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/lit/ - Literature

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11869688 No.11869688 [Reply] [Original]

This has to be the most comfily written boring book in the world

>> No.11869711

>his blood didn't boil during the lomax scenes
pleb spotted

>> No.11869725

It's all in the prose, it's so fucking good.

>> No.11869743


What did you find comfy about it, anon? My impression was more of bleakness and emptiness.

>> No.11869744
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what he did to Stoner and Katherine was decidedly not comfy

>> No.11869745

Not comfy at all for me. In fact this is the most anxious i've ever felt reading a book. Just from reading the early chapters i knew Stoner was geoing to have a hard time in life and to see him fulfilling the prophecy was unbearably sad. I don't even see it as a cautionary tale. I don't think you can change much of your personality after you're an adult. He had his chance when war broke out but if had he chose that then Stoner wouldn't be Stoner after all. I mean, all of human behavior is somewhat predisposed. Some people are just predisposed to be passive like him, and will live a life more or less like his. Overall this book convinced me to see value in the banal life of the average man way more than Ulysses.

>> No.11869796

Better prose than Lolita tbqh.

>> No.11869919

Even though i was on stoners side, the world kinda needs people like lomax aswell.

>> No.11870035

in what way?

>> No.11870175

Keep everything on a level playing field

>> No.11870179

The PROSE!!!

>> No.11870231

Why did Lomax kissed Edith? What was the meaning behind that scene?

>> No.11870265
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Have you read Butcher's Crossing yet? It's really comfy too.

>> No.11870353

lol no

>> No.11870357

he was drunk desu

>> No.11870627


It is indeed a wonderful book. I should reread it soon...

>> No.11870692

Pleb spotted

>> No.11870712

I got so mad that I walked around my house having angry imaginary arguments with Lomax.

>> No.11870755
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>becomes the protege of your most hated rival
>cheats and gets away with it
Heh, nothing personal Willy.

>> No.11871375
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Are there any books that convey the detached dedication of Stoner? I got the strongest sense of it before he discovered literature, like when he was on the farm and when he was passionlessly studying agriculture, but throughout the rest of the book as well he kind of just tirelessly plods through his mediocre life. As a nervous fuck who freaks out about everything, it was kind of comforting to read about a character who just stoically pushes forward like that.

>> No.11871676

You should try Appointment is Samarra by John O’hara

>> No.11871681

feelbrah has such a bizarre atmosphere in all his vids

>> No.11871717

also prose and poetry of Raymond Carver. Those are not quite like Stoner, but I tend to think of them as one genre

>> No.11871732

Oh thank god im not the only one who does this. I pace around debating the author or character when I take breaks from reading. It’s like having Socratic dialogues with these people I construct in my head.

>> No.11871735

what freudian slip is this lol, reviewbrah

>> No.11871773

His videos used to feel weirdly nostalgic to me, I think because we're both from the lower Hudson Valley and he's got the same accent and mannerisms or something. It just feels really familiar.

>> No.11871785

thanks anon

>> No.11871810
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I do this too. Sometimes I pretend I'm an author who is getting interviewed so that I can have a way to talk about all the things I think about

I really wish I had friends

>> No.11871831
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I know that feel, even though about making a podcast with just myself acting as other personalities.
At least we have /lit/, where we can debate about things we think we know about and get absolutely demolished only to study it and then destroy someone else later