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11849346 No.11849346 [Reply] [Original]

No one can speak clearly and rigorously about them. They are basically appealed to by pseuds who know they are important but do not really know why. Pseuds who haven’t put the necessary time and effort into reading and understanding them (or put the necessary time into learning how to write about philosophy).

Prove me wrong.

>> No.11849354

did you make this thread in response to my NIETZSCHE thread?

>> No.11849369

Let us not fixate on the symptoms (your thread) and instead use this thread to tackle the disease, or, indeed, to prove my hypothesis wrong (something which you will be manifestly incapable of doing if your other efforts give any indication of your capacity for doing philosophy).

>> No.11849378

YOU are the one who cannot speak of these things
you must prove through the provision of a DISCOURSE/RATIO/LOGOS that you are capable of comprehending their works.
the burden of proof lies heavy, on your shoulders, not mine

>> No.11849379

Looking forward to reading nothing of substance ITT, from OP or anybody else.

>> No.11849405

OP here. I’m happy to not write anything substantial in this thread. I want to see if anyone else here might actually be capable of it. Does that make me a hypocrite, for making another thread whose image bears the faces of the men I am claiming people defer to yet cannot intelligently talk about? Yes. But I do not care.

>> No.11849411

You're polluting this community. You could contribute quality CONTENT to this place but you choose not to. You Ty to shame the legitimate seekers of wisdom here. You are a fool. You do no understand the purpose of this watering-hole.

>> No.11849421

You might be right, but I wish there were someone with whom I could actually talk about Nietzsche and Derrida, in the way one would in a philosophy seminar, where a good professor would keep the people who hadn’t done the readings and thought through them from chattering on incessantly about ideas they have not even gotten remotely close to clarifying for themselves.

>> No.11849424

go take a seminar then
pledge your allegiance to the UNIVERSATANITY

>> No.11849443

What’s your opinion on anti-psychotics?

>> No.11849447

I'm with DELEUZE AND GUATTARI on this one.

>> No.11849449


>> No.11849466

What a stupid thread. If you really wish to discuss Nietzsche, Heidegger, or Derrida why don't you ask us a question related to some problem provoked by any of these three thinkers? Or perhaps a problem you think intertwined these three? Maybe you could even refer to H's N lectures, and how Kristeva (a student of Derrida) wrote to refute H's reading. And maybe some strengths or problems with either of their readings. Or maybe, since you're so learned about Derrida, you could help explain the Geschlect lectures. But no, you make a thread to complain about how alone on the peak of the mountain you are, when really you haven't even begun the ascent.

You're the worst type of student. It shows so clearly.

>> No.11849506

I don’t claim to be some master interpreter of any of these thinkers. But I think the format of anonymity is conducive to overstatement and intellectual laziness of the highest order. When I want to follow seriously some train of thought on here, with others following it with me, what I usually am confronted with is a bunch of overgeneralized borderline shitposts:

“By will to power, Nietzsche, the anti-Christ who was actually a Christian in his anti-Greek Christian approach to being pro-Greek, presages the Heideggerian ready-to-hand, which of course is little more than a rethinking of the Japanese tea ceremony. Derrida knew this, and it is what he referred to as phallogocentrism, or, as Plato said, the logos that IS.”

>> No.11849511

No, seriously go post on a more serious forum if you want better discussion. /lit/ is dilettantes, trolls, and pathetic MFA students.

>> No.11849531

Sorry man I’ve been grouchy to you

>> No.11849570

>intellectual laziness
Is there anything more pathetic than someone who sincerely concerns themselves with intellectualism?

>> No.11849577

we've had multiple insightful Nietzsche and Heidegger threads, Derrida is a snake pedophile faggot who knew absolutely nothing and actively displayed his pseudery in interviews. other than the illegitimate lineage from N to Derrida there is no realtion. >>11849443
they do not work and have about the same long term results as a placebo or just leaving the disease to run its course. psychotic people are on a clock and they will either stabilize and persist until old age triggers the psychosis or kill themselves one way or another either through poor self care or death by cop or drugs or homelessness or suicide. There is nothing to be done, it is a death sentence almost invariably unlike depression which has a very high recovery rate despite what psychiatrists will preach to you inside their little cells.

>> No.11849592

You're right to a good extent but it's not as fatal as you say. I'm a PhD student who studies continental philosophy and I've been on the board for like 6-7 years (maybe more?), and just recently I was thinking of some unbelievably dilettantish posts I made 2-3 years ago, let alone 5. I couldn't even identify with the posts in my memory when I recalled them. It wasn't just the know-nothing content, it was the fact that I was willing to open my fat fucking mouth despite clearly knowing nothing. Apparently I just wanted to feel like I knew something because I was participating.

Now that I'm a bit older I see this trend everywhere on the board. There are especially a lot of posts where people are calling out other posters for poor understanding of some text/thinker, but only making that negative critique in a snippy and cryptic way, and never actually supplying a positive correction or saying something substantive otherwise. It's obvious that they THINK they know enough to rebuke someone for their poor understanding, and get a dopamine rush for climbing the secret totem pole of smart people on /lit/, but they're also wary of being mistaken and they know they definitely can't actually hold a full discussion on the topic, so they limit themselves to sniping, and you get back-and-forth exchanges of people defensively hiding that they're both equally uncertain of their own mastery over the material. Other things like this too.

But all this being said, again, I remember doing this shit when I was younger, and most of these posters are probably 18-23 year olds who just want to participate. Underneath the posturing is a genuine interest and curiosity, and underneath the inferiority complex is a genuine frustration at not knowing when they will have crossed the threshold of being able to have a full-fledged discussion. That's a frustrating feeling. You can vaguely assimilate knowledge about Heidegger for years, and a Heidegger thread will pop up and you still can't even tell whether you're in the loop or out of the loop.

tldr this board is composed of people with decent intentions to learn, but they are at varying points along the road of actually fulfilling those intentions, and this place functions as a kind of halfway-house for venting the frustration of being perpetually on-the-road.

>> No.11849620

>wall of text
lol stemfaggot

>> No.11849769

>likes Heidegger
>dislikes Derrida
This is how you spot pseuds

>> No.11849787


>> No.11849797

Nah, he’s right anon. Your pseud is showing.

>> No.11849813

Actually, I'm NS, and I only come here to be by far the hugest barracuda in a stupendously diminutive puddle.

>> No.11849833

Stupendously diminutive flirts with pleonasm, and I am utterly certain you are a pseud.

>> No.11849847

Pitiable riposte from a vegetative harlequin

>> No.11849882

So you like Heidegger, but dislike Derrida, eh? We could talk about Heidegger if you were interested to see how poorly flashy rhetoric masks an incapacity for genuine thought.

>> No.11849889

Begin by defining genuinety

>> No.11849906

For a hater this sounds like a very derridean way to begin a conversation about philosophy. Let’s talk about Heidegger. Have you read Being and Time?

>> No.11849917

Yeah of course, twice, but not in German so no, not really.

>> No.11849973

Do you think his “system” can comfortably make sense of evental changes in a given culture’s pre-ontological understanding of being from within that culture? It’s something I’ve struggled to make sense of.

The large scale referential totality that constitutes “significance” for any given culture (that is, its shared, background understanding of being) gets articulated and maintained by the constant interpretive activity of the one (or the they). But one’s dasein is itself a part of the One, as is every other dasein, and dasein, according to Heidegger, can only interpret being in ways prescribed by the One. Other interpretations simply do it show up as possible. So if everyone is already part of the One, and the One delimitation all possible interpretations of being, how do new interpretations of being arise within a culture? Clearly the history of humanity shows that radically different interpretations do in fact emerge. And one could say “oh the new interpretations arise simply from one “culture” coming into contact with another”, but I think that sheds no light on the evental moments in humanity’s understanding of being, like golden age Athens or the Enlightenment. Obviously those were instances where radically new, arguably qualitatively different, interpretations of being suddenly emerged. Can this be made sense of on heidegger’s terms?

(I’m not expecting a solution, but it’s something to talk about.)

>> No.11849976

“The One delimits”* sorry I’m phoneposting

>> No.11849994

I'm not sure how to respond directly, but Heidegger's early project was to return to when being made itself known as a problem by disclosing itself as itself. For him Aufklarung was not a radical departure but a continuation of the rational ontotheology inaugurated by Plato and Aristotle.

>> No.11850019

I guess I’m trying to apply Heidegger to a formal iteration of the problem represented by, say, something like contemporary global capitalism—an interpretation of being that risks becoming the only one on the planet. Does the Heideggerian framework provide us with a means of explaining how we might break out of totalizing interpretations of being given that all he claims we can access are interpretations pre-given by the One of our historical moment?

Do you see that impetus of a return explicitly in Being and Time? Obviously he talks about the forgetting of the meaning of being, but the existential analytic seems so much more like positive philosophy based on contemporarily accessible phenomenological description than anything resembling a return to the wellsprings of pre-platonic thought.

>> No.11850051

I guess in a way global capitalism is a bad example insofar as he would see it as derivative of the metaphysics of presence and ontotheology.

It’s just this weird borderline contradiction in his thought where his actual goal is to do something new in philosophy but this philosophy itself doesn’t seem to account for how new interpretations are possible.

>> No.11850058

Absolurely the return was crucial, and revolutionary, for him we all had to go back. He said elsewhere that he could find commonality with the Marxists in the sense that homelessness was becoming the defining characteristic of the modern being under planetary technology if you want to link it more to your specific contemporary concerns.

>> No.11850074

fuck off OP

YOU are a total pseud from the very start, thinking you discovered plebeian mentality, and asking us for proof LOL what proof do you need faggot? Anyone with a brain has known and felt in the core of his being since the age of 8 that plebs dominate this world and 99% of the population is incapable of thought. The true intellectuals don't need to point this out on 4chan.

shit thread

>> No.11850075

nobody knows or reads or comprehends anything, on this board or any other website, or any place irl. it's not exclusive to these thinkers. kys

>> No.11850090

Are you this dude?

>> No.11850093

Both were peddlers of nonsense, but one can like Heidegger with liking the frog's Saussureian sophistry.

>> No.11850094

as a brainlet I've come to terms with the fact that I may never entirely understand Nietzsche the way he intended his writing to be understood. However with each reading I understand a little more and things become slightly clearer. From what I believe I have understood, Nietzsche workd has changed me significantly, and whether I have interpreted it wrong or not doesn't have a bearing on this. As far as I understand him, Nietzsche was all about interpretation and perspectivism, so I think he would be more than happy with the varying interpretations of his work. Perhaps their is no "correct" interpretation at all.

>> No.11850097

No, as bad as he is, I'm something far worse >8^)

>> No.11850100

A community college professor?

>> No.11850114

>being qualified by the State
Fuck no, I just bully anons into reading in the vain hope they might finally BTFO me one day, which obviously will never happen but it's the journey that counts

>> No.11850130

Is someone trying to retroactively prove the quality of the trannie thread?

>> No.11850146

Sounds like someone’s father wanted a football player

>> No.11850151

Okay Sigmund, it's totally not you who was projecting all along.

>> No.11850155

Please! Anyone! I’m a big scary barracuda and I need some (you)s to sleep!

>> No.11850157

>tranny thread
You're going to have to be way more specific

>> No.11850164

That line really was memorable, wasn't it? Just another effortless throwaway, you can keep it. It'll stay burned into your mind anyway.

>> No.11850180

You forget things you read less than an hour ago?

>thinks he’s a fish and has a memory like one, too.

>> No.11850191
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>still reeling, over fish
You jelly I'm a star?

>> No.11850209

I knew an image was coming with whatever lines you’d limp-wristedly cast out next.

Your words are enough, anon. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.

>> No.11850244

It’s been ten minutes and I need to sleep. Just submit your rough draft.

>> No.11850247

"Bitter talentless ingrate" is all i got, sweet dreams anon ><{{{^>

>> No.11850250

Kek. Night buddy

>> No.11850293

There was a thread yesterday that was about that tranny eceleb neomarxist.

>> No.11850327

Only thing I know of Nietzcshe, having never ever read any of him, is that every edgelord teenager loves him - and that is enough persuasion for me to not read him at all.


>> No.11850339
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>mfw i recognize myself in this
>mfw willing to learn, but not there yet

>> No.11850342

but dilettantes aren't in academia

>> No.11850346

>Assumes that negation is an invalid form of argumentation
Lol good try habibi

>> No.11850405

What you said is not true.

Am I a continental philosopher yet?

>> No.11850418

I specified 3 categories of people, didn't I? Are you ILLITERATE?

>> No.11850475

Trolls are non-entities, MFA's are by extension in academia because graduate school, and therefore on dilettantism is excluded from uselessness. Are you retarded?

>> No.11850514
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>Trolls are non-entities

>> No.11850584

Who cares about Heidegger and Derrida

>> No.11850606

If this is true, shouldn't you have better things to do? If you understand their philosophy and how to write about philosophy so we'll, why aren't you writing about philosophy instead of posting this?

It's hard to take seriously someone who posts a thread to feel superior. Insecurity is repulsive.

>> No.11850703

I understand Nietzsche quite well, almost finished reading all his works.
but for the other two this:

>> No.11850742

No one worth listening to

>> No.11850928

I worry a lot about how much I don't understand Nietzsche. In everything I read of him I cannot help but feel a lot of his sadness and human passion. He definitely did not write self-help books but most of his writing is empowering to me in an enlightening kind of way, him exposing his untimely soul, his utter greed for life affirmation, self assertion and razor sharp critiques of thinking's inherent psychological roots. HE places value on things in a way I haven't seen before. In every scathing condemnation of his love shines through for an idea of a humanity that surpasses our own. I hate to use this word but I love his yearning, his idealism. The lack of scientific rigor in his work is obvious but that's intended. I feel like he's writing for a few like-minded individuals across time - people who suffer from the world, yet who also deeply love it.

>> No.11850965

Well in my experience anything said about NEETchan will result in some autist saying: uhm sweetie akschually you don't understand him.
Eventually it leads to Orgy of the Will.
There is not much to understand in that dumb kraut's works.

>> No.11850969

Fuck, marry kill.

But anyway, Nietzsche is the easiest to understand, also because he's the best writer of the three by lightyears. Heidegger is a blubbering coot, barely has anything coherent to say. You have to dig and dig with his books just to get the tiniest little nugget of clarity.

Derrida is a pseudo par excellence. I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole. His gibbering nonsense has wasted the time of far too many.

>> No.11850970

Nobody understands Einstein because he was a GENIUS too, duh.

>> No.11851047
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>implying anyone can speak clearly and rigorously about another person

Most people can’t even speak rigorously and clearly about themselves

>> No.11851094

Derrida is just a banal version of Blanchot imo

>> No.11851105

I agree with you

>> No.11851245

So is there a lit consensus on Nietzsche?

Like, 2nd hand material that interprets him correctly/the best?

I remember reading that you can't understand him without good understanding of Greek literature (poets/plays etc.).

I've part of Genealogy of Morals and it didn't seem anything complicated.. pretty straightforward stuff so am I missing something?

Desu I've been afraid ever since to read more of him.

>> No.11851635

Go back to where you came from where you can be as pathetic as this and get upvotes for it.

>> No.11851639


>> No.11851664

true of heidegger, not the other two

>> No.11851667

The consensus is that he is very much worth studying. Not only reading, but studying. To do that you not only start with the Greeks, you also go through philosophical corpus beyond that and only then go about studying Nietzsche's works. You may think that you understand Nietzsche, or anyone else for that matter, but the truth is you have to almost become Nietzsche to understand Nietzsche, and that means dedicating yourself to careful study of philosophy in its entirety and at the source (as opposed to reading footnotes to a Kaufmann translations).
In that sense, the OP is right, most of anons on /lit/ don't understand Nietzsche or Heidegger or Derrida. Sure, the discussion is usually a notch higher from the absolute meme-level dopamine-philosophising of reddit or youtube, but valuable posts in philosophical threads are nonetheless a rarity.

>> No.11851670

I don't even know who the last one is lol

>> No.11851672

that applies to everyone basically, i was more interested in particulars

>> No.11851747

All I need to know is they're dumb nerds

>> No.11851769

How can you claim to understand these people and also think you deserve to be proven wrong?

>> No.11851925

holy fucking shit lmao can we ban trip fags already

>> No.11851929

imagine being this much of an analytic

>> No.11852379
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>> No.11853784


>> No.11854162

>lol burden of proof checkmate theists

>> No.11854175

Truthfully I wouldn't mind it if they didn't all namefag, too.

>> No.11854192

lethal. ban trip fags

>> No.11854195

what would those forums be

>> No.11854209

this problem exists in real life, too, but people have degrees and such to prove that they are out of the loop. here, it's just chaos