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/lit/ - Literature

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11747258 No.11747258 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11747280

I'm starved for contact, companionship, someone to talk to. Every night I lay in bed thinking how nice it would be to have someone who cares about me

>> No.11747282

It will happen, but that's literally the worst feel

>> No.11747300

lol Brazil

>> No.11747302


>> No.11747304
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I feel like time is slipping away too fast. All the wasted time playing video games weighs on my mind and i feel like i continually need to make up for it. It's a long road ahead and i'm not sure if i'll even be capable of achieving my ambitions, in fact i'm terrified that i'll 'hit the wall' of my own limitations and all of it will have been for naught, but at the same time i feel that if i stop i'll sink into the existential swamp that i dug myself out of. I can't help but remember the anecdote about Caesar weeping over comparing his own achievements with what Alexander the Great had done at his age. It's worrying.

>> No.11747312

>comparing yourself with Caesar
maybe start with the milkman u fucking Raskol

>> No.11747380

I know this feeling, anon, but you should know that it's the feeling that every young man in history has felt.

You should remember that greatness is no sure thing and neither is failure. You shouldn't give up on your ambition or search for something higher but you also need an emotional foundation for your life. A man with friends, family, and some kind of community (it doesn't matter what) will always be happier than somebody who has no emotional foundation but ends up becoming materially successful in life. Even if all your grand plans turn to dust you will still have an emotional bulwark to fall back on. Your health and identity are no longer dependent on such transient states of being as success and failure. This is where you need to be at, anon.
My advice would be to find a brotherhood of some sort (and no, 4chan doesn’t count. It has to be people you know whom you can rely on to actually help you). I can’t tell you might find such a thing, but it is something that 99% of people need, meaning it’s out there. If you have an affinity for adventure I'd recommend something like mountaineering or extreme sports.

Anyway, don’t dwell too much on your present ideas of success or failure. Every great man in history could have very easily been something else. Julius Caesar might've been a doctor if he was born in the 20th century. Alexander might be a ranch hand if he were born today. The fact that their lines have not run the world forever is evidence of this.

>> No.11747422

how old are you brother?

>> No.11747426

I really should start sleeping, a mere cumulative of 4-5 hours of sleep during the week is literally hell week minus the drills.

>> No.11747554

Thanks for the advice but i'm not sure if i'll be able to take it.


>> No.11747583

I used to feel like this often. Then I read On the Shortness of Life by Seneca

>> No.11747751

They tried to kill our president...

>> No.11747783

>it will happen
[citation needed]

>> No.11748659

I like to spend my parents' money

>> No.11748688

>mfw I realize all these threads are made by the worst subcultural niche of shitposters ever invented
Mãefodendo bolsomitos. I don't come on /lit/ to remmember about the shithole we live in, anon. Please stop.

>> No.11748696

How fucking stupid society is.

>> No.11748712

really want to smash some boicunnies desu

>> No.11748758

>our president
Nah lad, guy could never win in the second round. Also he has no concrete ideas, just spouts dumb shit all over the place.

>> No.11748762

Im paralyzed by possibility.

After realizing that post secondary education was a meme I find myself with a freeing burden that I can do whatever I want. I can go traveling, go get a job that pays a decent livable wage, I can go to China and "teach english." I can hop on tinder and fuck cute girls while Im still young.

And yet the things I thought I wanted I guess I never really wanted at all? Im very confused and angry, I wish I had guidance but now that Im no longer a child it seems im on my own.

Its an upsetting feeling.

>> No.11748800

My hair is falling (at 21 years old), i have no gf, no money, no friends. Low testosterone and low libido (erectile dysfunction follows, of course), not caused by not exercising or bad diet (i lift and have a very strict diet) but rather, by chronic illness, inflamation of the colon and Irritable Bowel Syndrome that makes me shit water when i wake up. NEETing away what should be the peak of my existence,i don't even think suicidal thoughts anymore, i literally lost my will. What to do when you don't want to do anything, just stop existence, but not killing yourself?

>> No.11748802

eh melhor JAIR se preparando kkkkkkkkkkkkk

>> No.11748808

Just relax and realise that none of those things will really ever satisfy you.

>> No.11748834
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So what's next? I think I'm intelligent enough to realize that money and women and "entertainment" are just distractions as I slowly embrace death, but I feel so beaten up and lied to by the system that I don't have the motivation to do anything.

Without getting all tldr dear diary about it, I work at a place where honest to god there are people there that have never read a book. Im at a point where I honestly don't think people care about beauty or art, and its very upsetting.

I just wish I could figure out what comes next. I feel like I need to just fucking do something.

>> No.11748878

How old are you? Is this just a job or are on some kind of career ladder?

>> No.11748887

>Nah lad, guy could never win in the second round.

I hope you're right.

>> No.11748930

I'll preface this with an apology for the fucking diary, and that I honestly think /lit/ might be the place to get some grounded, intelligent advice.

I'm 25 and its just a job. I like my job, but I don't want to be doing this in a year.

>> No.11748948

Whos is your candidate, bro?

>> No.11749004

This whole Tess Holliday thing is just reminding me how absurdly conflicted I am about fat women. On the one hand, I have a confirmed fat fetish, so I find her very arousing. On the other hand, I think fat people are a drain and a burden on society that shouldn't be excused, and I also think that obesity is extremely unhealthy and shouldn't be celebrated or encouraged.

I'm so confused.

>> No.11749008

Well then now is the time for you to really start exploring life a bit more. Forget about sex and money as goals, there's time enough to worry about that later on.

Is there one thing that you feel like you have to do or experience before you die? Is there anything that you feel like you can't leave undone in your life?

>> No.11749088

I had this fleeting fantasy about working as a gravedigger years ago. It seemed like a strangely romantic idea in a way, something that would be good for the writing.

I suppose a good place to start might be by identifying these things that I've let marinate over the years. Thanks for the chat, anon.

>> No.11749094


>> No.11749101
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>> No.11749117

that some coworkers of mine reported my jokes as serious racists comments and that I had a serious sitdown with HR

yes I was foolish to make off color jokes in the workplace, but reporting me to HR instead of telling me to shut up was a punch below the belt

>> No.11749144

>but you should know that it's the feeling that every young man in history has felt.
It sure doesn't look like it with everyone around me. Sorry.

>> No.11749149

Okay lol good luck. I hadn't even realised that you wanted to be a writer.

>> No.11749156

I switched to writing in markdown and then generating nice pdfs with pandoc. Seems to work well desu, and I have the option of also being able to generate html, epubs, etc in the future if I need it.

Does /lit/ have a better way of writing?

>> No.11749166

Just make sure that you pick something. Its tempting to daydream about an infinite number of possibilities, but don't forget to decide on something concrete eventually.

>> No.11749206

I do and I don't. I wanted to be a writer while I was in school, had a friend publish a small book and we staged a play in the city but nothing really came of it. My poor outlook lately hasn't exactly helped either. Just feel a little burned up on it if that makes sense.

Another one I always has was returning to the country my parents came from and living there a while, learning the language properly and working or something. Taking stock of these things I've always sort of wanted to do might be a great first step. This is good advice, thank you.

>> No.11749267

That’s a nice idea

>> No.11749271
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I have a doctors appointment in one week
I really hope I get some good meds that can make me not be a depressive anxious fuck anymore

>> No.11749298

I'm a pretty cautious and suspicious person but I'm worried I'm finally crossing over into paranoid. I have a theory that Nick Land is getting pushed here not due to the validity of his ideas (from what I've read he's good) but in an attempt to infiltrate one of the alt-right's/counter culture's centres. They've done this by leveraging his philosophical roots in Neiztche (due to the nazi connection) and his seemingly anti-capitalist/pro technology end goal. If you subscribe to Land you're subscribing to a post-modernist globalist adgenda in the short term.
Does that sound crazy and/or paranoid? I'm struggling to tell
Also rate my Land joke:
> Nick Land walks into a bar. The bartender asks "what are you having?" Land replies "I haven't decided yet"

>> No.11749299


Gravedigging isn't romantic. You put on some toughduck overalls and a reflective vest, go to the graveyard and cut the grass if its long, shovel some paths if its snowy, then sit around in the elements watching the digger make a square hole. Then you set up the astroturf, etc, and head to the funeral home or church sit around for 2-4 hours waiting for the family to roll around. Then you go to the graveyard and try to stay out of sight, watching a bunch of bored and grieving people stand around for 20 minutes before they lower the coffin into the ground. Then once its over and everyones gone you drag the thing back out, put in the heavy ass burial vault, crushing all the flowers and shit they threw in the open grave, then you chuck the coffin back in and put the lid on and watch the digger fill the grave before you clean up the general area and go home. Oh, and this is probably on a saturday too, rain cold or shine, so you get the worst hours and not a lot of them.

I suggest entering the real world for a few years before deciding what is and isn't romantic kiddo. Modern life isn't a dickens novel.

>> No.11749313

Indian food and my career

>> No.11749368

>Does that sound crazy and/or paranoid?
Yes because Land is pro capitalism. Literature a five minutes google search will show you that.

>> No.11749384

Como vão as coisas aí no Nordeste, leitorzinho do Raduan Nassar?

>> No.11749395

Bolsonaro wishes to preserve the tradional hierachy of Western values, and is therefore a better choice for those Brazilians who are genuinely interested in preserving whatever is left of high culture in this country, since the monuments of high culture are erected upon those values.

Those who listen to Caetano vote Ciro; those who listen to Palestrina and Monteverdi vote Bolsonaro. It's quite simple.

Come to Brazil and vote Bolsonaro.

>> No.11749465

Didn't a shit ton of your culture and history just burn down because the government could be arsed to install fire protection systems? Why do you support someone who seems to be most keen on returning Brazil to how it was during the military dictatorship?

>> No.11749467

I miss 2 girls one in a wholesome spending-time-together sort of way and the other in a depraved sit-on-my-face sort of way

>> No.11749494

> the government could be arsed to install fire protection
>how it was during the military dictatorship
how do these two relate?
the museum was under the hood of Rio branch of the federal universities, and all people in charge were current or former affiliates of either the socialist or comunist parties, and they felt it was wrong to charge visitation fees, and therefore didnt have budget for both fire protection in the museum and gay events at the rio university

>> No.11749501

Who owned the museum?

Who was the leader of the institution which owned the museum?

What was the PARTY of the leader of the institution which owned the museum?

Oh, was it not the SAME PARTY to which belonged the man who tried to kill Bolsonaro?

Brazil was better during Military years than it is now. It definitely wasn't good, but it was better, including in the number of deaths of innocent people.

>> No.11749505
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Took a tab yesterday, reached no real conclusion except to care slightly less. Today I'm tired and sad. It wasn't a great trip, it seemed like sadness just festered in me, as my visuals were coarse, smokey, and depressant. I'm not sure I want to do more, but I guess I ought to take a fuckton and have a trip, either really bad or really good.

I'm also starved for friendly contact, my friend seemed to attack me a lot yesterday. It's hard not to be jealous and vindictive, but I guess it's alright. I don't really have a choice, as I have no other friends than my boys. I hate myself, don't enjoy sobriety, and feel unable to complete even basic tasks. Only cautious optimism for the future keeps me going. Gotta keep socializing, develop that personality. It's hard though. I don't have the motivation to learn music or to work out or anything like that. I'm poor.

I can't help but wonder why I had to be me.

>> No.11749511

I'll stop commenting because I don't know enough about brazil to contribute productively. I just think expecting a militaristic politician to uphold the culture and arts is incredibly foolish.

>> No.11749521

as much as my parents and uncles used to tell me all of this about the 64-80 dictatorship, i cant help but to conclude that giving away freedom for a little security is really dumb... not that this have anything to do with bolsonaro, he will estabilish a dictatorship as much as dilma was going to start comunism.

>> No.11749537

Nothing. I often go weeks, occasionally a few months, without thinking. It's how I stay sane and happy.

>> No.11749539


>> No.11749540
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Right now I'm thinking about ruining the internet

>> No.11749548

research has pointed that he loses second round against every single opponent
also, he has by far the largest rejection rate of any candidate

>> No.11749551

Please do it, rolling it out this quickly was a mistake. Better to start over desu

>> No.11749552



>> No.11749556


>> No.11749561

>running for elected office
what did he mean by this?

>> No.11749563

And who would you rather have

>> No.11749566

>militaristic politician to uphold the culture and arts
youre probably just thinking in specific examples of nazi and comunists burning books.

while its true that even our 64-80 dictatorship did have censorship of publication of new material, mostly related with irrational fear of comunist ideology, there was no cultural purge or overthrown of any kind.

didnt the beginnings of humam knowledge and culture survive thanks to good will of military dictatorships of past millenia?

>> No.11749571

>vice president manoela from the "Partido comunista"
>uh! we're not communist you fucking racist misogynist homophobe

>> No.11749572

His numbers will skyrocket after what happened yesterday. Just wait and see.

>> No.11749584
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>> No.11749594

no it wont
hes got 1/4 of voters, but 3/4 say they wouldn't pick him, even with a big chunk of those 3/4 still undecided and the rest spread in multiple candidates.

alckmin will win, because TV is still what makes the mind a good portion of dumb ignorants, and with even PT not having that many air time, theres no hope for anyone but alckmin

>> No.11749601

What freedom? Freedom to unite against a government supported by the people in an attempt to overthrow it by violent means?

Because there definitely was a reasonable degree of freedom of expression during the military dictatorship. I have proofs at hand, i.e., left-wing books (by Carpeaux, for instance) which were freely printed in those very days. I have them here, in my bedroom. The censorship existed, it's true, but nowadays it is very exaggerated by professional victims, and we still have censorship today - just look how many comedians have been punished for making silly jokes on television.

Nevertheless, I ultimately agree with you, but the thing here is that Bolsonaro is trying to be elected, not to direct a coup. The only real anti-democratic act so far has come from a PSOL fan who probably didn't act alone, according to new informations.

>> No.11749627

I just dropped Political Science. I couldn't stand those retarded, pudgy well-to-dos talking about how they're interested in "politics" and the dumb anglo-positivist curriculum - hurr durr we're a serious """science"""


most of the social sciences are worse than STEM and is reeking with dumb pseuds shitting useless quantitative studies, yearning to get a job in management and government peddling more SHIIT

at the age of 21 all I desire now is to become a fucking teacher, an unthinkable position for me a couple of years ago

>> No.11749675
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>Gravedigging isn't romantic
says you

>> No.11749724

How naive can you be

>> No.11749748

how to start writting. like do I pour my feelings into it? I can only write like a sad teenager so it always comes out cringeworthy
do I try-hard? I want to write in english because my own language feels to personal but Im not that well versed and knowledged in the language
do I do it ironically and for fun? thats how I go about making music and I havent learnt a fucking thing in the past like 6 years that ive been making music on my phone

>> No.11749754

Twice two makes five

>> No.11749755

Had to shake hands with a bear faggot at my job today, fake a smile and be polite.
I scraped my hand with the abrasive part of a sponge under boiling soap water .
I fucking hate homosexuals

>> No.11749764

>literally the only redeemable kind of gay people
bears are the best and im sorry but if you cant see that, maybe you are homophobic anon

>> No.11749792

Anon I think it's pretty obvious

>> No.11749797
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>do you dream a lot and the worl rests?
>I stay home for like a long period of time, but twice two makes 5

>> No.11749806

Based bolsonaro poster

>> No.11749932

My problem isn't with Land or his work in a vacuum, but that his work may be used by certain parties to steer this community's belief systems in a direction more useful to them

>> No.11749941

>One of the alt rights culture centres

>> No.11750029
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A dreadful, omnipresent, crushing feeling that even though I am 22 years old it is already too late. I am so deeply terrified of the future. When I think about it too seriously I need to drink, almost immediately. I have no future, I have no place, I am so literally unneeded by everyone. I am fucked.

>> No.11750164

There is no such thing as intelligent discourse on the internet

There is no such thing as intelligent discourse

>> No.11750174
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I wish Manu would make me her personal fuck toy

>> No.11750185

RIP Mac Miller

>> No.11750187
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Would earnestly try to suck the red out of those titties, tbqvh my lads

>> No.11750195 [DELETED] 

queria que ela fosse eleita
faria um longo discurso pro povo enquanto prometia coisas novas pro mandato próspero e pro futuro do país
e depois iria pro salão dela, no Palácio do Planalto, e eu estaria esperando, no chão encolhido
ela me chamaria e eu iria engatinhando até os pés dela
"tira" ela diria numa voz firme, mas reconfortante
e eu tiraria os sapatos dela, sapatos que ela calçou durante o dia todo, que ela usou várias vezes durante a candidatura
sapatos que juntavam suor de vários dias e emanavam um cheiro forte de chulé
"lambe" ela diria com o mesmo tom
e eu lamberia as solas dos seus pés, os dedos mexeriam volta e meia com cócegas
pouco a pouco ela começaria a se tocar praquilo, até que se levantaria e tiraria cada peça de roupa
"deita", ela diria agora, com um tom mais agressivo, a respiração pesando
e eu deitaria de barriga para cima, olhando enquanto ela se posicionaria diante de meu rosto
ela sentaria na minha cara, e se movimentaria pra frente e pra trás, cada vez mais rápido, usando meu nariz pra se estimular
eu mal conseguiria respirar, enquanto ela se mexeria cada vez mais rapidamente
minha língua subiria para tocá-la e eu a ouviria gemendo cada vez mais alto até que um imenso grito de prazer a faria parar
com os fluidos ainda escorrendo por minha cara ela acariciaria meu peito e diria, com a voz reconfortante de antes
"bom garoto"
e eu, feliz pela minha presidenta eleita e pelo futuro de minha pátria, sorriria

>> No.11750200
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I read plenty, but I don't think I hold any opinion or conviction that can't be summed up in less that 4 sentences.

I'm a simple and shallow person.

I can't recall most of my past, including the country I grew up in until I was 18.

I have no skills (or as stated earlier, expertise) in established fields and no imagination to invent new ones. I'm a failure in nonfiction and and fiction.

If I can't do anything for others, I should try to make myself happy at least. Instead, I engage in self-destructive behavior out of shame, leaving no one better for my existence.

>> No.11750205


>> No.11750267

The meds are going to let you chose when you're depressive and when you're anxious.

>> No.11750295

based 13yo poster

>> No.11750317
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I feel you anon. How are you as a person? If you're decent looking and semi extrovert it should be fine. If you're not then you should try to improve yourself. I started seriously lifting in may and got a few compliments on my shape. Felt quite good.

>> No.11750345

Do T and become a copy of larry wheels. Make shit youtube videos and do coke. Die young but try to have fun.

>> No.11750357

Eu quero muito que alguém mande isso pra ela no passáro

>> No.11750391
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I think I'm pretty good looking. I've had attention before, and I get good ratings in face rate threads
I don't know if I'd say I'm semi-extroverted, I'm not really one to go up to a random person and engage a conversation. But I don't have too much trouble talking with someone if I have to. I also feel like I'm prejudice against most of my peers. I feel like I have nothing to contribute to a friendship with the people around me, they don't interest me from what I see although I know I'm being presumptuous

My biggest issue is I don't know anyone, I have few friends, and none of them am I really close with emotionally. I have one girl in my life who is pretty much my >her, but idk. We've had a tumultuous relationship, she confuses me, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't love or care about me the way I do her. Which I don't get, we've had moments in the past of embrace, but then we go back to being platonic. I'm sure I'm exactly what she's looking for, cause she often describes other guys and I always fit the bill. Once we were slightly drunk and we were talking about some of our intimate times together and I said how I thought we were gonna be together and she essentially said back "I wish but I have problems". Which I think is just what she wants to think
I don't know. I just don't know what I want or how to get

>> No.11750395

Based bolsonaro stabber

>> No.11750402

Just cut all your hair already jeez

>> No.11750432

Agora eu quero ver isso também

>> No.11750442

'Should I reply this'?

>> No.11750457
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>what are you thinking right now
I'm thinking I'm back

>> No.11750461

You're a faggot.

>"well, nobody looks like they're going through anything, so I'll just assume they're alk brainless NPCs and I'm the only one that's ever had this thought"

Fuck off and neck yourself.

>> No.11750464


>> No.11750474

I'm thinking about where one of my books went. Someone gave me Kafka on the shore a while back and while I was organizing my book shelf I realized that it wasnt there. And j only realized it wasnt there because of some of the threads today mentioning murakami. I'm at a loss because I hadn't read it yet and never touched it since I put it on my shelf.

>> No.11750484
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>> No.11750549



>> No.11750935


>> No.11751140

Let me give you a tip : no politician here gives a shit about culture. Secondly, we're stuck between a rock and a hard place - it's either a general In charge or rapacious "democrats". It's no wonder that the officer is the better choice

>> No.11751166

My head hurts. Why don't more people want to be dragons.

>> No.11751167

Post bom, mas dá pra melhorar. Senti falta da descrição dos fluidos vaginais e acho que ao final ela deveria dizer "Obrigada, camarada".

>> No.11751181

Not him but I share the sentiments. I'm a decent looking guy, I just get sick of people easily and quiet up so most people take that as me being rude, its just I say what I have to say and don't waste words.

I have a few friends, but none ever want to hang out with me anymore. Or even in the case of one, saw me in person and straight up ignored me even though I hadn't done anything to warrant that.

Work in a retail job that is literally draining my soul. Literally got a verbal warning today because "I wasn't smiling enough at the customers" fuck the customers, fuck the management, fuck the goobers who salivate over this goddamn Nike ad.

>> No.11751413

What stood out to me most about Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory as a kid wasn't the experiments or the setting or even Wonka himself, but how the atmosphere of the film was like nothing I had seen before. That title sequence with the vast array of machines layering perfectly smooth chocolate into patterns while rich string music played felt incredibly old to me, like contact with something that I had only heard rumors of before. That kind of sentimentality and wonder of the movie predates the 1970s, and even life as we depict in the 1950s (as this is the furthest back most Americans can relate). It felt rooted in something older, that viewed the society as something special, like a monument that we strive to push ever higher and higher, and which the resulting loss of has caused such a shock that we are still trying to find out which way to go next. Too often I think that we try to understand the past by comparing it with our vision of the present, when we should really strive to know it from within. It's really difficult to be articulate about this, honestly.

There's two other films in memory that arose interesting feelings in me. One is Titanic, where they really did a spectacular job at detailing the conflict between man and nature on every level. It's such an elegant ship, with beautiful decoration inspired by an enormous amount of art, and the people have such beautiful clothing, and refined manners, and lively accents that it's a wonder the ship could sink at all. Do you get that? It's not just a boat, it's something bigger than that, which is the sum of all mankind's achievement itself, and hangs in the air over countless frames across that movie. That's what they nailed about that film. The other is something I saw recently that I forget the name of, which takes place in the American South sometime between 1970-2000, and it's a very light-hearted film mostly about some young women joking around with typical Southern style humor until one of them attempts to have a child despite being warned not to, and dies giving birth. I don't like much film to be honest, but these are the ones that stood out to me.

>> No.11751467

>those who listen to Palestrina and Monteverdi vote Bolsonaro
kek, this is even worse propaganda than the shit I see on normiebook

>> No.11751471

>Brazil was better during Military years than it is now
[citation needed]

>> No.11751742

I've arranged two different dates tomorrow in which I will have sex, one in the morning, one in the afternoon. I'm kinda nervous because i've never done that before.

>> No.11751749

I'm not thinking. I'm a Zoomer.

>> No.11751801

avoid cumming in the first one, or you might not have enough energy for the second one

>> No.11751826

They will put me down like a fucking dog if I don't constantly wear the mask they will put me down don't fuck up don't fuck up jesus fucking christ are you even paying attention to where you're at why are you even here what are you doing oh are you trying to stop thinking have you thought about how the only security in your life is how you're going to die do you even know what is going to happen the comfort oh wow I forgot that I was even writing this

>> No.11751848

is it really ? I find that generally being 'lost', you look at your life and you see no clear way and you think to yourself where's this going I wonder, I don't know whats gonna happen but I can't stay like this.
I have experienced loneliness,I have no friends but have no direction in life and constantly reflecting on life,wageslaving is just a much worse feel

>> No.11751867

Don't show up to date number 2 smelling anything like girl number 1. Should be obvious, but its 4chan. You're welcome.

>> No.11751986
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As long as he makes it easier to legally acquire guns I couldn't give a single shit about his other ideas.

>> No.11752014

Se mata filho da puta.

O que há de errado com o Nassar?

>> No.11752031
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>Bolsonaro wishes to preserve the tradional hierachy of Western values

Aí que você se engana meu caro.

>pica relatada

>> No.11752115

I can't sleep and I hate my life

>> No.11752977

Sometimes a family member will insult me in a way that feels like they are having a moment of sudden honesty and are saying how they really feel about me. Makes me feel like I am secretly disliked.

>> No.11753032
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last night i got high and watched the entire elon musk video with joe rogan. dude had one small puff, what the fuck is the big deal? its legal where he lives. and anyway the first part of the interview, before he does weed, when theyre talking about accelerationism (though they never use that word) is actually more entertaining.

elon musk seems like he is autistic and a genius. he just does what he wants, but for some reason he seems to want what he thinks is best for humanity. he's an asshole and im far from a reddit acolyte in the cult of musk (the boring company is childish, the tunnel idea is stupid, nobody is ever going to mars), but i cant help admire him.

also, despite him being a big dumb ape man, i really like joe rogan. he's like that older buddy who has gotten laid and knows how to get booze but who still hangs out with the nerds.

really telling that the mainstream media has a hit out for both musk and the JRE.

>> No.11753365

>Se mata filho da puta.

Não ele, mas uma pessoa que escolhe votar em Lula certamente tem mais moralidade do que alguém que opta por Bolsonaro, quando você tem em mente os princípios dele e as barbaridades que vive falando (elogiando torturadores, defendendo genocídios, dizendo que grupos indígenas deveriam ser retirados de suas terras, dizendo que Pinochet deveria ter matado mais pessoas, etc, etc, etc). O curioso é que me parece que, se o Bolsonaro tivesse que ver uma pessoa sendo torturada, ele iria se sentir bastante mal, talvez ter de deixar o porão. Me parece que ele tenta criar uma imagem de alguém de coração frio mais do que ele realmente é. Também me parece que, sendo um homem de pouca inteligência e bastante simples, ele sente que a Igreja (a pior das variedades dela, as Igrejas de Crentes) e o Exército são polos de firmeza e estrelas-guias que lhe ofertam segurança interna. Se ele fosse eleito seria mais um manipulado do que um manipulador.

Várias pessoas veem no exército uma ilha de segurança e ordem no meio do Caos, quando na verdade exemplos de corrupção, de desorganização, de submissão e de falta de transparência abundam nesse órgão. Basta ver a grande chacina de índios durante a ditadura militar e a concessão de terras para grandes latifundiários (sim, eles matavam comunidades, limpavam as terras para criar gado e soja), o caso do atentado Rio centro, a submissão às ordens e interesses dos EUA, a criação de dívidas, a favelização urbana que aconteceu na época, etc. O exército não é a solução milagrosa que muitas pessoas acreditam que ele é. Aliás, não existe solução única e milagrosa: Lula também não é o Arcanjo que tantas pessoas veem nele.

Mas sobre o Lula, se Lula fosse candidato, iria certamente ganhar a eleição: por que será que tantas pessoas iriam votar nele se ele é o monstro que a mídia tenta construir incessantemente já há mais de 20 anos? Não é curioso que toda a mídia bate no homem diariamente e mesmo assim a maior parte da população o apoia?

A maior parte de vocês que postam aqui só têm algo como 18-20-21-22 anos de idade. Vocês não sabem como o país era antes de Lula e quais foram as mudanças sociais que ele trouxe. Só o Bolsa Senpaiília, o Minha Casa Minha Vida e o Prouni já foram mudanças de enorme impacto para várias pessoas.

Mas dito tudo isso, eu acho que nesse momento seria bom a eleição de um candidato mais centralizado: talvez o Ciro ou a Marina. Seria bom para dar uma esfriada nos ânimos.

Mas eu não me iludo: nós mais uma vez teremos um Congresso horrendo, repleto de "pastores", de representantes de Igrejas, de paus-mandados de grandes pecuaristas, etc.

Vocês acham que o Mensalão foi o que? Como vocês acham que medidas de cunho social iriam passar no Congresso? Vocês acham que aqueles caras iriam aprovar qualquer coisa que beneficiasse outros seres humanos se eles próprios não ganhassem algo com isso?

>> No.11753441

I know this feeling

>> No.11754240

Baseadão e vermelhopiluladinho não-ironicamente

>> No.11754313 [SPOILER] 
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Inocente demais você pra achar que algum "representante do povo" como um presidente ou qualquer outra autoridade política tem algum dizer significativo no que é posto em prática nas políticas de um país.Todos os políticos tem seu interesse próprio acima dos interesses dos demais,isso é fato,e é isso que faz com que eles permaneçam nos seus cargos,pois pra que isso seja possível eles precisam comer na mão dos verdadeiros donos do poder , as mega-corporações que dominam o capital e o mundo.Pessoas como o presidente da rede globo por exemplo.

>Bolsa senpaiília,minha casa minha vida ,prouni etc

Esses programas governamentais são todos sustentados por impostos da classe média,a parcela da população que sustenta este pais nas costas,tu acha que rico paga imposto?A classe média esta cansada desta merda e por isso um canditato de "extrema direita" como o bolsonaro é atraente ao povo(assim como foi o trump).Tu acha que dar esmolas a mendigos vai fazer com que eles saiam dessa situação?

Cara acorda, sai dessa mentalidade igualitária,esquerdista,utópica que sonha que um dia todos vão estar de mãos dadas cantando num luau paz e amor na beira da praia...A existência humana sempre foi uma de luta ,desde os primórdios,luta contra incerteza de que um predador pode estar a espreita pronto pra atacar,luta pra alcançar alimento sem morrer na caça, luta para encontrar climas melhores que facilitem a sobrevivência.. etc. Essa foi a realidade humana por centenas de milhares de anos,isso moldou o cérebro humano e não foram algumas centenas de anos vivendo na civilização que alteraram a nossa psicologia.Existem hierarquias,padrões estabelecidos pela natureza que facilitam a ascendência em certas hierarquias(força,coragem, inteligência ,capacidade de fazer networking melhor), preferência instintiva a própria raça(a forma mais visível dessa característica humana esta expressa de forma muito mais intensa no povo judeu,que não é por conhecidência que dominam a mídia,bancos,hollywood e entretenimento no mundo.).

Não vão ser os escritos de um judeu comunista NEET como o Karl Marx que irão alterar a forma como a psicologia humana se expressa depois de milhares de anos de evolução.
A realidade é dura, fria e não liga para os seus sentimentos ,até que você aceite esse fato e use o seu cérebro pra maximizar suas chances de sucesso seja lá no que for que te motiva, vai continuar dando com a cara na parede com esses sonhos de utopia igualitária.

>> No.11754338

>Ao citar candidatos de "centro" só fala de Ciro e Marina

Típica desonestidade esquerdista.

Dito isso, Bolsonaro é imbecil e vai entregar o país para os crentes e judeus.

>> No.11754467


Alckmin é a mesma coisa que o Temer (reforma trabalhista, venda do pré sal, tentativa de privatizar reservas indígenas, entre outras coisas). Amoedo é um neoliberal que só governaria para mega empresários. Quem é centro ao seu ver?

>> No.11754506


Acho que antes de cortar benefícios para o povo seria legal ver cortes de super salários de juízes, de super aposentadorias de juízes e desembargadores, de super salários e super aposentadorias de militares (e viúvas e filhas de militares) e a criação de impostos que taxassem os mais ricos de forma mais firme.

Mas como qualquer proposta de fazer isso é impraticável e é a mesma coisa que suicídio político eu sei que jamais vai acontecer.

Funcionários públicos de “alto escalão” são de longe uma das maiores despesas do país.

>> No.11754588

Esses benefícios nada mais são do que estratégias para manter o povo dócil,pacificado e maleável.Ao invés de ajudarem as pessoas isso funciona como um bloqueio para qualquer tipo de revolta violenta da população pois se sentem como se o governo estivesse fazendo o bem para eles e isso os ajuda a se manterem no poder.Essa é parte da velha política do "pão e circo".

>> No.11754635


Bem, ao menos teríamos que ter aplicações muito mais significativas na educação.

Creio que talvez aumentar muito o salário e prestígio de professores e tornar a competição por cargos de professor em escolas públicas algo muito severo (como a competição por vagas no serviço público mais bem remunerado, ou cursos como o de medicina).

Se a profissão de professor fosse extremamente solicitada e respeitada, a competição naturalmente selecionaria apenas os melhores, e o ensino melhoraria. Claro, seria preciso mais investimento na infraestrutura também.

Professores dos níveis mais básicos talvez sejam alguns dos profissionais mais importantes de toda a estrutura do país, e no entanto são tratados como nada quando comparados com juízes, por exemplo.

>> No.11754640

Centro, direita, esquerda são definições péssimas para o mundo político atual.
É melhor definir os políticos pelos interesses e projetos que representam.
Sindicalistas como Ciro e Marina são péssimos para o país porque estimulam a baixa produtividade da população em troca de benefícios de curto prazo.
Esse é um modelo que já era ultrapassado no século XX.
Em resumo, se você não é parte dos que recebem para "defender os direitos do trabalhador" ou é funcionário público, não existe motivo para votar na esquerda brasileira.

>> No.11754666

Benefício para filhas de militares já foi cortado

>> No.11754781

Do something different and make it happen.

>> No.11754842

Investir na educação em primeira vista seria uma das melhores coisas a se fazer para melhorar um país,porém se você parar para olhar o quanto de ideologia e besteiras danosas que são pregados com fervor cego nas universidades federais(considerados melhores centros de ensino do país),coisas como feminismo, estudo de gênero,estudos marxistas, essa idéias vem de pessoas como o antropológo Franz Boas, Psicanalistas Sigmund Freud e Willem Reich,Escola de Frankfurt,Karl Marx e etc. Todos esses nomes tem uma ligação em comum, são todos judeus que criaram essas idéais e introduziram no Ocidente causando toda essa cultura consumerista,vazia ,que deixa as pessoas sem nenhuma ligação ao seu passado e herança que são coisas fundamentais para uma nação próspera e sadia.

Ok,pra te dar uma resposta simples, o que se precisa ser feito não pode vir do topo da pirâmide para a sua base. As pessoas precisam tomar responsabilidade por sua própria educação e não depender do Estado pois o mesmo tem como propósito controla-las como gado e não criar cidadões auto-suficientes com pensamento crítico elevado,que possam tomar conta de suas vidas sem a necessidade da figura paterna do Estado.Mas isso não vai acontecer pois estamos todos mal acostumados e mal equipados com as facilidades que a vida moderna nos proporciona.

>> No.11754891

>y and women and "entertainment" are just distractions as I slowly embrace death, bu

Dude, you havent found what you want to strive for. Sounds like you are in the exact position you need to be to do that. Rejoice in this and go find it.

>> No.11754960

>finished last novel's edit
>want to write a new one
>debated whether to write totally new story or go back to finish one I had half-written
>went back to finish because I finally could pin down the main character's motives and make a cohesive story
>open it up
>45k words, only a few scenes are actually written and most are in outline form with accompanying notes, notes are bulk of it
>open up support notes document
>another 40k words of very dense setting/plot notes and autistic timelines because first third of story is non-chronological
What the fuck, me? And I still have to read like 10 academic volumes of text as background research just to start actually writing the fucking thing.
I think only masochists can become writers.

>> No.11755047


>> No.11755135

Ele não vai. O presidente não tem como criar leis, ele só pode vetar leis criadas pelo congresso ou criar projetos de lei pro congresso avaliar.
No caso mais extremo, pra medidas emergenciais, ele pode passar uma ementa provisória, que entra em vigência imediatamente e tem até 60 dias pra ser avaliada pelo congresso e adicionada ou não à constituição. A legalização de armas naturalmente não configura uma medida passível de se tornar ementa provisória.
Pra que o presidente consiga fazer alguma lei acontecer, a proposta de lei dele tem que ser sólida o suficiente pro congresso aprovar, e ele tem que ser articulado com o congresso.
Um candidato que tem 27 anos no legislativo e só conseguiu aprovar 2 leis (nenhuma nem um pouco relacionada à segurança pública) não vai ser capaz de realizar uma mudança tão radical quanto aprovar o porte de armas.
Aliás, o máximo que Bolsonaro pode representar como presidente é um pequeno retrocesso em termos de políticas sociais, de acordo com a ideologia reacionária dele. De resto ele é muito burro pra fazer qualquer coisa significativa, ele é só veículo de marketing pra promover a chapa dele. Chapa essa que vai governar no lugar dele caso ele seja eleito.

>> No.11755347

Explore the present, the future doesn't exist. It's all incoming present, so learn to deal with now and stop dreading into past and future which hold no answers.

>> No.11755537

>pregando pensamento crítico e autoeducação

>> No.11755610
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>Pensar criticamente equivale a nunca cometer um erro de gramática.

Chupa minha rola , papa-soja afeminado.

>> No.11755622

Any of you guys good writers?
I'd like to start up an email group that works like a group of pen pals.
Where we talk to each other in our highest prose, I think it would be fun and great practice.

Or; we can just write in this thread.