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/lit/ - Literature

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11857465 No.11857465 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11857488

A NEET robot tries to survive a communist uprising by kidnapping & foot-raping a loli.

>> No.11857507

A coming of age epic written in 1984 newspeak

>> No.11857514

Dragons arguing

>> No.11857542

very lonely and depressed guy witnesses the death of his grandma in hospital. He literally sees Death coming for her. He feels a little less lonely because of that.

he wants more so he visits ICU's and ER's hoping for next meetings. And he gets some.

But he wants even more, so he starts killing

>> No.11857560

Middle aged guy with a mediocre history but a decent head for archery gets attacked in his village, loses his eye, leaves to travel the world. Meets genki swordswoman after they both get captured by goblins. They go adventuring together.

>> No.11857602

Stream of consciousness absurdism in an earthbound type setting.

>> No.11857614


>> No.11857616

i am developing a deep hatred for tapirs

>> No.11857696

dude deep

>> No.11857697

A guy who is finding only escape from his lonely sad life in his dreams, he starts to take sleeping pills and is dedicating his life to live in the dream world...

In the end he commits sudoku so he can stay in the dream world

>> No.11857719

A black humor comedy narrated from the perspective of a gymcel that as time passes and his life improves due to the hitting the gym, he starts to become a proto-chad that now predates on his former inceldom team mates

>> No.11857741

A romantic novella set during the vietnam war, our protagonist is a young and charming heir of a wealthy company that due to his father's influence managed to avoid being sent to the war, he quickly develops feelings towards his long lost second cousin whom is now recovering of anemia, both of them end up in the middle of many embarassing situations that lead them to fall in love.

Expect a subtle tone of toilet humor.

>> No.11857752

I'm writting some short stories about a teenager vigilante that hunts down the local minor gangs with the help of a corrupt and retired cop

>> No.11857756

A young man that rejects the degenerated way of living of his friends and starts a painful but rewardful journey of self improvement, in the end he manages to save some of his friends but a a high prince.

>> No.11857760

I had this idea of a coward teenager that has a strong delusion of being depressed and also pretends to be lonely just for the sake of attention.

>> No.11857784

Theres this fear i get randomly at night. the feeling someone out there knows my name and is coming for me. im going to get blooded tonight i feel it. some guy keeps walking past my window. im gonna die i know it.. time to escape the city. i need some groceries though.

justt keep the car running brother im comin.

>> No.11857827

hope ur safe xoxo

>> No.11857835

I've always had this idea of writing down a journal with a horror story attached to it and then dropping it in an abandoned building hoping someone would come across it and making it public on the Internet.

>> No.11857864

a wealthy man who has lost sight of his humble beginnings, whose comfortable life is uprooted upon a chance encounter with his absent father

>> No.11857876

you spoiled it

>> No.11857879
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Why friend?

>> No.11857886

youre going to offend all the kids who are actually like that but dont admit it

>> No.11857911

My diary. It's very interesting I swear.

>> No.11858054

Based ungulate

>> No.11858130

A fantasy romance novella about a young knight and a tsundere warrior princess who team up to save the world from a dark lord. There's lots of awkward romantic tension and embarrassing situations. The two form a true bond and the story ends with them getting together after he almost dies and she confesses her feelings over his body.

I'm also writing a high school romance short story about an honor student having to tutor a kind hearted star basketball player. She's always had a thing for him, but they can't stand each other at first. They gradually grow closer and help each other change their lives in meaningful ways.

>> No.11858176

Well, a few are already completed, but you're right in that they aren't going anywhere (unless you count Inkitt). Sci-fi about humanity adjusting to extreme world-wide gravitational anomalies which end up pretty much destroying all life on earth. At least that's the most popular one. A lot of fun to write, and at least more original than my first effort into the long overbloated zombie genre.

>> No.11858199


>> No.11858280


>> No.11858293

Only good plot in this thread

>> No.11858332

Five people find themselves all alone in an empty island (which is secretly Purgatory), who all hold severe regrets for sins that they have committed in their past life. As their experiences with the protagonist allow them to find comfort, they each disappear one by one to move on into the afterlife, until the protagonist is the only one left

>> No.11858471

Too similar to Lost. I keep toying with concepts like this, even in settings that aren't islands (that still end up being secluded locations from which they are detached from civilization) and I can't escape the fact that it has already been done.

>> No.11858477

>it has already been done.
I mean who cares

>> No.11858486

lord of the rings but it speeds up every time samwise says “coneys”

>> No.11858490

It's not just like, in the ballpark of the same idea, or the "same idea but execution can be different", it's just that I feel there is nothing that can meaningfully be gained by exploring that concept in particular that hasn't already been done effectively already.

I know nothing is original when it comes down to it and I have no desire to impede your creativity if you're set on the idea. I'm just expressing frustrations that I've had dealing with a similar plot thread and maybe you can relate. I don't know. Every concept I come up with always makes me feel like an imposter, but I guess that's the creative process for you.

>> No.11858528

>Every concept I come up with always makes me feel like an imposter,
im not the other poster, and I only write poetry, but for me personally when I read someone who has already done the thing I was trying to do, the main feeling is a sort of relief that somebody else gets it. My poetry is a weird mishmash of different styles that i have sort of unconsciously picked up and sometimes it appears quite archaic and then at other times modern, but in general it is not original, the things im talking about and the way im expressing them, none of them are new, but I dont mind this, it is all just contributing the giant wealth of poetry that already exists, that relates to the topics that I care about.

When I read some Pushkin poem and find he has already written the poem i tried to write 200 years ago i feel as ense of validation- i am not just making up crazy shit, these are feelings that many of us have, and this is the way we can transmit them to each other, and our experiences will help elucidate each other.

My brother and my friend write poetry that is not quite like mine but has similar themes at times, and when we find in each other's writing something that is like 'i could have written this' it is a very nice feeling, because it is like a connection and it creates a new way of looking at the thing that deepens or broadens it, or relates it to something you hadnt thought of.

>> No.11858538
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I guess that is one good way of looking at it, thanks for the encouraging words friend

>> No.11858596

Stone age people.
With crazy monsters and Gore.
And Jesuit missionaries
All in happening in an island covered in snow and ash with a geothermic water pool in the center of the island.

>> No.11858628

Pre-history until modern day but gods exist, so every civilization with a pantheon has a chance at expanding, conquering and not dying. Told by the POV of various gods throughout Earth.

>> No.11859031
File: 1.48 MB, 1502x3076, 9CC09CC7-4B16-4ED9-B6EC-33F7CC6D098E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the distant future, mankind lives away from Earth within the utopian space station, Algo. With all their needs and wants care for by a “Mother” an advanced A.I. And The Forever Society, an order of super scientists which created all of it, the lives of those aboard the megastation are existences of abundance and chemical inebriation. The main character, a girl named Bethesda who rides jet packs for sport begins to suspect things aren’t right behind the veil of the perfection.

When forces beyond her control draw her into the dealings of the Forever Society, Bethesda will find herself set on an adventure across new worlds and dimensions to protect Algo and those she cares for.

Brave New World meets The Rocketeer, meets golden age of science fiction.

>> No.11859049

Sounds like shit as book.
Maybe you should try to make it a comic?

>> No.11859137

It’s space opera

>> No.11859146
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A fantasy world with it's own magic and stuff. Two factions fighting between them. MC used to be in the "evil one", but in his attempt to run the fuck off he lost his memories and got fake ones as well. Since then he's pretty much death-seeking retard who hate himself and want people to remember him as a good person, so he does good deeds for the sake of recognition. As the story goes on he find meaning and shit and doesn't want to die in blaze of glory any more, content with the shit he managed to achieve. Even getting a cute half-elf waifu by joining the other side of the conflict. But he "got" his first wish in the end and died his glorious death against his previous faction, only when he didn't want it anymore for the sake of dramatic irony.

Probably shit, but as an ESL I'm writing this shit anyway in my language.

How can I make sure that MC is likeable and not "too much of a whiny shitter".
He's supposed to be a failure of spellblade at the start. Getting angry and keep doing mistakes, shooting himself in the leg with his own flaws and shit. How can I balance it out so when he grows up as a character and decided to stop being self-loathing retard, it's look authentic? Thought about how he keep regressing some time into it again, because old habits and shit.

>> No.11859154
File: 250 KB, 477x359, FAB0630F-6A2F-4AE8-80C2-EFD35A0072AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change her name
It sounds like a YA novel, very “maximum ride” tone to it

>> No.11859218

A boy and a girl run away from home and travel across the country to seek out the boy's father after his mother dies in a circus accident.

>> No.11859567

>In the end he commits sudoku so he can stay in the dream world

you do realize it's not how killing yourself works, right?

>> No.11859648

this one doesn't sound that bad

>> No.11859655

A lovecraftian dieselpunk story about two twins with psychic powers that have to solve a series of unsolved murders on their hometown

>> No.11859674

You posted this yesterday. Change her name

>> No.11859768

On the eve of Y2K, an unstable freelance journalist infiltrates a millenarian new-age cult in the Midwest, but begins to believe when their claims seemingly start coming true.

>> No.11859781

Tapir invasion of south america described with anthropomorphic narrative, pre-tapir populations brutally massacred, heart of darkness themes abound except leaning closer to Céline’s description of the colonies in Journey to End of Night. Powerful moment where a tapir watches his friend eaten alive by a Chad Jaguar, reflects on the dullness of suffering and becomes a sadistic megalomaniac Tapir conqueror. Breathtaking vignettes and mind numbing descriptions of the jungle thicket.

>> No.11859901


>> No.11860104


>> No.11860110


>> No.11860113

I want to write a novel about an anthill. As everyone knows, ants like many insects have very structured social orders with a queen at the top, soldier ants, worker ants and so on. The story would begin with ants from a different hill migrating to our Hero's anthill because of war or something. What ensues is basically an allegorical documentation of the last 70 years in the western world

>> No.11860126

>lit constantly bashes contemporary writers for producing YA trash and meaningless drivel
>literally every single post itt is worse than a John Green novel
Are /lit/izens, dare I say, all pseuds?

>> No.11860148

That's an episode of black mirror

>> No.11860201

space travelers discover a debris cloud orbiting a star and are going through it looking for useful minerals, the collective souls of an ancient intelligent race are imprinted on it and doomed to fight forever and relive their apocalypse inside the dust cloud and the spirits of the race start appearing on the ship and fighting which ends up killing most of the crew before they can escape the dust cloud

>> No.11860343

Make him aware of being an annoying faggot.

>> No.11860490

Have you ever seen the movie A Bug's Life or Antz?

>> No.11860995

During the burning of Atlanta of 1864, General Sherman has a satori moment where he realizes just setting stuff on fire isn't enough. From that point on, in addition to burning down every building he comes across, he arrests slave owners and their families--even children--and force marches them with his troops. He kills any who resist, and many die during his march to the sea.
When he makes it to Savannah, he puts all the surviving slave owners and families on ships, where they are shipped to west Africa and sold into slavery.
100 years later, President Thoroughgood Marshall issues an official apology for Sherman's atrocity, and begins easing restrictions on those descendents who wish to immigrate to the USA.
Afterwards, he confers with his vice president, Robert Kennedy, about the upcoming conference at the Sea of Tranquility base on the moon, where he'll meet with British Prime Minister Enoch Powell and Reichsfuhrer Guderian, where they will discuss the further dissolution of the former USSR.

>> No.11861702

How’s “Luma?”

>> No.11861757

Get this, it's Ptolemaic Egypt and a serial killer is doing what you expect him to do. But the story is told in the point of view of a young Greek girl who the serial killer falls in love with.

>> No.11861769

Already exists, Aurelia by Gerard de Nerval. The only difference is the suicide is by hanging.

>> No.11861779

Make them first cousins and this would be good

>> No.11861848
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A succesfull but terrible man (alcholist, cheater and with rage problem) gets his life torn part upon finding his lover cheating with another man. Willing to find the truth for his lover betray, he will find out that she was not the simple woman that he thought she was

It's kind of an erotic drama that deals with stuff like loniless, loss of love, sex and revenge

>> No.11861886


FAT MAN eats and eats, becomes PLANET MAN and swallows his bullies

>> No.11861985
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>> No.11862189

He is aware. It's part of why he hates himself.
After he stop being an annoying faggot, he sometime keep regressing to his previous mistakes, untill the climax.
Then he dies.

>> No.11862386

I've been tossing the idea around for a while but it would pretty much be a dramatized version of my own 24-year-old life.

Protagonist is a happy-go-lucky male with a hyperactive imagination and sees fragments of his dreams/memories around him constantly. For this reason, it's sometimes hard for him to discern what is reality, and when crucial moments in the plot happen he questions if they're legitimate. It's fun writing from his point of view.
The plot would be coming of age. He graduates from college and moves away from his home to work as an IT contractor for different jobs around the country. He feels lonely, but finds comfort in his hallucinations in his day to day life. He falls in love with a girl who breathes tiny bananas that float upwards when she talks and laughs. He befriends a studio engineer who lives on a mountain and sleeps in a nest of audio cables. His struggle with discerning reality becomes too much for him at times, and he explores the idea of enjoying a life even though it is not real.
I had an idea for a side character who works in the protagonists office. He is an older gentlemen who is a pedophile. His dialogue is filled with cussing and office jargon. Mostly stuff I've heard my uncles say, and stuff older guys say in the office I work at IRL. It's funny in a depressing way. In the nighttime he poses as a jogger and looks through people's windows to find younger girls to spy on. The plot would follow him finding a beautiful young girl on one of his jogs and him making elaborate plans to kidnap and rape her. He hates himself for having this condition, but is too cowardly to kill himself.
Earlier this year, I had a weird device where both of these characters are carpooling to work and are involved in a car crash. The plot would cut to a new 3rd character who is attending college and owns a computer who believes it is God. The student asks the computer god questions about growing up, and the computer spits out esoteric answers. Later on in the plot, it's revealed this 3rd character doesn't actually exist, and was created by the protagonist and the pedophile side character during the moments of the car crash where they lost consciousness. It's also revealed the protagonist dies in the car crash (who posed as the computer god) and the pedophile survives the car crash (who posed as the college student).
The carpooling device definitely complicated everything, and I'm unsure whether or not to keep it simple and exclude it and the 3rd character entirely.

>> No.11862429

Sounds much better

>> No.11862447

I'm writing a historical novel about certain events in the middle ages. There's no reason to stray far from the real history. It's a very complicated time period. After playing with the novel a bit I decided on a non-chronological order, reasons being what I want to reveal to the audience at what time, because the events had influence on the character motivations, and I'm actively hiding certain things from the audience until a proper time for delivery.
And as I said, it's an extremely complicated time period to begin with, though I'm doing my best to simplify and distill it all down to a good, concise novel.
How do readers generally feel about non-chronological order? I have the chapters dated, do readers actually read the dates events occur and remember them? Do publishers even want shit like that for commercial fiction?

>> No.11862451

he's a big guy

>> No.11862496

Unironically would read

>> No.11862585

For you...

>> No.11862592
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Fine. Rough first draft.

>> No.11862622

...nigga did you just take a picture of your monitor?
If not a ruse, the grammar is piss-poor and wording clunky, and you describe things with the subtlety of an autist.
Both Algo and Luma are shitty names, but at least Algo sounds like "algorithm" so it's fitting.

>> No.11862657

I would change the first sentence to be more impactful, personally.

>> No.11862690

It’s my first draft. It’s supposed to suck complete ass. Get the story down and then start editing to make it less shitty

>> No.11862708


>> No.11862716

different anon, and I totally understand that too, but if this is indicative of your style, I would recommend trying to demonstrate a little more subtlety

>> No.11862882

Humans get attacked by aliens and after months/years of fighting all of them end up slaved. After a few years of reconstruction, and with the help of alien technology, life is even better than before. Everyone gets a job to do, the aliens sustain them with proper food and housing, all that good stuff.
I could take the blockbuster approach and make it a "humanity, fuck yeah!" where despite all these benefits there is a resistance group because "we don't want to be ruled by aliens" or actually try to make it 3deep5you exploring the idea of rulers, slave/master relationship, etc.

>> No.11863327


This is literally fucking 'Lost' mate, are you okay?

>> No.11863597

Two words: Vampire Hummingbirds

>> No.11863638
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Make it a story about a sole protagonist who gets involved in the resistance years after the war, even though he doesn’t really mind the aliens. Make him eventually realize that independence, freedom and autonomy are all futile and bring greater harm than order and authority. All that aside, he helps to bring a bloody and violent revolution that leaves Earth destroyed and lawless. He eventually comes to realize that the rule of the aliens, and any and all truly benevolent authority, was doomed to fail from the start, because humanity has an intrinsic desire to destroy itself and bring about chaos. He ends the novel attempting a coup against the new human government if, nothing else, to gurantee his survival and bring further doom to this broken race. The last page is him being executed, and thus solidifying the rule of his former revolutionary comrades as totalitarian despots.

I may steal your idea, desu

>> No.11863743


this is probably gonna be pretty cringe, but here it goes. if you guys have ever played the game FTL, this would sort of be fan fiction of that in one respect. (for those of you who don't know it's a rogue like, space game where you kill ships, upgrade with parts, and keep going).

It involves the main character waking up in a cloning vat, the doors opening, and immediately suffocating and dying. This repeats a few times and every time he dies, it's with memories of what happened before. (basically the ship has a cloning vat that can reclone the ship's crew with all the memories they when they last entered the vat to be "scanned". as long as this vat doesn't lose power or the ship doesn't lose power, or something go wrong internally, this could in theory keep up forever.

Eventually, he realizes that his spaceship is depressurized somehow, and in his next "lives" he's trying to fix the life support. He dies a few more times before he manages to do this, picking up on the progress of last time. he finds out he's the last of his crew, that his ship was ambushed by pirates or some such who stole the ship's precious cargo, and attempts the next years in between each of his regenerations fixing up the ship (dying a few times in the process).

This is basically where I run out of ideas. Basically it would involve the man piecing together what happened on board the ship, restoring the ship to working order, maybe having to deal with the fact that there's a very hostile alien on board stuck with him. Maybe he'll figure out how to get a distress message out, but just end up dying anyway.

>> No.11863754


Oh, should also mention: since he's only has memories from when he was first scanned, and when he rescans himself before dying again (to save his progress, so to speak) he has no idea what went wrong with the ship, so in this sense the story (novella perhaps?) would be a mystery, with equal parts horror because of common fears like suffocation, living the same hellish scenario over and over, perhaps being trapped inside a dark, cold spaceship with a strange creature that might have caused the whole mess in the first place.

I still have to plot it out but I think it would be pretty challenging to pull off.

>> No.11863938

i wanna write a novel about how the nazis really just wanted to remove global banks from their country and seize control of their own country.
the novel would be alternating between some low level waffen ss officer that sees everything from the axis side and 3 other people, an israeli banker, an american bomber pilot and a british doctor or medic.
all the viewpoints would to an extreme contrast where no one but the banker would know how things really started. each point of view would be essential in the "right" because their given circumstance would actually cause them to be in the right. in the end the war was motivated by money rather than racism or any other motives.

>> No.11864145 [DELETED] 

A couple ideas within the same sort of narrative/universe. In a large, third world country, what started off as a series of benign student protests has alarmingly turned into an armed conflict/revolt. The whole country is shocked by the ferocity of the protests. It continues for years, with no end in site, but remaining relatively contained to that particular corner of the country.

Across the country, in a province with more bohemian sensibilities, where the protests haven't reached, politicians, law enforcement, and the citizens have had to deal with the influx of citizens, businesses, and even criminals seeking to escape the hotbed of violent activity out east. This in itself creates problems for the local communities. But in one particular town, not too different from where the initial protests took place and unbeknownst to the local authorities, a major figurehead from the rebellion arrives and starts to stir the pot, regardless of the consequences.

It's all super hokey on paper, but I'd like to try and make it all sort of morally grey. The protesters have great, relevant points, but their leadership is a council of monsters who care more about sending a message than the message itself. I dunno. Feels good to air it out here some though.

>> No.11864151

A couple ideas within the same sort of narrative/universe. In a large, first world country, what started off as a series of benign student protests has alarmingly turned into an armed conflict/revolt. The whole country is shocked by the ferocity of the protests. It continues for years, with no end in site, but remaining relatively contained to that particular corner of the country.

Across the country, in a province with more bohemian sensibilities, where the protests haven't reached, politicians, law enforcement, and the citizens have had to deal with the influx of citizens, businesses, and even criminals seeking to escape the hotbed of violent activity out east. This in itself creates problems for the local communities. But in one particular town, not too different from where the initial protests took place and unbeknownst to the local authorities, a major figurehead from the rebellion arrives and starts to stir the pot, regardless of the consequences.

It's all super hokey on paper, but I'd like to try and make it all sort of morally grey. The protesters have great, relevant points, but their leadership is a council of monsters who care more about sending a message than the message itself. I dunno. Feels good to air it out here some though.

>> No.11864920

Actually a good idea please write this anon and post it here when you're done.

>> No.11864932

how can white bois even compete ?

>> No.11864999

thats not how it works
you dont magically become a chad you just become deluded
just go to /fit/

>> No.11865010

im pretty sure you can delude yourself into depression anon

>> No.11865026
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A cyberpunk detective story, but unironically.

>> No.11865036

So fucking original dude

>> No.11865136

An adolescent female socialite and an awkward precocious boy engage in a contest of wills over the first 18 years of their lives. Each ends up realizing they must emulate the style of the other in order to beat them and end up corroding spiritually and materially as a result.

>> No.11865183

A man is homeless and has been living in the ceiling of a walmart for 15 years. He falls in love with a woman who frequents the store and tries to woo her. He knows nothing about what has happened outside in the time he's been hiding and has to pretend to be normal based on what he sees other people do in the store. Ill do other stuff like him helping lost kids, and catch baddies whove been robbing the place in secret but the main story is him and the girl. I could do a bit or something where he knows way too much about the store when he talks to people or something. In the end he falls victim to his own hubrous and ends up getting caught in front of the girl trying to out the thieves while pretending to be a regular guy when a cashier says she sees him everyday but never sees him walk through the door. He gets arrested and goes to jail and it ends with the girl bring him his favorite shit in a walmart bag and them talking through one of those jail phone things or like a congenital visit if you're correct understanding my lingo. :^)

>> No.11865186 [DELETED] 

A man is homeless and has been living in the ceiling of a walmart for 15 years. He falls in love with a woman who frequents the store and tries to woo her. He knows nothing about what has happened outside in the time he's been hiding and has to pretend to be normal based on what he sees other people do in the store. Ill do other stuff like him helping lost kids, and catch baddies whove been robbing the place in secret but the main story is him and the girl. I could do a bit or something where he knows way too much about the store when he talks to people or something. In the end he falls victim to his own hubrous and ends up getting caught in front of the girl trying to out the thieves while pretending to be a regular guy when a cashier says she sees him everyday but never sees him walk through the door. He gets arrested and goes to jail and it ends with the girl bring him his favorite shit in a walmart bag and them talking through one of those jail phone things or like a congenital visit if you're correctly understanding my lingo. :^)

>> No.11865404

I'd probably read that

>> No.11866635
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based baird's

>> No.11867156

Depressed guy comes into an argument with a girl he likes every day, no matter what he does he always runs into the girl and they always argue. Most of the time he hates her and sometimes he's in love with her due to her "vibrant" expressions, even if he tries to stay in all day she'll appear and have something to fight about. Towards the end he kills her in fanatical remorse despite not knowing what he ever really wanted from her, he ends up bitter from the experience and eventually marries an extremely kind but dull women who is also a pushover. This one only cares about their child and the guy yells at her a lot, he takes trips to go fishing often. Eventually he divorces and retires alone somewhere on the coast.

>> No.11868228


>> No.11868239

Jokes on you, My book sold 14 copies on amazon

>> No.11868309

Interstellar voyagers explore the galaxy in search of exotic plants to build a garden for their king.

A hideous recluse in a subterranean civilization discovers a treasure which leads him to venture out for his fortune and runs into several weird folks who share his position at the bottom rung of society who are as alone as him.