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/lit/ - Literature

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11914855 No.11914855 [Reply] [Original]

Well? Is anon's friend right? We only have 70 years. Perhaps it is better to live than to learn to live.

>> No.11914860

He’s right. Fiction is a complete waste of time. Stick to non-fiction. It’s more dry, but you’ll get a lot more from it.

>> No.11914862

I love these randos on /lit/ who have spent DECADES apparently reading literature/philosophy/poetry/whatever but still say brainlet shit like "it's no better or worse than video games". Probably the type to just say he liked the characters :^)

>> No.11914866

Fiction is no better or worse than video games.

That is the truth

>> No.11914872

>posting a bait post whilst also being a bait post

What did OP mean by this?

>> No.11914873

Isn't anything going to be wasting this short life and not be any better than video games?

If I became a successful businessman, wouldnt I be deceiving myself if I said I didn't wish I could go back and become a world class surfer that fucks blonde babes all day, or a family man that gave his children the best possible life I could? Or enjoyed some of the greatest stories ever told? Or had some great narcotics-like rushes playing some meme game with friends, or even alone?

Is the only measure of how good a life you live the same measure of how well you can deceive yourself into believing you lived a good life? Or is there something more

>> No.11914874

Realistically you can't socialize all the time. You should definitely prioritize socializing over other activities, but try to spend as much of your remaining free time reading.

>> No.11914885

Why should socializing be prioritized as a rule? This doesn't work out for everyone (read: no longer human)

>> No.11914894

Vidya is boring as fuck dude, literally made for NPCs to have a sense of 'controlling' something. truly the most pathetic hobby, unless your definition of vidya includes Chess, and you're playing Chess, other than that you're a fucking brainlet for spending time in that shit

>You should definitely prioritize socializing over other activities
why? i'm happy being a shut in. i hate that i have to work and study and have to interact with your average 100iq normie. if i could i'd happily get neetbux and live life like a hermit forever
>b-but you use 4chin as a replace of social activities haha you can't escape your monkey brain
You're right, but see, 4chan is faux socialization, and i don't mind that, i post enough to satisfy the monkey brain's need to talk to another human being, but anything more than that is boring and a waste of time

>> No.11914900

wow dude ur so smart you must suffer so much interacting with a 100iq normie!

ur so unique and special

>> No.11914904

desu i got test for 120IQ, not genius nor much better than your average normie. it's not even about intelligence because people in 4chin are stupid as well (and i don't claim to be smart) it's just that your average normie is really fucking boring

>> No.11914915

He probably read exclusively genre fiction and just outgrew it.
Pretty weird statement still though, as if everything can't be called waste. Maybe he doesn't like having hobbies.

>> No.11914951

Define fiction

>> No.11914955

>thinking your iq makes you a more substantial human being

are you underage

>> No.11914956

A fictional story

>> No.11914958

Everyone gets this "Ive wasted my short life with X" moment, wheras anything the person had enjoyed up to that point is perceived as a waste of time, when in reality, everything is a waste of time because youre after all mortal. Nothing, except trying to lengthen your life or becoming immortal, is really "worth" doing if you value your time.
Most people realize that this is the reptile part of your brain that just wants to survive conflicting with your human awareness of mortality, and quickly grow out of this phase.

>Maybe he doesn't like having hobbies.
If this guy isnt working 24/7 on splicing his genes with those of vampire squids, he's just a pseud having a tyler durden moment.

>> No.11914979

>unless your definition of vidya includes [[a board game with axioms that are just as arbitrary as any other]]
Chess worship is for pseuds.

>> No.11914990

>denies the vast literature on behavioral genetics and iq
I don't think IQ proves your worth as a human being or anything but there's definitely a difference in behavior when you compare 100IQ people to 130 and above. I think you probably don't hang out with the 'elite' and the 'pleb' of your country (you're probably american and if you were elite you'd probably not be here right now. well, i'm not american). I do, where i live i go to a "top college" (i live in a shit country) but i work and live in a shithole, so i get to experience both sides and there's a tremendous difference between the 125IQ stem major or bohemian artist to your 100IQ NPC slave.

>> No.11914991

120 is brainlet i hope you know that man

>> No.11915002

Yeah pretty much, i thank god that i'm not a 80iq so i can read and learn things on my own (i think the cutoff where you can learn things from reading is 100iq) but i realize i'm not smart. It's fine overall, just hurts a little

>> No.11915003
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>> No.11915014

Diversify your day, you might not become an expert in anything but you will be something in everything.

Like those guys who learn useless party tricks or learn to paint in two weeks(to a not too-bad level mostly).
Climb a mountain, go on trips, read, learn to play an instrument, work out, and if you find a passion, you will know how much you want to devote to it naturally.

>> No.11915035
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If only you knew how good things could be.

>> No.11915045

If you sincerely enjoy reading it's not wasting your life.

>> No.11915048


Fiction: uses language as a medium, which is the best medium known to men to communicate experience and have control of your own psychological inner life through verbalization of feelings, impressions, traumas, etc. and translates this capability of verbalization to life experiences while at the same time exploring the possibility for the medium to create and fragment meaning, potentially leading you to reflect on how to build/reconstruct/fragment meaning in your own life.

videogame: push buttons and a limited number of things happen in a space with a limited number of possibilities.

>tfw brainlet who does not understand that the verbal medium is superior to any other

>> No.11915057

There's not a single person in the internet era (that is, past the 90s) that unironically, genuinely, prodly enjoys reading. Those who read non fiction read for knowledge and the fiction ones are pseuds wanting to signal how smart and cultured they are by reading Joyce and Pynchon, or they are the low level pseuds who read the books to say "it's better than the movie!!!!". Literally, literally no one born past 95 has the attention span to sit down and read a book. Film is the art of the present and the future. Literature died with a whimper.

>> No.11915068

>There's not a single person in the internet era (that is, past the 90s) that unironically, genuinely, prodly enjoys reading.
Do you actually believe this or are you just hyper exaggerating your actual belief?

>> No.11915072

I unironically, genuinely, proudly actually believe this, and i think modern culture agrees with me.

>> No.11915083
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>people cannot like things I don't like

>> No.11915086

Unless it's useful information like how to repair a car, or how to code non-fiction is just as pointless as fiction

>> No.11915090


Are you unironically arguing that in a world where people have the weirdest sort of fetishes (such as enjoying eating shit, being peed on, eating other people) there cannot be a restricted group of people who genuinely enjoys reading?

>> No.11915102


That information will also be useless pretty soon, car will be repaired by robots and all information will be stored in computers who process it and provide to solve all our needs and proceed to please us by electrically stimulating our brains floating in comfy vats. We soon won't need to engage with information of any kind anymore.

>> No.11915106

Truly all literature is useless then, and we should all kill ourselves to save the universe the trouble of doing it for us

>> No.11915125

hes right

>> No.11915137

tbqh from observations i think that most people born in the mid-late 1990s feel like reading is a chore and "they should do it more" but once they actually read fiction they derive genuine enjoyment from it.

>> No.11915352
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>> No.11915664

We are actually meant to have 500 years to live like The Bible but our health is controlled by our environments, so we have to start detoxing on a regular basis to live

>> No.11915668

the idea is to learn to die dumbass
t. socrates

>> No.11915679

*farts in your mouth*

>> No.11915702

Essentially, you're a retard (i.e. the target audience for movies) who can't conceive of the existence of non-retards. It takes a genuine mongoloid to sit down for a three hour movie about superheroes fighting each other and actually derive enjoyment from it.

>> No.11915754

>It takes a genuine mongoloid to sit down for a three hour movie about superheroes fighting each other and actually derive enjoyment from it.
Not true. In 2018 it's the only form of entertainment that doesn't force-feed you with homosexual themes and other peak degeneracy. I guess one could avoid all forms of entertainment altogether, but not everybody is ready to become a monk. The rest of us take what we can get.

>> No.11915759

state-enforced homosexuality

>> No.11915765

this was my experience to a T

i spend 3 hours reading on the bus to and from uni and often find myself never wanting the ride to end

>> No.11915772

I can think of no better pursuit than to live in solitude. If you can disappear into a cabin in the woods and die there alone, then you've won at life.

>> No.11915778
File: 123 KB, 660x495, 89586D1F-5E83-46BB-A2E8-03BA05C58173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>120IQ brainlet thinks he’s intelligent

>> No.11915783

Neither one is real and therefore both are worthless

>> No.11915784

>implying I don't know how playing video games feels like

yeah, you can sell that shit to someone who doesn't know both worlds

>> No.11915791

wow you cracked the code, I remember falling for that one, when I was sixteen

>> No.11915800

>how smart and cultured they are by reading Joyce and Pynchon
I'll never understand this mentality. Reading is about the easiest thing you can do. You move your eyes back and forth, and imagine things in your head -- that's it. You'd have to be a massive brainlet to think that people who read are smart. It's the equivalent of a poor person thinking that rich people do nothing but eat caviar, drink champagne, wear fur coats, and talk about their vacations around the world. Only stupid people think that smart people sit around reading books and doing literary analysis afterwards.

>> No.11915817

Chess is a sport. It may be stupid, but it forces you to practice and grow and become stronger.

Vidya is a vice like drinking beer or smoking pot. Becoming 'better' at vidya is like becoming 'better' at smoking pot -- you're ultimately just digging a bigger hole that's harder to get out of.

>> No.11915821

To add to this, people who do physical labor because they can't read a book and answer some questions on a test to get into college and live a sedentary life with tons of disposable income are the most massive brainlets on the planet. "School is hard." You're being asked to sit on your fat ass in an air-conditioned room, read some words on a page, and then answer some questions about what you read. People literally abandon this because they think it's too hard to do. That's fucking sad. "I'll wash dishes and wade in shit my entire life, have no healthcare, and die at 40 because I didn't want to spend a few hours a day learning things."

>> No.11915975

in the public discourse there are too many thoughts with the potential to throw you into a light depression, with this I don't mean the redpilled/bluepilled political bullshit, but things that come from the outside, have no reason to exist in your inside and you unconsciously take them for granted without realizing it,

one of them is the "oh you think you are smart and cultured by reading Joyce and Pynchon", there is actually no good reason to have that debate,

let's say that I believe I'm more smart and cultured by reading Joyce (to be honest, compared to Goethe, I'm not cultured at all) but I'm more than willing to call myself a first class intellectual if it means I get to spot all the resentful people around me, what does their thought process look like? when someone says he's cultured for that and that reason their first reaction is to discredit them? I got the same shit when I was close to finishing college, "oh, when someone has a college degree, it doesn't mean that they know everything", no one ever implied that, but why point it out? do you not want me to have the broadest knowledge possible? would it put you in danger?

a friend of mine died when we were in the second grade and one guy told me this sentence "well, they talk about his death, but he was nothing special", we were literally 10 years and he was capable of saying such things, come on guys, don't be like him, you, out of all of the other boards, should know better.

>> No.11915979

You're not wasting your life if you're having fun.
That's it, this is the true redpill.

>> No.11916000

You're right
Video games are for brainlets