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11816922 No.11816922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Kinda scary but also inspirational!

>> No.11817445


>> No.11817465


>> No.11817521

Implying Trump could ever vocalize a coherent thought without interrupting himself to brag

>> No.11817577

While I agree the level of hate Trump supporters get is unwarranted, it's not like the opposition to his ideology is unwarranted.
This is a man who quite literally has the psychology of a dictator, and shows absolute content for the democratic norms that has prevented America from descending into totalitarianism for 200 years. Now I'm not saying Trump will unequivocally turn America into the Authoritarian States of America (brought to you by Coke(tm)!), but his words and deeds set precedents for something like this to happen in the future, which would be a dark day for all humanity.

>> No.11817579

democracy is satanic and must be ended soon

>> No.11817610

Yeah, no, democracy is the only safeguard a civilisation has from just straight up letting the rich and powerful fuck over whomever it is they see fit (poor people, minorities, people who hold different ideologies, etc.) as well as preventing a country from declaring war on whoever the fuck it wants.

I know you don't care about other human beings, but that doesn't mean they're not worthy of consideration. Dictatorship and fascism are peak degeneratio.

>> No.11817621


So powerful

>> No.11817622

No. US should be dissolved and replaced with 19,354 Singapore-like city state joint-stock technocracies with a dictator-like CEO position answerable to a board of directors

>> No.11817629

shut the fuck up

>> No.11817641

>Look folks, believe me, the reality is, and it's true, it's really true, the reality is that these elites, these globalists, they're-and it's horrible, so horrible, how many of them came after me. I beat so many, in that election I beat seventeen opponents, and they're still campaigning, crooked hillary and goofy, goofy, Pocahontas, they're against me, but I'm not the one they're really after. Think about it. These globe- these people, the one they're really after, and I say this, I've said this all the time, it's true, really it's true, these people are really after you, the people of the United States, they're after- they're coming for your jobs, they're coming for... whatever, and they're all attacking me, not because, and I say this all the time cause it's true, and not a lot of people like it, but it's true, and you- you have to, you have to realize, it's these people, in reality, they're not after- and they're so viscous too, it's really horrible isn't it? It is, it really is. But the reason, the reason they're so adamant, in coming after me, and let's be honest I beat them and I beat them bad, I really did. It was humiliating for them. But I said, I say it all the time "I went into it to win," and I did, I beat them very badly, and now, they're coming after me, but I'm not the one they're after, you see, I'm just- when I beat them, I'm just in the way, of them getting to you, and I love you, I love my supporters, don't I folks? Don't I? I really do, it's so... and let's face it? These people are nasty. Very, very nasty people. And I'm just in the way, I'm getting in the way of them, coming after you. It's true, it is. And what makes them so mad is, I won. I did, I really beat them. And so, folks, the reality is, they're not after me, though they are really trying very hard. You see this Muellor? Ugh, he's weak, it's really sad, but now, and let's face it, but now, they're all saying, the press, they're all saying "oh Muellor is a tough guy, Trump is nervous about-" folks, do I seem nervous to you? No, it's- I'm in the way. Face the facts folks, it's true. And I love this country, and I love our vets, and I love- oh and by the way, I love this country, and that's why I'm gonna secure the borders. Isn't that right? I'm going to- we're going to build a great wall, if these, well, if, and I've said it, always, it's true. Isn't it true? It's just sad really, how they're going after me, because I am what's standing in the way of them destroying this country, and they do, they are, they want to destroy this country, that's not gonna happen on my watch folks

>> No.11817681

Many of the American Founding Fathers considered Democracy to be a gateway to the rich and powerful controlling the nation, as the rich and powerful have the near-uncontested ability to sway public opinion through their funding, media control, business ventures, et cetera. Seeing the hold that certain elements have over the public opinion at the moment, I'm fully inclined to agree. Most people are just getting their news off of a Facebook/Twitter/Google feed, you're effectively looking at the possibility of millions of worldviews shifting through tweaks in an algorithm, allowing the rich and powerful to exert large portions of control directly through the people.
The Senate, Executive, and Judiciary were all supposed to guard against a "rule by aristocracy" in their own ways, but it seems like at least two of those have been compromised throughout the course of American history; although some Founding Fathers even predicted that happening. Some argued very convincingly for lifetime appointments to the Senate so a senator doesn't have to rely on gladhanding towards either the populace or the rich for re-election.

You ought to read Ketcham's selection of Constitutional Convention source documents, and for more ratification-era source documents, Bailyn's collections. Past Bailyn you'll only find larger collections in exceedingly specialized publications.

As for wars, an armed citizenry will never fight a war that it doesn't consent to.

>> No.11817697

Yeah, he really showed them with that $1.5 trillion tax cut.

>> No.11817707 [DELETED] 

have you ever had your shit pushed in

>> No.11817740

Maybe, and only maybe, direct democracy (voting on all major issues) could be a safeguard with a mentally capable and well-informed populace (that doesn't sink into complacency). Otherwise, democracy isn't a safeguard in the long term as the sheep are easily led.

>> No.11817755

Remember that some people believe this shit.

>> No.11817774


>> No.11817802

In the Roman republic the tribunes of the plebs were simply bought off by the senators. I wonder if they had that in mind?

>> No.11817804
File: 24 KB, 370x321, 94C39C6C-8846-4ECD-AF59-4B6D43C4AE9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replaced with 19,354 Singapore-like city state joint-stock technocracies with a dictator-like CEO position answerable to a board of directors
Fuck. No.


>> No.11817808

I don't like the if-if-if nigger, I just think the way Trump rambles is funny and wanted to rewrite the meme the way Trump would say it

>> No.11817810

Books for this?

>> No.11817819

City states of America should be run by philosopher kings and the gerousia and regularly engage in ritualistic flower war style warfare with neighboring city states to maintain the virility of the populace, none of this LARPy ancap crapitalism shit.

>> No.11817828

To what degree do you think the US is democratic? As long as you have individualism 300 million can't be represented by two parties, and you can't safeguard the interests of the country when all decisions are made by a handful of wealthy people who are sworn to the ideology of capital.

>> No.11817838

>Many of the American Founding Fathers considered Democracy to be a gateway to the rich and powerful controlling the nation
>but it seems like at least two of those have been compromised throughout the course of American history; although some Founding Fathers even predicted that happening
Big if true.

>> No.11817875
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t. figured it all out

>> No.11818385


>> No.11818403

I wish he had the mindset of a dictator

>> No.11818495

All kids from the age of 7 should be forced into a military education system. Let's call it an agoge?

>> No.11818688

so true

>> No.11818701

/CursedBoomerImages/ general?

>> No.11818713

That is him bragging though

>> No.11818722

he probably doesn't even know that word

>> No.11818913

...some of the Founding Fathers? They were rich bondholders interested in protecting their investments from the likely scenario of individual states defaulting on their debts. I don't think you fully understand the situation under which the American constitution was framed.

Wealth was primarily in the form of landed property in those days. Of course a big issue is corporations today which legally developed haphazardly throughout the 19th century... but the constitution was framed under an agrarian economy.

The whole notion that you're ever going to get "wise" individuals that can somehow be dispassionate is a pure fiction... life time senators would be even more crazy today when the world changes so fast, most 80 year olds don't even understand computers.

A better arrangement would be a body of elected legislators which would draft legislation that is vetoable by a rotating body which is selected by lot which reflects the will of the people... that includes people no one would ever elect i.e. perverts, criminals, nuts of all sorts, etc, etc

Also the notion of an armed citizenry was based upon late 18th century weapon systems when some of the most advance weapons were very cheap it was a much more even playing field so there's some issues with that today.

>> No.11818943


>> No.11819065

>muh Obongo!


>> No.11819075

>democracy is the only safeguard a civilisation has from just straight up letting the rich and powerful fuck over whomever it is they see fit
>and that's a good thing!

>> No.11819088

He'd still be right.

>> No.11819093

Anything by Moldbug

>> No.11819113

So how are these democracies handling the rich and powerful? Taking loans from them, of course!

>> No.11819153

Off topic pol garbage. Fuck off out of lit faggots

Reported and saged.

>> No.11819581

damn he be right bout this one

>> No.11820292

>wall text
>mind reading
>backwards reasoning
>wild oversimplification
Stop reading politics books.

>> No.11820313
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You know what happens when you do that and say that? Man irony is a bitch.

>> No.11820322

Thanks. I was hoping for something a little more direct and specific on this though.

>> No.11820324

Do mods exist? This thread has nothing to do with literature. An actual thread died for this. Kys OP.

>> No.11820329

>this thread stays up for six hours
Great work jannies

>> No.11820374

Get this off lit
Sage and report

>> No.11820462

See >>11820374

>> No.11820467

Do mods exist? This post has nothing to do with literature. An actual post could have been made instead of this. Kiss Yourself Anon.

>> No.11820480

Awful post