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11896846 No.11896846 [Reply] [Original]

Books for schizophrenics

>> No.11896853

Schizos don't read books.

>> No.11896856

Yes I do

>> No.11896859


>> No.11896860
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>> No.11896877

The Trial or anything by Kafka tbqh. Also "On Heroes and Tombs" by Sábato has a great subplot on schizophrenia.

>> No.11896898

I was recommended Foucault's Pendulum while in a mental hospital for schizophrenia. I later read it while in that same mental hospital for another episode, along with Ride the Tiger and If on a Winter Night a Traveler

>> No.11896901

Deluze and C J Cala

>> No.11896934

The Sound and The Fury

>> No.11897358

What does The Trial have to do with schizophrenia?

>> No.11897399

Because it reads like a fever dream. It's how I imagine a someone suffering from schizophrenia feels everyday. I don't really know though, because luckily I don't have it.

>> No.11897612

When I was involuntarily hospitalized I asked my legal advocate if she had read the trial because that's how I felt dealing with the legal system. The magistrate that signed the papers was not the magistrate I appeared before etc. Then in court I asked the judge if he had read the stranger and what he thought about the part where Mersault thought court was ridiculous because the judge puts on underwear. - didn't help me get out of there to be honest. Also asked them why they thought Knausgaard named his books min kamp.

>> No.11897662

VALIS and many another PKD

>> No.11897665
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, The Invisibles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11897669


>> No.11897674

I assume you're also in the U.S.? They really fuck you over if you try to resist and go in involuntarily. Only figured that out at the last minute and had the attorney change my petition to commit me voluntarily like an hour before I went before the judge.

It's such a stupid system, literally designed to punish you for trying to defend yourself and your sanity. Exactly like Kafka, the mere act of self-defense proves your guilt to these clowns, because only an insane person would be in the situation of defending his sanity in the first place. And then the nuthouse staff keep reminding you that "you're here voluntarily" so you have to "voluntarily" participate in activities and "voluntarily" attend sing-alongs. Soviet fucking Russia

>> No.11897681

Is schizophrenia/the schizo spectrum /lit/?

>> No.11897694

I didn't even resist really. Was just really, really confused the whole time. Parents filed a missing person report so I was walking and the sheriff stopped me and told me to go with him but I had no idea where we were going. Then I was locked in and a deputy brought me papers saying I was involuntarily hospitalized for being suspected of serious mental impairment. Then I politely decline medication so they call security to escort me to court and I just smile because its unnecessary and I walked there without any complications. Asked for writ of habeus corpus and they literally thought it was a symptom of schizophrenia. All the nurses/magistrates/orderlies/'doctors' were literally retarded.

>> No.11897695

Magical thinking and having your stream of consciousness overtaken by external forces is /lit/ as fuck.

>> No.11897854

Anything except Deleuze and Guattari. The god damn fucking French tried to make schizophrenia a cool edgy thing.

>> No.11897893

Nope. Mood and anxiety disorders are lit

The 'red pilled' /pol/ kids are (upper?)middle-class white boy social pariahs who have developed personality disorders.

>> No.11897901


>> No.11897915

Fanged Noumena

>> No.11897983

I have been mistakenly diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. By their own psychiatric standards, one cannot diagnose a patient therewith if their psychosis is caused by any kind of intoxication. By my psychiatric standards, though they be lay-standards, all speciation of "mental illness" arises from unresolved, repressed sexual excitation. The frivolous dichotomization of "mental illnesses" into diverse categories is part of a pharmaceutical racket. Doctors have chosen the preservation of their conceptions regarding culture over the health of millions and billions. Sad.

>> No.11898130

They were just pointing out that Schizophrenics were free from certain kinds of structured thinking. Deleuze was afraid of the mentally ill

>> No.11898263

As someone with schizoid personality disorder, I believe so.

>> No.11898381

>Doctors have chosen the preservation of their conceptions regarding culture over the health of millions and billions
>choose the preservation of their concepts regarding reality over health
may be that everything in the world is being driven by this

power derived from language and the naming of things

>> No.11898412

please expound on this.

>> No.11898811
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>> No.11898837

what im more interested in is books written BY schizophrenics.

>> No.11898854

>Deleuze was afraid of the mentally ill
What a pussy

>> No.11899057

its the foucault idea of language games being an expression or symptom of power, the ability to label something and have everyone bound to upholding that label and all that entails is the ultimate form of power which is normally subtle and taken for granted yet experienced more directly in the stories itt

deconstruct the confrontations- its crazy the extent to which all these professionals are as the npc meme going about a programming and its been up to the people living through this to keep their cool and find the fastest way out. there seems to be no awareness on their part of the extent they're feeding into the thrashing that they then conveniently label to benefit of the program they are running under

its the cave allegory to the extreme over the whole of society, with only those going through it being able to call out the leaps and gaps of rhetoric being thrown at them. taken further, bureaucratic cartels affirming and labelling everything as under their power ie the US giving themselves 'rights' over objects in outer space

again, the conflation of concept against reality which i think may be an affect of the christian and platonic discourse that has driven the west.

i keep hearing this theme over and over, granted, it is generally among schizoid types who are more blunt and upfront about things

>> No.11899794

Naked Lunch or anything Burroughs