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11736328 No.11736328 [Reply] [Original]

/g/ here, one of your lads accidentally made a thread on our board and the question came up of what OS you guys use. Current bets on Apple being the majority. Post em.

>> No.11736336


>> No.11736337


>> No.11736343
File: 62 KB, 923x713, play time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Windows 10, friend

>> No.11736353


>> No.11736358

Temple OS as God intended, you glow in the dark CIA nigger.

>> No.11736360

temple os

>> No.11736363

/lit/ is a god-fearing TempleOS board

>> No.11736367

Windows, Mr. Gates.

>> No.11736378

Android ;^)

>> No.11736382


>> No.11736385

windows. i have a life and a brain

>> No.11736403
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Unironically Gentoo of course as I am an Objectivist and Objectivism is to every other philosophy what Gentoo is to every other operating system.
Yes "a meme" but also hard-irrefutably the best.

>> No.11736406
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rice thread now :^)

>> No.11736407

macbook but i spilled a pumpkin spice latte on it so i use a wireless keyboard

>> No.11736408

whatever the library computers and my obama phone uses

>> No.11736413

Ubuntu on my laptop and dual boot Kubuntu/W10 on my desktop

t. STEMfag

>> No.11736436

Windows 10. I had a Mac once, never again. It was the lack of right-click that was both the first straw and the final one.

>> No.11736462
File: 1.62 MB, 2560x1440, 2018-09-03-183255_2560x1440_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two laptops with Debian testing, a desktop with Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 7


>> No.11736492

Windows 10. LG G7 Android phone.

>> No.11736539

Windows 7

>> No.11736547

Excuseme what is OS

>> No.11736560

arch Linux
I got memed into it and I can't be bothered adapting to a different package manager now. The wiki is pretty comfy.

>> No.11736567


>> No.11736586

#! linux (I keep it updated myself)

>> No.11736589

TempleOS of course.