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11700660 No.11700660 [Reply] [Original]

So what exactly IS the /lit/ meme trilogy?

>> No.11700670

My diary
My diary the sequel
My diary the prequel

>> No.11700678

I was going to disagree about the Blade trilogy, because I super love the first one, but thinking back on it I have to admit that the second movie is better in a whole host of ways. I just love the first one more.

>> No.11700691

Return of the King needs to go a bit higher.

>> No.11700735

Hopefully still IJ, GR, and Ulysses. Won't accept any of this new weirdo philosophy shit forced everywhere

>> No.11700751

why the fuck is Mad Max 3 so high??? Thunderdome was awul

>> No.11700752

Return of the Jedi > A New Hope
The Lost World: JP > JP
Alien 3 was worse than Alien and Aliens but c'mon it wasn't THAT bad.
Fellowship is easily > The Two Towers. Can't decide if it was > RoTK
How the fuck can you say Matrix 2 was much worse than Matrix 1?
/tv/ must be full of shit taste if this is what their general consensus looks like.

>> No.11700754
File: 43 KB, 758x426, HelloComputer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Star Trek
Hold the bloody phone.

>> No.11700760

>Return of the Jedi > A New Hope
Not with the ewoks it don't.
>The Lost World: JP > JP
>Alien 3 was worse than Alien and Aliens but c'mon it wasn't THAT bad.
It really was tho.
>Fellowship is easily > The Two Towers. Can't decide if it was > RoTK
Yes on the former, no on the latter. Return of the King should get top marks purely on the virtue of for once finishing off a trilogy strong.
>How the fuck can you say Matrix 2 was much worse than Matrix 1?
Matrix 1 was a masterpiece and the other two movies don't exist.

>> No.11700784

>didn't like RoTJ because of ewoks
They literally did not affect me for the better or worse. Boring-ass Tattoine did though.
>No argument on JP
The first JP was good at creating a craving for more dino action in my younger self, and TLW:JP quenched that very well. In chronological order:
>Stegosaurus tail-swipe
>T-rex rampage
>day-time velociraptor stalking
>T-rex rampage.. IN THE FUCKING CITY

>> No.11700787

>t. easily excitable brainlet

>> No.11700809
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>no argument

>> No.11700811

Rank em' best to worst.

>> No.11700879

Infinite Jest 2/10
Gravity Rainbow 7/10
Ulysses 10/10

>> No.11700942

fuck this -- terminator 1 and alien were the best of their trilogies

>> No.11700949

My diary the presequel

>> No.11701305

Gravity's Rainbow is AT LEAST a 8.5/10.

>> No.11701317

>godfather 3 being rated this low
Never got this particular meme

>> No.11701331

Not really. The crude sexual content takes a few points off at least. I could do without the shit and nigger dick. Books do not need detailed sexual content in it.

>> No.11701332

Imagine being so dumb that you make this

>> No.11701351

It has a purpose there. If you get triggered so easily stick to the safe space library.

>> No.11701354

>Imagine being /tv/

>> No.11701362

Who the fuck do you think you are? Adrian Mole?

>> No.11701363

The only thing wrong with it is Sofia Coppola; I think it's more that fact that it just looks like utter shit compared to the first two.

>> No.11701490


>> No.11701497

Terminator and Lord of the Rings are spot on but whoever says Aliens is better than Alien is a clear pleb (Aliens and Alien are both great but Alien works so beautifully as a horror film whereas Aliens is just space war ladydick swanging)

>> No.11701503

>aliens better than alien
Saw the 2 of them back to back for the first time only recently and Alien is a masterpiece. Aliens is bordeline shlock

>> No.11701508

Matrix is wrong

>> No.11701511

Sofia Coppola is absolutely dreadful, literally only got the role because her dad is the director. She sorta redeems herself with how great Lost in Translation was though.

Also Robert Duvall didn't want to return for the third one so no Tom Hagen, possibly one of the best secondary characters in the first two movies.

As a whole it's an uglier film with weaker performances (although Al Pacino definitely tried his best and I quite like the development of Michael Corleone regretting his past actions).

Really they shouldn't have made Part 3. Try re-watching it sometime because, although it's a serviceable movie on its own, in comparison to the first two it's genuinely quite frustrating.

>> No.11701514

>Beneath the Planet of the Apes that low

Someone fucking explain because that was a great movie.

>> No.11701516
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> people actually think Alien is "boring"

>> No.11701524

>No trilogy where the final installment is the best
Is this by the nature of sequals or is there an exception because I mostly agree with this list. I would say this is grossly understating DK Rises but that could be a /tv/ meme in itself, I wouldn't know.

>> No.11701530

lmao have you even read ulysses then

>> No.11701563

It's not the Nolan trilogy

>> No.11701596

Oh, well I feel like a fool.

>> No.11701597

The Return of the King is the best instalment though.

Dark Knight Rises was good but to me it had a few too many plotholes I just couldn't shake (if nobody knew Bruce was in that prison then how come he managed to get back to Gotham so quickly?). Maybe I need to rewatch it but I find it hard to take that movie as seriously as I'd like to. Anne Hathaway as catwoman is my fetish.

>> No.11702029

>Terminator 2 better than Terminator 1
>Anyone giving a shit about Back To The Future 3
>Anyone giving a shit about Jaws past the 1st
>Implying Godfather 3 was even that bad
>Implying the 3rd Matrix should even be visible
>Implying Star Wars past the 1st one brought anything new to the table


>> No.11702036

>b-but the ewoks tho

>> No.11702040

>Alien 3 was worse than Alien and Aliens but c'mon it wasn't THAT bad.
And more important, Alien was objectively better than Aliens

>> No.11702047

People only say T2 was better than T1 because they didn't understand the first one.
T1 was a masterpiece of scientific horror (think Cronenburg) Tarvoksky even praised the narrative.
T2 however (much like what Cameron did with Aliens) is Terminator Lite TM, he basically removed all of the original mythos for an absolutely fantastic genre action.
T1 was the work of art, T2 was effortlessly working on the unexpected cashcow they made to appeal to a mass audience (still great though).
The first one had sex, real violence, real horror, real tension, shit you can't do in a family film.

>> No.11702055

this lets put an end to the deleuzional faggots

>> No.11702059

The main problem with RotJ is that after he gets rescued, Han's story is basically over. His underworld backstory with Jabba has been resolved, he's out of debt, and the tension with Leia is gone. The misunderstanding about her feelings for Luke just feels shoehorned and phony, and jealous beta Han is lame compared to "I know" Han from ESB. The rest of the movie is awesome, ewoks included

>> No.11702075

>Also Robert Duvall didn't want to return for the third one so no Tom Hagen, possibly one of the best secondary characters in the first two movies.
And the logical continuation of the story would be a focus on Tom and Michael's deteriorating relationship, since everybody else is dead

>> No.11702079

Godfather 3 was so garbage. The series went from Shakespeare in the sky on a breezy sunny day to Days of Our Lives novelacore.

>> No.11702107

bugman taste

>> No.11702108

Deleuze isn't good but you only cited literature memes. No philosophical undercurrents here which makes me wonder if you meant it in a broader sense, in which case, you are a low IQ English major that even deleuze is better than.

>> No.11702111

Pol post

>> No.11702115

lol what a baby

>> No.11702137

nothing pol about it
the chart is ready player one concept art

>> No.11702223

How is this about books? Why don't you make a book one?

>> No.11702389

OP doesn't read

>> No.11702458

>mad max 3 better than mad max 1

>> No.11702534

Nope. It's the only one that's in the right place. The Two Towers should be a little higher and Fellowship should be all the way to the top.

>> No.11702687
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game of thrones pentology rating