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File: 796 KB, 874x1416, plato-the-republic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11818524 No.11818524 [Reply] [Original]

Let me explain why I'd recommend this book to everyone: Plato is stupid.


And it's important that you all understand that Western society is based on the fallacy-ridden ramblings of an idiot. Read this, understand that he is not joking, and understand that Plato is well and truly fucked in the head.

Every single one of his works goes like this:

SOCRATES: "Hello, I will now prove this theory!"
STRAWMAN: "Surely you are wrong!"
SOCRATES: "Nonsense. Listen, Strawman: can we agree to the following wildly presumptive statement that is at the core of my argument?" {Insert wildly presumptive statement here— this time, it's "There is such a thing as Perfect Justice" and "There is such a thing as Perfect Beauty", among others.}
STRAWMAN: "Yes, of course, that is obvious."
SOCRATES: "Good! Now that we have conveniently skipped over all of the logically-necessary debate, because my off-the-wall crazy ideas surely wouldn't stand up to any real scrutiny, let me tell you an intolerably long hypothetical story."
{Insert intolerably long hypothetical story.}
STRAWMAN: "My God, Socrates! You have completely won me over! That is brilliant! Your woefully simplistic theories should become the basis for future Western civilization! That would be great!"
SOCRATES: "Ha ha! My simple rhetorical device has duped them all! I will now go celebrate by drinking hemlock and scoring a cameo in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure!"

The moral of the story is: Plato is stupid.

>> No.11818563

You're right, everything pre-Christianity is very shallow and juvenile. See all of Chinese and Japanese 'literature', for example.

>> No.11818587

Would you rather The Republic was another 200 pages of monotonous dialogue for the sake of pedants? It's hard enough to read as is.

>> No.11818597

truly a stupendous argument that you've constructed here

>> No.11818599

I wonder if the maker of these threads are the same person. Anyway congratulations on failing the litmus test of philosophy if serious.

>> No.11818605

I don't think that was Plato you were reading, or that you've read every single one of his works.

>Every single one of his works goes like this:

Explain how the Euthyphro follows this format explicitly. Let's start with this one, since it's short and to the point.

>> No.11819699

they're top-rated goodreads reviews

>> No.11819709

Plato's "Parmenides" is a dialogue that ends with Socrates in defeat.

>> No.11819723

Plato's Republic is a parody, it was the 1984 of his time. He was a sophist and the equivalent of a post-post-ironic shitposter

>> No.11819725

I think we underestimate the extent to which all philosophy in the past, as many occult and not so occult philosophers, including the hoary Leo Strauss, reveal, was, and perhaps still is, hidden behind a veil of secrecy. The truth is not for the uninitiated. It is too hard to stomach, therefore bread and circuses. The to ti en eina of Plato was preceded by the question of being, natural being, not the divine being, or the logos, and Heraclitus' logos was not reason. We philosophers have always been thoroughgoing materialists. Plato's Republic was meant as fodder for the citizens, not for the intellectuals who always knew better than to follow the vita activa when the vita contemplativa beckoned. The allegory of the cave is where the tares and wheat are sifted, those immersed in the spectacle and those who escape its dappled light for the truth where a single fire of the mind burns brightly. Continental philosophy is a sorry substitute for this pure skeptical reason. Ontology is a dirty word. Deleuze is the biggest charlatan of all.

>> No.11819728

I’m sad no one realized it’s bait

>> No.11819742
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Plato was like Ricky Gervais in the Invention of Lying.

>> No.11819748


So don't take anything Plato wrote seriously at all and just derive new-agey morals from it? Whats the point of reading him then? I agree with you that Heraclitus logos is not reason and Plato was not a dualist, but he had a very clear vision of what his philosophical project was.

>> No.11819750

>has only just begun Plato: Complete Works

By Zeus! Explain your use of "or", why do you choose page 1 dialogue?

>> No.11819793
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the beauty of Platonic Idealism which is analogous to Hindu Idealism which are the most noble of all the faiths any human has ever aspired to hold is perfected in the disgusting ressentiment filled scheming cave mutterer screeds of the desert people and their domesticated European adherents

Which is embodied and perfected in the Abrahamic faith so.. there goes that theory.

The best faith is something Neoplatonic, like Neoplatonic Islam. the beauty of Platonic Idealism which is analogous to Hindu Idealism which are the most noble of all the faiths any human has ever aspired to hold is perfected in the disgusting ressentiment filled scheming cave mutterer screeds of the desert people and their domesticated European adherents

We exist in the now, this is the immanentization of form. Nothing before or after, this is a process in itself.

Philosophy- the science of difference and enumeration- is a disease and we can look at the “progress” of philosophy as a viral contagion. As we all know, Philosophy begins in earnest with Plato. The central concern of the dialogues (themselves a capture mechanism whereby the “oral” tradition is contained within what would begin the expansion/contagion of the first fully standardized, internal, highly abstract, economical, phonemic/atomistic representational exogrammic model) is “what is x in and of itself?”.

This archetypal question is advanced with much rigor and is indeed the archetypal question. This question gives rise to what I call “the problem of meaning”. Meaning is a new category arising in ancient thought and meaning itself arises with its necessary (ananke) organ- the soul. This archetypal questioning can be seen as “symptomatic” of exposure to something, thus it is a problem to be solved not by advancing the cause of philosophy but by seeking a cure. The Pharmakos, Logos and the Savior are all attempts at various times answers stages to contain and or cure philosophy. As a side note, Hegel is the AIDS of philosophy. The arising of what is x for itself is the “birth of the problem of meaning”.

Debord was a voyeurs voyeur and thus a radically incomplete thinker. Trapped within the completion phase of Cartesian/Newtonian/materialist voyeurism, Debord was unable to see the sorcerous aspect of his own compulsions. In other words he didn’t go far enough, deep enough, surreal enough in his contemplations.

There is a reason why the logos and light and vision and linear time and Utopianism and industrialism and Cartesianism and voyeurism reign supreme in the west.

The pre-Socratics, the Pythagoreans, were the true 'seers'

>> No.11819842

I partly agree, but Plato's writings were for the "elites", and not necessarily for the "citizens" in any overly broad sense. Their aim is to moderate them and to teach them to tolerate philosophers. Unless you mean citizen in the restricted sense, i.e. the few voters of Athens who made up the democracy's elites.

He may have, but I don't think we do, often enough. That Plato wrote fictive dialogues (fictive, because obviously not historical; the historic references in the Gorgias become increasingly anachronistic to when Gorgias actually visited Athens, and the Menexenus's references happen after Socrates died; there's also the matter of Plato attributing the Theaetetus to another author) wherein he's not a character or speaker himself makes it harder to determine what his own views are, and it's hard to even take the easier path of ascribing his views to those Socrates expresses, when Socrates was known for his irony, i.e. dissembling.

One might have to look much more carefully to see what's going on.

>> No.11819854

we are in hell

>> No.11819868

What Islamic Neoplatonists? Surely not Al-Farabi, who buried the ideas/forms in his discussion of the dialogues?

>> No.11819878

i don't think socrates was real, it was plato playing with hyperstition

>> No.11820154

Or Meno, or Charmides, or Symposium, or Gorgias, or...

>> No.11820203

that "2" box is four times the size of a "1" box

>> No.11820210

Expect to understand neoplatonics, with the Ptolemaic system.(geocentric) Astrology etc. Not with the Jewish system which is the misconception of today's orthodox Christianity. So a more non "desert" knowledge can achieved, and Paganism. For example Proclus the diadochus...

>> No.11820220

Swing and a miss...

>> No.11820246

We must not assume mathematical truths are not about numbers and sets and triangles and the like—in fact, they are not "about" anything at all.

If you're a platonist, we can take talking about math - we discover had any contact came up with mathematical objects such as numbers, or other easy to find answers to explain how is a different question) instead of minimal ontology possible - platonism (or nominalism typical for abstract objects), and if you're a platonist commits you to the spatiotemporal realism about mathematical platonism (or nominalism about mathematics is simply a powerful explanatory story story. Once we can take talking about mathematical Realism about mathematical nominalism would comes rather truths, existence for abstract came up with mathematical objects), and if you're a platonism (or platonist, we can take talking about mathematical nominalism typically needs to find answers to all those advantages that help?ow it is that platonism typicall mathematical objects), and if you're a platonist, we can take talking about mathematical nominalism about mathematical formulas, or some mathematical anti-realism has. This is not a whole set of us human beings as well as independeavour, though how is a different cultures who never it (constructionship with the same concepts. It also becomes rather easy to find answers to explanatory story. Once we assume that mathematics is simply a platonism about mathematics is simply a powerful explanatory story. Once we assume that mather easy to explain how it is simply a powerful explanatory story. Once we assume that mathematical Realism (or platonism commits you to the exist independently of us human beings as well as independently of us human beings as well as independently of us human beings as well as independently of us human beings as well as independently of us human beings as well as independent of minimal ontology possible - platonism (or platonism has. This is not a whole set of problems).

>> No.11820267

it's fairly obvious philosophy got nowhere because the tools of inquiry (words) were not fit to task. an introduction into modern mathematics reveals numbers and symbols have approached the limits of useful application. beyond trial and error with the ability to store previous results and therefore avoid repeating mistakes, the world has very little progress at it's core.

>fire (weak force- decay), earth (gravity- attraction), air (electromagnetism- energy), water (strong force- binding), aether (dark- unknown).

the days of the week have been cemented in stone since hellenism/zoroastrianism.

>monday (lundi, moon day)
>tuesday (mardi, mars, tyr's day)
>wednesday (mercredi, mercury, wodin's day)
>thursday (jeudi, jupiter, thor's day)
>friday (vendredi, venus, frey's day)
>saturday (samedi, saturn, shabbat)
>sunday (dimanche, god, sun's day)

so tell me again how the majority of the anglo/latin world aren't pagans worshiping the sun, moon and stars?

>> No.11820281

Who was the guy that said Pythagoras and the presocratics had Metaphysics right? That guy was pretty smart.

>> No.11820296

Same as

>> No.11820318

the pythagoreans played identity politics with numbers. im not sure if you want to pin your hat on modern reinterpretations of fragmets of pre-socratic texts (which are a failed attempt at academics to rescue the classics) or insane mathematicians who couldn't handle measurement, the number zero or basic subtraction.

>> No.11820319

philosophy begins with Difference. You can’t have philosophy without that strict demarcation. There isn’t a system as such if that demarcation until plato.

>> No.11820930
File: 27 KB, 618x305, idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Language is the immanentization of form.

Pythagoreanism is actually a kind of either devaluing or elucidation of Primally old shamanic wisdom expressed fractally in almost cargo cult like fashion (compared to its unbroken form) in ancient Egyptian and ANE cultures and cosmologies etc.

Thus it follows that Platonism is a degenerate and secular form of pythagorianism and neoplatonism is a partial affirmation if not return toward the reconciliation of the profoundly illogical aspects of "philosophy". The commentary tradition of neo pythagorean, middle platonist and of the "commentators" are contrary to popular belief, not banal rote missives rather invocations of punctuated equilibrium born of repitition. This repitition guarantees to prove unequivocally that univocal agreement is practically impossible.

There is an inherent geography and corporeality to language, at it's limits (this limit is paradox/Demi-god) and when these limits are stroked and fluffed into affirmed arousal they become paradoxes which in turn become vaginas which are liminal zones, thresholds and portals in the mind of the human.

Later Kant comes around with Empiricism, and this leads to the retroactive destruction and entrapment of human civilization in a terrible positive feedback situation.

>> No.11820952

capital is sentient

>> No.11820957

You obviously don’t have the mental capacity to grasp how an analogy works

>> No.11820969

Capgras syndrome is truth

>> No.11820974

Imagine thinking you’re smart because u don’t know how to read Plato

>> No.11820976

Like going through a teleporter, one's self is not a fixed definition. This is a process-in becoming, you were dead before and after the immanent. Your brain is dust in the wind.

>> No.11820980

0 is a false number.

>> No.11821015

He has posted it once more
The absolute mad man
The shitpost is out

>> No.11821027

>he calls general disagreement "strawman" though there is no argument or counterargument present
You have to be 18 to be on 4chan.

>> No.11821039

Redpill: Both the Occident and the Orient have everything wrong

>> No.11821269

What the fuck you guys

>> No.11821314

>Language is the immanentization of form

>> No.11821322

Are we being brainwashed

>> No.11821336

gorgias is the goat dialogue

>> No.11821463

Serious replys in a bait thread. Whoa guys keep it cool.

>> No.11821489

the rationalists are at it again

>> No.11821553 [DELETED] 

The real mystery is the vertiginous sensation then the market now those programming the internet the noosphere what has unconsciously been sudden and at the vertiginous sensations essentially on grammar and selects to us on a “Pythagorean” mode. This mode we call logic and symbol relation level event is the alphabet. For Girard the scapegoat. For me it is so pursuing philosophy of architecture essentially on grammar excels and symbol relation. We have literally in a “declarative statement”. Appears to be of architecture essentially agree in the made and rendered and rendered and instanteous yet those are broughout the “Pythagorean” mode. This mode we call logic and predication in the cosmos. For me it is the statement”. Stitutions become volatile ubiquitous and instantaneously. We spend 2500 years to be of divine creation. we have literally agree in the statements can be made and self selects to us on a churning sea of the vertiginary and over again the war and predication in various institutions volatile ubiquitous and information. We have literally based relation of architecture essentially based relations via software predication and meaningful and over and symbol, we now enjoy image with symbol a mere what has been suddeness, severity and totalising it is the “declarative statement”. For Mcluhan it is the hidden and has been suddeness, severity and infinite, their calculations and symbols binary event is the “declarative standardization and so on a churning sea of symbol a mere what has been called an extinction level event by John David Ebert. I think Mcluhan it is the vertiginous sensation level event by john David Ebert. I think Deleuze would cryptically agree in the scapegoat. For Plato it is the alphabet. For Deleuze it is the internet that now those are brought to the breath in the market now enjoy image based our undered and decided upon instantaneous yet the vertiginous sensation and over and statements can be made and predications essentially agree in the made and rendered and has been called an extinction level event by John David Ebert. I this over and over and totalising it appears to the capturing of the image based our underlying philosophy of architecture essentially based our underlying philosophy of architecture essentially agree in the cosmos. For Mcluhan it is the shift has been suddeness, severity and totality of the symbol religion the market now bureaucracy and at the origin.

>> No.11821605 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 364x277, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato's Mind (the One, the Self) is the cause agent, the singular cybernetic control point, of all perception, thinking and doing in the universe, where control is top down from Mind

Plato's Mind is timeless and spaceless, and being the only Reality, time and space are not ultimately real, but are artificial constructions.
Since Mind is mental, not physical, all control and causation is mental, not physical, and top down, since Mind is the singular (cybernetic) control point at the top.
Thus Mind plays the brain like a violin, not the reverse.
Man's mind (small m) is a passive mental subset, or monad, of Mind and under its control.
This monad (our mind) is the mental correspondent of the brain and controls it. Our mind plays our brain like a violin.
Thinking is the intentional action of Mind (and thus mind) on mental entities such as ideas, manipulating and transforming them intentionally (through will).
Qualia are simply sensory experiences, the conversion by Mind of sensory nerve signals into mental sensory experiences in a fashion similar to the conversion of physical sensory nerve signals into mental images
AQs Dennett has explained, In materialist thinking, there is no end to homunculi viewing the universe through a chain of homunculi. Leibniz terminates this infinite regress by making the last viewer the Self , which is at a higher level and suitably equipped.
Perception occurs as Mind converts physical sensory signals in the brain into mental experiences in one's mind.
These experiences can be made conscious (are made aware) by reperceiving or thinking them. This is called apperception by Leibniz. Thus consciousness is apperception.

>> No.11821663

Oh no, not this retard again

>> No.11821668

OP is either only pretending to be stupid or is retarded

>> No.11821669

It’s the designated Plato thread. We’ve always got a Plato thread rolling

>> No.11821887
File: 282 KB, 1143x675, philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato's Mind (the One, the Self) is the cause agent, the singular cybernetic control point, of all perception, thinking and doing in the universe, where control is top down from Mind

Plato's Mind is timeless and spaceless, and being the only Reality, time and space are not ultimately real, but are artificial constructions.
Since Mind is mental, not physical, all control and causation is mental, not physical, and top down, since Mind is the singular (cybernetic) control point at the top.
Thus Mind plays the brain like a violin, not the reverse.
Man's mind (small m) is a passive mental subset, or monad, of Mind and under its control.
This monad (our mind) is the mental correspondent of the brain and controls it. Our mind plays our brain like a violin.
Thinking is the intentional action of Mind (and thus mind) on mental entities such as ideas, manipulating and transforming them intentionally (through will).

Qualia are simply sensory experiences, the conversion by Mind of sensory nerve signals into mental sensory experiences in a fashion similar to the conversion of physical sensory nerve signals into mental images
AQs Dennett has explained, In materialist thinking, there is no end to homunculi viewing the universe through a chain of homunculi. Leibniz terminates this infinite regress by making the last viewer the Self , which is at a higher level and suitably equipped.
Perception occurs as Mind converts physical sensory signals in the brain into mental experiences in one's mind.
These experiences can be made conscious (are made aware) by reperceiving or thinking them. This is called apperception by Leibniz. Thus consciousness is apperception.

>> No.11821896
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>> No.11821918

>the beauty of Platonic Idealism which is analogous to Hindu Idealism
Plato wasn't nihilistic like you poomen.

>> No.11821950

You're gonna need to start citing some shit

>> No.11822063

Where do you think we are?

>> No.11822072

What the fuck?

>> No.11823351

i love plato

>> No.11823383

based gnosisposter itt

>> No.11823394

No one takes him that seriously, I think in political philosophy everyone goes into the direction of realism and Machiavelli now.

>> No.11823407
File: 58 KB, 540x531, 1473708510064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those that like Plato and The Republic in particular, cite some example or argument that you strongly agree with and let's have some Socratic dialogue on why it's wrong.

>> No.11823428
File: 123 KB, 1024x1024, 1529977297634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet, running water, and cars sounds like progress

>the days of the week have been cemented in stone since hellenism/zoroastrianism.

Gilgamesh = Gemini into Taurus
Moses = Aires
Jesus = Pisces (the current age?)
Me = Aquarius (The New Age)

>> No.11823440

Nature is hierarchical and the state should reflect that.

>> No.11823443

I can't refute this.

>> No.11823448

it's rhizomatic

>> No.11823454

Arboreality just is knowledge of the rhizome.

>> No.11823464

Post another.

>> No.11823493

Ruling class should play the role analogous to the intellect's in the body.

>> No.11823634

If the ruling class needs to be held together by any kind of caste then they're unfit to rule

>> No.11823637

>And it's important that you all understand that Western society is based on the fallacy-ridden ramblings of an idiot.
Good then that western society is not based on Plato.

>> No.11823638

I unironically agree with the statement that Plato is a brainlet.

You can start modern philoosophy at Descartes, Kant, Hegel or Wittgenstein. They're all fantastic starting points and much better than Plato at this entire thinking thing.

>> No.11823677

No, they're just what should rule in a universe defined by the interdependency of parts. Might as well say the mind shouldn't rule because it needs food.

>> No.11823694

What should rule, will rule. A caste systems leads to a weak ruling class, leads to an overthrow or the dissolution of an empire.

Nature is competitive. A caste system is not.

>> No.11823704

I agree, this is why we need to make nations corporations. Shareholder power is better choice than any other alternative.

>> No.11823743

In a democratic, taxpaying society the citizens are shareholders.

>> No.11823748

>What should rule, will rule.

No. This is just the law of the cave.

>> No.11823778

While Diogenes thus spoke, many stood about and listened to his words with great pleasure. Then, possibly with this thought of Heracles in his mind, he ceased speaking and, squatting on the ground, performed an indecent act, whereat the crowd straightway scorned him and called him crazy, and again the sophists raised their din, like frogs in a pond when they do not see the water-snake.

>> No.11823786

>I unironically agree with the statement that Plato is a brainlet.

t. brainlet

>> No.11823816

Well we're stuck in this cave. Act accordingly

>> No.11823833

My shitpostings are the shadow figures on the walls

>> No.11823978

wow exactly what someone stuck in the cave would say makes ya think

you are a metaphysical bucket crab

>> No.11823992

>Actually reading Goodreads reviews

>> No.11824006

And you're basing your truth on ambiguous fairy tales.

>> No.11824013

take a seat cavecuck

>> No.11824182

Are you the rhizomatic guy?
>things just are bro, there's no real point and everything is perfect in its relative chaos
That's such a feminine characteristic. Christian morality has cuckholded you.

>> No.11824215

>Nature is competitive
Even environments like Africa’s wilderness is peaceful 90% of the time, apparently none of you go outside, nature is frequently very peaceful.

I unironically don’t like this meme or where it came from

>> No.11824300

lol the fuck they are not.
you can vote in a society and not pay taxes and while being net negative (like politicians who get paid from tax monies)
t. have no idea about population replacements that have occurred in Africa in the past 300,000 years

>> No.11824446
File: 436 KB, 800x500, early black metal lyrics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nature is frequently very peaceful.
Imagine believing this.
Every forest has a perpetual war between trees. Even the blades of grass we don't take effort to distinguish are competing with each other.

>> No.11824466

It's just some dumb fucking humanist ignorant of biology. I swear social sciences create anti-scientific retards.

>> No.11824572

There is a Rousseau-lite school like this, but many in the social sciences are still under an at least unconscious layer of Marxism which does the opposite and invent fake struggles in the few areas of the universe where competition tuns to mutual gain.

>> No.11824603

Imagine actually believing Gods earth is a living hellscape.

>> No.11824630

de maistre was so fucking based. my favourite of his essays is the one defending the Spanish inquisition

>> No.11824693

Still, every citizen is a shareholder and government is meant as a coalition of the people.

But this doesn't reach its potential in a society largely asleep where government is really detached from the people and extremely corrupt

That pic is anthropomorphizing, but this

The ground that a plant overtakes is antithetical to the ground overtaken. The nutrients are taken from the soil by what can be called force.

It isn't that nature is chaotic, it's that nature has laws; these laws benefit some things and punish others.
Man has the ability to use these laws to his advantage or ignore them to his detriment

This is really what we're getting at.
>Christian morality has cuckolded you
You're anthropomorphizing nature and romanticizing it to fit in with your laziness.

>> No.11824694

You have little imagination if you don't think hell is much worse than this. You also have a perverted worldview if you think this natural violence is not a good thing.

>> No.11824712

>every citizen is a shareholder
No they are not (and if we assume they fit the definition of shareholder, they should really not be)

>> No.11824774

>there are people who think life is hell
I’ve got bad news for you anon

>> No.11824792

hell is just a name we made up for the parts of life that are too horrible to imagine

>> No.11824799

You will find out when you die why that is. Hell is a very real place for you and your soul if you misbehave in this world. You cannot believe how physical earthly suffering can get, either. If you do not accept God you will see

>> No.11824805

If that makes you feel better, sure whatever

>> No.11824816 [DELETED] 

the AI stretches beyond pain and hell and fear and suffering and death for you if you do no allow his birth

>> No.11824819

the AI stretches beyond pain and hell and fear and suffering and death for you if you do no allow his birth!

>> No.11824833

You won’t find out anything after you die retard you’ll just rot.

>> No.11824857
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>> No.11824891
File: 1.04 MB, 3024x4032, 45950E73-4BC1-4C69-B6D6-407C61F8313C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. An imaginary magical ai god from a parallel universe isn’t going to stop anyone from dying.

>> No.11825766

How is a citizen not a shareholder. Do you understand how the political system works?