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File: 16 KB, 1027x1024, christian-communism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11756342 No.11756342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Am I wrong in thinking that communists are deep down christians? They seem to function more based on guilt than desire

>> No.11756369

No. But Soviets had Orthodox Church. It had to work somehow.

>> No.11756376

Yes, religions to a communist is a distraction rather than a solution. why go to church and pray to a spiritual theory when you can go to a soup kitchen and help the material fact?(That's the thought process anyway)

>> No.11756379

an explicitly political thread on the literature board, colour me surprised.
Is summer over yet?

>> No.11756414

Wasn't Christianity outlawed in the first 20 years of the USSR

>> No.11756422
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>wad if x is actually just y

>> No.11756443

is this the /pol/ equivalent of "if you hate homosexuals you must be one"?

>> No.11756518
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Yes they are...and that's a good thing. Take the christpill and realise that communism can only work within a community bonded by faith and that the true realisation of a Christianity brotherhood is with communism.

>> No.11756534

Pope Pius XII taught against and anathematized communism.

>> No.11756546
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What's with the recent surge of christ posting? this place was fedora central and now we have people trying to give confessionals and discussing the bible on the same site that we post illustrated child porn

>> No.11756551

Communism is anti-Christian as it gets

>> No.11756567


Not all communists are marxists

>> No.11756574

Christposting has been here for a few years dude. IMO it's part of the larger anti-globalist reaction that started a while ago but found more energy with Trump (which is weird, considering just how clearly immoral Trump himself is.)

>> No.11756576
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But all of them are heretics.

>> No.11756577

Russian Orthodoxy was a cover for spies, I saw it in a movie.

>> No.11756587

I think it made the people on 4chan become actually criticial, and they took values from Christianity because that's what their society is built around.

>> No.11756589

Only on the surface level. They share the same morality

>> No.11756590


Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

...Or they did before the pope at least

>> No.11756591

No christian is very anti socialist.

>> No.11756598

Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same
How is it antisocialist?

>> No.11756603

He thinks Christianity = The Nicene dogma that was invented as a political tool to keep the Roman masses placated

>> No.11756605

Then he was ignorant of the teachings of Christ.

>> No.11756617

read joel osteen

>> No.11756618

Becausegiving a man your shirt prevents him from becoming the man he needs to be to get himself a shit of his own. Welfare disgenics. That's why Catholic caritie focuses on the actual need and deserving of the individual. Giving shit for free without restrction is not help but makes it even harder for the individual.

Catholics prefer self-responsibility and charity only as a last resort after one fails without own fault aka helping families which houses burned down, not those drinking and gambling away what ever they have.

>> No.11756624

He seems like a telemarketing person

>> No.11756628

>Becausegiving a man your shirt prevents him from becoming the man he needs to be to get himself a shit of his own
Oh man, this is EXACTLY out of supply side Jesus


>> No.11756631

When did it become so specific? Or was it already in the bible?

>> No.11756635

when the pope decided he wanted twenty catamites made of gold

>> No.11756638

communists are literally Jews in disguise

wtf are you talking about

>> No.11756640


I suppose that they should earn their attonement too then

>> No.11756675

Even with that point of view, jews wrote the bible so it adds up

>> No.11756698

Is this the same advice you would give to someone like Saint Francis?

>> No.11756745

Christ was not a socialist. Christ is God and He commanded how we should lead our lives, not what economic system a society or person should follow.

>> No.11756773

>He commanded how we should lead our lives
>not what economic system a society or person should follow
Please explain to me how you can do the first one without the second.

>> No.11756798

He's wrong, but Christ is not socialistic.


>> No.11756806

Simone Weil is amazing. Gravity and Grace. Somewhere between Hegel and Pinecone. Fecal Theses.

>> No.11756812

>render unto caesar
So pay taxes and don't be libertarian or ancap? Pay Caesar for public works like road and healthcare?

>> No.11756818

All ideologies are just fragments of religions.

>> No.11756820

Communists don't volunteer at soup kitchens. That's Christians.

>> No.11756823

Notice how that's all voluntary and doesn't involve violence or government.

>> No.11756825

That is not even socialism dumbass

>> No.11756834
File: 959 KB, 1365x2048, CE4C7B60-F605-4101-9D2F-8EFCCF2CB8DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism is superior to the false God of Christianity insofar as it actually offers a living connection with our ancestors lacking in traditional hierarchical societies... neo-primitivist ecopunk transhuman ancom

>> No.11756839

Communists are deep down Pharisees, not Christians. Talmudic Judaism teaches that Jews are to be a vanguard to lead the restoration of the world to paradise through works. Communism is just rebranded Pharisaism. Christianity has no such utopianism. There are many other parallels and Communism also drew on occultism. Communism is anti-Christian.

>> No.11756847

Your ancestors were Christians and are weeping for your soul in Heaven.

>> No.11756863
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>all these posts claiming what communism is
I seriously doubt anyone ITT knows what communism is.

>> No.11756874

Communism and anarchist communism isnt the same though

>> No.11756895

>tfw reading das kapital
Feels smart man

>> No.11756897

Christ wasn't a socialist because he existed prior to capitalism however he was absolutely a proto-socialist. Today there are few ideologies that align with the teachings of Christ but ask yourself if you truly think that our capitalist world is the best choice to mirror the wisdom of the Bible? Capitalism is an ideology that rewards the indulgence of sin at the expense of the virtuous. Look at our world today with honesty and clarity and you'll soon see there would be no end to the tables that Christ would overturn. Our world turns on the exaltation of those He would call a 'den of robbers'. Christian socialism/anarchism are different to the predominant forms of each. They are closer to the teachings in the bible than any other ideology. I urge you to read further about it.

>> No.11756914

Look, I'm not a fan of fascists, but it's pretty obvious this communist "neopunk" or whatever aesthetic is just an attempt to rip off fashwave.

If you're going to spread left-wing propaganda, at least make it original

>> No.11756931
File: 76 KB, 850x400, 0db8dcd20efb18a58660a6c3ce89b74d5aacaa9a2fa45cc38ca4a52a1c7ca086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity is for natural hierarchies because inequality is a good thing and a manifestation of our different talents and gifts. It is also explicitly against the sin of envy, which certainly animates the entire doctrine of socialism. It rejects the idea of class conflict, in favor of the idea of social solidarity. It also upholds the principle of subsidiarity, and abhors unnecessary bureaucracy on principle. And if that weren't enough, communists of all colors are explicitly anathematized.


>> No.11756994

>Christianity is for natural hierarchies because inequality is a good thing and a manifestation of our different talents and gifts.
You don't realise that socialism is not opposed to natural hierarchy or our inherent differences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIhIM-jge2c
>It is also explicitly against the sin of envy, which certainly animates the entire doctrine of socialism.
So it is perfectly with the sin of greed, gluttony and pride? Do you deny that these are the animating principles behind capitalism? Also Christian Socialism/Anarchism is animated by brotherly love, read The Kingdom of God is Within You by Tolstoy to learn more (and it's a good read anyways).
>It rejects the idea of class conflict, in favor of the idea of social solidarity.
You can't reject class conflict and uphold social solidarity. So tell me where is the solidarity within the working class who are deprived and exploited? Would this not foster the social disarray unless it is addressed? I would like to see an example of social solidarity within a Capitalist country. Surely there must be one?
>It also upholds the principle of subsidiarity, and abhors unnecessary bureaucracy on principle.
Once again Christian Socialism and Anarchism does not involve unnecessary bureaucracy especially Christian Anarchism which like regular Anarchism is explicitly against bureaucracy or any authoritarianism. You are conflating Socialism and Anarchism with Marxism-Leninism which, to the detriment of your argument, is right-wing i.e. in support of hierarchy (if you disagree I'll direct you this time to Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder by Lenin).
>And if that weren't enough, communists of all colors are explicitly anathematized.
The links you provided are reactionary developments that occurred mostly in the 19th century. I choose to follow the doctrine laid out in scripture. Not a fallacious and ignorant interpretation by one Pope and a Catholic Theologian from the last two hundred years. I ask that you do not do the same or god knows where our discussion will lead.

>> No.11757027

Well, Catholicism is also against usury, and that's the main problem with modern capitalism, aside from its vulgar secularism. It likewise upholds a living wage, where ideally the family is cherished as the fundamental societal unit. Catholicism also used to ban advertisement and it does prohibit the sin of greed and other similar vices but such a thing could never be mandated by force of state so it's a false comparison. But take care.

>> No.11757066

If Capitalism could be stripped of it's sinful qualities than I could accept it. However I believe that Capitalism is intertwined with usury, advertising and secularism. Capitalism was not mandated by any particular state but developed naturally, perhaps as a symptom of the vice within us all. These sinful qualities were exacerbated to their current condition by a symbiotic relationship wherein sin is rewarded by Capital and Capital is strengthened by sin. The doctrine of Calvinism paved the way for the industrial revolution to take its course. The doctrine of total sin, permanent salvation and complete predestination made Capitalism the will of God and partakers in it would be saved no matter what pain their actions caused. I believe that even if all evil of Capitalism was stripped away it would naturally reconstitute back into it's original form. You could repeat the process over and over and it would still continue...unless the whole system is overhauled. All I ask is a society informed closely by scripture, specifically the teachings of Christ and with that I believe that a naturally socialist economy will develop as a consequence.

>> No.11757076

Transprimitivist + here, and I agree.
The Holy City is in the heavens on a Chip in My Brain.

>> No.11757201

Hey anon, I'm not a Christian, nor even a socialist really (although I do lean left), but I must say I am inspired by your words. If there is a Christ, he would surely look upon this words with approval.

>> No.11757249

To be fair, it's pretty broad and often doesn't even know what it's supposed to be.

>> No.11757259

Communism is closer to christianity not because of feeling guilty, but more because it has a lot of messianic elements.
This dosen't mean that Marx, Engels or whoever was the second comming of Christ, it means that the philosophy is based on inevitable destiny that has already been forseen, in the case of communism, this future is when the working class overthrows the capitalistic system. The working class is the messiah, and the overthrown of capitalism isen't something that could happen or needs to be make to happen, it WILL happen, this is defined long time ago in communist tradition, the points of disagreement are more focused on the when's, how's, who's and why's the revolution of the proletariat will happen.

>> No.11757462

maybe this wouldn't happen if we had a non-cancer political sub

>> No.11757493

>often doesn't even know what it's supposed to be.
No, if anything the only dispute between all or any leftist is how to get there, the goal itself is very clear but no one seems to give a fuck about it and constantly misconstruct communism and Christianity.

>> No.11757499

teleological is a better word. Plus not only marxism has that 'becoming' element in it too though.

>> No.11757506

Umm, anon. It sort of is.


>> No.11757515

Yeah actual Jews, israelites, not Talmudic Jews. Jews today revolt against Christ and try to subvert Christianity, the true religion of the Divine Logos. Communism is clearly one facet of a Christ Denier's arsenal.

If you want to get into the elements of Ressentiment, it's clearly Talmudic Jews (or any post Christ Jews) that try to subvert Christ and Christianity as a slave revolt (by route of Ressentiment) against the objective order of the world, the revealed Divine Logos. An even deeper subversion (like how Nietzsche describes Christianity with respect to Judaism—I dont buy his logic, but Im just showing you an example) is the Jews pushing communism against Christianity and even Jews. There's an even deeper Ressentiment in the Jews who started the communist revolution, especially when targeting Christians and other Jews.

>> No.11757525

Marxism is Christian theological legacy programming.

>> No.11757907
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Because a lot of people understood that a Christian country is better than an atheist country.
Look in the image.

>> No.11758173

reality isn't free from religion

>> No.11758181

I like the right image more
Sorry not everyone wants to live in a cartoon

>> No.11758200

Japanese socialism/anarchism was heavily Christian.

>> No.11758255
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Asshurt atheists.

>> No.11758265
File: 89 KB, 663x798, 1535327786601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Jew.

>> No.11758267

isn't being a dick to strangers on the internet a sin?

>> No.11758277

>They share the same morality
Christians are meant to be moral though.

>> No.11758287

Semantics about the word free or the word religion?

>> No.11758291

How can christfags defend capitalism?

>> No.11758305

past centuries = GOD IS SACRED
religion is not even a thing anymore

>> No.11758313

Yes and no, not in the catholic sense of the word.
Communism would be more inline with Jesus's teachings rather than institutionalized religion.

>> No.11758329

Except communism is ideologically stateless and the revolutionary component isn't inherently violent.

>> No.11758330


>> No.11758355

Except for homos and trannies, right? Fuck their choice.

>> No.11758358

>political sub
Like pottery

>> No.11758433

In an interview with an English paper, Marx himself declared that the revolution would necessarily have to be accomplished with bloodshed. You're a revisionist. Off to Gulag with you.

>> No.11758447

Not clicking any links but I looked it up, anon. That has nothing to do with the Orthodox Church. It does have to do with the fact there are agents everywhere, Russian or not. So yes, you’re right. The churches are full of deceptive spies.

>> No.11758466

Capitalism lets Christians practice their religion as long as they can afford to live. Communism bans religion and the government will put Christians in jail for something like drug abuse.

>> No.11758472
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Stop making shitty threads

>> No.11758608

Communists are NOT Christians since free will is a tenet of Christianity, you MING MONGS. Lesser authority and the contracts by which it operates are also poorly regarded.

>> No.11758731

socialism originates from christian sects