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11803986 No.11803986 [Reply] [Original]

Name me books that give me a genuine insight of the fascist mindset that isn't Mein Kampf.

>> No.11804052

The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich pretty much explains it. The man could literally found the cure for cancer, its amazing to think how long it took for them to realise that he had to be destroyed.

>> No.11804055


>> No.11804059

This, orgone therapy was brutally suppressed by IG Farben.

>> No.11804067
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>marxist analysis of fascism

>> No.11804069


>> No.11804071

The doctrine of fascism, 100 questions or whatever by mosley, my legionarios by codreanu, giovanni gentile

>> No.11804075

Journey to the End of the Night - Celine
On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History - Carlyle

>> No.11804083


>> No.11804090

>t. didn't read it
Its actually really well written, i enjoyed it. It basically explains how fascism is attractive to those who fail to achieve "orgastic experience". It really isn't about marxism, the people that tell you Reich is one of (((them))) suffer from that very same issue as the nazi supporters.

“Ungratified sexuality is readily transformed into rage." as can easily be observed on this very website.

>> No.11804125

Oh vey

>> No.11804135

The prince?
Typically any authoritarian perspective will give you a fascist’s perspective

>> No.11804140
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>> No.11804145

are you writing this unironically? you make it sound even worse, as in pop-psychoanalytic garbage

>> No.11804146

mussolini, mosley, d'annunzio, codreanu and so on were hardly sexually repressed. hitler could be argued to be an exception and even he had sex.

when talking about the followers of ideology it might be generally more likely, but it's hardly unique to any one doctrine. most unstable people who are ungratified in their personal lives tend to drift to extremism of one sort or another. most revolutionaries are not happy people.

>> No.11804152

what makes different fascism and communism is totalitarianism, not authoritarianism, authoritarianism is a very different beast where authority and "regular life" are clearly separated and don't mix, totalitarianism is where power permeates everything down to shaping the everyday life of the subjects underneath it, most totalitarianism is even clearly democratic in a way, as in it fuels itself by and it amplifies the lower instincts of the masses, it doesn't have a drive or direction independent of the masses

>> No.11804156

>“Ungratified sexuality is readily transformed into rage." as can easily be observed on this very website.
As can easily be observed on this very website, once you're entirely bought into a hedonist bastardization of Freudian theory designed to serve the needs of consumer capitalism in the 20th and 21st century

Yeah good "observation" dude

>> No.11804187
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FaScIsM iS wHen YoU aRe AuThOrItArIan

>> No.11804195

Instead of using a Facebook meme, you could easily imitate your feelings by just using green text and all that that implies, and you won’t look like a tremendous faggot like you do now.

>> No.11804227
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>i-im not wrong and retarded you're just le reddit/facebook boogeyman

>> No.11804239

Pretty clear no one read the book, its fine, i'll help you. Orgastic experience is not the same as sex or "cumming". Sex can be a very sadistic, masochistic, energetically perverted, etc. experience, nothing to do with free flowing orgastic potency as reich describes it. Most people, especially in those days, are psychologically blocked from this free flow of orgastic energy and it is very much a bastardisation by the hegemonic system that is actively suppressing the self-determination and freedom of individuals, some choose to describe this as "consumer capitalism", that has twisted Reich's revolutionary success in achieving just that into some kind of hippy hedonism movement, while overhyping the massively flawed and deeply futile Freudian approach to psychological "treatment" that is so obviously marred by his own neuroses and lack of orgastic potency.

If you are actually interest in understanding "orgastic potency", read the function of the orgasm and there is a lot of good books on what is sometimes called the tao of sex that explains some of the partner based elements of orgastic energy flow and exchange.

>> No.11804264

sounds like a bunch of commie gobbledygook

>> No.11804267
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>orgastic potency: (psychology) The ability to experience full orgasmic gratification while engaging in the sexual act, a condition only possible for people without neuroses.
so, essentially an unfalsifiable hypothesis

>> No.11804269

Can the left ever have a discussion without turning everything into a matter of sex?

>> No.11804295

Three tries.. and three fails.. Sorry lads, guess your not made for self determination and freedom, better luck next life!

PS I wont be reading your replies, not even sure why I am bothering to write again, but if you do ever manage to read and understand a non-hegemony recommended book like "the function of the orgasm", you will feel very silly about kneejerk responses like those and your former lives as NPCs. Good luck!

>> No.11804299


>> No.11804316

I've seen some noteworthy analyzes of far-right thinking:
- The theory that young men are naturally contrarian, so will oppose the "dominant" system of values just for the sake of it
- The theory of physical differences in brain structure, mainly the "disgust" and "threat recognition" centers

But the theory of "free flowing orgastic potency" is the worst bullshit I've read this week, and I visit /lit/ daily.