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11799444 No.11799444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can Anime be an artform despite the fact that only Neon Genesis Evangelion so far has been good art?

>> No.11799448

actually now that I think about it, anime isn't a medium because it just falls under the umbrella of film

>> No.11799470
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>> No.11799534

>they haven't watch Akira
I knew /lit/ was normie as fuck

>> No.11799570

And don't come back, you inveterate virgins.

>> No.11799789

And what about Mari?

>> No.11799844

She's sex incarnate and I want her to bear my loins.

>> No.11799846
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Amen, my brother.

>> No.11799871

>only Neon Genesis
Watch more anime. Peferably ones before the 2000's.

>> No.11799925

NGE is just a GR ripoff

>> No.11799935

Akira sucks

>> No.11799957


>> No.11799967
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>> No.11800101
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>to bear my loins
The utter state of /lit/.

>> No.11800117

The Monogatari series is art

>> No.11800120

Akira is normie as fuck you stupid newfag
retarded nigger
they haven’t seen anime, they don’t know what you mean.
this board is dead

>> No.11800132

no you suck

>> No.11800131

>only Neon Genesis Evangelion so far has been good art?

I normally cringe at you retarded Japanophiles but this is on another level.

>> No.11800138

Any creative form can be an artform, even a fucking toilet doodle

>> No.11800144

I didn't know Gravity's Rainbow got an anime?

>> No.11800154

Multiple, Space Dandy is great too

>> No.11800158

Cowboy Bebop is the apotheosis of anime. NGE is trite wankery by comparison.

But Akira is one of the most normie anime there is?

>> No.11800160

back off dude she's mine...

>Cowboy Bebop

>> No.11800174

>babby’s first existential crisis
>”””good art”””

>> No.11800177

Why "no?" It's a masterful feat of storytelling. I literally can't understand how you'd think otherwise.

>> No.11800178

He meant the only good anime is eva, mon ami.

>> No.11800184


>> No.11800186

Whats with the anime threads recently, this board is for books discussion
Please go back to your containment board >>>/a/

>> No.11800195

>summing up the show with 1/10th of it

>> No.11800203

utena is the best anime. rose of versailles and sailor moon get honorable mentions. nothing else registers.

>> No.11800205

not even Nichijou?

>> No.11800211

Its a better 1/10th than the fraction that was haremshit.

>> No.11800217

you just don't understand plotting

>> No.11800236

it was cute and fun but it definitely wasnt /lit/

>> No.11800261

I think you mean pacing, which it killed.

>> No.11800264

It is like the dubliners of anime

>> No.11800289

Oh, you're a moron

>> No.11800311


>> No.11800341

I've always wondered if stupid people know they're stupid. Now I "no"

>> No.11800358

No; you didn't.

>> No.11800360

t. literal shoujo

good taste though

>> No.11800366

What's wrong with the phrase "bear my loins"?

>> No.11800385

Sasuga. Mari is a meta control grid for NPCs, apparently.

>> No.11800398

Big O is the greatest anime to date.
>Existential crisis
>Religious seriousness
>Post WW2 struggles
And most importantly:

>> No.11800405


>> No.11800433

name one other theme

>> No.11800461

Too bad they never finished it properly.

>> No.11800465
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As in pleb filter, or plebs like her?

>> No.11800477

Metatextual deconstruction, man's inhumanity to man juxtaposed against gratuitous violence and suffering, that sort of thing. Also the soundtrack and visuals were nice

>> No.11800541
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I'd say the ending is sufficient for the message it was trying to convey.

>> No.11800543

Exactly what I would like to know, not that it matters. Mari is fapbait.

>> No.11800573

No seriously, what is wrong is with that turn of phrase?

>> No.11800576

Once you start thinking with your dick, you become a temporary NPC.

>> No.11800678
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Not him, but it sounds like you were trying to mean 'bear my children'.

Loins refers to the groinal area / libido, bear means to carry. You're asking her to carry your sex drive / crotch, which doesn't make much sense. So I think he's discounting you based on that.

>> No.11800695

True, but I am too tired or Rei vs Asuka shitfest, and went for Mari, just to agitate rest of the discourse,and bring fresh breeze into shitposting around it.
...And that's why I also have folder dedicated for her. 100% understandable, right?

>> No.11800721

I also beat my dick excessively and exclusively to her.

>> No.11800737


What if somebody liked all three equally?

>> No.11800746

I hate both of them and I hate Mari less because she's hot.

>> No.11800751
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read sorel

>> No.11800767

Go away Sorelspammer, but not before you admit that you want to fuck Mari right in the mouth.

>> No.11800782

The manga is infinitely better than the film. It peaks it's own comic medium to high visual art.

>> No.11800824


A useless character only introduced for the sake of merchandising. She hasn't had a real development or important influence on the plot until now. She just exists to make fanservice scenes. Anno has become a parody of himself: create NGE as a critique of the scapism and alienation of otaku culture and japanese youth in general, and then he comes with the unsubstantial and fetishistic rebuilds where plane characters like Maki exists.

>> No.11800860
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More /His/ and /Pol/ than /lit/, but a masterpiece of the genre nonetheless. It's the anime equivalent of War and Peace

>> No.11800886

I wish the tactics were a little more complex, but LotGH is one of the few space operas that actually focused on the "opera" part. The character interaction is nothing less than godly.

>> No.11800936

Evangelion is the greatest work of art of all time

>> No.11800946

the mechas look cool

>> No.11800962

I actually find at least two of the works it took inspiration from to be better works of "art" but I can understand how someone unfamilar with the genre would disagree.

>> No.11801030

Which works are you referring to?

>> No.11801059

Zeta Gundam and Devilman manga.

>> No.11801060

not him but Sailor Moon S

>> No.11801189

>over Haruhi
I love Eva, but Haruhi has better pacing and more to say. Definitely the best the medium has to offer.

>> No.11801242

SEL was the peak. Nothing else really compares.

>> No.11801322

The original Devilman manga was great. A shame the OVAs were never finished. Crybaby is shit except for the last two episodes.

>> No.11801484

I'd say the visuals are art in bakemono. As far as writing it only has a couple good points, the rest are average or plain bad.

>> No.11801505

Not even the visuals are good, they are presented af if they were good but they aren't.

>> No.11801512

How much of Monogatari have you seen? I think Monogatari Second Season is the best written, especially Hitagi End

>> No.11801534

Kill La Kill tbqh

>> No.11801550

both waifus shit, but this image is particularly shit because rei is a mass-produced emotionless robot. Her showing emotion once in a blue moon is a defect in her programming

>> No.11801570

Could be I just liked the color schemes and the style of it, but I think it was well done even with my own bias. I agree they do push the "artsy" thing pretty hard but that doesn't make the visuals bad.

Kaiki's story was the good part of that season. Compared to other anime being made these days it's much better. Relating it to western movies and tv shows its still above average, but it doesn't rank as "really good". It would be really good if it didn't put in the stupid shit they put in every anime ever made. But if NISIOISIN didn't do that it wouldn't have been popular enough to get anime funding. Good borderline case considering the industry.

>> No.11801583

Them trying to push artsy shit doesn't make it bad, it being bad makes it bad.
two digit iq.

>> No.11801651

>Can anime be an art form

>Despite the fact that only Neon Genesis Evangelion so far has been good art
There are others: Serial Experiments Lain, Texhnolyze, Ping Pong, FLCL, to name a few

>> No.11801700

This is a dumb meme, but it's a good counterpoint to idiots like >>11801550 who don't recognise that it's Asuka that is the "doll", not Rei.

>> No.11801751

If Asuka doesn't have the capability for reason, how does she have a university degree?

>> No.11801762

Because her environment tell her to.

>> No.11801773
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I guess that makes sense