

smart kid

>> No.11940566

I have to have other /lit/izens with me though. Talking one-on-one is almost impossible for me.

>> No.11940581

Lel you'd all get robbed

>> No.11940583

too expensive

>> No.11940595

4chan is terrible boards patronized by terrible people. /mu/, /pol/, /tv/, /co/, and all the other boards try to meet with each other but we're all incredibly shy or annoyingly outspoken. It is always doomed to be a shitshow. Why do we do this to ourselves?

>> No.11940910

The /p/ meetups are good
>Why do we do this to ourselves?
For the others enjoyment. Those /fit/ and /fa/ meet ups are legendary.

>> No.11940915


>> No.11940922

Any wypipo in Hanoi?

>> No.11940951

Sup, /k/.

>> No.11942222


>> No.11942396

I'm in Tempe. Id be down.

>> No.11942437
File: 223 KB, 500x500, 1539710645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone /central mass/ here? I could drag myself to Boston but I'd rather stay in my comfy zone of postindustrial decline desu.

>> No.11942441


>> No.11942446

I ask again, any Washington DC fags want to do another one?

>> No.11942453

Third guy in phoenix here i'm down, email on this throwaway if ur considering meeting up in Phoenix we'll create a thread on gmail and maybe create a whatsapp group

>> No.11942460

>living in DC
How are you still sane?

>> No.11942540

people say this, but I've always found DC to be one of the better american cities ive been. I had to live there for a couple months and I feared the worst because I expected everyone to be weird American political folk, but it turned out to be just another iteration of bourgeois + hipster + black people + chinese restaurants that every american city is, but with better monuments and green areas.

But I don't really like American cities so saying DC was one of the better ones isnt saying much.

>> No.11942961

Lawrence, you?

>> No.11942997

The only good /lit/ meetips occur in NYC. The rest of you are insufferable pseuds

>> No.11943005


Can there be a call-in number to listen?

>> No.11943014

But anyone who lives in nyc is, ipso facto, a pseud

lmao if I ever attend a meetup I will make this happen

>> No.11943015

Yes I do, when and where

>> No.11943378


>> No.11943535
File: 34 KB, 369x499, 51cDy8cOS1L._SX367_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First AZ poster here, sounds like Phoenix Meetup is happening. Let's hijack this thread for visibility.

>> No.11943651

I'm able to do it as early as this Sunday, but anytime after that would work too. How do we proceed from here?

>> No.11943682

I’m open this Sunday, but the question is where do you have in mind??

>> No.11943839

There’s this Checkers in DC, you know this Checkers? It’s down by some hotels and a newspaper printing place

>> No.11943944

I ventured into Southern Mass near the Connecticut border and I wanted to die. Western Mass near Amherst is comfy.

>> No.11944016

Egypt, anyone ?

>> No.11944268


>> No.11944394

Falkland islands?

>> No.11945090

I'm down for Checkers. So that's at least 3 of us

>> No.11945535

anyone in south sudan?

>> No.11945748

Anyone in Antarctica?

>> No.11945760

Come to Vancouver

>> No.11945853

Durham slash Charlotte checking in

>> No.11945874

Anyone in a hell of their own creation?

>> No.11945919

Ah, he said fagget

>> No.11946003


>> No.11946005

same here. Hyde park is /comfy/

>> No.11946027

Where in Phoenix? I haven’t lived in this state for long.

>> No.11946035


>> No.11946040


Anyone near Orlando? We have alot of coffee shops.

>> No.11946091

Not that anon but I’m on the MO side of KC

>> No.11946402

Psyops by terminators will not be tolerated. Your invasion from the future will be thwarted. I will not allow the past to become the future's plaything. I got silver bullets and stakes for every fucker out there that wants to take a swing. EMP's on the way. Nice try Skynet you can't stop the past from biting your ass. better get packing and don't say hasta la vista because you won't be back I'll send your ass to venus and back better hope your cybernetic implants can take the sun's radiation cause out in space there ain't no skin that'll stop the magnetic waves from fucking the electricity out of your skull.

>> No.11946425

Yuuuup it’s awful. I do appreciate being able to see the decline of non-Urban America but I’ll probably leave for somewhere better soon.

>> No.11947045

It's a wide city and I'm personally more on the outskirts but I expect we'll probably meet in downtown Phoenix or Mesa.

Do email otherguy ( >>11942453
) hopefully he's not pulling our legs.

>> No.11947061

>And finally there was the guy who wouldn’t make eye contact with anybody and just kept saying, ‘call me anon’ whenever anybody asked his name. He smelled a little funny but he was so pretty knowledgeable about Pynchon and Gass.

>> No.11947083


>> No.11947105


>> No.11947154

>There was another guy who was militantly vegan. Really humorless about it

>> No.11947194
File: 77 KB, 800x520, The Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in BRISTOL?

>> No.11947345


we got four in pacific northwest fellas, if anyone wants to chime in

>> No.11947359
File: 53 KB, 791x597, IMG_20180128_141132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count me in

>> No.11947361


>> No.11947634

i wish that was true

>> No.11947667

I was supposed to make a new thread... forgot. But, I'm still up for it. Hows tempe? Plenty of coffee shops.

>> No.11947702

Liberty University here. Not too far. Anyone else down for a VA meet?

>> No.11947730


is uchicago the most /lit/ school?
i saw the grad student browsing in the reg on the printer computers (based) and said hi

>> No.11947745

That was me, I think. Hey again.

>> No.11947763

>on the printer computers
Absolutely /lit/ and patrician

>> No.11947828
File: 35 KB, 217x232, ww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any /Lit/huanians here?

>> No.11948137

west country reporting in

>> No.11948334

How is Liberty? What are you studying?

>> No.11948972

Another Hyde park anon checking in.

>> No.11949060

I could meet at UGA, I'm between Atlanta and Athens.

>> No.11949082

but I barely read anything of note so far in my life so meeting up with me would be quite pointless.

>> No.11949332

I still don't get why we call our gay orgies /lit/ meetups. Its unnecessary secrecy.

>> No.11949340

No but it has killed the most people.

>> No.11949418


>> No.11949626

you had a gigantic stack of books next to you and continued browsing as a girl was talking to you

when do you finish the program? i graduated this past year


what are your majors? any of you doing english or creative writing classes?

>kys if you’re in the crwr major

>> No.11949633

it’s not november yet anon

>> No.11949720

I don’t go to school. I can be the resident brainlet if there winds up being a Chicago meetup.

>> No.11949855

What do you study. I moved to Asheville 2 years ago and am losing my mind outside school. Thinking of an MFA or an MA in English

>> No.11949954

>‘call me anon’ whenever anybody asked his name
The most annoying part about that was that every time I tried to address him (i.e. say "anon" at him) everyone else would look over me as if I was referring to them.

>> No.11949977

Sure re: Tempe. I shot you an email on your throwaway. I'm not free for at least a week and my weekends are weird in general but there's no big hurry, and/or y'all can miss me

>> No.11950009

Any Mexican /lit/erati living in any of the the 3 big cities (Mexico City, Guadalajara, or Monterrey)?

>> No.11950046

NYC meetup when?

>> No.11950106

looks like there might be like 5ish chicago people? what are some decent bookstores in the area?

also where could we meet up n stuff

>> No.11950115

Monterrey here desu
I'm mostly into English authors (Dickens, Austen, Eliot) and philosophy (especially Hume and Kant).

>> No.11950140

>English authors (Dickens, Austen, Eliot)

>> No.11950180

PNW here

>> No.11950205

UCF checking in, don't drink coffee though

>> No.11950227

Anyone else /lit/sconsin?

>> No.11950236

yeah, post pictures of your boipussy and if i like it, i'll post a contact email.

>> No.11950316

thunder bay 807 thug life

>> No.11950508

Damn you have shit taste homie. Dickens and Austen are ass.

>> No.11950834

are you talking about the one over by the arboretum
why the fuck would you want to meet there instead of, say, the arboretum itself or anywhere else that isn't a drive through in a shithole

>> No.11950846

It would have been better if you had said the Technocore.

>> No.11950900

Name three good authors.

>> No.11951060

Just staying in the Victorian English world that I'm barely familiar with outside of these big names, Emily Bronte and Oscar Wilde are both far better than Dickens or Austen. I admit I only read Hard Times by Dickens but I thought it was so badly written it put me off to him entirely. Jane Austen I read Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility because an ex girlfriend of mine swore by them and I thought they were really dry and uninteresting.

>> No.11951139

Milwaukee, madison,or somewhere less /nig/?

>> No.11951143

Any Philly anons? I'd be down to link up

>> No.11951289

>wanting to eat cum brownies

>> No.11952156

Stockholm here

>> No.11953003

>continued browsing as a girl was talking to you
>when do you finish the program? i graduated this past year
Two more years max, hopefully. Congrats, what was your major? Have you left Chicago already?

I only know the Hyde Park area reasonably well, but Powell's on 57th is okay. You can (occasionally) grab a stack of old, out-of-print books for $2-3 each. More often though you're looking at $7.50-20 apiece for relatively common books, or needlessly expensive academic press books you'd be better off just reading in the library. It's a good store for hunting for those deals on older shit though.

I'd be down to meet and chat with people who have similar interests if it's low-key. I won't be eating any brownies though.

>> No.11953016

Boys, it's at least us 3 AZ peeps. I emailed one of you a couple days back but now I'm kinda excited by the prospect. Which authors? Which books?

>> No.11953153

based. I'm willing to go anywhere

>> No.11953571

I'm trying to go hardcore Early American lately, reading Moby Dick right now and have Thoreau/Emerson/Whitman in my sights next, not to mention the pragmatists (Peirce, James, Dewey) and then maybe later American authors (McCarthy etc.)

>> No.11953673

>There was another guy who was militantly vegan. Really humorless about it
Absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.11953957

thanks mate
compsci with creative writing/english minor

wish i did more humanities courses, i took english and philisophy electives but CS ate so much time. have a good job now though, so worth it i guess

what was your program again?

>> No.11953965

oops, yeah i left chicago
miss it actually, its a fun city when youre not in HP

>> No.11953995

>but I barely read anything of note so far in my life so meeting up with me would be quite pointless.

>> No.11954376

Cool, I'm getting through 100 years of solitude right now, but I'm not such an avid reader that I have a big list of books I've read worth discussing. Most impactful I've read lately was fear and trembling.

Might follow suit with the pragmatists though.

>> No.11954906
File: 73 KB, 838x1255, the-varieties-of-religious-experience-by-william-james.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I just listed a bunch of books I /intend/ to read, so I'm not much better.

Re: pragmatists I'm a big James devotee and I highly recommend his pic related. But I still haven't properly read his pragmatism stuff, or touched his Principles of Psychology.

I've been wanting to read Kierkegaard for a while, I'd be curious to hear about it.

>> No.11955081


I'm close enough to Spokane for this

>> No.11955864

FUCK I WAS IN BOSTON AND IM IN BOSTON, i wouldve went what if there was hot gorl that reads books

>> No.11955875


>> No.11955895

No wh*tes allowed.

>> No.11955900

Usually meetup with a select group of /lit/boys in the nj-nyc area, interested in seeing if there's any more

>> No.11956527
File: 175 KB, 714x1180, fd46520693a8ced4caa9cfaa1fba44b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melbourne or surrounding rural areas?

>> No.11956535
File: 15 KB, 197x280, (...............................).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't drink coffee though

>> No.11956564

Not him, but it is most NPC to drink coffee. It is a bugman substance that artificially replicates sensations one can achieve elsewhere and through productive effort.

I still drink it, though.

>> No.11956592

Canberra but I'll be in Melbourne for some of summer.

>> No.11956608

Do I actually want to meet any of you? Won't most of you be shitposters?

>> No.11956617

The most NPC-like people are those that drank coffee, not out of teetotalism or your sort of reasoning, but because they say "I don't like how it tastes".

>> No.11956625

I drink MONSTER bro because I’m a 1337 pro gamer! 420!

>> No.11956631

not München but pretty close-ish

>> No.11956633
File: 141 KB, 3632x2362, Sigmund-Freud-in-office-56a7922f5f9b58b7d0ebc7ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

London meet up when?

Let's fix that fag. You know who I'm talking about.

>> No.11956701


>> No.11956708
File: 78 KB, 564x960, 29513059_2165694346789196_397934825567074282_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of literature are you interested in? I'm going away to Italy during December but returning in January.

>> No.11956832

>several eminent Bostonians converged to one meeting point and spoke the graces of literature and of the unfolding currents of contemporary thought.
i was there and one guy actually shit his pants

>> No.11956837

i'm in a small town near fitchburg, kind of central mass

>> No.11956868

That looks so damned comfy.

>> No.11956881

i would come and sit somewhere in distance and watch akwardly

>> No.11956882

Fiction mostly.
I like modern/postmodern stuff (If on awinter's night a traveler, John Fowles, Pinecone, etc).
I read a fair bit of >genre fiction trash
I'm basically a pseud.
Also into maths.
At the moment I'm reading Against the Day again.

How about yourself?

>> No.11956883
File: 62 KB, 442x345, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any st. louis/midwest jolly soods (as jolly as one can be in a place that celebrates tragic boredom)? we've got a damn fine free art museum!

>> No.11956910

Yo, I'm in Bristol.

>> No.11956951

>And finally there was the guy who wouldn’t make eye contact with anybody and just kept saying, ‘call me anon’

>The most annoying part about that was that every time I tried to address him (i.e. say "anon" at him) everyone else would look over me as if I was referring to them.
based and redpilled

>> No.11956961

Yes,that would be fun

>> No.11957013

Accelerationism, traditionalism, Romanticism, 19th century novels and Borges.

>> No.11957018

Just replying to my own post, but if you're still interested and want to trade e-mail, let me know.

>> No.11957576 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 1127x770, the-piazza-della-signoria-in-florence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got a response from manson anon and it sounds like Kierkposter didn't either so I just made a Telegram group (because this thread won't last forever): https://t.me/joinchat/KR3KdBEB0JFAAG5gY9gXhA

I'm up to try to market a proper thread but I'm busy for a few days. Just trying to throw a line out before I lose y'all at sea.

>> No.11958302

Canberra meetup when?

>> No.11958988


Not at 4:44 am preferably.

>> No.11959001

I'm in nyc but I'm nervous about meeting someone from here.

>> No.11959018

Yeah we need a L O N D O N meetup. I'd be up for it.

>> No.11959347

Yes, Westend here.

>> No.11959358

I have never read fiction in my life. Texas?

>> No.11959921

I'm in KS

>> No.11960291

I'd love a Dublin meetup so I could personally murder all the pseuds here.

>> No.11960311

I'm away for school, I just meant there are any number of parks, bookstores, coffeeshops, etc. that would better serve you

>> No.11960371

I’m here senpai

>> No.11961204


>> No.11961247

This can't be true.

>> No.11961649

Former VCU student at Richmond here. Would be down for a meet up.

>> No.11962299

Melbourne here also

>> No.11962309

South-side for life.

>> No.11963191

Im from the suburbs but I could take the Metra into the city. I could probably drag my one /litfag/ friend with.
Also myopic books in wicker Park is my personal favorite in the city and has at least two good coffee shops and a great donut store within a block of it.

>> No.11964318

I'm in boston. Can i get anymore info about it? would happily attend. I kinda stopped coming here and didnt realize boston meetups had become a thing.

Any info would be great. Thanks.

>> No.11965615
File: 178 KB, 869x960, art_critic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11965620

Please respond.

>> No.11965623

Are you at all interested?


>> No.11965636

I went to an atlanta meetup once
a couple of chainsmokin faggets, a middle aged weeb and a suicidal art ho were the other participants
it wasn't that bad tbqh but I wouldn't go back a second time until I had read enough meme books to be as pretentious as everyone else there

>> No.11965642

To be fair, you did try to extol the literary value of Harry Potter.

>> No.11965644

I still maintain that there is a powerful allegory to the story of Christ in those 7 books, whether intended by the author or not. Maybe not enough to justify reading them, but there's a reason they resonated with humanity.

>> No.11966030

No way you’re still reading this but Eden Prairie what upppp

>> No.11966154

Nice, Duke over here

>> No.11966706
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>> No.11966712


>> No.11966724

>no mention of /k/
There is a reason why no one can bring brownies to meet ups anymore

>> No.11966739
File: 535 KB, 327x251, 6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the guy literally give them his cum? Fucking /k/, man.

>> No.11967112

Where're my frenchies at ?

>> No.11967182

I think it's safe to say she won't find it, if you catch my drift.

>> No.11967192

Like...if we're speaking in hypotheticals it's not like it's lost, but who knows. Somebody may have found it and kept it for science.

>> No.11967488

I’m here senpai, where you want to meet up?

>> No.11967754

Near enough.

>> No.11967921

Austin, TX meetup: email me at jj3640159@gmail.com so we can plan a beer night

>> No.11968119


>> No.11968157

Tallinn here

>> No.11968176

Most places have security cameras now and also meets require some sort of phone number which is usually verified to see if it's a real person and not a burner. If someone tried to pull that shit, they'd be going away for at least 5 years and would be a sex offender for life.

>> No.11968712

damn they

>> No.11970468

*takes one step off campus*
*gets shot*

>> No.11972051

anyone from new jersey? we can get some subs and then go to dunkin afterwards

>> No.11972470

ayyy chapel hill reporting

>> No.11973934
File: 62 KB, 800x577, SYO_CG_CP_TR_223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11973969

Thats only if you live on the southside where theres a larger black population living .

>> No.11973984


>> No.11973992

chicagofags one of you make a telegram or discord group to organize potential gathering

>> No.11974524

>tfw living in bumfuck nowhere, USA
>will never visit the hilarious social disasters that are 4chan meet ups

>> No.11974695

Chicago representing

>> No.11974704

Not to be a dick but I always think less of someone when they use this meme. It shows a lack of self-control, and a lack of dignity.

>> No.11974711

Considering his location he's probably a negro

>> No.11974729

What meme are you talking about?

>> No.11974750
File: 115 KB, 1024x576, Philadelphia-Pass-Loews-Skyline-C.Smyth2200x1237-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11974767

you should sit on the highest spike with your ass

>> No.11975722

Where you at l'ami

>> No.11975906

Why would anyone live there?

>> No.11976943

anyone else here from the capital district? rpi reporting in

>> No.11976978

St. John's, NL

>> No.11977627
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault_live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Los Angeles /lit/izens

>> No.11978055

bostonliterature [at] gmail.com

>> No.11978081

I even live in Yonkers and I think this is a trash idea also

>> No.11978197

Drive to Phoenix

>> No.11978267
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>> No.11978827
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None of these will go down.

>> No.11979892
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>> No.11980266

Iowa City, home of the world-renowned Writer's Workshop and featured as a setting on the hit HBO serial, "Girls." If there's anyone in the area interested let's hook it up.

>> No.11980394


Any Italianons beside that insufferable fag of the Bookchemist?

>> No.11981885

when's the next meetup OP??? i might go

>> No.11981891

Nice subtle bump, OP

>> No.11981903

I'm not OP I'm a /lit/izen from NH who will go to Boston for a meetup as long as I know when it is

>> No.11983276
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That's not OP, this is OP. You can trust me.

>> No.11983283

I'm OP, these two are frauds

>> No.11983323

Any faggots from Manchester (UK)?
No literal faggots, I'm homophobic.

>> No.11984507
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>> No.11984516

Second for Vancouver. But I'm out of here on the 30th

>> No.11984734

i don't associate with the bourgeoisie

>> No.11985212

>he doesn't smoke
lmao do you even /lit/?

>> No.11985459

I’m in Portland

>> No.11985577

Bellingham, WWU student

>> No.11985580


>> No.11985620


>> No.11985624
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Where my Flint mothfuckas at? Let's talk about books and sheit.

>> No.11985694


>> No.11986890

anyone near Paris

>> No.11986900

I hope this really happened