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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 75 KB, 480x608, DeiTu3EW4AAKbfV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11733503 No.11733503 [Reply] [Original]

Who's right in this picture?

>> No.11733507

Whoever perishes

>> No.11733508

Both are correct.

>> No.11733515

He can't be seen in the picture because he's not taking part

>> No.11733523

Donald is merely describing how many abstract things can be explained by science, while Mickey is going beyond that, going the Nitzschean way of being superior to the situation and to fight regardless of the meaninglessness of life. No one is necessarily right nor wrong, both are just worldviews, but I'd choose Mickey over Donald every day of the week.

>> No.11733545

mickey but there is also a flaw in his argument that im too lazy to go through

>> No.11733612

Please, spoonfeed the brainlet here.

>> No.11733721

>there is a flaw in his argument

>> No.11734068
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I trust mikey because he looks happy and confident

>> No.11734089

why do brainlets think this image is deep?

>> No.11734102
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The right one is Mickey Mouse; the left one Donald Duck

>> No.11734126

Donald is referring to the brain
Mickey is referring to the mind within the brain
Both are valid

>> No.11734153

Mickey ultimately, as he doesn't really say shit. If he is weary of making god out of himself and/or reason, but still employs the scientific method with rigour and caution he's a top lad. If he takes the route of continental fuckery and slam-philosophy to bolster his current esoteric nupolitics, because we 'can't prove nuffin', then he belongs on /lit/.

So depends. At least Donald is taking a stnce and is willing to be held responsible. Mickey might have the right attitude, but I don't trust the weasel.

>> No.11734173
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wittgenstein, as always

>> No.11734177
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>> No.11734229

Based and articulate

>> No.11735170

Cool, Mickey, cool, but if it is so, and you reject assumption that what we see, hear and sense is real, then what do you propose as alternative? What is it that won't lead us to collective unending madness?

>> No.11735190

There's no Provable answer. That's the point.

>> No.11735193
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>> No.11735194
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>> No.11735211

Trump is bigger than Hillary so I support him

>> No.11735265

Existentialism beats nihilism ten times out of ten

>> No.11735271

Donald is wrong because he doesn't understand how life works
Mickey is wrong because nominalism is wrong.
Really these two veiws go hand in hand.

>> No.11735275

>Both are just world veiws
That have little bearing on reality

>> No.11735304

Neither means a single thing, it's meaningless non-sequiturs.

>> No.11735311
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>> No.11735320
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Mickey says knowledge is based on the unprovable (as if to discredit it) yet makes a positive claim that passes as knowledge (i.e., X is not a trustworthy evaluator of X, where in this case X = chemicals).

>> No.11735499

read this in their voices for maximum keks

>> No.11735648

Donald is the first Wittgenstein and Mickey is the second Wittgenstein right?

>> No.11735679

it doesn't matter, because we'll never know the answer beyond our own meaningless attempts at comprehension

>> No.11735817
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>> No.11735875

shut up hume

>> No.11736089

If you were a senior in High School this would impress me, but I want you to work a little harder on this one

>> No.11736153


>Everything we know and love is reducible to the absurd acts of chemicals

the word "absurd" is doing some work here that actually undermines the point. the word choice is meant to subtly impart value judgment, while the statement as a whole is meant to undermine value judgments in general.

>there is therefore no intrinsic value in this material universe

These 2 statements are essentially the same thing, the word "therefore" is inappropriate here because the 2 statements don't justify each other, they both reflect the same idea.

>hypocrite that you are, for you trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you they are chemicals

This is a valid criticism of Donald's statement. Donald sought to undermine value judgments by claiming things of value reduce to chemical and physical phenomena, but the same is true of all beliefs and knowledge, including Donald's claim itself.

>All knowledge is ultimately based on that which we cannot prove.

I think this is a true statement but its beside the point in this case. Donald's criticism of value judgments is not that value judgments aren't provable, it's that they have no justification in the physical world, which is a different issue.

>Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

This is just good Nietzsche type stuff. Again good criticism of Donald's statement. It really doesn't matter whether love and other value concepts like fairness or justice are reducible, value judgments are a part of the human experience.

Mickey wins

>> No.11737194


>> No.11738117

Donald makes no sense. I'm part of the material universe and I believe things have intrinsic value. Therefore there is intrinsic value in the material universe.

>> No.11738125

Could be both (or neither) given that Donald is making a metaphysical claim and Mickey an epistemological one

>> No.11738553

If one examines Mickey's paradigm of discourse, one is faced with a choice: either reject social realism or conclude that the purpose of the ego is social comment. But Donald's image implies that expression is a product of the collective unconscious.

Goofy uses the term ‘the cultural paradigm of discourse’ to denote not, in fact, deappropriation, but postdeappropriation.

“all knowledge is ultimately based on that which we cannot prove,” says Mouse; however, according to
Scuglia[1] , it is not so much knowledge that is part of the stasis of truth, but rather the collapse of reason. However, the premise of social realism states that unreason is meaningless, but only if Donald's image is valid. If the cultural paradigm of discourse holds, we have to choose between social realism within the clubhouse, or dialectic substructuralist theory.

>> No.11738623

They are both a part of a journey. Donald wants someone to btfo him and mickey provided him that. Mickey's statements also has its flaws and someone along the way will btfo him next if he kept asking but he seems satisfied enough by his expression

>> No.11738700

>Mickey is wrong because nominalism is wrong.

Please go further regarding how it is wrong, thanks

>> No.11740078


>> No.11740094
File: 18 KB, 220x306, 220px-35._Portrait_of_Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-realism is based. Based Wittgenstein and Georges Sorel

>> No.11740161

all niggers must fucking hang

>> No.11740240

>Will you fight ?
Fight for what ? how ?
>Or will you perish like a dog ?
Do dogs perish in a less valuable way than others ? (poor Pluto) What is the difference in perishing like a glorious hero or a dog ? Doesn't really change anything for you.

>> No.11740251

literally the most based and redpilled thing i've seen on this board and im not even joking

>> No.11740328

the holy trinity, one after the other as chain, perfectly balanced.

>> No.11740407

The question they are seeking answers to is formulated in error.

>> No.11742204

the arguments you get into after you smoke too much weed.

>> No.11742240
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Whenever I smoke weed I either become extremely introverted or angry. Doesn't matter what strain. The last time I took shrooms I thought about murdering someone and found out I really liked the idea

I think I might have some problems but I'm not sure what do. Help me /lit/. I'm not edgy posting

>> No.11742426

It's a matter of perspective
Mickey is right
Donald is right

>> No.11742450

the 200+ IQ writer

>> No.11743048
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>> No.11743077

lol wtf dude

>> No.11743089


>> No.11743116


>> No.11743131

This. /lit/ needs to grow up.

>> No.11743134

it's called the devil's lettuce for a reason. satan comes into your mind when you're in that impaired state of mind. most stoners have far too little brain activity to remember or realize their wicked thoughts.

>> No.11743368

that is a valid point that undermines Mickey. However, Donald is also undermining his point by assuming that chemicals act absurdly. Both are making assumption they have no way to prove.

>> No.11743412

Isn't Donald advocating the same as Ben Stiller ?

>> No.11743432

Stiller would say that it is precisely because everything is reducible to chemicals, that there is objective value to things. He would probably say that 'intrinsic' is an incomprehensible qualifier in this case.

Mickey is right to warn against the traps of making gods out of ourselves and/or our reason, but ultimately ends up using it as a justification for his lack of rigour. Too lazy to do science and update it, so variant of 'we can't no nuffin' are more accessible. Whether it's nihilism, faith, or whatever dogmas he chooses to justify.

>> No.11743465

Every time you would normally do drugs, read Infinite Jest instead. By the time you finish, you will be either cured of your addiction or have eliminated your own map for keeps, but so whichever ends up happening will be a net good for society.

>> No.11743474

They’re equally cringe

>> No.11744237
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ding ding ding

Mickey assumes that you need universals to care; that one can't accept the knowledge of the universe available to us and still embrace our biases because they're in our nature.

>> No.11744302

That's a bad place to be anon, stop partaking and make sure you're well hydrated and getting plenty of sleep.

If you one or any combination of: insomnia (especially 2 or more nights in a row) / hear voices in your head / start seeing frequent and odd connections between things / racing thoughts / homocidal or suicidal thoughts... Then you should seek medical attention. Don't be ashamed to seek help anon, it could prevent utter disaster.

>> No.11744741

its just wank, micky is essentially calling donald a lil bitch for being the first to voice both of their distress, what happens after this is that they both go back to worrying but donald feels berated and mickey feels a momentary false sense of accomplishment, they both die early deaths

>> No.11745442

>belief statement as justification for an objective truth statement
I believe that this is actually not an argument

>> No.11745451

Lay down and die or fight.

Hard choice famalam.

>> No.11746854
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Josuke is correct.

>> No.11746868

It just sounds like a classic paradox desu

>> No.11746877
File: 102 KB, 960x720, Gods of the Copybook Headings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mickey rolled that nihilist like dough, the worth we place on things is of course in our minds, whether or not something is valuable or meaningful is up to you. Even if the unproveable assertion that there is nothing of intrinsic value in the universe is true, it by definition does not matter. And if the patterns in the physical nature of the universe create concepts, then they surely must create meaning.

>> No.11746932

I read this as Donald making a claim for Nihilism derived from a materialistic worldview.
Mickey simply refutes this as circular reasoning. >We will use the chemicals in our brains to interpret scientific inquiry to tell us the chemicals are chemicals
The chemicals in your brain are therefore a proof unto themselves. And because the chemicals in your brain are the materialistic gateway to knowledge, all knowledge has no rational foundation for proof.
Mickey is right.

>> No.11746938

You need to unironically immerse yourself in activities that you hate. Something that requires significant commitment. Once you get into it, the reasons will be obvious.

>> No.11747055

Goofy, who's over banging Minnie at Mickey's house.

>> No.11747067

The mouse's point is no different than saying "you might be in a dream right now" or "an evil demon could be confounding your reasoning". Those are true, but having 0% confidence in your reasoning is a trivial solution. There may be other self-consistent views of your own reasoning that give greater than 0% and less than 100% confidence, views that take into account your own doubt about your own reasoning, including your meta-doubt about your meta-reasoning, and so on recursively, but with diminishing adjustments.

Also chemicals aren't inherently untrustworthy. In fact, everything goes back to the laws of physics, which are regular and predictable.

As for the duck, intrinsic value is not required to act. An extrinsic value that consists of your own preferences is sufficient.

>> No.11747595

The patterns in the physical nature of the universe do create meaning, via your neurological sentimentality. Linguistic meaning is based on knowledge via facts. Values are based on needs + facts -- you value something because it accomplishes something you want.
It is sort of important, since if we want to derive optimal collective values it helps to understand how they arise (at least intellectuals/elites should understand, lemmings will just conform as per usual).

Well stated.

>> No.11747602

Donald's argument is wrong, but Donald is by far a better character than Mickey who is, even in this instance, only right because the author decided to give him a free win yet again.

>> No.11747609

>The patterns in the physical nature of the universe do create meaning, via your neurological sentimentality.
There's no line drawn from patterns to experience. The lines are drawn in the different direction. The patterns themselves are as artificial as pixels on your screen. There are no books in your computer, no forests, no mountains. It's all in your experience.

>> No.11747629

Krishnamurti spotted

>> No.11747635

I'm just a half-assed solipsist wannabe who understands one simple concept.

>> No.11747648

You can't know that. What is the subject of your experience? It can't be experience itself. So what is the self? If you have an impression of it, what makes that impression more trustworthy than any other? If you don't sense the self, then you can't be certain experience isn't produced by the world. You don't know which direction the lines are drawn in, so you might as well go with the model that offers some predictive power. If experience has no source, then there no dualism and we can deal with the apparent.

Also, the existence of distinct configurations (patterns) in our experience implies the existence of patterns in the source. Without distinctness, there could be no experience.

>> No.11747652

>there are still stemfags on /lit/
Hello fellow rational skeptics!

>> No.11747653

get in here boys some of them are on the verge of a breakthru

>> No.11747663

>he unironically browses both /lit/ and /sci/
NPCs need not apply for this board, cya bud

>> No.11747668

>You can't know that.
It's the only thing I can know for certain.
>What is the subject of your experience?
Is there such a thing?
>It can't be experience itself.
Yes it can.
>So what is the self?
Am I supposed to know that? I'm not a collage of simple pictures.

>> No.11748007
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Wow, great pure reasoning there. Why even bother?

>> No.11748510
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>t. picrel who only reads science fiction and has never seen a philosophy book in his life

>> No.11748571

Huh. A funny joke on 4chan that has nothing to do with irony or memes

>> No.11749388
File: 54 KB, 640x480, fuck_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mickey is wrong.

Donald is right.

Donald has a set of beliefs which decide what is real and it's not real. Donald follows those beliefs and reachs the conclusion that nothing has inherent value.

Meanwhile the rat retard has a set of beliefs which makes him contradict himself as he claims the reasoning of "proving x" is ultimately the first priority as he didn't prove such method, then proceeds to change the topic like a subhuman coward to a "pragmatic" one.

Donald is right.

Shit rat is wrong.

>> No.11749622

Yep and indeed in the end that's why you just have to smash through it, to BE, to experience reality

>> No.11749648

but they're even easier to cajole than the anons here

>> No.11749753

Existentialism is nihilism wearing a silly hat.

>> No.11749771

Anon for some reason this really tickled my funny bone. Thank you.

>> No.11749778

"I have a bad reaction to [Unnecessary Circumstance] whenever I engage in [Unnecessary Circumstance]. What's wrong with me?"

This is like complaining that you typically have a bad reaction to being hit by a car. Not imparting a value judgment on weed or psychedelics, but if you get nothing positive out of it, why do it? You don't need to do drugs, dude. Avoid situations and activities that do not positively contribute to your person.

>> No.11749850

Cogito ergo sum. Everything else comes after.
I did exist before I even knew of determinism, Newtonian physics, Atomic scale... Those things are the patterns I have learned. World is what it has always been.
I do not become these things I learn. No model, no science, no research has found a single mind. Yet you claim that the mind is *exactly* what we have already found. This does not compute.

>> No.11750419

Wittgenstein wouldn't argue for Mickey. He would say they are both stupid.

>> No.11751641

No I haven't... I haven't even claimed the 'mind' (which you haven't defined) even exists (cogito ergo sum is often criticized because it presupposes the 'I' and 'thinking', which are not certainties). You are aware of existence before anything else, it is the only 'brute fact' and does not require any kind of reasoning -- only experience of it. But that is all you can strictly be certain of (outside of self-contained logical statements which do not attempt to describe the real)... You can not know that your mind is actually 'creating' the world or that there is any real dualism in play. So what to do? Well given certainty is off the table (problem of induction), wouldn't you favour empricism -- which demonstrates predictive power?

>> No.11751703

>All knowledge is based upon that which we cannot prove

Every anon who sides with Mickey Mouse needs a rough slap in the face by a man with large hands.

>> No.11751710

prove they need that

>> No.11751748

where do u live bithc

>> No.11751797

Based and redpilled