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11884831 No.11884831 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about how wage slavery is actually a good thing? Most people who are really valuable aren't wage slaves, so it doesn't really matter if wage slaves spend 8, 9, or more hours doing work for someone else. Also, I like that wage slaves are prevented from using drugs (drug tests) by their bosses.

This is not bait. I believe in all of this.

>> No.11884879


>> No.11884900
File: 160 KB, 531x934, man and technics on enterprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man and Technics by Spengler. Relevant passage in pic related.

>> No.11884926

Thanks for posting this chick again. I like seeing her in the catalog

>> No.11885052

Ik isn't she super cute

>> No.11885062
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Class collaboration is a foolish fantasy.

>> No.11885140

>Most people who are really valuable aren't wage slaves
Not necessarily true. Even in "respectable" industries (medicine, science, etc.) a lot of people find themselves being pressured into working long hours, rejecting time off, and so on. EVERYONE is under the grip of capital. Also, there is such a thing as social mobility as a result of education and/or exposure. Being forced to be a wageslave to meet basic needs drastically reduces your ability to gain either. It's called "slavery" for a reason.

>Also, I like that wage slaves are prevented from using drugs (drug tests) by their bosses.
Virtually all literature on the topic suggests that drug tests are pointless and only serve to discriminate against low-level employees. I say with complete certainty your support of these things comes from a pathological need to dominate others, not genuinely improve the character of those dependent on you.

Have a nice day.

>> No.11885168
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>what are some books to enforce my already specific and hardened ideals? yaknow just something that can repeat back to me what I already believe

>> No.11885890

>your telling me there is a difference between knowing something and believing it? ideas have practical value other than making me think i'm smart?

>> No.11885895

Das capital

>> No.11885908

>in a word...
I can see why he hated art.
And the Weimar must have paid by the word. Conservatism was a mistake.

>> No.11885916
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>> No.11885980

As a wage slave I can say that I agree with your sentiments, most wage slaves don't care to better their circumstances, they don't clean up their acts, drug tests aren't even a real common practice these days for employment, you can get hired just about anywhere for $10-$12 bucks an hour and not be subjected to any sort of screening process, the only thing that matters is employment history and that's a non-issue if you have a friend in the company. That's how most people get their jobs is through others. As I was saying, they don't care to improve their station in life, in fact if that's what they're doing by the time they're 29, 30 years old they chose to be there, most of them, so that they could continue living the same life they always have, still in the same town they grew up in, same friends since high school, knocking up their girlfriends, all that shit, basically you have those guys who are committed to not go anywhere, and then you have the guys who are driven towards escape, that's what slavery does, it either breaks you or hardens you, it's effectively the most beneficial way to deal with the unskilled and uneducated, put em to work doing menial chores for the rest of us, if they want to stay they can stay, if they want out they'll look for a path towards freedom. You mentioned the bosses and they are the worst of the lot, they don't drug test so as not to be hypocrites, they're the biggest pill-popping, coke-snorting, beer guzzling, pot-smoking pimps of the bunch and that's who they like to surround themselves with, birds of a feather who depend upon them, it's really simple, personally I don't like the people and the vices they are hung up on, it gets really old and the dumbasses never have anything interesting to say about anything, I'll be sober 2 years as of the 17th, booze stories do nothing for me, and as much disdain as I have for them I can't fault the system for their behavior, they don't have to be felons and players and all those bullshit social roles they seek to fill, they could choose to be scholars and artists and whatever the fuck else the could possibly imagine, they are content with what they provide for themselves and can live in peace, a guy like me wants to get as far away from all of that as he can and you have to sacrifice and work yourself to death to make that opportunity happen for you, like the man said, nobody gives it to you, you have to take it.

>> No.11886004

You meet people at work. They make difference in your life, you don't feel or feel less like you in groundhog day. You can meet friends, gf, enemies or just interesting people, make fun of people and etc. And your anxiety about pointless things dissappear because there is no time to care about some bullshit.

>> No.11886295
File: 289 KB, 972x735, der mensch und die technik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>criticizing a translation for style
Imagine being this brainlet.

In the original German, he says something along the lines of:

>in short, he who is born a leader over others who are not.

Relevant passage in pic related.

>> No.11887497

>Most people who are really valuable aren't wage slaves

>> No.11887505

someone who wants to force their will onto others is worthy of corrective punishment

>> No.11887513

the only kinds of society worthy of existence are 1) those in which everyone is free and 2) those which are attempting to eventually transform into one in which everyone is free

>> No.11887516 [DELETED] 

sounds like a shitty and godless opinion to me op

>> No.11887523

absolutely disgusting opinion op

>> No.11887537


>> No.11887542

that's because you're a collectivist

>> No.11887549

i am seething at your opinion op

>> No.11887569

lol at how butthurt all the replies to this are

>> No.11887571

if you truly believe this then all of your natural intelligence should be taken from you and you should be forced into wage slavery yourself so that you can actually understand what this means

>> No.11887583
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>Slavery relieves our slaves of these cares altogether, and slavery is a form, and the very best form, of socialism"

>…the great truth which lies at the foundation of all society—that every man has property in his fellow-man!"

>Liberty is an evil which government is intended to correct. This is the sole object of government.

Pretty hot takes in this book.

>> No.11887593

absolutely disgusting

>> No.11887605


Yeah, like holy fuck, it almost reads like a cartoon villain.

>Men are not ‘born entitled to equal right! It would be far nearer the truth to say, ‘that some were born with saddles on their backs, and others booted and spurred to ride them’—and the riding does them good.

>With thinking men, the question can never arise, who ought to be free? Because no one ought to be free. All government is slavery.

>> No.11887608

based as fuck

>> No.11887614

blacks were genuinely much better off as slaves than they are now

Most whites would benefit from slavery as well

>> No.11887637


If your understanding of "better off" is having the material security necessary to sustain themselves then maybe. This degrades man into animal laborans, a biological machine whose only purpose is the recreation of the conditions necessary to sustain themselves.

>> No.11887648

as opposed to man being a fat receptacle for alcohol and opiates while masturbating to television and video games?

>> No.11887668

would you still think this if you discovered that you yourself were better off as a slave though?

>> No.11887676

i am definitely better off as a slave, im already a slave to alcohol, sex, various forms of decadent art. And I have more discipline than the average person, I am meticulous about working out and studying and etc.

>> No.11887714


No, as a opposed to man as zoon politikon, an active member of a free political community, a participant in a space where shared meaning is constructed, and through speech and action, one reveals themselves as an individual.

Fitzhugh speaks of man as a social being, but he would destroy the social sphere (And he is not alone in this). For the ancient Greeks, there was a sharp distinction between the public and private realm. The activities aimed at biological needs were part of the private realm, and were to be managed by the household. In the private realm, man is subject to biological forces that force him to labor to remain alive. It is in fact the public realm, the political, where man is capable of freedom, of spontaneous action, that reveals “the fact that men, not Man, live on the earth and inhabit the world" (Hannah Arendt).

>> No.11887719

The Greeks had slaves

>> No.11887721

felt bad for the lack of (you)s

>> No.11887725


Of course they did, and slaves did not participate in public life. They were unpersons.

>> No.11887736

Cont: Fitzhugh would make us all into unpersons.

>> No.11887752

no one is better off a slave

>> No.11887820

There are those who have and those who have not. Those born with, such as with intelligence, can exist as meaningful Human Beings, ergo free from wageslavery. Those born without are positively forced into wageslavery by tge indirect threat of violence resulting from the social contract, and negatively forced by the natural meritocracy manifested by capitalism and its myriad implications.

>> No.11887868
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Though American slavery was awful, the idea of slavery and some people's destiny therein is sound. Some people cannot help but be neurotic, masochistic, agreeable, shameful, Catholic, etc. Being free only makes them miserable, and this misery makes them hate themselves even more. Slavery, within reasonable parameters no more violent than those of other institutions, would make them happy, and would let them be at peace with themselves.

>> No.11887920

the misery of unappreciated freedom is superior for the growth of the individual than forced slavery

>> No.11887921

He got you, OP. What, did your ASM from your Burger King franchise cuck you? Kek

>> No.11887933

if this is the nature of human reality, then human reality is invalid

>> No.11887944

>drug tests are pointless and only serve to discriminate against low-level employees

But arent there jobs that really require you to be completly sober in other to minimise risks and work acidents?
I've also read a lot about Huxley's ideas about the use of drugs with minimal health risks to control a population and it wouldnt surprise me that in the future companies would allow or even incentivate their workers to consume drugs in order to keep them working more hours and getting less tired and keeping then under restrain.

>> No.11887947

i hope that god smites the earth if that happens

>> No.11888053
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It really isnt that far from happening if you ask me. We may even seen it happening in our life time.
Drugs like cannabis and other pharmaceutical products are already being legalized in most states and some countries, also with the help of mainstream culture, top 100 music artits and celebreties in the industry pushing their ideas into everyone, a large chunk of teens already do take these kinds of drugs even if they are ilegal, it will only be a matter of generations untill today's bosses and politicians are replaced with people with these same ideas, and it only takes an intellegent one to use it as "weapon" of mass control.

There are several expirements with the use of these kinds of drugs on people and how a person that a person under the affects on them puts their brain in a "highly sugestionable" state, meaning people will more happily be influenced and change their opinions.

It in fact amazes me how huxley predicted so much shit about our future and everything is pointing towards what he said it will happen.
Not only in this aspect of drugs, but also many others.

>> No.11888121

i think that most illegal drugs have the opposite effect upon mass control, which is why they have been illegal up until now. i think that the society in brave new world is despicable and based on falsehood and unworthy of existence, and therefore i think that the world will not allow it to happen, and if it does, i think that it will crumble because it is based on a self-satisfied perception of reality and an arrogant attempt to alter reality.

>> No.11888166

Reminder that caffeine is a powerful drug and has been normalized, endorsed, and distributed for use during the work day

>> No.11888178

caffeine is benevolent

>> No.11888180

lol have you ever met any children born into wealth?

>> No.11888184

>prevented from using drugs
wall street to main street

all are running on drugs,

>> No.11888208

So is weed

>> No.11888237

i think so too

>> No.11888243

I mean do you really need a book to realize that the amount you are paid for your time is how much your time is worth? There's nothing more to it, hating wage slaving is pointless, it's just converting your time into money that can be exchanged again for good and services.

>> No.11888258

>i think that most illegal drugs have the opposite effect upon mass control, which is why they have been illegal up until now.

I honestly disagree, we right now arent being controled by any evil force, and being sober is the best optimal way our brain can work and be independent, as it is less sugestionable to being controlled.
The use of drugs never solves the problem, it only makes you forget about them (unless we are talking about real medical use).
People often associate the outlaw of drugs with mass control, because there is a symbolism created around that the dictators way of controlling is always by outlawing something, and the fact that older generations were more agaisnt drugs, or that ilegal=less freedom.
Dictators like Hitler and Mao and Stalin also had some pretty pro-drug views for their time, with the intent to subvert more people into their ideologies.

>i think that the society in brave new world is despicable and based on falsehood and unworthy of existence
Whether or not the Brave New World's society can come true is irrelevant, Huxley himself sayed that it was but a mere exaggeration, but in his later works he talks about more about topics with the use of recent studies and how problems like overpopulation, and new chemical and subconscious ways of manipulation can make the world fall into a similar brave new world.

> i think that the world will not allow it to happen, and if it does, i think that it will crumble because it is based on a self-satisfied perception of reality and an arrogant attempt to alter reality.
You are gonna have to explain this better to me.

>> No.11888360
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On the subject of manipulating the world.
Think about this, representative democracy is a widespread system of governance. Studies show that particular character traits can reliably predict political leaning, some character traits are very seriously associated with femininity and masculinity, females have on average different character traits than men.
Sperm counts in men have halved in the past 50 years, wouldn't it be oh so convenient if there were some chemical that affected men in such a way that they grow up to have less masculine and more feminine character traits chemicals suspected to have such effects include: certain plastics whose use has exploded recently, increasing amount of female birth control hormones in the water, and maybe even such fairly new foods as soya beans. There are serious political gains to be made.

>> No.11888415

That's not slavery, that's manipulated choice. You still get to choose.

>> No.11888421

Honestly im not that much into the whole "chemicals in water that make men more feminine" thing, i've never read that much about it aswell, it all seemed a big /pol/ joke to people laugh about.

And i also dont know if onions can really impact the male development. Since everytime i tried to google that shit out, it was a cluster fuck of diferent topics and opinions.

>> No.11888444

As for onions, they seem to be a meme, but it is a real thing that sperm counts have been reduced drastically in the last 50 years or so, and while i may not be a doctor i suspect that a lower virility also predicts lower amount of other masculine traits as well. And as for the cause, that is under research of course, but nobody seems to care really so not much research, maybe we'll know in 20 years, maybe it will be too late by then.

>> No.11888453

i mean testosterone and fertility has been dropping dramatically in the West so something is going on

>> No.11888456

Surprisingly underrated post

>> No.11888967

Weed affects a persons capability to do work negatively, it is negative.

>> No.11889112

>various forms of decadent art
t.hentai collector

>> No.11889839

>Most people who are really valuable aren't wage slaves, so it doesn't really matter if wage slaves spend 8, 9, or more hours doing work for someone else.
Valuable for what? It's pretty perverse to rate people by their ability to more severely perpetuate a system where the values are cyclical, being wealthy doesn't neccesarily produce anything of value other than "wealth".

>> No.11889859
File: 66 KB, 1000x800, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post fren. have a (you)

>> No.11889897

>being this retarded

Would you want a crane operator stoned out of his mind? Would you want a window washer doing a high rise zonked out of his mind on xanax? Would you want a nurse in ICU drunk?

>> No.11889903

yeah uh atlas shrugged? the fountainhead? idk what bourgeoise conservatives like to read. stephen king?

>> No.11889981

i actually meant pop music
it's worse for me than heroin at this point
my entire state of mind is dictated by what pop songs i listen to

>> No.11890000

At 01:10 on October 6, 16:01, which one? A razor Invincible? million? hiding?
15:48, does the Earth governor of Kumamoto use titanium shells? Have you not used the grave ones too? Muraisaki

2018/10/6 14: 03, sniper? dust? Invincible? 14: 07 Were you able to do it? Father Invincible?
10: 34, Drool? Bamboo smell? Tosho? Krikan? 13: 24 Is it life?
10: 25, Tosho? Mombid? To the end of the earth? Sumo exclamation? Sumo wrestler? What?
10: 05, nature? 10: 11 Mako? 10: 13 Platinum? Treasury shrine? Invincible? 10: 24 Rain? Hand-drawn machine? What?

There seemed to be some influences and mechanisms that will make things processed until now
Why should I keep bad things even if processed? It seems to be the invaque. Matatabi?
Orion? Are you sure? Krikan? Tosho? Treasury shrine? France? Is it also related? (9: 51 of 1018/10/6)

Wow, before 23:39 on 2018/10/5! What? Krikan? Are you sure?

2018/10/5 20: 08, Krikan? Tosho? Mirrors? 21: 34, Dogeza? Mirrors? online?
20: 00, Difficulty 20: 03 Dogashite? Discomfort in the caudads! 20: 06 Feeling that the nostrils swell vulgarly! Invincible?
19:44 Spinal cord? Cash dispenser? Muraisaki platinum? Orion? 5 thousand trillion this place? Ebenki?

>> No.11890050
File: 326 KB, 1478x1037, individualism oscar wilde socialism capitalism private property.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people who are really valuable aren't wage slaves, so it doesn't really matter if wage slaves spend 8, 9, or more hours doing work for someone else
What are you talking about? What is a "valuable person" to you? It sounds like you think there's just these great men, that some people are born with inherrent value and others born without it. That just is not the reality. The system of wage labour under capital is something that exploits and oppresses everyone under it. People aren't wage labourers because they have no value, it's the other way around. Wage labour prevents the talent of man to be fully utilized, for people to reach their innate potential, instead drowning it in drudgery.

>> No.11890081

Imagine being a freeborn freeman wage-earner and comparing yourself to a slave.

>> No.11890548

You don't need a source its literally in the word itself

>> No.11890658

If it's just people who have a lot of value (wealth), then no shit. It's a circular argument, if the point is that people who work jobs which pay them little value have little value. It's trivial and self evident.

>> No.11890905

Lol dumbass

>> No.11890912

Not about style, darling. It's about taking 500 words to say precisely nothing.

>> No.11890929
File: 46 KB, 696x391, 1-696x391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientists just warned about DARPA's genetically modified disease program they 'plan' to release into the insect population. And Russia is now starting to release information on US bioweapon programs that have already killed people.
The Zika conspiracy will be proven true.
Monsanto is being thrown under the bus because they have already moved onto something new, and the fish gay shit is already old news.
Capital is in the past, old fucking news. What is happening now is a crypto-state that is trying to walk the lines of WW3.

>> No.11891192

Those are not wage-slaves

>> No.11891254

>This is not bait. I believe in all of this.
A society where the majority suffers will inevitably destroy the society, because no matter how rich the remaining 1% is they can not fight millions of people who have nothing to lose.

>> No.11891293

what if the 1% have killer bots

>> No.11891309

>You are gonna have to explain this better to me.
i believe that attempting to restructure society in a way that so restricts chance/chaos, natural law, freedom, and individuality, would be so unnatural and unworthy of existence that nature and the universe would eliminate it

>> No.11891313

they'll literally just be sent to hell

>> No.11891328


>> No.11891348

You could say The Castle is about a wage slave forced into NEETdom because of his circumstances relating to work.

>> No.11891356

Either the wageslaves would be needed to build them or there would be no jobs to have wages slaves at all, at which point sure just kill off 99% of the population it's not like you are reliant at their production anymore.

>> No.11891637

Great, honest post my man
Have a (you) on me