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/lit/ - Literature

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11816802 No.11816802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do we bother with books anymore when podcasts are so much better and more efficient at communicating information? The spoken word is the new written word. I'm seriously considering throwing all my books away and just listening to podcasts from now on? Who needs Gibbon (whose work is totally old fashioned and outdated when you have Dan Carlin? There are more interesting and revolutionary ideas in one Joe Rogan podcast than in the last 50 years of philosophy combined.

Dr Peterson explains it very well below.


>> No.11816806

Because who the fuck wants to hear somebody else's annoying-sounding voice speaking at a slow-as-fuck rate instead of reading something at your own pace in silence?

>> No.11816835

Most people. Book sales are diminishing as podcast downloads are rising.

Reading is the hobby for autists now.

>> No.11816846

Most people are heavily anti-intellectual and have very short attention spans. They're also heavily consumerist, short-sighted, and don't care about actually protecting the environment. They don't, for the most part, represent what humans ought to be doing.

>> No.11816893

Dan Carlin, Joe Rogan and the folks at Radiolab are some of the most intellectual people alive in America today.

>> No.11816906

You gotta go back there.

>> No.11816915

Who says podcasts are the replacement for books? I think most people listen to podcasts while they’re driving or cooking or doing mindless work, instances where you couldn’t read a book anyways. Podcasts are just a way of absorbing information/news/entertainment while doing your everyday activities. You can listen to podcasts during that stuff and then sit down to a good book in the evening, it’s not one or the other.

>> No.11816916

In what way are they not?

>> No.11816928

Because why waste your time reading something when you can listen to an intellectual talk about it (and at the same time be doing other stuff). Books are irrelevant in the modern era.

>> No.11816941
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>Joe Rogan is one of the most intellectual people alive in America today
Even Joe would tell you you're a fucking retard if you actually believe that

>> No.11816971

Rogan's humility doesn't change the fact that he is a great mind who is in the process of changing the culture of America.

>> No.11817009

Why would you want to spend your time doing more than one thing, unless you actually can't bear doing one of those things?

>> No.11817018

You need to reformulate this post.

>> No.11817020

Am I the only one on this board that uses @voice? That thing is advanced technology and it can read any pdf surprisingly smoothly.
If you have trouble reading, I really suggest it.

>> No.11817029

>am I the only one on this board who is a retard with no attention span?

Apparently not.

>> No.11817055

podcasts seem cool. Ive never tried one, but i imagine our minds are a bit more prepared to handle audio over text communication (consider the evolutionarily perspective). I dont quite understand the hate at all, except to out people who, ironically enough, dont conform to your standards of appearing intellectual.

>> No.11817064

At the most, you could say nonfiction books are outmoded, but I’m even dubious of that. Fiction, on the other hand, is a medium of art that in many cases cannot be effectively translated to an auditory mode. Try listening to The Sound and the Fury and tell me how that works out for you.

>> No.11817069

Fiction is purely audiovisual now.

>> No.11817077

Christ, you're a tepid cunt.

>> No.11817149

It doesn’t have to be that way.

>> No.11817205

>I'm seriously considering throwing all my books away and just listening to podcasts from now on?
Do this.

>> No.11817214

That's the way it's going.

>> No.11817225

Am I a pleb for listening to audiobooks? I used to like podcasts but I replaced them

>> No.11817238

You're several rungs below a pleb, I'm afraid.

>> No.11817355

can u expand on that

>> No.11817360

based and logocentric

>> No.11817439

U boar mee

>> No.11817586

>written fiction

lel fiction books have been obsolete since the film camera was invented. They won't even exist in 30 years.

>> No.11817600

I'mma let you finish but book sales have been increasing steadily for a few years now.

>> No.11817645

Haha incorrect. Next.

>> No.11817669

The amount of good film and TV is a tiny fraction of the good books available and audio visual media is so costly to make that it is often limited either to small scale or low complexity, mass appeal fluff.

>> No.11817674

>Reading is the hobby for autists now.
It always was, fucklord.

>> No.11817675

boy this thread is such bait that you should be thankful I replied

>> No.11817679

t. popsci reader

>> No.11817685

alright /lit/, it's gone on long enough.
we have to kill him.

>> No.11817993

>prefering speech over writing
Just deconstruct my shit up.

>> No.11818008

Only podcast worth listening to are cum town and Chapo trap house, because they are funny. Period

>> No.11818037

You can tell this post is a falseflag because no one with a sense of humor """developed""" enough to enjoy cumtown would find cth anything but extremely cringy and tryhard, and anyone who actually enjoys cth would find cumtown offensive and problematic. You're more likely to find overlap between cumtown and mde (ie literally /pol/tards) than cumtown and cth.

>> No.11818103

People who say this have never dived deeper than very basic surface level information on any topic. I burn thought the fucking internet quick thank, god I have access to a library and torrent sites. Imagine thinking you know anything from just listening to a podcast, it's idiotic. I'm talking about history too, imagine being so fucking dumb you think you have a solid grasp at anything because you listened to history of rome. All it does it literally just make it's existence known, like so and so did this. That's it. Imagine being so fucking retarded you have no need to learn more about it

>> No.11818121

You’re baiting but podcasts are great to listen to while doing household chores.

>> No.11818136

Books also 'died' when tv came about. Podcasts are simply having their time in the light because of lazy fucking idiots who want to feel more productive.

>> No.11818138

Rogan has come a long way and has a great format and is now the perfect host for that format but hes no intellectual and no great mind. How is he any different from a good television host with a real interest in his guests? One that doesnt just sell the shit they are there to sell.

>> No.11818145

fuck off with your utalitarizum

>> No.11818156

I’ve recently noticed this. I’m new to both cth and ct but the more I listen to ct the more I find cth unbearably tryhard

>> No.11818226

Haha everything you said was fucking wrong.

>> No.11818230

>replies to bait as to not feel lonely


>> No.11818250

Or doing your home accounting.

Man, I've got a huuge backlog of unverified, so to speak of, accounting. I've got two med sized paper bags of receipts! XD

>> No.11818261

Podcasts are really boring.

>> No.11818277
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>> No.11818296

this is now a REC ME A POD THREAD
officially derailed

gimme sum of you favourite pods, be it literature, science, subcultures, idc

>> No.11818302
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the audiobook is our last hope
the podcast really isn't that much different

>> No.11818303
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Yeah, I'm just un-JUSTING my life.

It's a hard work, but it's honest work.

>> No.11818331

Podcasts are much too slow unless you play them to 3x speed (or higher), and at that speed you're going to miss words occasionally and have to rewind, which is annoying.

>> No.11818356
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Quality bait thread

>> No.11818396

i fuckin love listening to a podcast while doing my laundry.

There are cool longform podcasts that I think are interesting examples of journalism. I've recently enjoyed Caliphate, Caught and Aftereffect.

The only literary podcast I've listened to is KCRW's Bookworm. The Tao Lin episode after Taipei is pretty funny because they just have a stoned ass conversation about retreating into a world of complete imagination that goes on for like half an hour.

I drive a fair amount, so I like podcasts.

>> No.11818530

>Podcasts are much too slow unless you play them to 3x speed (or higher), and at that speed you're going to miss words occasionally and have to rewind, which is annoying.

>> No.11818562

>has to receive constant stimulation
>cannot focus on task in hand
>cannot be alone with his thoughts
I feel sorry for you.

>> No.11819431

isnt mullen literally flatmates with someone from cth

>> No.11819524
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Jordan Patterson changed my life

>> No.11819877

The problem with podcasts is that you're also listening to someones bias and interpretation of the source material. I'd rather read the source material myself. I trust my own interpretations. Not Jordan Peterson's.

>> No.11819885
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Only losers read books, don't tell me some of you here unironically fell for the "meme".

>> No.11819889

>he is a great mind


>> No.11819899

Because the people who make those podcasts that are worth a damn have read. If you want power read a book, if you want to regurgitate others thoughts listen to podcasts. Podcasts have their use but to think they'll replace books is the mindset of a sheep.

>> No.11819907

because it's obviously not about truth, facts, logic or science, but about the way the discourse is presented.

>> No.11819927

this, it doesn't matter what book it is, reading the hardest philosopher is better than listening to someone talk about that philosopher, why drink water out of a bucket when you can go to the river