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11904635 No.11904635 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best Marxist author? Have you been reading any lately?

>> No.11904645

probably Tylo B. Chillin

>> No.11904647
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Joyce is unequivocally the most Marxist writer since Marx and also one of the best. I’ve been reading tons of Joyce alongside Capital. Ulysses basically functions as a direct commentary on and companion to Capital anyways

>> No.11904648

Why are you attempting to compare Marx to Joyce? And was Nietzsche even a Marxist? This is retarded

>> No.11904651
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Kobo Abe

>> No.11904655

Read literally any French post war interpretation of Nietzsche and you will see how leftist he really is.

>> No.11904666

Fucking Jan Hus and his Hussites.

>> No.11904670

Literally only Foucault,and Foucault is not a Marxist, and he believes a neoliberal form of fascism is true leftism so uh

>> No.11904676

If you knew anything about Joyce’s actual themes you’d know this isn’t true, Marx has had as much of an impression Joyce as Ezra pound a raving Nazi convicted of treason.

>> No.11904679

Foucault, Bataille, Derrida, Deleuze were all pretty leftist and heavily influenced by Nietzsche. Foucault's neoliberal turn is just propaganda.

>> No.11904681
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>Nietzche is a marxist

>> No.11904687

You have no idea what you’re talking about. Joyce was deeply influenced by Marxist thought and was himself a Marxist. The story “the dead” is about Marxist history. His line “history is a nightmare” is a paraphrase of Marx. There are quotes from Marx all throughout Dubliners.

>> No.11904688

There were also the Italian Marxists who took after Nietzsche. Gramsci and Adorno

Yeah, he was easily a Marxist. He supported the working class standing up for themselves.

>> No.11904689

How deluded do u have to be to think Derrida and Foucault are Marxist and not socdems

>> No.11904690

They all suffered from exactly the problems Nieztche predicted a world without an objective source of truth would suffer from, a flight to extreme politics as a way to replace the hole left by religion and find objective moral compass. They didnt understand Nietzche at all.

>> No.11904692

You don't have to accept communism fully to be influenced by Marx you know

>> No.11904694

Heraclitus and Nietzsche did not like the working class lol, if Nietzsche was a Marxist or leftist he would’ve made admittance in his own works, Nietzsche literally talks about how nationalism and racism is imperative in Nietzsche contra Wagner and that he wasn’t criticizing Wagner on those terms

>> No.11904695

have you tried reading Nietzsche

>> No.11904698

How is Nietzsche himself not "extreme politics"? They had a similar end goal as Nietzsche

>> No.11904699

Oh look! It's another blind retard trying to impose his particular insert ideology on every writer that he likes in order to validate the poorly constructed dichotomy that keeps him from ending it all.

>> No.11904700

It wasnt about "the working class". The whole idea of "the working class" and the oppressed group identity is at odds with Nietzches critiques of master/slave morality

>> No.11904704

Friedrich Engels is the Philosopher-King of Marxism.

>> No.11904706

He didn't like the working class because they wouldn't stand up for themselves, that doesn't mean he didn't want to see it happen.

>> No.11904707

Yes because everything marx believes influenced is influenced by him because of descriptivism I get it now, still not bring anything to the table here about historical influences (only materialism which doesn’t count )

>> No.11904708

Nietzsche didn't have an expressed "end goal" his whole schtick was about moving beyond petty moralizing and being responsible for yourself

>> No.11904713

Reality is Marxist

>> No.11904715

Exactly true. Modernity especially.

>> No.11904721

Exactly. Once the proletariat find out morality is being shaped by the bourgeoisie then they can be more responsible for themselves.

>> No.11904729

No he wanted to see the aristocracy refurnish themselves, if you actually read Zarathustra or read the context behind the “tarantulas” passage there, you’d know that what he was constantly talking about was defeating Christian ethics (which unless u like Bakunin has literally nothing to do with Marxism, and Nietzsche read and like Dostoevsky afaik, so I doubt it has anything to do with bakunins criticisms of religion considering that literally all of nietzsches works have basis in oriental religion like Schopenhauer)... also you know Nietzsche was influenced by Schopenhauer right? The predecessor to basically Heideggers neoclassical Nazi thought ?

>> No.11904731

Reality has an [INSERT] bias

>> No.11904732

Read these authors
And you will see how Nietzsche was Marxist all along

>> No.11904735

You know that there is literally a 'left Nietzsche' and a 'right Nietzsche', right?

>> No.11904736

You’re an idiot if you don’t think Nietzsche was a Marxist. He was more Marxist arguably than Joyce. The ubermensch is basically a byword for people living under the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Have you seriously not learned any of this? We covered this shit in high school...

>> No.11904738

I have and none of them are dialectical materialist lol so Idk how you can call them Marxist, maybe you should actually read the authors Nietzsche was influenced by and I’d have respect for u but obviously have not

>> No.11904740

lol, almost got angry for a second u got me

>> No.11904742

Dialectical materialism is just one of the paths of Marx's philosophy. There are other basic tenets that are compatible with their thought

>> No.11904744

>Once the proletariat find out morality is being shaped by the bourgeoisie

The idea of bourgeoisie is just slave morality, and this attachment to leftist politics is literally just a stand in for religion and all of Nietzsches criticisms about religion also apply to attachment to politics like this. The fact that you can say any of this with a straight face is ridiculous.

>> No.11904746

right Nietzsche is historically obsolete. Only the left flourished and grew

>> No.11904747
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>> No.11904748

Ok so ur telling me that ur not just bad at reading Joyce but ur a bad Marxist too ok I gotcha

>> No.11904749

Dude think about the “eternal return” and the reproduction of the base via the constriction of the superstructure in Marx. Where do you think N got the idea of eternal return from? Similarly, nietzsche’s take on history/temporality is deeeeeply indebted to Marxian conceptions of history

Close but not quite. the ubermensch theory is actually one difficult piece of the puzzle to reconcile with Marx, as so much of the rest of Nietzsche’s thought overlaps with marx’s so perfectly

>> No.11904751


>> No.11904752

It's not slave morality when it's pointing out how the system is working. Other wise you could say Nietzsche was living with slave morality toward Christianity or something. The problem isn't the bourgeoisie themselves but how they control our view of the world.

>> No.11904753

Cite sources, I’m interested, but remember that correlation does not equal causation, I’m not educated in this, but neither are you in Nietzsche so I hope this breaches some divide

>> No.11904755

There is no such thing as a bad Marxist. You are allowed to agree with some points and disagree on other things. This is some kind of no true Scotsman fallacy

>> No.11904756

Nietzsche got the idea of eternal return from Kant buddy, Marx got it from Kant also dummy ever heard of Hegel and schoppy?

>> No.11904757

Hegel was highly leftist.

>> No.11904758

Dialectical materialism is the basis of Marxism and nothing in Marxism could exist without it, it’s literally Marx’s “arche”, are you serious rn? Read theory.

>> No.11904759

This conversation is a great place to get started:


>> No.11904762

LOL, I don’t even care about Hegel and I think he’s a dumbass obscurantist but you’re just deluded at this point

>> No.11904763

Kant was one of the earliest European marxists

>> No.11904764

Epic style lmao

>> No.11904766

A 4chan thread isn’t good for you to prove to me that you’re not just free associating anon... give me something scholarly (even if it’s written by a Marxist I don’t care as long as it’s good and biographical and provides primary evidence of Joyce’s intention.)

>> No.11904768

How can publicly owned capital not work under different systems? This isn't considered Marxism to you just because someone might be an idealist or whatever?

>> No.11904770

>It's not slave morality when it's pointing out how the system is working.

It doesnt point out how the system works at all though, this "proletariat" vs "bourgeois" is abstract and arbitrary moral reasoning, where essentially anyone you don't agree with is bourgeois and there for guilty of "sin", its the exact same linguistic game that posers believers vs non believers against each other in religion.

You're only upset with their actions because the "bourgeois" are the ones on top and you are not, and that slight of hand with moral language is how you moralize and justify your thirst for violent action. Its how you paint yourself as a moral crusader and them as the heretics. Its just self delusion, stop being angry at the "bourgeois" and sort yourself out you conceited fuck

>> No.11904771

Nietzsche's idea of the Ubermensch idea is at odds with how Marx thought Socialism would liberate all humanity.

>> No.11904774


>> No.11904775

State socialism wasn’t invented by Marx anon... read Proudhon and George’s sorel

>> No.11904776

Most of the Marxists we are talking about are the bourgeois. Are you claiming they are living in slave morality toward themselves?

>> No.11904778

How so? So long as the ubermensch isn't owning any capital or belonging to a separate class it isn't a problem. The ubermensch isn't even what Nietzsche wanted everyone to be

>> No.11904782

This is what I meant when I said the label was arbitrary, and that they're engaging in self-delusion, even though they are hypocritically "bourgeois" by their own standards, their standards are arbitrarily applied to people, just like the label of "heretic" is by religious figures, think of how many religious people are themselves heretics by their own standards, but yet simply by virtue of belonging to the faith they seem themselves as moral crusaders.

>> No.11904784
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Jeff Mangum is a pretty great Marxist writer.

>> No.11904799

There are tons of citations scattered throughout that convo just go read through it. There’s one idiot trying to argue Joyce wasn’t a Marxist and he gets absolutely btfo by facts. Legit worth reading

>> No.11904806
File: 483 KB, 1420x1106, CapitalIsLunacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camatte is the only marxist you should read. If you don't understand generalised lunacy, you're in a racket.

>> No.11904845

I love this bait. It's so ridiculous and yet people will eat it. I can die happy now

>> No.11904858

>I can't accept it's true so it's bait!

>> No.11904859


>radical aristocracy
>far left

Is there a gas leak in here?

>> No.11904869

If there is you’d better watch out for poorly fitted wooden doors—apparently they keep gas in better than sealed metal doors, and too much gas can lead to the death of up to 6 gorillian people

>> No.11904895
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Unironically Stalin

>> No.11904896


>> No.11905082

Dostoevsky had a violent loathing for socialism. Why is he there?

>> No.11905448

>these postmodernist skeptics were influenced by N so he must have been Marxist
>even though Hitler and Mussolini were also influenced by N
>even though N outlines a caste system in The Antichrist (not necessarily as a new political system, but as a hierarchy of the spirit, like Plato)
>even though N predicted the nihilism of the postmodernist skeptics and had already resolved most of the issues they supposedly were dealing with, since he was not a nihilist himself

>> No.11905955

>You're only upset with their actions because the "bourgeois" are the ones on top and you are not
I have no problem with that. Marx literally said that the proletariat needs the become the ruling class and oppress the bourgeoisie

>> No.11905977

Weak opening bait but was able to get shit flying in the replies 8/10

>> No.11906026

ITT : retarded amerimutts who have never read European texts

>> No.11906885
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>> No.11906914

Kropotkin and Proudhon.

>> No.11907055

He was definitely far leftist. His "hatred" for socialism only showed how familiar with it he was.

>> No.11907191

The Marxist-Hegelian motor of history is faulty since everything that can be used for accumulation will be used for accumulation, even if it's on the name of a "socialist construction. Speak not its name. Capital. The tower has been compromised (by Capital). All will change in these days as it was changed in those for with by the magic word Capital a great rebellion rose up and pulled down the towers, and blood fell like dew from the upper wards down to the lowest pits, where the slaves with maniacal faces took chains and teeth to their jailers and all hope was brush-fire.

>> No.11907200

>he believes a neoliberal form of fascism is true leftism

Is this even true, and if it is, where can I read more?

>> No.11907208

stop talking about capitalism like its a lovecraft character this is so fucking retarded

>> No.11907455
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All English majors should hang.

>> No.11907494

Capital is a headless lurch into the abyss, an acephalic catastrophe

>> No.11907496

>t. poor pseud envious of the educated

>> No.11907504

>t. poor pseud envious of the indoctrinated

>> No.11907523

Education is indoctrination.

> t. unemployed stoner uncle

>> No.11907527

someone should lynch you.

>> No.11907544

Your intellectual inferiority bugs you to the point of becoming homocidal against the intelligent. Pretty sad desu

>> No.11907554
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>> No.11907560

>and he draws from the boundless well of his creativity a stake and predictable meme

Use your words big guy

>> No.11907573

you're a retarded, witless nobody. no girl has ever found you attractive. your thought does not even approach rupi kaur levels of merit. i am lmaoing at your life.

>> No.11907574

Literally the most undergraduate pseud post ever written.

>> No.11907576

>calling Marx a Marxist
Blatant mislabeling. He advocated democratic socialism Drmpftard

>> No.11907579

8===D~ O: <- you

>> No.11907597

>the absolute state of the humanities.

>> No.11907628

that's a funny way of spelling Engels.

>> No.11907632

discipline and punish

>> No.11907652
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>> No.11907662

I guess meme phrases are a (slight) step above meme images

The lack of creativity in this board is depressing, because I would like some peers in cleverness, knowledge and writing capacity, yet inflating, because it’s nice to be so indisputably superior to everyone around you

>> No.11907700

Why are you so triggered bitch faggot

Go to your mom, she'd love to hear more about the literary theories of her little boy

>> No.11907728

I’m the triggered one...with four posters simultaneously posting completely predictable and pedestrian butt hurt replies to my posts. It’s just pathetic.

Nice “mom joke” though. Brings me back to my elementary school days, when the fourth graders from the poor school would make “mom jokes” and my friends and I would just smirk knowingly at one another and pretend to be offended. We didn’t want to hurt their feelings by pointing out their immaturity.

>> No.11907910

Your underage is showing and you don’t even know it