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11768546 No.11768546 [Reply] [Original]

With all the Deluze pseuds reading wiki summaries, we're gonna get an inrush of people telling others not to go to therapy to not get Oedipalized. This can't end well.

>> No.11768563

freud was a hack, and all therapy except physical therapy is a joke. emphasizing mental health is what makes people mentally unwell. you're definitely a jew, a woman, or on anti-depressants.

>> No.11768568

What if he is all three?

>> No.11768571

>What if HE is a woman?

>> No.11768576

seek therapy
let's talk about this during our next session

>> No.11768578

I'm a wolf desu.

>> No.11768586

>that is the joke.png

>> No.11768588


>> No.11768590

>I was just pretending to-

>> No.11768619
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You're obviously new here.

People are reading The Culture of Critique, and it now behooves you to join them.

>> No.11768748

well at least psych therapy gives you a chance to change how you tell your story to yourself because it includes a random but prepared person. meditation and reading won't get you there by themselves.
i heard there are some philosopher therapists that could do it, it'd be even better. but i'd rather trust a psychologist than a philosopher.

>> No.11768758

of course it could be all solved by having meaningful relationships, but who am i kidding here.

>> No.11769120

Change yr story bro

>> No.11769196

Is Noriko's Dinner Table /lit/?

>> No.11769227


Daily reminder that there’s no difference between mental health and physical health, and meditation is the best form of therapy.

>> No.11769302

Sion Sono is to be respected, I am certain.

>> No.11769342
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Pseuds couldn't do worse than Deleuze, desu. I mean, if you don't know that paying for friendship is bad then how could you ever understand that paying for deterritorialised friendship is even worse?

>> No.11769534

Weird way to think of therapy and therapists.

>> No.11769546

>deterritorialised friendship
exactly why i dont like them. Its like i could just be talking to my friend, who actually likes and cares about me

it's not like their meme models of the brain are science, so they have nothing going for them

>> No.11769557

If anti-depressants are helping you get through the day then what is the problem? Do you purposely want your life to suck so you can mope about how life sucks?

>> No.11769562

Therapist has probably encountered more cases of psychic strife, and maybe observed people as they navigated through confusing mindframes. A friend is a comfort, but not necessarily a wise or helpful partner for psychic recon.

>> No.11769565

Is he still doing the book club?

>> No.11769572

theyve never helped me at all, my friends, family, girlfriends have all helped me immensely. hell talking to fucking anons is better than the weird faux honest entirely artificial economic interaction that is their practice

>> No.11769574

A lot of people think anti-depressants just mute the pain and don't actually help anything. Some people go on them because they haven't tried or learned how to work on their problems without them. But some people are chemically different.

>> No.11769582

Imagine living in a world where you need to work to get chemicals to alter your state of mind to feel 'ok'.

>> No.11769586

You probably wanted something authentic and caring, but a therapist was never gonna be that. It's a practical, commercial health resource. Doesn't mean it is worse for that tho.

>> No.11769590

Pretty naive disposition.
Writhe, will ya?

>> No.11769605

I bet you think school was good for you.

>> No.11769611

why would you want people to recieve arborescent shamanism, may as well get a hole drilled in the head

>> No.11770333

know any good witch docs?

>> No.11770687
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therapists are based, i talk for one hour a month and get neetbux

don't even need to take normie pills

>> No.11770735

depression isnt a mental illness. its an inevitability for any person with a higher mind

>> No.11770991

Woawh, dropping bombs in this thread!

>> No.11771020

yall niggas need some schizo-analysis. or decalcify your pineals. but honestly OPsenpai, I do think pseuds reading deleuze is probably better than the other memelords /lit/ has imbibed over the years, if only because he just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. just anarchical differance mit rhizomes ja? better for memes, doesnt take himself seriously, and is all about edging. where stirner or JBP are about big cumz, deleuze is really about no cumz. and that's what these teens need to hear, some old-gold nofap. Just wait though, I can already sense the next /lit/ memelord and it's wilhelm reich. incoming

>> No.11771168

right on right on. I'm OP and I think you're essentially right.

>> No.11771182

deleuze is next-level shit

my god you're dumb
>it's only possible because we think it's possible i swear
fucking moron, drooling imbecile

based and redpilled

>> No.11771825
File: 114 KB, 738x960, freud the jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an interesting paper:
>Remission of Psychosis in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia following Bone Marrow Transplantation: A Case Report

Seems like a lot of mental illnesses are merely dysfunction elsewhere in the body, as it is a holistic system. Especially in the immune system.

>> No.11772637

Since this appears to be the only Delueze thread up can anyone help me out. I'm looking for a particular philosopher who wrote books that were sort of introductions to Delueze's works as well as stuff about his philosophy.

>> No.11773194

Hasn't done one in a couple of months.

>> No.11773215

If life "actually" sucks then yes. I'd like to experience how much it sucks because it's "genuine". This is pretty obvious.

>> No.11773218

brian massumi?

>> No.11773397

There's definitely truth to this. In most cases, mental health can be repaired / improved on just by getting more exercise and eating better. The mind is what the brain does and the brain can only function as well as the body it's in can.

However, there's still trauma-induced personality disorders and Freud was at least correct on this.