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11918043 No.11918043 [Reply] [Original]

Based mods hate the Miller translation too
To the anon who asked what's best to start with: I suggest Philosophy of History, then the smaller Logic, but some people can jump straight into the Phenomenology. I think Hegel intended for the Phenomenology to be treated as a prolegomena for the rest of his work, but he was an absolute mad man.

>> No.11918049

Hegel should be read in conjunction with guidebooks. There's just no way around it.

>> No.11918065

Hegel is the AIDS of philosophy

>> No.11918071

Thanks for the info. What should I as a prerequisite for Hegel? Can I just jump into it without any background in philosophy?

>> No.11918094
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You can't really jump into it if you don't know philosophy. I mean, you can and should, just try to read a pdf and see how you feel, but most people are going to have no idea what he's going on about. You can probably manage with the Phil of History, that's based on some lectures that are more accessible, but don't feel bad if you can't even make it through the preface of PoS. Hegel is endboss type philosophy. For secondary reading, check out this list: http://hegel.net/works/first.htm

>> No.11918155

I wasn't planning on jumping in, just wondering. Making my way through pre-Socratics right now, so I'm nowhere near that level.

>> No.11918199

You can just jump right into it and become familiar with points of view as you go along. The hardest part is learning about the vocabulary he uses and getting used to the style, other than that it just takes time but it isn't as bad as people say

>> No.11918251
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Lately I've been thinking that maybe early hegel is a better place for people who are trying to familiarize themselves with his thinking than PoS. It's just too complex for most people starting out with speculative philosophy and they end up quitting before they even get to objective spirit. DESU the best early hegel texts are his contribution to the critical journal of philosophy, the short satirical piece who thinks abstractly, prospects for a folk religion and the (not clearly attributable) ethics fragment.

>> No.11918260

fugg, guess I should go get some sleep

>> No.11918354
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>perpetual freshman of philosophy here -- AMA

I like the Inwood translation best personally. Good commentary.

I bought the Miller as a paperback for when I was taking a class on the Phenomenology. Cheap, kinda dated tho. God=! Geist.

The class itself used Pinkard's translation which used to be available as a free pdf online. He uses sublation which pisses off the foreign language departments who prefer aufeben.

What a fucking wild class! We had a post-structuralist art ho who dropped out after namedropping Saussure and getting pwned as irrelevant by the highly analytic teacher. Most of the people in there were closet-Deleuzeans who later convinced me to go down that rabbit hole but I had an esoteric hermetic streak and one of my good Thomist friends was in the class (he now is some sort of crazy Catholic Hegelian Philosopher King). He's even read the Science of Logic now. What a golden soul.

As a lapsed Catholic esotericist, I took a different view. The analytic presentation was extremely compelling. I felt like a student at Plato's academy. We debated and drew diagrams and pored over minutiae. In some ways, Hegel was the first philosopher to crack my egg of schizophrenia. Or it was the LSD. Whatevs...

In our class, we started with the lectures on history and religion. We also skimmed a Kant Dictionary and a Hegel Dictionary. Knowedge of German Idealism was presumed from undergraduate Early Modern courses. If lacking such knowledge, Beiser's German Idealism is quite good.

As a convert to post-sturcturalism soon thereafter, one would not be amiss to check out Hegel and the Infinite or Mythology, Madness, and Laughter both starring Slavoj Zizek as well as other luminaries of Hegel studies.

For diehard Marxists, Hyppolite and Kojeve's interpretations were both highly influential.

I myself recommend Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition so you can sound like a crazy schizo nut like me!

>> No.11918367

>note: this is mostly advice for tackling the PoS, I am too scared to approach SoL

>> No.11918368

that sounds pretty comfy. what uni where you in?

>> No.11918386

>one would not be amiss to check out...
*correction: I would be remiss to not recommend checking out...
Just a generic tho respected state uni in America.

>> No.11918405
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comfy af

>> No.11918440

godspeed anon. it's a long road but an incredible one. there is honestly no better place to start than the Greeks.

>> No.11918454

I made it through the preface and introduction and feel like I've already read everything people meme (except master/slave). Should I skip most of the book or does everyone just give up here?

>> No.11918513

What's a good edition of his philosophy of history?

>> No.11918518

The other chapters are essential for understanding the journey but yes those are the most "meme"-able passages.

>> No.11918874

For Phä, H.S. Harris Hegel´s Ladder is pretty good. For WdL, definitely Stekeler´s commentary by far but there is no translation.

>> No.11918950

Can someone explain Hegel's "the inner is the outer" to me? I'm studying Kierkegaard and he refers to it a lot.

>> No.11919257

How can I get AIDS from Hegel?

>> No.11919300

Would anyone say it's essential to read Böhme before Hegel? I know Hegel greatly admired him, and even wrote more than 30 pages just on him in his Lectures on the History of Philosophy, but will I really get a lot more out of Hegel by having read Böhme than by leaving him aside?
If he is, which Böhme work(s) should I read in preparation for Hegel and the other German Idealists?

>> No.11919337

Aurora by Bohme and Heaven and Hell by Swedenborg are essential gnostic sophiology for understanding German Idealism.

Solovyov's Lectures on Divine Humanity inspired Dostoevesky and Tolstoy and presents a condensed Russian Orthodox Hegelianism of history which is fun too.

>> No.11919357

But none of these works are truly necessary.

>> No.11919387

>essential gnostic sophiology for understanding german idealism
*essential for understanding gnostic sophiology not german idealism

>> No.11919916
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Michelle Fuckalt*