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/lit/ - Literature

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11917194 No.11917194 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11917203

Dragons arguing over pige

>> No.11917220


>> No.11917225

Nothing happens

>> No.11917267

Posters selected from each board, numbers representative of board popularity, are thrown on an island lord of the flies style. /pol/tards and other idiots establish a traibal like society? and begin an island wide shitstorm.
The one /lit/ anon narrates the story as he, 2 /out/its and a /k/mando fuck off to the center of the island and begin using their skills to evade and survive while the rest of the gang slaughters eachother down to a handful over the next week.
Memes and hilarity abound.

>> No.11917268
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A bunch of prisoners tortured their victim by frying him on metallic fenced bed connected to the electric wire in the jail cell.

>> No.11917306

Unironically would read. Make sure to include the /tv/ troll and his tunnels too

>> No.11917323

Lord of the Feels

>> No.11917326

Twelve characters, which one linked to a sun sign interact with each other. Don't have any idea for a plot, tho. Recs welcome

>> No.11917345


>> No.11917348


>> No.11917465

I want to write a novel but I have absolutetly no idea for a plot. How do you get inspiration? Or should I just copy someone elses work and just change some names?

>> No.11917484

If you don't have a story to tell, why do you want to write a novel?

>> No.11917491

because writing is the only thing I'm good at and writing a novel is my only chance to ever escape wagecucking

>> No.11917517

Develop a vague setting first, then some characters. Then find a way to cause their lives to intersect.

>> No.11917532

I have this idea where the main character poops into another chicks poop and they pee and pee the night away

>> No.11917561

more of a short story idea than a novel: an academic (an anthropologist) delivers a lecture about the life of a young Hungarian peasant held by the local population to have messianic qualities. They relate that the main characteristic of the child was his ability to communicate multiple meanings simultaneously with individual words, as though his speech seemed to consist of multiple simultaneous utterances, but that the dominant hypothesis of his "gift" being due to incommunicable differences in language from Hungarian to English, combined with the boy's early death, meant that the phenomenon was ultimately dismissed as a curious footnote in a quotidian ethnography of peasant life in the Great Hungarian Plain. The lecture ends with an account of the boy's death saving a lamb from drowning in a creek.

>> No.11917578

>plot is important for a novel
Back to r/writing please

>> No.11917608

I'm a genre fag so I really only want other genre fags opinions on this one. An asteroid hits the earth long after climate change has wiped out humanity. A new race emerges that discovers humanity's remains (probably in bunkers or something). The new race is humanoid but quite different i.e. being quite heat resistant/less water dependent. Protag wants to clone a human but doesn't want it out in the open because the Jurassic Park sequels turn him off.

>> No.11917623

Well it is impossible to not have a story to tell. As the other anon said create a vague setting based on your life, something you experienced. Create some characters but don't make yourself as one. Then start writing the story of your main character(s) and antagonist, one page at a time.
You will notice that the story unfolds on its own and all you have to do is stay loyal to your characters and let them play out their roles.

>> No.11917649
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Actually finished a story where a man gets a well paying government job where he pushes random buttons when officials tell him to. It leads to a plot where he finds out he might be doing something heinous and not be knowing about it. Leads to a whole rabbit hole of the government actually spying on him and people secretly sending him messages. It draws parallels to when Nazis used to shoot Jews instead of gas them and the whole button experiment where people were asked if you would press a button if you would hurt someone.

Turns out it was a false flag and he is doing something beneficial rather than heinous and the whole reason the government was hiding it so no counter agencies or foreign intelligence could steal it.

Wrote the story for my GF just to draw her in and basically piss on her in-mind conspiracy theories.

>> No.11917691

>themes are important for a novel
back to Ask Jeeves please

>> No.11917696

Depends on the motives of your protag, why does he/she want to create a human?

>> No.11917734

Resurrect the past. Maybe I'm being sentimental, but it just seems natural to be in awe of things that preceded you, especially as they increase in density and complexity.

>> No.11917738
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I've been writing a novel for almost a year but it's driving me crazy. Everything I do feels accidental, I feel like I have no control over my creative drive and that it just spurs out formless, crazy characters and ideas that do have some sort of connection with one other but not enough to be considered anything remotely complete. And the crux of the matter is that this is the only thing I care for. It's driving me crazy. Any advice on this?

I'll give you some insight into one of the characters: it's a sort of "detective" trapped inside a city and trying to unveil it's massive "plot"; the city is the embodiment of the novel, while the detective is supposed to be the narrator, but the narration is outside of him, in a way (metaphors are beings within his body, for example). none of this is revealed in the text itself, it's more like a map for me. and this is just one of the characters.

sometimes I wish I could just write something less ambitious, more down to earth, related to my own experiences and my own feelings, I don't know, something like Reykjavik 101, but somehow I feel so empty when I try this .


>> No.11917799

p i g e
p i e g
i p g e
i p e g
g i p e
g i e p
i g e p
i g p e
e p i g
e p g i
e g p i
i e g p
i e p g
e g i p

>> No.11917909

take the failed director route and just write reviews

>> No.11917926

Alright so get this: you're sitting in a subway station waiting to get on with your morning commute when out of fucking nowhere you see yourself, mirror-fucking-image, sitting on the opposite side of the tracks. You don't notice at first, but soon you catch on. He makes a movement to get on the next train, though yours isn't expected for another ten minutes. You decide to follow him and upon entering the train you see that everyone in the car looks just like you. No one notices you or each other, just sorta moping around and what not.

>> No.11917933
File: 1.48 MB, 1502x3076, 9FA06416-BEED-436E-951D-8F1D8CADF9E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the distant future, mankind lives away from Earth within the utopian space station, Algo. With all their needs and wants care for by a “Mother” an advanced A.I. And The Forever Society, an order of super scientists which created all of it, the lives of those aboard the megastation are existences of abundance and chemical inebriation. The main character, a girl named Luma who races jet packs for sport begins to suspect things aren’t right behind the veil of the perfection.

When forces beyond her control draw her into the dealings of the Forever Society, Luma will find herself set on an adventure across new worlds and dimensions to protect Algo and those she cares for.

Brave New World meets The Rocketeer, meets golden age of science fiction.

>> No.11918014

that’s my diary desu

>> No.11918101

I like it. After seeing Arrival and reading The Sparrow recently I've been thinking about stories that include linguistics as a major theme.

>> No.11918310

Orphan black

>> No.11918382

I like this a lot, would read

>> No.11918581

I've been wanting to write a story set in the Afterlife. I just think it's a really interesting concept that not many stories do much with

>> No.11918585

um Divine Comedy?

>> No.11918633
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"What if, at the end of it all, one final door opened with a guy in a buisness suit behind it, explaining to you that it all was a Game, and nothing you ever did mattered?"

I want to write a play out of this Idea, got inspired by "Huis clos" by Jean-paul Sartre and "Biografie" by Max Frisch.
What do you think of it?

>> No.11918653

In the afterlife, if there is such a thing, there is a Human Resources department behind every closed door.

>> No.11918675

I've been thinking about region lately, so I've been writing down the ideas of everyone I know.

Most of my friends are STEMfags tho

>> No.11918681

Very nice anon, added that to my notes. thanks.

>> No.11918738

I would read that

>> No.11918833

I would read you

>> No.11918867

Nazi deities bully a high school student

>> No.11918979
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In the near future a manufacturing company builds a primitive, but fully functional mecha suit for a trade show as a prof of concept for some new robotics technologies. From there the story would follow the suit as it bounces between individuals that come into contact with it over the next century or so.
It would be an anthology of short stories. The first would be about the scientist who developed it, the second about a bickering pair of truck drivers tasked to transport it to the right warehouse after the project is scrapped, then as a gimmick for a pro-wrestler trying to retake the spotlight, then as the super weapon for a megalomaniac dictator in south America, and so on and so forth.

>> No.11919003

I’d fuck wit it

>> No.11919086

It's a unrealistic and stupidly basic story idea. I don't know of I should scrap this idea or continue to expand on to it.

The main idea of the story is that by 2100 the population of the Western world will dramatically decrease and it will fall into dismay and chaos. Nations will fall, and there will be hundreds of micronations and factions spread all across the remains of Europe and North America. The main super powers of the world will be South East Asia, the Arab world, India, and Southeast Africa. The main character/narrator will be a nearly 100 year old man telling his story of how the world changed within his life time from the early 2000s until the beginning of the 22nd century.

>> No.11919317

Future astronauts on a space station, so is The Thing

>> No.11920391

>bickering truck drivers
I like where you are going with this anon

>> No.11920463

It's basically the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but about the Irish.

>> No.11920602

The "Mother" AI is too cliché. Call it something else

>> No.11920638

How about "Daddy"?

>> No.11920643

The protagonist puts off his (already very minor) responsibilities to go wandering around the city feeling sad and daydreaming. Lots of reflection on his disillusionment with university, his desire for deeper relationships, and his longing to return to the simpler, purer past. The story ends as the protagonist takes the train back to his house and realizes he feels pretty alright just sitting there as the city goes by outside the window, listening to music and looking at the qt girl sitting across from him.

Not an actual novel, obviously. A novella at most.

It's literally just a day in my life

>> No.11920659

The main character has a suspicion that everyone else in their life is manipulting them. They don't have any evidence and their memory is terrible, but they have their suspicions because every time they try to do something abnormal they are gently pushed back into line. Also their memories are fluid, the people around the protagonist take on memories that the protagonist thought were theirs.


Aliens come to earth, but they arent allowed to land because there is no room for them to park and it wastes too much energy for them to idle in the atmosphere.


It turns out that the world is split into collective mind groups. And the protagonist is bomred of their and want s to shift to a different collective mind, but nobody wants them.


A story about three guys getting drunk and debating how world war three will start. All set over a sunday afternoon in a blow up pool.

>> No.11920677

The first two sentences of your synopsis sound a lot like The Stanley Parable.

>> No.11920681

>A story about three guys getting drunk and debating how world war three will start. All set over a sunday afternoon in a blow up pool.
Could unironically be fun desu

>> No.11920688

A newbie gun-toting cowboy gets involved in a typical western adventure set in the early 20th century, but as he deals with minor inconveniences like bandits, zombies and dinosaurs start terrorizing the local population. Alongside several of his friends and his hot girlfriend, Roxanne de La Rosa, he ventures out to find the man responsible for this and end their reign of terror once and for all, while also pondering on the current state of society and why it would push a person to do something as terrible as try taking over the world with an army of zombies

>> No.11920744


>> No.11921164

Speculative novel about the decaying social landscape of a post-scarcity United Kingdom of England and Wales (In which Northern Ireland and Scotland have left). The monarchy has gained a lot of support in the interim due to the social woes and stagnation of a largely socialist system, and has re-infiltrated the house of commons on the orders of the reigning monarch (As his attempts to re-enstate peerages to bolster the house of Lords was denied multiple times) to the degree that people are turning up to parliament in pseudo-medieval munitions armour that may or may not be legal due to the Coming Armed to Parliament Act 1313.

The plot surrounds a reluctant parliamentary candidate, a lowlfie individual who grew up in the estates of the southeast and a DJ's apprentice who may or may not have ties to the underground insurgency peppered with 3D printed firearms.

>> No.11921363

name it something cool like shepherd, or monarch, or elliot or something. you know, cool names like that. definitely no stupid names like chase or colin

>> No.11921559

A man wakes up one day with a pige on the back of his head

>> No.11922987

basically an 80s slasher movie but the summer campers are geriatrics in a home and the killer is some mild flu going around

>> No.11923873

we'll make it eventually breh

>> No.11923896

I was expecting like you got stuck in a mirror world and a doppelganger took your place

>> No.11923965


A woman dinds herself lost at a flea markwt during a storm while on a trip to saudi arabia. Her vagina gets stung by an alligator and she jumps in surprise. Her arm rolls over like a kangaroo and flips around like an ant before she realized her pants were prowling for sea urchins. A class of 7th graders grabbed their dicks and sturutted around like thie vaginas amellwd like dirt urine. A NOUN stopped them and told them to VERB.

>> No.11923995

An extensive log of my lengthy masturbation sessions, sold as a masterpiece of post modernism of course

>> No.11924667

I want to do something set in an old-timey circus, probably with supernatural elements