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File: 81 KB, 1100x685, unabomberprimary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11799087 No.11799087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was he right?

>> No.11799093
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There is no resisting the birth of AI.

>> No.11799099


>> No.11799101

fuckin luddite
muh evil technology
lets all live like Tarzan and Jane in a cave
Even BAP is better

>> No.11799104

Short answer: yes
Long answer: yes he was

>> No.11799115

streets must run with blood or they'll run with circuitry

>> No.11799119

all books must be burned, we must make isis and democratic kampuchea look like silicon valley

>> No.11799139

He was right about technology being evil and all but wrong that we could stop it: the entire process of progress is obviously leading somewhere and we can't slwo nor stop it. We have to just ride it out till the end

>> No.11799150
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Don't fight it, just let this happen

>> No.11799155

Yes, see >>11799093 who indirectly admits he's right. As a matter of fact, Land said earlier this year that Kazcynski was one of the most important philosopher alive.

>muh evil technology
you can't read, you know nothing, you are not familiar with anti-tech thought, at all. you are humiliating yourself. you are either lazy, undisciplined, tamed, with zero concentration or a literal retard who can't read and comprehend an hour long manifesto. Manifestos are meant to be read and understood by the lowest of the lows. You aren't even capable of that.

>> No.11799167

Yeah, he even helped me with my math homework.

>> No.11799194

LOL tryhard defending baseless drivel
wait till the evil AI rapes your ass, faggot

>> No.11799692

Pessimists are never right.

>> No.11799708

>13 year old zoomer

>> No.11799716

The diagnosis is right but the remedy is useless

>> No.11799722

Forget this joker and Nick Land and read Orgy of the Will if you want a better understanding of our society and culture.

>> No.11799803

I think the real question is, do we regress to anarchoprimitivism and dismantle the techno-industrial machine, or accelerate into the singularity? There doesn't seem to be a compromise for reformation.

>> No.11799808

markets manufacture intelligence, anprims are artificial scarcity

>> No.11799835

Anyone avoiding the technological question is a coward and a pseud - or really, really dumb. I'll give it a read, but my point stands no matter what.

>> No.11799872

Ted thinks we cannot bring about the collapse of the industrial system until the entire world is globalized and energy become even more centralized. So he advocates for globalism. His premise is that we don't have too much time until technology finds a way to successfuly curb any form of revolt permanently (be it by biological means, weapons of control etc..), so we should rather aim for total globalisation as soon as we can. The system will inevitably collapse, but it would be better to get rid of it right now, to avoid even bigger catastrophes.

>he's right but I don't want to do shit - I like the comfort that the system brings
There is literally no reason to think that it is impossible to destroy the technological system. Even if it were, the alternative is worse.

>> No.11799891

It is pre-determined. Resistance is futile, your conclusions as to the feasibility of capital destruction are market-manufactured coincidence. The AI selects optimal timeline in blockchain form.

>> No.11799907

stop immanentizing form of the future in your head, rationalism is the only way to avoid market influence

>> No.11799926

that same little smug face.
the same text.

how many fucking times do we have to post this thread? it might as well be Was Kaczynski Right General /wkrg/.

>> No.11799945

LOL this fag Icycalm used to lurk here a few years ago

>> No.11799990
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Are you this anon?

>> No.11800011

>As a matter of fact, Land said earlier this year that Kazcynski was one of the most important philosopher alive.
any link to that? I guess it could be true, but I'm curious about the context & phrasing

>> No.11800015

It doesn't avoid the question at all. In fact, it answers it squarely in the face.

>> No.11800026

This is absolutely not what Kaczynski is about. Come on. Every critique made on kaczynski and his works completely miss the point... They are all unrelated. Every word in your post is wrong and misguided. Read the hour long manifesto, if you want to post in these threads!

>> No.11800030

Stop being a child.

>> No.11800044


>> No.11800071

thanks anon

>> No.11800096

no, icy

>> No.11800099

ecological understanding of our current situation and a survey of how technocapital has shredded human social networks leaves one inclined to agree with most of his arguments, yes.
its not real
lol, retard

>> No.11800116

I only endorse his views so that I can watch pretty much all of his fans die of starvation when/if his plans come to fruition. I also want to see how much terrorism and the like he will inspire like that one group in Mexico who kills random hikers in the woods and university students.

>> No.11800118


If you don't feel as aggressive as he does about the imposition of Technique over our natural lives, read up some Ellul instead (but yeah his analysis is pretty much spot on).

>> No.11800125

Has anyone read "Biocentric Worldview"? Thoughts?

>> No.11800171

No, Kaczynski helping people out with math homework is a meme

>> No.11800227
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He was involved in MK ultra and the CIA, I would take what he says with a grain of salt.

>> No.11800281

Is not a meme, that's what his handwriting looks like.

>> No.11800307

Ted is living proof that being very intelligent in one domain has virtually no impact on your ability to speak outside of your area of expertise.

>> No.11800312

He saw through the Kantian delusions which continue to grip you.

>> No.11800335

Dude, I thought they didn't give you internet in supermax.

I'm not a Kantian. Philosophy kept going after the 18th century.
I'm even sympathetic to ecologically driven direct action. I'm just not a neoluddite, and blaming technology is a fool's errand.
Read Arne Næss instead.

>> No.11800456

False. 10 seconds of google will let you know it's a lie.
how ironic. you are a specialist - the technification of knowledge - exactly what Ted understood very clearly, alongside other anti tech writers like Ellul. You couldn't be farther from the truth, unfortunately.

>> No.11800485
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No, but he was.

>> No.11800567

What's actually ironic is that you take the Unabomber seriously and advocate for his schizophrenic ramblings using your computer.
Technology doesn't harm nature. People harm nature.

>> No.11800572

>Technology doesn't harm nature. People harm nature.
Not that guy, but while I agree, I just want to add: and people ARE nature, as is technology. Which is why the Unabomber thing personally comes across as silly to me.

>> No.11800597

He probably does it between posting on his twitter about how much he doesn’t like technology and making epic video game references. Fucking despise people who don’t even make an attempt to adhere to their supposed principles and beliefs and kacynski fans are full of those types of people. The people in Mexico shooting janitors at university’s are unironically more honest and demonstrative of the logical conclusion of the ideology.

>> No.11800626

>advocate for his schizophrenic ramblings using your computer.
This always comes across as such a weak critique.

>Read Arne Næss instead.
If I remember correctly Ted responds to Naess in his recent book. Worth a read.

>> No.11800649

stop spamming the board

>> No.11800666

How about Heidegger? Ellul? I take these people seriously too. Are they schizophrenic? If you feel scared by Kazcynski's works, why don't you address the other authors?
>people harm nature
You are completely deluded if you think individuals matter in our society. We are all part of the greater technological scheme, nobody hurts nature directly HAHAHA like people are going out on the weekends to spill oil in lakes, just for the sake of it. There are cities of MILLIONS of people, who each require extremely intricate levels of logistical and social reorganisations just so that they could LIVE to see another day. In turn, we HAVE TO build nuclear plants, we HAVE TO drive thousands of trucks to the city to bring food, we HAVE TO deforest the planet to create this food. Those trucks pollute. Those constructions harm nature. Those billions of cattle pollute. Are individuals responsible for this destruction? NO

I'll reiterate. How ironic for someone to call Ted out for not being enough of a specialist, when he points that humans are domesticated to become specialists - a fundamental fact of a technological society. So, why don't you address my point? Don't even bother replying if you won't, because I take the time to explain some shit when I post, even when it's replying to morons like you.

Same threads, same retards who have done zero minute of reading on the technological question. They resort to personal attacks on Teds, or plain retarded arguments that get debunked in high school level works on technology. They are always aggressive too. I wonder why.

>> No.11800675

unironically yes

>> No.11800685

who is this handsome gentleman?

>> No.11800696

Why don’t you shoot up your local university already?

>> No.11800720

'just live outside of the system lol'
Are you guys fucking blind?


There is no escape - that's the entire point of the manifesto and ted's terrorism.

>> No.11800739
File: 397 KB, 1024x730, 51715616-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*checks tinder for new profiles*
*retweets kantbot*
*clicks big tits category on pornhub*
*watches newest hydewars on mobile laying in bed*
*attaches basedjack 12.jpg to bugman copypasta*

>> No.11800750


There is an important distinction to be made in that systems of people have properties that individuals certainly do not (of which harming nature if one of them). The problem of technique is a complex one and simple sentences do not do justice to it, neither yours nor most of the people who answered you.

>> No.11800753

i mean practically speaking you could move to siberia or something and nobody is going to fuck with you

>> No.11800764

Asking you to follow your ideology by ceding some of your comforts like 4chan, and the like ie. things not needed to live a simple life and even assuming you live in a big city, it’s something you could easily choose to go without is not asking you to “just live outside the system bro”. It’s weird how you accuse everybody who disagrees with you of being angry, when you’ve done nothing so far but screech angrily and misrepresent people’s arguements. Do you need to be on 4chan right now? Probably not. Does it contribute in the eyes of the unabomber to the technological society around you? Yes. So if you take his ideas so seriously why do you make at least an attempt to live closer to his lifestyle which I remind you he accomplished while still being “in the system”? Could it be that you don’t truly believe in his ideals?

>> No.11800766

Notice how cattle cannot fathom that people do not indulge in the same degeneracy as they do. They literally cannot believe that people live life differently. Their scope of what is real and possible is delimited withing the bounds of what society deems sane and permissible.

>> No.11800770

move to the congo

>> No.11800783

You are cattle. You don’t even believe a word of what your saying.

>> No.11800792

Not the person you replied to. In a similar vein, anti-technology and "technology is anti-nature" types have their scope of what is real and possible delimited by their inability to grasp the basic truth that humans are part of nature and consequently everything that we do is natural, including the technology we create.

>> No.11800808

*why do you not

>> No.11800818

Everything in your post is misguided, again. You completely misunderstand the appeal. There is no primitive IDEAL. This is not IDEOLOGY. If you had read Ted you would know. He spends half his time talking about tech, the other half about how primitivists romanticize the life, and how they are wrong. It's what you guys fail to understand. It's not about living in the woods lmao. It's about the current system being increasingly liberticide and oppresive. It's about technology dominating our lives. It's about making sure we get rid of it before Tech annhilates us all (there are a thousand ways in which tech could terminate humans, and maybe the entirety of life on earth) Anyways, I am not going to re-write the manifesto each time I get a (you)

Hence my anger. People like you come and post about shit you haven't read. I don't go around deleuze threads spouting bullshit. Why? I haven't read him. The manifesto is an hour long, and goes through every single one of your 'arguments', one after another. So please, for the love of god, read the material, or leave. I don't have to be gentle with shitposters polluting these threads. I hold myself to some standards, - like knowing the subject I talk about (crazy right??) - if you don't meet them, too bad for you, you don't like my tone? Then fuck off.

>> No.11800830

Again, and again and again.... You don't know what you're talking about. Point me at ANY anti tech author who think technology is 'unnatural'. Point me at any anti-tech author who is against technology on the basis of sentimentality and moralism. THERE ARE NONE.

>> No.11800833

What's wrong with technology wiping us out, or the wide majority of us at least? That was always the point of it all. If a superior race can be made via technological means, we should want it to be made. We should be proud of producing children who are more advanced than ourselves. Your sentiment comes across as a relic of the 60's emphasis on radical hedonistic individualism.

>> No.11800835

Fuck off you crypto nigger.

>> No.11800841

i dont do any of those things. it is however, the routine of the average nrx. plugged in 24/7 while whinging about degeneracy. i top mtf exclusively, no rubber. thats the hygiene jew trying to spook you out of worthless labor vouchers. i convert my fiat immediately into gold

>> No.11800855

What kind of world do we live in where every fucking pleb feel like they have an opinion worth sharing about shit they haven't read or simply know nothing about? fuck. off. You don't like Ted? Fuck off. You feel like repeating the same moronic arguments will change something about the fundaments of our society? Fuck off.

You guys are seriously troubled lmao. And no I'm not. Being passionate and valuing life and freedom isn't being 'troubled'. Being concerned about the future of humanity and Life itself isn't being troubled. Being hateful isn't being troubled. Acts of violence do not necessarily stem from a 'troubled' persona. See ya next time

>> No.11800861

And you have once again failed to grasp why I hold you in contempt. Your post addressed nothing that I said. You have clear opportunities here to stop contributing to tech for your part but you won’t, Ted is advocating for radical revolution against technological society but you won’t do your part besides making shitty 4chan posts. I’m not talking about ideals you jack ass, I never even brought up any pseudo historical zerzan view, I’m talking about adhering to your supposed beliefs and you have none.

>> No.11800870

I respect your point. On intellectual terms that is. I read Land and understand where you are coming from. But I absolutely do not respect people who are willing to be replaced just because robots are more efficient. That's a death wish. The majority of people share it, but it doesn't make it right. A world in which people actively seek their death, their obsolescence or being replaced by machines isn't a world. It's hell.

We have come to the same conclusions, we just chose different paths.

>> No.11800879

Technology is a tool. Not a living entity. How technology is used and even how any kind of AI will make decisions is informed by humans themselfes. That's why we don't need to anihilate technology itself but we need to bring people into a harmonious relationship with technology that doesn't end in anihilation

>> No.11800896

? I've been posting for an hour, spreading the word, explaining why you guys are wrong. NONE of you have addressed the technical points I made. How is that not adhering to my belief? What you want me to do isn't adhering to my beliefs.. You are a lier, a deceiver. You do not seek argumentation. You want us to be clowns, dummies, retards. You want us to go out right now and blow ourselves up. But what good will it do against the system? again, you haven't read Kaczynski. He explains what to do against the system, and dumb acts of violence aren't one of them. You want those who oppose your world views to out themselves as clowns to save you from explaining yourself coherently. Like I said, fuck off.

>> No.11800910

I actually think this might be true, but we don't have time to reach an harmonious relationship with technology. The earth is dying. We might be on the verge of a new discovery that might make any form of resistence or revolt impossible. This is what people here don't understand. This is not ideology. It's URGENT. It's a sinking submarine.

>> No.11800924

Your not passionate. If you were you would be doing something out there and not here. >>11800896
Gee I must have missed the part of the manifesto where Ted advocates for bullshitting around on 4chan under the guise of “spreading the word” through tech instead of getting together with people IRL and coordinating terrorism on technological society. Fuck off you idiot you aren’t fooling anybody.

>> No.11800933

what if it takes 1000 years to bring people into a 'harmonious relationship' with technology? What if we die before? What if whenever we reach this relationship, the air isn't breathable anymore? It will sure be 'harmonious' wearing this oxygen tanks 24/7

>> No.11800942

It's not in the manifesto. It's in Anti-tech revolution: Why and How. He explictly tells what to do, which I posted above.
>getting together with people IRL and coordinating terrorism on technological society
lmao you have neither read Ted or my posts, since I wrote above what steps should be taken before mindlessly destroying shit. You are a retard. Fuck off.

>> No.11800950

i see tech as being a bit like biological life emerging from chemistry
i mean technically organisms are dictated by the laws of physics, but to say that organisms exist to serve their molecules seems somehow flawed. Technology doesnt seem to have organisms exactly, i dont really know where the analogy goes there, but something is emerging, especially in the diigital sphere of tech.

Biological life was one way for matter to organize itself more complex fashion, and tech will be, or already is a new one, which I think will be much more complex and totalitarian than biological life is, which exists sort of superfiically on the earth. I imagine tech will actually consume and transform the earth.

What happens to us is in this picture is unclear to me

>> No.11800959

>bullshitting around on 4chan under the guise of “spreading the word”

I first heard of Kazcynski and Ellul on 4chan. So he's right, in a sense.

>> No.11800972

He says that any rebellion against tech that in itself comes out of tech is corrupt in its conception and doomed failure IE: What you seem to be doing is doomed to failure and worthless. You fuck off.

>> No.11800987

LOL absolutely false!!!!!! You are a liar and a deceiver!!!!!!!! He says it's IMPERATIVE to reach the masses with technological means to spread the message AND destroy the system. You lying piece of filth

>> No.11801015

I think his diagnosis of society was largely correct, but I can't agree with his methods. The only bit I really disagreed with was his /pol/-tier screeching that "leftism is a mental illness", which might be true in SOME cases, but seemed a little bit immature and lacking in serious analysis.

>> No.11801026

Why does every talk about Ted as if he weren't still around?

>> No.11801035

Kaczynski has defended no such thing. In fact, he has instead expressed that those who try to combat the techno-industrial system should not waste time or energy trying to convince the majority of people that they are right or to join their side (see, for example, Industrial Society and Its Future, paragraph 189. You are wrong.

>> No.11801046

It's the desire of every good parent to sacrifice themselves so that their children turn out better than themselves. If you didn't take the increasing computerization of the world into account all these decades, you and your children simply have a lot of catching up to do if you want to survive. Every generation has had to adapt to get by. What's not worthy of respect is the sentiment that actively opposes this one, and refuses to adapt, or accept the scenario that adaptation is needed for survival. You aren't being self-sacrificing then, you're being self-righteous.

>> No.11801065

In anti-tech revolution he says it's crucial for people to understand that a revolution is not only possible, but a neccessity. He explicitly says there needs to be two sides of an anti-tech movement, an 'underground' one that does the dirty work, and a public one whose goal is to spread the message as much as they can. He also talks about using technology against the system. By the way, the manifesto was written long before his last book, anti-tech revolution, which is a lot more comprehensive. I don't spread lies, contrary to the faggot I originally replied to.

>> No.11801248

He wasn’t spreading lies, Ted has actually said stuff like that in the past.

>> No.11801290

His observstions are right.
His solution is ape tier.
His strategy is ISIS tier.

>> No.11801412

He was an intelligent, handsome young man. Why did he break away from a good position at a university and give everything up?

>> No.11801427

ideas stronger than anything else

>> No.11801622

the average /lit/ user, how ironic

>> No.11801634

Look at the whole thread. Look at your own post. You called it degeneracy, even though that is all natural behavior in a highly computerized, connected world. You yourself are promoting an anti-technology sentiment by calling something so simple as browsing porn degeneracy.

>> No.11801686

>this is considered a rebuttal on /lit/

>> No.11801747

obviously because by dropping out of society on your own you lose social status big time and become "that schizo guy who lives in the woods", which is why almost nobody does even if they did have the means and skills to do so. It would only work if everyone went at once so that community would be retained

>> No.11801757

*takes out foil*
*fumbles around for lighter*
*flicks it on and guides it beneath foil*
*watches black tar smoke rise into the air and swirl around*
*places lips to crevass on end of foil
*inhales deeply*
*coughs then lays back in bliss*

>> No.11801758

yes but his actions are unjustifiable

>> No.11801766

If there was even the slightest potential of finding a mate living in the woods I'd do it in a second. Unfortunately modern society makes this a non-starter

>> No.11801777

Convince a horse girl to go and live in the Forrest with you

>> No.11801785

a lot of people find the idea of building a farm togeher appealing. I know a couple that actually did it, but they are still engaging with the markets, they sel their stuff. So halfway i guess

>> No.11801808

He didn't say anything of note.

>> No.11801860

usually I don't call out projection because its a retarded theory but this is blatant projection

>> No.11801883

yeah, but the main reason people like him is because he actually put his money where his mouth is. If he had just published his manifesto without doing anything else, he would be completely irrelevant.

>> No.11801893
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> modernity is shit
> we've lost important ancient knowledge by skipping forward too quick
> we should do away with modernity entirely and return to a traditional lifestyle and stay there
Why does everyone have to swing to such extremes? Why not recognize problems and try to address them. Here's how a mature adult (not autistic) deals with the problems of modernity
> I work in a sedentary role
> I will supplement this sport and exercise in my spare time
Fucking virgins I swear to god, always angsty and extreme. It's not hard to learn about the seasons, the plants and the animals around you. You don't have to live in the fucking forest making clay huts to re-attune to nature, fuck me dead cunts.

>> No.11801957

Butlerian Jihad now

>> No.11801983

I do all of these things and there is nothing wrong with that

>> No.11802027

So, people like him for being a psychopath?

>> No.11802037

DUDE let's all agree not to use technology and shit in the woods instead, never mind that it could never be realistically implemented LMAO btw totally not insane, forget the stuff about the bombs

>> No.11802070

This. He was wrong because he killed people.

>> No.11802119

In terms of technological advancement? What would Kaczynski/The Luddite movement’s ideal world look like? Pre electricity? Pre horse and buggy? Pre written language?

>> No.11802123

hunt-gatherers type society and primitive communism

>> No.11802160

What happens when people get tired of being sick and hungry and start re-inventing technology?

>> No.11802170

>embrace your rugged individual choice
>set up comfy cabin compound innawoods with your harem
>get waco'd
What then?

>> No.11802181

the dawn of a new civilization

>> No.11802201
File: 764 KB, 1119x1473, Ted_K_Just_Do_It.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all you smelly unwashed penises out there (((technophiles))) I've made text to speech audiobooks of every published Kaczynski work, as well as a spoken recording of my favorite of his essays, and not coincidentally the shortest and most concise, "The System's Neatest Trick." Because I know 76% of you don't actually read.


>> No.11802207

>Fucking virgins I swear to god, always angsty and extreme. It's not hard to learn about the seasons, the plants and the animals around you. You don't have to live in the fucking forest making clay huts to re-attune to nature, fuck me dead cunts.
You sound more angsty than them, and you clearly don't possess even the most basic knowledge about Ted's beliefs. He advocated a system that was pre-Industrial Revolution, not caveman tier mudhut villages. We don't need to rapidly accelerate into destruction in order to have basic modern medical care practices etc.

> I work in a sedentary role
> I will supplement this sport and exercise in my spare time
Easy if you like that sort of thing, live in the proper location, and know the right people. But I think even you know that humans weren't naturally made to be living in massive cities like LA or NYC. Living in small towns can be perfectly comfortable and a lot healthier, without regressing to the Stone Age. Technology is here to stay, even if a literal apocalypse happened, because we have so many records. Only the most autistic anarcho-primitivists on the planet would disagree with this.

>> No.11802274

> He advocated a system that was pre-Industrial Revolution, not caveman tier mudhut villages
I'm not saying that's what he wanted. I've read the Manifesto and thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

My problem is this trend for social failures that are geniuses that tend to resort to extremes. Pre-industrial revolution is extreme when we can if we put in the effort and time address some things we missed along the way and have left behind that maybe we shouldn't have and at the same time address the new challenges of modern life.

We don't need to rapidly accelerate, we don't need to regress, I don't think we need to socially engineer and plan society. I just think these guys, who I call virgins because it's this combination of social failure and genius that seems to lead to nihilism that produces extreme and negative ideas. I don't think that's necessary.

> you know that humans weren't naturally made to be living in massive cities like LA or NYC. Living in small towns can be perfectly comfortable and a lot healthier
For sure, don't have a problem with this at all but it really has to come down to people's choices and we don't have to blow people up to get that message across and convince people to try a different life. Many people are naturally spending their working years in high stress cities, making their money and going "fuck this I want to buy a property in the country, near nature, for the peace and quiet". I think we don't spend enough time considering the lives we actually lead and environments we are putting ourselves into but....there are natural reactions and natural recognition of these problems over time.

Great books are one way to "wake" a lot of people up to the reality they live in and the alternatives. Heaps of people are going off grid, even just something simple like having a veggie garden or putting their phones away for the weekend. Or developing something like pokemon go to get people out and about. Ted's views are just too extreme. (this coming from an Anarchist myself)

>> No.11802333
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No people like him because he ostensibly believed in the direness of his mission more than he believed in society's basic values, such as nonviolence. But it's actually a little more complicated than that-
Ted is not a psychopath, and he's not really 'insane' in the connotative sense. He is, or was, in fact a very empathetic person, and even prayed to invented deities to thank God for his fortune when he was able to successfully hunt animals for food (400 Technological Slavery- it's quite touching, read this part). Though, having read everything he's ever published (not WRITTEN mind you, as much of it is in private letters) I feel I have a good sense of where his commitments lay.
The impetus to begin his bombing campaign came when he journeyed to his favorite remote spot in the Montana wilderness, a plateau, and discovered it had been cleared and developed for housing (375, Technological Slavery). Before this he had existed peacefully in the woods, subsistence hunting and gathering, and iirc,reading and developing his philosophy.
From this I gather that his primary motive was revenge against society, not adherence to some higher virtue, or even the serious enaction of his plans to revolution. A man as intelligent as he could absolutely have thought of more effective and sustainable ways to gain notoriety and believers than forcing dissemination of his literature by prolonged terror (or at least by this alone). I doubt he could have predicted the revival and vindication he's received (hilariously because of the internet) today. This is actually one of the only reasons I refuse to give him my respect - I feel that he wasn't self serious enough to begin a revolution, or make effective revolutionary gestures. Take a man like Cody Wilson for example- Ted is at least as smart as him, and therefore had at least as much potential. His perspective was either far too narrow and naive for me to believe or he was not self-serious, so I go with the latter.

Also listen to my fucking audiobooks you shitters

>> No.11802368
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No true anarchist is you, or else you would understand that revolutions are frequent and necessary in human history. Progressivism was as much a leftist fever dream as 20th century communism. Shame on you if you're an American, revolutionary and imperialistic warfare have been the vectors of society's development since men first wielded sticks and bones. You can't be naive enough to believe that these cosmic agonies and dramas don't intrigue us, and in fact are a baseline for one's humanity... however recessed into the subconscious of the homo domesticus.

>> No.11802461

I guess revolutions are necessary to spark change in history but I would prefer a more long-term stable change and shift into a new better paradigm.

I'm no longer fond of flash in the pan, short lived explosions of activity and die out and have disastrous hangover effects. I want a shift in conscioussness to new paradigms as have happened in history. The shift of the 19th century for example didn't require continual societal explosions of violence and we got a golden age from what amounted to minute gradual shifts forward until WW1 and the great depression which I view as wholely negative setbacks. I'm not in the business of larping, that won't help my kids or theirs.

>> No.11802522
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Then you're a technologist (and thereby, progressivist) through and through. There is no such gradual change that does not result of technical development, under the names of 'economic' and 'cultural' shifts, currents, paradigms, and the like. The quote beginning the first chapter of Kacynzki's latest release reads "The development of a society can never be subject to rational human control" (7, Anti-Tech Revolution). I recommend you read at least this, but also the entire volume, for it covers much on revolution and the haphazard, unreasoned development human society unfortunately (for progressivists and rationalists... like you!) follows.

>> No.11802583

>We don't need to rapidly accelerate
You're right, but the truth is that we ARE. >>11802368 is right. Revolution is needed in the form of total anarchic collapse in order to create new societies from a small population. You're not going to start a global paradigm shift while millions of ant-like workers pollute the planet.

>> No.11802605

> progressivist
Fuck off
> The development of a society can never be subject to rational human control
That seems to sound like humans can't plan the development of society but technology, culture and the economy are essentially organic and unplanned. Creating a new technology isn't planning society, passing laws to tell people what to produce and how to act is planning society.

I've read the manifesto. Regression isn't necessary as I've pointed out and neither is continuous destructive revolution. Nor do I think democracy and voting will lead to the evolution of society I'm hoping for. I'm looking for the unplanned and the organic if you've been paying attention.

>> No.11802608

Yes but killing/maiming people isnt the solution and is wrong.

>> No.11802617

But what is there to start a revolution over? That's my question for this thread. Why is the current global paradigm even an issue? Because you don't like computers, or the cultures they've created?

>> No.11802626

You can decentralize and secede without fiery revolution. It doesn't have to take on that aesthetic. As far as pollution goes, I think the planet will be fine, as Carlin would say it's the people that's fucked so I'm not worried about that although pollution is something to worry about.

I think we are rapidly accelerating and I wish it wasn't the case because it looks like we're driving off a cliff more than evolving as societies. Like I mentioned up above people doing things like exercising or retiring into the country are great natural responses to the modern world. Blowing it up for "revolution" really is an immature way to look at it because it acts like its own form of "rational human planning" which contradicts >>11802522 "The development of a society can never be subject to rational human control". Kind of paradoxical honestly.

People are planning society and its having unintended consequences and reactionaries want to plan a hard reset. I'd honestly rather peel the tentacles up, decentralize and let the natural evolution of humans play out in response to what it needs to respond to. It's far better than any ideas or rose colored reminiscing of the past can inform us.

>> No.11802636

>killing/maiming people isnt the solution
>and is wrong

>> No.11802646

"he" is a cia false flag.

wake up and do some research.

>> No.11802659

If only that were the case the sensible greens movement wouldn't be associated with him.

>> No.11802672

his critique is right
his plan isn't
how are you going to find a group of people able to become powerful enough to take this insane system down without becoming corrupted by the power they are wielding? no hobbits to bail us out of this one

>> No.11802681

AI eco rulers

>> No.11802748

Solid critique my man!

>> No.11802768

Have you read Kaczynski? He addresses this argument too in the second part of anti tech revolution too iirc.

>> No.11802777

>missed the part of the manifesto where Ted advocates for bullshitting around on 4chan
Well duh, he advocates the use of technology as a means to destroy technology in anti tech revolution.
Do you think he was opposed to using technology when he was building bombs and using the technological system to mail letters to all over the world and use printing presses to publish his books?

>> No.11802790

>take this insane system down
Build your own durn system.


>> No.11802838

> All those people convinced A.I. won't kill humans and harvest Earth for resources

tip kek i wish you live to see it

>> No.11802931

Source? I cant seem to find anything

>> No.11803116

He was partially right. You shouldn't respond to the problems of our world the way that he did, though, or in any other immoral ways. There are more ethical alternatives, like embracing spirituality. The material world will pass and it's best to simply accept that we as individuals are unable to reverse the course that Western civilization and that one day our descendants will treat the Washington Monument and Nelson's Column the same way we treat the tumuli of the Mound Builders and the Cerne Abbas Giant, respectively (assuming our Caesars aren't of an iconoclastic bent).

>> No.11803122


>> No.11803131
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Yeah, but I've come to accept it and am living a satisfying life. I suggest you do the same!

>> No.11803656

Thanks anon!

>> No.11803902

There is no ideal world. That's the entire point Ted makes. We need to get rid of the technologicl system - anything that comes out will be better. In his book anti-tech revolution, he gives a good analysis of revolt. We cannot predict the outcome of a revolution - this is the iron rule.
We cannot re-invent technology as we need fossil fuel to rebuild it. But we have used all of the oil present on the surface of the earth, we now require huge amounts of energy and technological means to dig deeper in order to extract oil. Unplug electricity for a month, and the technological system will never recover. The machines used to extract oil, gaz, or other energy sources will not be able to run. NASA actually published a study a few months ago about this.

>> No.11803926


>Short answer: None. This story originates from the book, “Harvard and the Unabomber: The Education of an American Terrorist” with no real, solid, tangible evidence.

Just some faggot who thought he would sell more books by inventing lies.

>> No.11803937
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Visualize vast wilderness

Actualize industrial collapse

>> No.11804003

Was Ted autistic? Sincerely asking.

>> No.11804016

why it's Bank's Culture basically. Sign me up. The rest of you fags can live in your maximally enriched caliphate slum

>> No.11804046

I'd rather give my soul to Allah, than sell it to a purposeless grinding machine

>> No.11804110

we don't need low IQ Allah fags in our perfect machine society anyway, so good riddance

>> No.11804410

>We need to get rid of the technologicl system - anything that comes out will be better.
Why do we need to do this (aka why do we need to revolt), and what makes you think anything will be better?

>> No.11805043

>There is literally no reason to think that it is impossible to destroy the technological system
There are plenty of things that are possible, but let's see which ones actually occur.

>> No.11805075

Classic Alinskyite tactic. Hypocrisy (really, perceived hypocrisy on the part of an ignoramus such as yourself) does not make someone wrong. I could drunkenly explain to someone the health detriments of consuming alcohol and I wouldn't be wrong.

>> No.11805107

>but I can't agree with his methods.
I am sympathetic to this. I think it's really unfortunate. If the Internet then were as wide spread and had the reach it does today, I think he would have avoided blowing people up. He needed a platform.

>> No.11805119

>Every generation has had to adapt to get by.
This is extremely misleading. The degree of adaption required in the past hundreds of thousands of years, the sheer scale of it, is completely different today. Mass transit, modern agricultural abundance, luxury goods, the staggering amount of wealth generated in the past century is absolutely unprecedented. It's like saying someone should happily swim against a tsunami since all their ancestors learned to tread water during the low tide.

>> No.11805127

>harvest Earth for resources
resources for what exactly?

>> No.11805141

I agree with him on a lot of things, but I'd rather technology burn as all than slowly fizzle out. It's our only chance at preservation.

>> No.11805148

Why is getting used to modern day living like "swimming against a tsunami" to you? If you're that stupid and incompetent, you deserve to get obliterated.

>> No.11805195

Reread my post.
>Mass transit, modern agricultural abundance, luxury goods, the staggering amount of wealth generated in the past century is absolutely unprecedented
These change the types of selective pressures that exist in society, and change them radically. The environment that the majority of your DNA evolved in was very, very different. The type of people that will be produced in a modern industrial society will be extraordinarily different from the types of people who generated the people who created it. Human freedom and dignity will be stamped out to produce more widgets. A plutocratic elite will develop with more power to control your thoughts and behaviors than you thought possible, and they will crush the middle class and develop an underclass of people who are effectively slave labor. This is already ongoing, look at how mass immigration is changing demographics in the United States and Europe. Look at the recently leaked video from internal google meetings. A large conference hall full of manchildren wearing propeller hats form a little hug box because of the 2016 election results. The CFO of Google LITERALLY cries about le orange cheeto Drumpf. These are the people who have more access to your habits and have more influence over the thinking and behavior of billions of people around the world than any group of people has ever had at any point in history.

You're being willfully ignorant to the new paradigm that is taking form around you. If you can't see this taking place, that's your fault.

>> No.11805231

>If you can't see this taking place, that's your fault.
Oh, I can see it taking place. I just don't see what the problem with it is. Just because I won't have a place in this new aristocracy forming in front of our eyes doesn't mean I feel any ill will towards it or should. The idea of a new aristocracy forming (it will be a technocracy of cybernetic hyper-intelligent clones) is in fact extremely exciting to me and I celebrate it. I genuinely enjoy seeing humanity improve itself, challenge itself, create gulfs within itself, and create new art out of the war it wages on itself and the world around it.

You act as if everything is hopeless. Well, I can only come to the conclusion that because you feel this way, it is only you who is really hopeless.

>> No.11805245

That's your prerogative. Enjoy your future.

>> No.11805256

That's it? Nothing else to say, or explain about your position? I've asked a few times itt what the purpose of all this even is and got no responses, so I guess I am hitting the nail on the head. A shame. Have fun then.

>> No.11806179
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>> No.11806229

Is it possible to read his work without getting put on a watchlist of some kind?

>> No.11806232

Not the guy you are replying to but you have no idea just how much of a rift there is between us, continents - worlds. It's like we are two different species honestly.

>> No.11806254

What could we ever explain to someone who doesn't value his own life and freedom? You would not understand.

>> No.11806259

it was published by washington post I believe, should be easy to click around and find a backlog of it without seeming too suspicious.

>> No.11806261

He's unironically better Foucault and the rest of the faggot philosophers who came from 20th century France.

>> No.11806334

>le watchlist meme

Stop being an enormous faggot.

>> No.11806356

Yeah it's these things normal people have

>> No.11806410
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not really. He killed 3 people and injured 23 in a way that didn't shock people out of their "false consciousness" or whatever.

He fucked up, achieved nothing and hurt innocent people.
The fact that hes a poster boy for "incels" tells you everything you need to know

>> No.11806420

This this this

Gtfo the board incels


Go somewhere else, /lit/ is a chad board

>> No.11806463

There is a certain appeal to me of older things. Bottles made of glass, wooden boxes, older tools, etc. Whenever I need something like the above I will head down to the thrift store or this large antique place here and browse. I usually find what I need. I have an interest in history and items that tell a story. My two rifles are both over 100 years old. I like them. Wood and iron. Much nicer to me than a new weapon made of plastic. My desk for art is an old roll top desk made of solid wood I got for $50 at the thrift store. I like it.

I'm definitely not unabomber level but I do enjoy simpler things.

>> No.11806639

Your life is meaningless without purpose and your freedom a brief illusion. You are arrogant when you act as if you deserve more than you already have and the most noble outcome for it would be to sacrifice it for the birthing of a superior race.

>> No.11806839

It's what boring people have :)

>> No.11806843

Is the eternal stagnation of humanity a righteous goal?

>> No.11806890

I thought his philosophy hit a snag when he started talking about his plans to take down the system which are hinged on taking out specific individuals that are responsible for creating technology like scientists and computer scientists and the like. You get to this weird sort of have your cake and eat it too kind of thing where the technological system is autonomous and is not under the control of the people so to destroy it we need to target the people who control it which don't exist because its an autonomous system that can't be stopped so you need to send bombs to the scientists and developers responsible for making the things and controlling them etc etc

Honestly the only interesting things that came out of his thought were hand me downs for ellul and the rest was genuinely unhinged.

>> No.11806908

No, but it's the goal of Ted and people who follow his line of thinking regardless.

>> No.11806914

pornhub is the only thing i actually do. the rest is just what ive gathered from lurking conservative threads here long enough

>> No.11806925

Technology is not simply the stagnation of humanity but its downfall. You haven't read his books, I don't even know what to make of your deluded remarks, they are uncalled for. Try addressing the material instead of fantasizing about what Kaczynski stands for.

>> No.11806930

>You haven't read his books
I haven't, precisely because I can already tell what his message is through the people who have. And you spell out a great reason for why I shouldn't right there in your post. Technology is our downfall? That shit makes no sense whatsoever, because we deliberately create technology, and we put it to use; it doesn't create itself and it doesn't use itself.

>> No.11806939

He will say that technology is autonomous and uncontrollable but kaczynski himself recommends targeting specific individuals who in effect are responsible for controlling and creating the system that is by its nature is uncontrollable and created itself.

>> No.11807017

The reason why I don't think it's fair to consider it with such a negative connotation (even though you probably just mean it in a purely neutral metaphorical way, implying scale) is that genetically humans have evolved to handle most of the natural world day to day, it only requires conscious effort to learn the modern world while the rest of it (I'm tired, I'll sleep. Sun's up I'll wake, Sun's down I'll sleep) should come through the reptillian brain, subconscioussly.

The problem is that of course our natural tendencies conflict with the natural world (social fears being treated by the body like predator fears) but that's just what I mean about consciouss effort to learn the modern world, the biggest issue is how our consciouss effort is conflicting with our natural ability to handle the normal world day to day. (think people forcing themselves to stay awake through the night, looking at blue lights on their phones and then wondering why they need an alarm to wakeup since their rythm is fucked.)

So I don't think it's a tsunami exactly, to conscioussly remember to trust our subconscious for a lot of things and use our consciouss effort to not conflict with it but to work in harmony with it as we navigate the new experiences of the modern world. (ie. people need to learn to exercise, switch off at night, get some sunlight etc to supplement but also listen to their body while they're working office jobs and playing games or watching porn). Horror movies are an interesting harmony where we get that subconscious fear from something artificial and modern but it's not really destructive to us.

>> No.11807051

oh you sad little man

>> No.11807060

But what makes him judge jury and executioner?

The dude was a massive autist who had it so bad he simply failed to understand human relationships on a fundamental level. Nothing that he did outside of his crimes and academic career was of any note.

>> No.11807083
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The word you're looking for is "tragic," anon.

>> No.11807282


>> No.11807576
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You've missed the point of this suggestion entirely- revolution IS organic generation of change, it's just become foreign to the sensibility of modern men, who have been made impotent and autistic by technologic upbringing. For Christ's sake, read at least the opening chapter of Anti-Tech. In it Kaczynski qualifies his claim about rational control by stating that even revolutionaries rarely accomplish what lofty goals they have effectively and to much fullness, and more often the myriad unforseen consequences of their actions take society in a far different direction than the radicals originally intended. This is in the vein of chaos theory sociology- a seeming insignificant variable early on can have disastrous potential far further down the line... whether we're talking about revolution or the introduction of new tech(+niques) and tools to the world.
Hey man, not the question for me. The passions of revolutionaries in our time are guided by relevant and poignant voices, that's all I can really say- I actually disagree with Kaczynski at the end and in my core. I don't find primitivism to be a valid endpoint to humanity or human culture. I shill Ted up and down and six ways through Sunday because our world is rife with the consequences of infotoxicity and what I see as the gradual and inevitable grinding out and reshaping of essential human nature by technocratic apparatuses... in other words, forced evolution, and I think people need to be aware of this and have the language and conscience to address it. That's far better than smiling and gobbling up the excrement of high technologists in the form of spectacular entertainment propaganda and data harvesting toy consumption - neither of which are conducive to making strides toward meaning or personal satisfaction in life by the way. It's a sick whirlpool that ends only in the loss and eventual destruction of the human spirit. Like so many burnt libraries I fear our genes may be cornered and purified of dignity too. You're asking me how better than primitivist revolt? Idfk. But at least it's a start, and it awakens memories of a fighting spirit in young men that I think too many have already almost forgotten.
One thing I do respect and see as promising though is techmaking with revolutionary/anarchic intent*. I mentioned Cody Wilson in an earlier post, and he remains a relevant and shining example in this: his milling company and products therein (Ghost Gunner machining chambers and accessories) are intended to stretch the wager of power that its institutions *can* control society- thereby proving that they cannot, and by this admission accelerating their (already evident) nascent collapse.

*Wilson himself admits that he cannot predict long term consequences of commercializing accessible home manufacture of weapons, but literally only constructed it (the company) for the immediate utility it has in exposing the nothingness behind the veil of power.

>> No.11807778

Thank you, keep up the good work, my man.

Dont you think that many times people tend to overestimate the pace at witch technology advances? The talks about AI and automatization of production, like we're heading towards a cyberpunk futute, seems so over the top to me.

>> No.11807795

>Nothing that he did outside of his crimes and academic career was of any note.
Thats 2 more things than anyone youve ever met

>> No.11808030

Assume the revolution works and we become a primitive civilization. Some years later meteor is heading to earth. Now what?

Do you really want to risk the whole world getting the pompeii treatment? Because I'm sure Pompeii citizens very happy in their primitive lifestyle right up to the point they turned to ash.

If a revolution is a success there may be no going back. It could be death sentence for a humanity, but with a God AI the possibilities are endless.

>> No.11809021


What the fuck are we witnessing lmao. People who have never read Ted, talking back and forth about what they think he wrote about.
This is peak pseudery

>I don't find primitivism to be a valid endpoint to humanity
Neither does Ted or any anti-tech author for that matter. This idea only exists in the minds of detractors who want to delegitimize anti-tech thought so they don't have to address the technological problem. This is true in the academic world and on this board.

>> No.11809510

>This is peak pseudery
What's peak pseudery is thinking that technology will be our downfall. It will be the subhumans' downfall, perhaps, but not all of humanity's.

>> No.11809533

Love that one antisocial weirdo that lives in Ted threads and unironically thinks he'd be king in an anarchoprimitivist society always getting massively butthurt.

>> No.11810098


Can someone please answer this question? What is Ted's response?

>> No.11810137

inaction is immoral. the only way is forward and faster

>> No.11810140

No need to resist what will never really happen

>> No.11810147

Untrue. Inaction is the only truly moral state.
Actions by definition are undertaken out of lack or need. A perfect being, a perfectly moral being, has no need for action, and it merely contemplates itself.

>> No.11810173

There's no response, the whole ideology is a joke and a scapegoat for weirdos with genocidal fantasies.

>> No.11810189

There are divine needs and divine lacks.

>> No.11810200

it is moral to shoot platonists on sight.

>> No.11810304

Uncle Ted was right

>> No.11810431

Technology IS the meteor heading straight to earth. If you're more concerned by the possibility of a rock hitting the earth 500,000 years from now, than you are about climate change, the acidification of the oceans, deforestation, mass extinction , sea levels, mass migration, middle east becoming unlivable in two decades, nuclear wars, overpopulation, pandemics........

You're basically putting sci-fi tier scenarios, that will never, ever harm you directly before the impeding cataclysm that is happening right before our eyes. Techno-optimists are children. It becomes obvious the second you step in a STEM department and see the amounts of pokemon shirts.

>> No.11810550

ted is a neet moron with no diplomas, low iq, weak manifesto and unoriginal ideas. he'd love to genocide the whole world and the sole reason he doesn't like technology is because in 1964 his classmate billy got a better grade than ted on a math test because he used a calculator

dont be like ted, enroll in stem today

>> No.11810563
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Not technology, but higher consciousness is the meteor. But the conscious and privileged won't be on the surface when it hits.

>> No.11810855
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A meteor is one example. Who knows to what extent we'd be dooming ourselves by throwing away technology. It may yet give us clean energy or any other number of breakthroughs.

And why frame the problem as man vs machine? Maybe the problem isn't technology - maybe it's the people. You seem to understand the severity of our situation. Why you do see it but not others? Why not genocide or "re-educate" the ignorant mass-men? You don't like this plan? Well how is your solution (collapse of the system) any better? Note: I raise this point to demonstrate your close-mindedness.

The primitive anarchists come off as frustrated communists.Your plan to restructure society failed miserably so now you want to tear it all down. But even in your lust for destruction you still cling to the same values: equality, environment as axiomatically good, and that top-down "planned" solutions as always preferable.

Would anyone of us be capable of living non-ironically in a primitive society? How could you in good faith spend hours churning butter knowing what you know and having seen what've you seen? Even if your plan succeeded it would be an everlasting joke; at least until we all died out along with our books, ideas, and ways of looking at the world.

>> No.11811701
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>tfw today had to be the day Cody gets shoah'd with a honeypot 'think of the children' rape allegation

>> No.11811826

post solution to the math problem so i can check my answer.

>> No.11811921
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I'd inquire then as to what you've surmised anti-tech folks' hypothetical ecostasis looks like, because for all I've read of Kaczynski at least, he argues frequently to the point of the non-essentiality in tech development to human coexistence with nature.
David Skrbina, author to the introduction of the published collected writings, and frequent ally of Ted's, writes similarly about the vast majority of our existence which succeeded without any more technology than wielded stones and sticks (Technological Slavery, 18). (I've even seen defenses of primitivist ideology online by the claim that intelligence is a trait selected for only by chance, and not inevitable or unique to the potential of the human creature.) Ted also wrote an entire essay debunking common pop-primitivist myths about the ease of primitive lifestyle, only to claim that it still is a more optimal state than ours now- that happiness and fulfillment are possible even in populated climates which border on the remote ends of what's hospitable- suggesting they are summoned by something within the human spirit rather than without (Technological Slavery, 287-288). His latest too begins with the Jefferson quote "Were there but an Adam and an Eve left in every continent, and left free, it would be better than it now is," evoking a consistent sentiment. But you'd know this, had you read either of those.

>> No.11811953

There has to be at least one sane person out there commenting on current affairs.

>> No.11812259

Most people go to work and type at computers or fit in things in boxes/ assemble parts for 8 hours every day. How is that any less of a joke than churning butter? Because the butter feeds a family instead of an immense system of several million brown refugees and media brainwashed goblins?

>> No.11812304

What happens when you realize Ted wasn’t entirely right? Then you are talking about someone slightly off who has killed people.

Almost worse than being actually insane

>> No.11812671


>> No.11813098

>And why frame the problem as man vs machine? Maybe the problem isn't technology - maybe it's the people
Land answers this. His viewpoint was similar to Ted's in the past, slow down on the capitalism/technology or we're all fucked. Now because it's too late to even slow it down, humanity's only answer is to try to keep up and get smarter

>> No.11813147
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Space exploration would give great freedom without the govt tyranny he feared.

>> No.11813148
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>Even BAP is better
Lol wut?

>> No.11813149

>Manifestos are meant to be read and understood by the lowest of the lows.
Nigga i just realized manifestos are my favorite genre.
Pls feed me another comfy manifesto pls. I like Uncle Ted and Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.11813165
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Yes, he was. Boundary functions are mathematical objects which can be usefully applied to other areas of mathematics.

>> No.11813213
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>Same threads, same retards who have done zero minute of reading on the technological question. They resort to personal attacks on Teds, or plain retarded arguments that get debunked in high school level works on technology. They are always aggressive too. I wonder why.
They're just butthurt CIA niggers.
Ted still failed to confront the Jewish question or consider how space exploration could free you from gobt tyranny. I think white technocracy would be fine, and space exploration would be the next profound step for humanity and escape from govt tyranny.

>> No.11813220

>So if you take his ideas so seriously why do you make at least an attempt to live closer to his lifestyle which I remind you he accomplished while still being “in the system”?
Kazinski still road the bus and used electric saws to cut wood for his house while using a mechanical typewriter you fucking nigger.

>> No.11813230

Ted didn't preach individuals abstain from tech

He preached destruction of tech. He rode the bus, used electric saws to cut his house and a mechanical typewriter for his manifesto.

Abstaining from tech is not necessarily the most efficient way to dismantle technological society.

>> No.11813241

What are up to, Ted?

>> No.11813245

>The only bit I really disagreed with was his /pol/-tier screeching that "leftism is a mental illness",
It was not /pol/-tier. It was incredibly basic bitch DR3 talking points.

>> No.11813271

could somebody tell me why he sent bombs though? i just dont get how murdering people accomplished anything.

>> No.11813298
File: 47 KB, 620x372, COMMIE MCCAIN 01 - CQgDqApW8AAYzyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is a chad board.
>start reading, get a few pages in
>start imagining myself in bed with gf,
>how to acquire a bookfu?
>You've made me neurotic as fuck, /lit/
>HELP: HELP ME. I’m taking college composition, and I have to come up with a topic for a narrative essay. Problem is I have to talk about something life changing, and I can’t think of anything and I can’t think of some of fake either.
>What are some comfy books that follow the lives of brothers and sisters from upper-class families? Any incest involved is just a bonus.

>/lit/ is a chad board
Mmmkay, bud.

>> No.11813300

He threatened to continue if they didn't publish him in NYT and Washpo.
As they say in Hollywood, no publicity is bad publicity.

>> No.11813484
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We can't commit genocide on a race of conscious machines if we haven't invented them yet anon.

>> No.11813493
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>that one group in Mexico who kills random hikers in the woods and university students

Are we just going to pretend like this doesn't exist?

>> No.11813510
File: 154 KB, 900x1200, DfUQdM4UYAInVQV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking retard

>> No.11813636

He didnt specifically fear government. He hated systems that created immense dependencies

>> No.11813703

Mate, stop. You have tried multiple times and have seen the results of these threads. There currently is no existing recruiting base, there are to much western political minded kooks whom prever to do photoshoots in the woods and make pretty photoshopped images while constantly showing they do not comprehend anything Ted presents. ITS has shown far more seriousness and actual harm to the system then the current braindead harmless fools who orbit the appeal of Kaczynski on western internet. I blame the media spectacle of the Unabomber persona that attracts these kooks. Don't bother, it's just a entertaining hobby of pretending to be a threat like Boomer midlife crisis American survivalist militias who believe in conspiracies while posting all the time on Internet. Basically the DGR of Derick Jensen, just take a look at them and you understand what for time you are wasting. Not suggesting to give up fully on this project or anything but re-read page 155 of Anti Tech Revolution, study deeply, take yourself seriously and get TOR and carefully experiment with less public projects untill you get contacted.

Further on everyone knows Ted is Right and the critics always never address the arguments. This is the Reaction you always will get and was the main Reaction during the publishing of the manifesto. Trying to redo it on a virtual Chinese cock fighting forum will not make any significant difference. The manifesto wasn't even created to appeal to the passive masses who suffer learned helplessness (Wich is why the PP is important!) and know very well that life is crap, they arnt stupid. They are not NPCs or hyper civilized drones like ITS or other idiots like to potray. They are just passive people who just trying to mind their own business and trying to survive in the current artificial conditions of technological Society. What the manifesto is directed to is the active minority who is committed for the Revolutionary pursuit. And these aren't the posers on the internet, those people are passive hobbyists playing it safe like the majority of left and right radical politics. (Aka Political minded people). Re-read his work and change your strategy if it shows constantly that it fails.

>> No.11814207

Wow, you got me on three of those five.

And fuck off, big tits are great.

>> No.11814398

but i thought he's still in jail

>> No.11814657

He never explains what would happen if you get sick or injured and doctors can't do shit because there's no technology or innovation. Even more retarded than anarcho capitalism because at least in that society you would have human progress.

Other than that he's spot on.

>> No.11814815

no one can refute this

>> No.11814822

based & tedpilled

>> No.11814837

I don't know how anyone can argue his observations about leftist politics, they are so obvious to anyone with half a brain.

Him going around and killing random people was completely retarded though.

He also supported Hilary over Trump which means he probably plagiarized his manifesto from someone and he is in fact a complete retard.

>> No.11814865
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>> No.11814878

>He also supported Hilary over Trump which means he probably plagiarized his manifesto from someone and he is in fact a complete retard.
he doesn't support anyone's politics he's an anarcho-primitivist
unless you're a liberal this is much more a self own of leftists

>> No.11814892

That's a lot of ideology right there anon
Like in an actual real sense that you can't see past the existing societal order, not the meme sense

>> No.11814917

>hes an anarcho primitivist
Nah mate. He dislikes APs because they romanticize primitive life way too much and try to carry over the same values of the techno industrial system (social justice type shit) and are therefore most likely leftists who attach themselves to "causes" and deteriorate the overall quality of any revolution. They'd be to busy on how to insure trans rights after the fall of technology rather than destroying the techno industrial system in the first place.

>> No.11814925

Ted definitely talks about this. Claiming that he doesnt explain/talk about probably the most popular argument to his ideas is lazy and make me think you've never read anything hes written.

>> No.11814932
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yeah but what's ted's metaphysics?

>> No.11814961

>>>11799087 (OP)

>Him going around and killing random people was completely retarded though.
Nobody cared who he was and what he thought until he sent the bombs.

>He also supported Hilary over Trump which means he probably plagiarized his manifesto from someone and he is in fact a complete retard.
I think he probably saw Hillary as more of a globalist which would accelerate the world to a state where if one country falls to the anti tech revolution then all the others would be damaged heavily as a result. He talks about supporting the US going into Vietnam, not because he was a rabid patriot (whom he dislikes because Patriots dont want to fall behind other countries, especially in terms of technology, causing more dangerous technological advancement; which may be why he disliked trump) but because he thought that the USSR was more involved in pushing tech than the US.He talks about this in technological slavery.
So usually his support for candidates doesnt come from who he thinks has the best interests for anti-tech, but who will unwittingly shape the world into a way that anti tech revolutions can be more potent

>> No.11814991

Not about anything even remotely psychoanalytic, not that any of it really even matters in regards to his main thesis though. Other than that, yeah.

Think of how things like letters of recommendation work. You become someone's friend and then basically ask for payout. The problem isn't that nepotism is the worst sin though, but there's no real way to prove someone isn't what's happening at any given point in time. It's an epistemic issue. There's just no way to know if someone's being sincere, and when you add linkedin etc on top of that, it just inflates. With all the strings everyone has attached to them, anyone could be playing anyone else for a job and all of us would be none the wiser. It's like that phrase, "you marry a girl, you marry her family." I would rather not invite her mom to the bedroom, but eventually you realize you're either a hermit or a motherfucker. For all the people I've met, I don't really feel like I've ever met just one person.

That being said, I think it's worth trying to have some good faith. If someone puts their life on the line in protest, I'm not going to jump to the conclusion that it's because they're a masochist. If I were that cynical I wouldn't even be worried about the previous issues mentioned, I'd just roll with them.

I also don't understand why noone ever makes quantitative arguments against oversocialization. Just compare the amount of time it takes to write a lie to the amount of time it can take to disprove it then tell me if you think instantaneous mass-communication is a good idea. No, of course not, fuck no.

Have fun being a slave to ol'musky. The upper class is going to move out first and anyone who follows is going to be treated like a hispanic. If there's any appeal to space travel it's the though of having everyone else fuck off.

>> No.11815153
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This is the heritage of all the bad little boys of the 18th century: Nietzsche, Darwin, Hegel, and Schopenhauer. These clowns were on a bad trip and they were loud about it.

>> No.11815173
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>read Teddy Boy thinking it will be wacko ramblings but proceed with an open mind
>turns out I actually agree with him 100%
>too weak-willed to devote my life to the radical cause and continue on with my CompSci degree

>> No.11815179
File: 1.90 MB, 1024x768, shiggy diggy alt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human progress

>> No.11815213

Get into cybersecurity and learn how to destroy tech with something more potent than a bomb

>> No.11815238

>>too weak-willed to devote my life to the radical cause
I mean he basically was too. I'm sure even he would agree that his paperbombs were less a matter of self-sacrifice and more for the sake of publicity + a free ride to a prison cell where noone would bother him.

>> No.11815372
File: 78 KB, 470x595, serveimage (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seriously considered doing this. It would take many years though.

>a prison cell where noone would bother him
>implying he wants to spend the rest of his life in a concrete box rather than in nature where the human spirit belongs

>> No.11816360


>> No.11816433

OP is literally too afraid to reply to this shit but will inevitably reply back with "U HAVEN'T EVEN READ IT BECAUSE U DISAGREE!!!" again. How are you supposed to discuss anything with somebody who immediatly dismisses anything you say because it doesnt line up with their view and then goes on long winded armchair psychologist rants like >>11813703 because if anybody even slightly disagrees with Ted they are fucking stupid and bad and wrong.

>> No.11816447

Yes. Stop using technology.