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File: 134 KB, 600x600, 1464830862832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11726169 No.11726169 [Reply] [Original]

Guess it turns out most philosophy/english majors on this board are Pragmatists after all...

>> No.11726190

There are good ways to simplify complicated philosophies. This post is absolute garbage at doing this.

Platonism = learn more?
Hedonism = have pleasure now?
Existentialism = make decisions and be positive?
Confucianism = live an ordinary life?

How stupid.

>> No.11726206

Well, it was made by a woman

>> No.11726224
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1529180041310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.11726232

Can someone make a good version of this?

>> No.11726246

What would “soulless reincarnation is real and your life is essentially a dice roll, therefore be nice to everyone and improve the world for your future selves” fall under?

>> No.11726258


>> No.11726281
File: 80 KB, 266x200, 1469040739512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by anna

>> No.11726357

you know I’m right. If we don’t have a metaphysical identity, then it makes no sense for us to be contained within one life. Organisms are conscious, so they must have “someone” to experience life. I dare say that if only one organism existed, then everyone would consciously experience life as that organism. I could be composed of multiple past consciousnesses right now, but we wouldn’t know it, since we all experience the same thing.

But if humans do have identity, then where does the soul reside before birth? Surely it cannot be created from nothing, so all life must extract souls from a common source. But surely the source cannot be arbitrarily divided, so the source must exist in each organism in some degree, so to speak, but why would this identity be maintained, if it depended on the makeup of the organism? So their soul would be immortal, but it wouldn’t be theirs, but they and everyone else will partake in it again in future lives.

Buddhism and other Indian religions advocated samsara so that thelower castes would accept their fate and fulfill their dharma, so that they would be born in a better life next time.

Either way you look at it, identity or not, it makes the most sense that we randomly reincarnate. Therefore we should do everything we can to improve life on Earth.

>> No.11726592
File: 200 KB, 778x675, 1497217977323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But surely the source cannot be arbitrarily divided, so the source must exist in each organism in some degree, so to speak, but why would this identity be maintained, if it depended on the makeup of the organism? So their soul would be immortal, but it wouldn’t be theirs, but they and everyone else will partake in it again in future lives.

I like this, how did you arrive to this conclusion?

>> No.11726602

What would "the purpose of life is to discover your inherent nature and then act that out to its fullest extent" be in this chart?

>> No.11726605

>life has no meaning until you give it one
>Logical Positivism

>> No.11726722

the meaning of life is unironically all of these put together except nihilism

>> No.11726728
File: 1.23 MB, 750x1214, 479B6CA5-990A-40CB-889B-6DBBDA2182AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the pessimists at?

>> No.11726771

platonism, nihilism, existentialism, absurdism, humanism and logical positivism. do i make sense?

>> No.11726776

and your coment is your coment just because you're a man

>> No.11726780

Truly amazing. By attempting to summarize these ideas in just a few words, the majority of them are disgustingly misrepresented. And why the everloving fuck is the title "The Meaning of Life / according to different philosophers" when only two philosophers are mentioned?
Beautifully misinformative, and the shoehorned "In Asia" box at the bottom is just icing on the cake.

>> No.11726782

consider >>>/int/, but /lit/ is for fluent english speakers sweety

>> No.11726793

OPs image triggers me so much.

Anna probably made it as a project in her 2nd year intro to philosophy final.

>> No.11726878


>> No.11726900

How do we marry Anna?

>> No.11726901

So this is the power of Russian expatriates...

>> No.11727400
File: 673 KB, 718x863, McCarthy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can add doubt to any statement by adding a question mark at the end of it.

>> No.11727614

t. Le Machistus Goblinus

>> No.11727639

>how did you arrive to this conclusion?
It’s just what makes the most sense to me. Humans are obviously different creatures in the flesh, and there might be a corresponding difference in our souls also. But I see no reason why the universe would preserve these souls in their form which is dependent on the organism, which is the interpretation that Buddhism and many other religions hold. I think a lot of people cling to these views anyway, as a way of preserving our selves in immortality. But I believe this is just the result of giving monkeys the ability to think abstractly. We want that immortal afterlife, where our DNA never dies, not even having to reproduce. And it will be pleasurable, a constant indication of our evolutionary success. And even though Indian religions eventually offered a way out of this separate existence from the universe, the worry about karma and dharma seems just a way to control the population.

If I were founding a belief system that not only made sense, but had good effects on society, then I would base it on non-identity transmigration. If there exists some metaphysical tally of our good deeds, then hopefully making the world a better place could help us achieve that goal. But I don’t believe in the tally, anyway. I think there is a way to advance our spirit, but first we have to realize that it’s not just our spirit, but everyone’s. Imagine a world where everyone contemplated living in someone else’s shoes, and knowing that they could easily be born that way in the next life, they did something to help that person, or eliminate their suffering, or prevent that type of suffering in the future. That person would surely still have a better soul by realizing the need to help people, than half of modern Christians who simply get by on belief, and hope to reach the exact same place as the most serious of Christians! I’ve always thought the boundary separating Heaven and Hell is a bit too...wide. Anyway, my point is that my system is the most logical, and still provides good possible afterlives if other systems are true. But I’m sure my idea would have to eventually include specific political reasoning, since “make the world a better place” is a bit vague.

Back to the idea of transmigration, I don’t really have that many arguments for it, but it intuitively makes sense. If I have an identity, then I can’t truly die, or else that identity will no longer exist and I can simply assume a new identity. Without any identity at all, any life could be mine in the next life as well.

>> No.11728306

Most of the statements are captured by the virtue prudence.

>> No.11728320

That's not what fucking hedonism is.
God i hate this shit.

>> No.11728340

This. The stupidity of this takes away IQ points just contemplating it. I checked just now and my digit span decreased. It cannot reconcile these low IQ interpretations. It's like a critical error has occurred and my brain crashed.
As the system is trying to repair itself, I searched the author of this monstrosity. She worked for Google and Cisco, allegedly. This isn't fair. Here I am, high IQ and penniless and this...., this..... pseud isn't the word here, she doesn't even present herself as one.... this extraordinarily low IQ woman who happened to find a summary of philosophies by happenstance... is ahead financially. That's enough internet for one day.

>> No.11728385

yeah, all excluding nihilism can be viewed as virtues especially in the stoic sense of virtue, which this infographic insults along with others

>> No.11728459

I hope that the one who made this is not serious.

>> No.11728539

Diff between Hen and Epi?

>> No.11728709

is this ironic?

>> No.11728747

it’s obvious if you understood any of those schools of thought you’d get what those mean. Instead you read those phrases totally ignorant of what’s behind them and complain you’re not being spoonfed enough worthless whore.

>> No.11728788

Kantianism and Confucianism seems like the best choice for proper humans

>> No.11728846

I thought logical positivism was an epistemological position.
Also confucianism and legalism are getting completely misrepresented

>> No.11728891
File: 386 KB, 620x391, sam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do the most good to humans