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/lit/ - Literature

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11699159 No.11699159 [Reply] [Original]

has the way universities teach literature changed?

>> No.11699169

>for once I won't mind doing the readings!

Imagine putting yourself in debt for this

>> No.11699223

I've been looking for literature undergrads this month and the only university that offers classics is the most prestigious with a 10% acceptance rate
the rest have reading lists like American lit with focus on Ginsburg and Plath and all of them offer shitty "genre" courses

>> No.11699226
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Here's a repost of some horror stories from my experiences. These were all in literature and philosophy courses
>professor once showed an magazine photo of JLo in an ass-sticking-out pose very similar to pic related and said that her pose was a blatant remnant of Jim Crow imagery, continuing the colonial trend of "othering" "black and brown femme bodies"
>all nametags and self-introductions have to include pronouns
>poured my heart and soul into my final creative writing project, hands down the most proud I've been of anything I've ever written, only for my professor to evaluate it as "very male-centric" and "lacking in more marginalized perspectives"
>tried to have class seminar on Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents, but every time it was a woman's turn to speak she would waste a good eight fucking minutes making disclaimers about how disgusting, heteronormative, trans-exclusionary, and patriarchal his ideas were
>every student reading their work out loud uses that god-awful slam poetry tonality
>most creative writing from other students were sub-fanfiction tier
>professor gives list of 20th century artistic/social movements and asks us to break into groups to read the manifesto of each, I raise my hand and choose futurism from the list and suddenly everyone looks at me like I'm going to sieg heil
>one professor took 45 minutes to read her "erasure poetry" based on Phenomenology of Spirit to the class which was ones of the most excruciating moments of my life
>students (nearly always female) will constantly pipe up with the most retarded comments like "I didn't like it when _____ happened in the story" as if it's a bad thing for something sad or upsetting to happen
>"i don't really get the point of philosophy" (continues to rattle off philosophical propositions as if they're facts and gets offended or uses twitter-tier arguments when alternative positions are pointed out)
>"dead white men"
>"brown bodies" "trans bodies" "black bodies" "female bodies" "latinx bodies" "differently-abled bodies" bodies bodies bodies bodies bodies bodies
>one professor ACTUALLY asked that we not use ANY PRONOUNS AT ALL when referring to him. not "they," not "xir," NO pronouns. (I dropped the class after the first day and took ecology instead)

>> No.11699247
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release me...

>> No.11699249

Jesus Christ. Is this what being American is like?
>I dropped the class after the first day and took ecology instead
I'm thinking of doing some kind of life science with an English minor myself

>> No.11699252


/pol/ memes aside, yes the way universities teach literature has changed over time.

English students used to sit around and talk about how Shakespeare made them feel, which all academics make fun of now.

Then there was new criticism, and then there's the "postmodern neo-Marxism" that all you brainwashed neo-Nazis hate.

>> No.11699274

Wow, I did a literature track and didn't experience much of this at all. Maybe I was just lucky. My school was pretty liberal, though.

>> No.11699279

>English students used to sit around and talk about how Shakespeare made them feel, which all academics make fun of now.

Which is absolutely despicable and should be returned to over what goes on now which is just garbled schizo-nonsense of ideologues.
New Criticism was peak humanities

Also kill yourself pinko

>> No.11699292

No the person you're replying to didn't experience that either. It's an old meme on this website to make up strange Orwellian situations that paint a portrait of a declining society. This riles up the tards like>>11699247

>> No.11699303

Left can't meme

>> No.11699308

No. I wrote all of that and it's 100% true. I'll be going back to that very school soon. If you don't think it's that bad yet, you aren't paying attention.

>> No.11699317

quiet tard

>> No.11699321

Literal gaslighting

>> No.11699322

Nice argument

>> No.11699324

Imagine having to contract a debt to study at the University level.

>> No.11699369

Here's my counter-experience as a global studies/ language major. My university is consistently ranked the most liberal in the country. Most of these classes I took for fun because I have more than enough credits.
>Classics greek drama freshman year: female professor tells class she will fail any paper on gender and BTFO some thot's feminist reading of Lysistrata in class
>Another classics professor advocated for colonization when another thot said some tangent about how condoms exploit tribal societies
>Japanese professor makes off handed comments about how koreans constantly steal their culture, and has banter with chinese students in class
>female film professor is friends with zizek and assigned Fredric Jameson and Badiou, along with critiques of postcolonial film theory
Only really awful class I've taken was a creative writing class led by an absolute nutcase. All my other professors have been very knowledgeable and the ones that were unabashedly political didn't teach it at all and made an effort to allow students to think critically and not just spout dumb bullshit they find on twitter.

>> No.11699404

Yeah what we need is absolute retards like this being able to study on tax payer money
Thank Christ for a private education system

>> No.11699414

For the record, I'm sure my school is not a fair representation of the average American college right now. There's no doubt it's fringe. But people should know just how bad it can get

>> No.11699434

Dude, I literally dropped an English class today because the professor was having us "analyze" Kendrick Lamar and Katy Perry lyrics as an "example of 21st century literature".

>> No.11699465

And you can't comprehend English

>> No.11699472

He never said everybody should attend uni
Kys amerilard

>> No.11699508

kendrick is dope, dude

>> No.11699516

Despite me taking a few literature and liberal arts courses in a major urban center that has built a reputation for being a hivebed of SJWs and their ilk, I have surprisingly not seen the horror stories that others recount. It's mostly quiet discussions of the books we read and some basic analysis, and no one has ever tried to push their beliefs in class. Guess I lucked out?

>> No.11699525
File: 335 KB, 1484x1484, TPAB_02.16.15_1142 2_nowords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Kendrick Lamar makes isn't art: it's a consumer product no different than mouthwash and Nike sneakers. It's noise created by the machine that supports him, carefully designed to appeal to the broadest demographic possible in order to maximize profits. Any "meaning" you pull from the album (or RapGenius, let's be honest) was created by a boardroom full of rich whites and jews, just like the dead one on the front of the album cover. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist, and by telling consumers that uppity niggers (again, just like the ones on the album cover) are capable of causing massive political and social reform, the uninformed masses will delude themselves into thinking this fabricated version of reality is the truth. Then, like clockwork, they will purchase the album and merch and concert tickets and praise Kendrick for his prophetic message as he gains more and more cultural equity while his white and jewish overlords cash in on the public's ignorance.

>> No.11699528

I go to a very left leaning top tier liberal arts college and I’m an English major there. My experience has been very similar with a few exceptions; politics rarely makes its way into the classroom. This often causes a commotion from my SJW/far left peers, who think the curriculum is still too Eurocentric and not diverse enough. But most profs have done a good job of not giving in to the pressure of their students, which I commend them for. One of my favorite professors teaches political science, and although he is decidedly a Marxist, he can’t stand the current climate of the neoreactionary left and deliberately calls out their viewpoints in class. The only problem I’ve had was in an intro critical theory class taught by a woman who’s only published work is titled “feminism, bahktin, and the dialogic.” She’s really smart and knows what she’s taking about, studied with Derrida briefly etc., but she taught the course terribly. It was supposed to be a survey course on critical methods in the twentieth century, and in a 10 week term, we spent 1 week on new criticism and the other nine weeks on deconstruction, other post structural critical methods, feminist, Marxist, queer theory, what have you. So when it came time to write my final essay, which had to use one of the critical methods we had studied, I felt like I was being stifled creatively. I went to my prof and was like “can I do my final essay on how political criticism is detrimental to art” and she literally got so mad at me. She may have thought that I didn’t respect her teaching, but her getting angry with me was really unprofessional. I ended up writing about the poetics of space and invisible cities and got a b plus. Some fat girl’s queer reading of the dead got an A. That’s the only time I’ve felt like the so-called school of resentment thrived at my very liberal school.

>> No.11699550

He's nothing without a league of creative and talented and interesting producers behind him. That's why TPAB is so great and DAMN is such shit

>> No.11699576


>> No.11699579

TPAB is honestly not that good.
untitled unmastered > gkmc > DAMN. > TPAB
haven't listen to that other one or the disney shit

>> No.11699583

DAMN was his 2nd best album though.

>> No.11699597

Kendrick isn't literature. He is at best a writer and performer of art, and even giving him more credit than he deserves, his art isn't literature.

>> No.11699607

You really think Kendrick deserved a Pulitzer?

>> No.11699631

I think it is very much so a matter of luck. My first English classes were actually a very pleasant experience, but this last one was embarrassingly bad. I think the bigger issue is that there is a massive amount of asymmetry in what is politically acceptable within a classroom, and there is no recourse a student has if a professor wishes to push that in an unprofessional/unacademic fashion.

>> No.11699633

define literature.

>> No.11699659

Do you really need me to explain to you why rap lyrics aren't literature? Are you kidding me right now?

>> No.11699667

>do I really need to support my argument? are you serious right now?
Yes. Define literature if you think you can.

>> No.11699676

Wardine say her momma aint treat her right. Reginald he come round to my blacktop at my building where me and Delores Epps jump double dutch and he say, Clenette, Wardine be down at my crib cry say her momma aint treat her right, and I go on with Reginald to his building where he live at, and Wardine be sit deep far back in a closet in Reginald crib, and she be cry. Reginald gone lift Wardine out the closet and me with him crying and I be rub on the wet all over Wardine face and Reginald be so careful when he take off all her shirts she got on, tell Wardine to let me see. Wardine back all beat up and cut up. Big stripes of cut all up and down Wardine back, pink stripes and around the stripes the skin like the skin on folks lips be like. Sick down in my insides to look at it. Wardine be cry. Reginald say Wardine say her momma aint treat her right. Say her momma beat Wardine with a hanger. Say Wardine momma man Roy Tony be want to lie down with Wardine. Be give Wardine candy and 5s. Be stand
in her way in Wardine face and he aint let her pass without he all the time touching her. Reginald say Wardine say Roy Tony at night when Wardine momma at work he come in to the mattresses where Wardine and William and Shantell and Roy the baby sleep at, and he stand there in the dark, high, and say quiet things at her, and breathe. Wardine momma say Wardine tempt Roy Tony into Sin. Wardine say she say Wardine try to take away Roy Tony into Evil and Sin with her young tight self. She beat Wardine back with hangers out the closet. My momma say Wardine momma not right in her head. My momma scared of Roy Tony. Wardine be cry. Reginald he down and beg for War-dine tell Reginald momma how Wardine momma treat Wardine. Reginald say he Love his Wardine. Say he Love but aint never before this time could understand why Wardine wont lie down with him like girls do their man. Say Wardine aint never let Reginald take off her shirts until tonight she come to Reginald crib in his building and be cry, she let Reginald take off her shirts to see how Wardine momma beat Wardine because Roy Tony. Reginald Love his Wardine. Wardine be like to die of scared. She say no to Reginald beg. She say, if she go to Reginald momma, then Reginald momma go to Wardine momma, then Wardine momma think Wardine be lie down with Reginald. Wardine say her momma say Wardine let a man lie down before she sixteen and she beat Wardine to death. Reginald say he aint no way going to let that happen to Wardine.

>> No.11699690

Imagine not even being able to imagine anything anymore because ur uni fried your brain

>> No.11699702

I take it you're a racist brainlet and you're unable to define literature or support your argument. Pity.

>> No.11699706

>Life ain't nothing but a fat vagina

Woah, truly powerful

>> No.11699707
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>> No.11699711

that sounds like literal Hell.

>> No.11699715

My early british literature class spent quite a lot of energy finding non-white writers to study

>> No.11699721

DFW satirized the banal conversations of the unintelligent and illiterate in a chapter. This was surrounded by a massive amount of very complicated story arc.

"I got so many theories and suspicions
I'm diagnosed with real nigga conditions
Today is the day I follow my intuition
Keep the family close—get money, fuck bitches"

I. Got. So. Many. Theories. And. Suspicions.
I'm. Diagnosed. With. Real. Nigga. Conditions. That won a fucking Pulitzer. Get the fuck out of here

>> No.11699735

People are so ingrained to giving niggers a forty IQ handicap on everything they say they've lost the ability to even recognize they're doing it

>> No.11699739

Here's a fairly simple definition.

Literature: Written works, especially those of significant or lasting intellectual/artistic merit. The most common forms of literature are novels, poetry, biographies and essays.

Now get the fuck out of here you dumb nigger. Your lyrics about having "real nigga conditions" aren't fucking literature and if you had a shred of honesty in you, you would admit that.

>> No.11699752

It's a shame really. It makes the rare few who do have something worthwhile to say seem like intellectual powerhouses and all together good neighbors like Thomas Sowell. That guy is the most tactical black friend anyone has ever had. I wonder if he gets concerned about who his real friends are after the argumentative value has worn away.

>> No.11699755

there it is!

back to >>>/pol/

>> No.11699767

K. I'll take a good 3/4s of the western canon with me senpai.

>> No.11699772

not him but how is kendrick not poetry, dude?

>> No.11699777

nigger on 4chan predates /pol/

>> No.11699783

>le edgy sekret club where I can say nigger and mommy won't take away my xbox live
go back to plebbit

>> No.11699788

I took a linked literature and writing course and experienced a lesser version of what you're describing. The university I went to is globally ranked and actually somewhat difficult to get into, so the instructors were somewhat competent when it came to the actual nuts and bolts of writing and critical analysis. However, their interpretations were blatantly anti-white and just fucking retarded for the most part.

My lit. prof. was actually pretty encouraging when it came to me double majoring in English but I nixed it because I'm not enough of a cuck to pay to be insulted. I ended up majoring in Political Science with a concentration in political economy which was a pretty good choice.

The explicitly partisan classes were advertised as such (I took a seminar with a based cranky old libertarian prof.) and the rest were focused more on teaching the actual theories/history/etc. than relating the prof's personal viewpoints.

I did about half my degree at a community college and the quality of instruction in the humanities ranged from decent to total joke. My science and math pre-reqs were okay, though. Hard to cuck up calculus.

>> No.11699802

Dumbest shit desu, antihuman antilife garbage and I cannot vibe with it

>> No.11699850

admit it, you just hate black people.

>> No.11699866

i dont think most racists hate black people

>> No.11699868

I think the crazy stuff is mostly found in research universities where the teachers are hired and given tenure based on research output rather than teaching ability.

>> No.11699885

STEM academia is based b/c it's still cut off from public opinion, and more or less revolves around cults of personality as well as raw intellectual output. It's like a remnant of feudalism in modern life. based af I plan to be a fucking king t b h

>> No.11699897

Pop music lyrics are poetry in only the most superficial sense.

>> No.11699903

kendrick writes rap not pop my dude

>> No.11699920

i think he means 'popular music' as opposed to like a libretto or something

>> No.11699926

I don't hate black people. I don't like that our society lowers its standards to accommodate them rather than applying upward pressure to improve their population. I don't like that I'm supposed to rapidly alternate between discussions about phenomenology and rap lyrics and pretend there isn't an ocean of difference between them in intellectual merit. I'd love for Thomas Sowell to be my neighbor in the center of a donut shaped property, but unfortunately he's just one guy.

>> No.11699953

it is beyond hilarious when you see people's cogdis levelers go into overdrive as they try to compensate for the idiocy or political incorrectness of rap lyrics by seeing hidden shades of meaning in them, or using a 'contextual' approach to alter their significance

I absoltuely love rapping extremely misogynist lyrics at Feminists and them just standing there because it's black people so they cant say anything

>> No.11699969

They do the same thing with Muslims. The by-line is "I-Its their culture"
They literally treat non-whites like their actions have no moral consequence or they're just inherently incapable of responsibility, like they're literal sub-humans, animals

>> No.11699980

Blatant gaslighting. You can't erase reality because it doesn't fit your narrative retard.

>> No.11700191

based and redpilled

>> No.11700838

based ranking

>> No.11701120

I had an English teacher who didn't know who Kafka was. She was a grad student, but still.

>> No.11701170

the latest TI was like some anime plot.

>female film professor is friends with zizek
How? Also Korean culture is based a lot on Chinese (Like Japanese) and Japan did colonize Korea for a period so it is to be expected that Korea copied a lot from Japan.

>> No.11701185

based and redpilled

>> No.11701209

>ITT: People who go to shitty unis and do shitty courses

Seriously, a lot of the "horror stories" are overblown, and generally from dumbasses attending garbage, bottom rung schools. Any decent uni is far more self-aware and grounded in reality than >>11699226 this sort of shit.

To be fair, I don't really know what it's like in America, but who goes to uni in America? That country literally has a reputation for being stupid

>> No.11701211

Go to a good school if you want to avoid this. They're not reading Harry Potter at Harvard. If you go to a clown college - you'll get a syllabus for clowns.

>> No.11701217

It's called a bird course you assblasted incels

>> No.11701229

UNC Chapel Hill and UVA Charlottesville are both considered "Public Ivies" and are often pretty bad about this kind of thing. Hell a professor got a bunch of students gassed up enough to tear down Silent Sam a few weeks ago, and Silent Sam wasn't even dedicated to a specific person but rather towards creating intergenerational peace between North and South.

>> No.11701239

On 4chan, we say anything we want and are judged on the intellectual merits of the thoughts that are the selfsame pieces that identify us, not its societal ramifications. I support "nigger-guy" in this context.

A lot of academics who are literary professors don't necessarily love literature, they merely like it. I had a German professor who didn't know Murakami, despite him being a relatively (extremely) prominent figure in literature

>> No.11701253

You do realize that cover is criticizing modern black culture right

>> No.11701257

>the poetics of space and invisible cities
Intredasting, I love IC, care to post some details?

>> No.11701263

He probably hasn't even listened to him

that said TPAB was a steaming pile of Uncle Tom bullshit

>> No.11701308

>On 4chan, we
Already wrong.

>> No.11701316
File: 115 KB, 735x960, This is so sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineering College's are filled to the brim with lifeless bugmen. They have no soul or any count of humanity; most of them could not even name a single Shakespeare play. Their god's are videogames, anime, porn and whatever pseudo-philosopher they follow.

I'm deducting your intentions but public stem academies are real robot factories. All the Nrx goobers aren't screaming over nothing.

>> No.11701429

someone post the pasta about jezebel writing thesis on Handmaiden's Tale

>> No.11701437

t. actual 13 year old

>> No.11701446

I take it you don't go to either of those schools and you've never been there in a student capacity. because I go to UVA and it's a fully immersive academic experience without any of these autistic SJW fantasies.

>> No.11701498

Only a non-American would call Americans stupid. Americans know that Americans are actually pretty smart.

>> No.11701558

I, nigger.*

I wish

>> No.11701593

keep it on your blog

>> No.11701915

how does the last point work, though? As a rule you don't use pronouns to someone's face, at least not gendered ones (they would usually only be used when he was not around), but did he also forbid 'you'? Seems like you're being a little creative.

>> No.11701926

are you being serious now?

>> No.11701957

I'm saying that firstly it sounds weird he took steps to make sure his students weren't misrepresenting him when he wasn't around and that secondly not using any pronouns at all whatsoever seems implausible. Maybe the first point holds, maybe you would really be that rabid, but I still think anon misspoke and didn't think twice what pronouns included.

>> No.11701959

You're correct about UVA, I visited when I was looking at grad schools. I am relying primarily on the testimony of students I talked to, and certainly am not pretending my opinion is based on some sort of replicable science. I'm sure some students experience this sort of thing and others don't. It probably depends quite a lot on who you associate with, and also your personal political awareness. If you are a relatively apolitical stem major who just goes along with the default liberalism, you likely won't even notice how on fire things have become.

>> No.11701972

i was once trying to talk to a coworker about literary theory hoping to instigate a pseud duel to see who would reign supreme, but she said "lol i dont really read much except maybe some harry potter" that conversation still gives me slightly suicidal feelings, mainly because i think the way i feel about her is how smart people must feel when they run into a pseud like me, it's just pseuds all the way down until u get to the harry potter shitter at the bottom

>> No.11702136

>I had a German professor who didn't know Murakami, despite him being a relatively (extremely) prominent figure in literature
maybe he's (rightfully) not concerned with flavor of the month pop literature. it's like expecting a scholar of classical music to be up to date on the latest memerap

>> No.11702149

What kind of uni only gives you a week to read a 500 page book?

>> No.11702194

just about every self-respecting uni in the west. and that's for one subject, with more books for other ones.

>> No.11702669
File: 138 KB, 380x572, 1248389898067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently enrolled in one of the most liberal schools in Canada after transferring from another incredibly liberal school.
From what I've seen, these sorts of experiences exist, but it's wholly dependent on your particular professor.

Story time:

I had this one prof - his name was Garry.

Garry was a Chinese immigrant who introduced himself to the class by saying that if we signed up for any other lit courses in addition to his, we were going to be miserable, and that the uni was probably going to strike soon, so we should book our flights home now.
His was a course on the origins of myth in literature, and where their components can be found in modern literature and pop culture. Really interesting concept and syllabi - relating Odyssey to Dracula and shit like that.
When I first met him I thought he was kinda funny, in a curmudgeonly sort of way.
His 5'3 frame and fu-manchu mustache would rip around the class announcing that students today are terrible compared to his day, saying that typing notes was pointless and that kids today have no work ethic, while handing out 30 printouts.
He would digress and ramble, being in the middle of the lecture talking about the importance of the number 3 and quoting poetry, then suddenly begin asking if anyone had seen the newest episode of Star Trek Discovery.

I liked Garry.

Garry was a cunt.

Our first assignment was due, and I chose the topic of Oedipus, and how the myth is still relevant today. My answer was that it wasn't, so much.
My argument was that the archetypal Greek tragedy has a great deal in common with modern satires, and that under the eye of a liberal, post-modern reading, the original shock and moral is more likely to have lost its impact on readers.
I backed this up with a myriad of sources, citing books on the fundamentals of satire, comparing the hyperbole and violence and subversion of the protagonist to a book like American Psycho or the film Oldboy.
After I was done writing it, I took it to another professor (I'd never met before), who was an authority on Greek lit and history. He said it was the best undergrad paper he'd ever read.

Garry gave me a 40. After I asked to talk about my grade, Garry refused to respond to my emails. Garry wouldn't make eye contact with me in class. Garry would ignore me if I asked a question.

The moral of the story is, the subject matter of the course doesn't matter, nor does the ideology of the professor. It's the prof's attitude and personality that matters.
I dropped Garry's course so that the mark wouldn't show up on my GPA, which is just shy of a 4.0. Had I not done that, I wouldn't have been able to get into the school I'm in now.
I've had raging feminist profs who, after I spoke with them after class, were really interesting and reasonable. If there was something I didn't agree with in class, I said so, and we discussed it. It was always civil, and interesting.

Fuck Garry.

>> No.11702740

i know exactly who garry is
fuck that cunt

>> No.11702950

>Currently enrolled in one of the most liberal schools in Canada

>> No.11703005
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Regardless, UofT is trash.

>> No.11703006

You could easily read any harry potter book in a day. They aren't exactly hard to get through

>> No.11703057

this is what happens when 80% of your class is women

>> No.11703100

It's most dubious (give-away) moment was the choice of Futurism and the 'feeling' that others expected a Zieg Heil. That the class would even know what Futurism is was extremely doubtful. Why at any rate I passed commenting.

>> No.11703106

Fuck, I’m going through community college right now just to transfer to a state uni, should I care about doing undergraduate just because it’s in state or should I keep my worries about uni selection for graduate school?

>> No.11703123

It's taught by Jews and leftists now. Enjoy the world you fought to help build.

>> No.11703143

>makes an album criticising black culture
>schiophrenics ree becuase any popular black artist must be a part of the jewish conspiracy
if kendrick isn't making art then music was never an art form

>> No.11703153

>no section.80

>> No.11703158
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poor bait

>> No.11703192

I just read at home by myself

>> No.11703216

yeah the jewish conspiracy called "marketing" you fucking numbskull

>> No.11703222

But you don't get a certificate for that!

>> No.11703226

Anyone doing philosophy? How has your experience been?

>> No.11703243

Why are English majors obsessed with social theorists that self-respecting social scientists stopped giving a shit about a long time ago? Every fucking time I talk to an English PhD student they bring up fucking Marx or historical materialism or some other old shit. Anything but actual literature. Is this anyone else's experience?

>> No.11703258

The general form hasn't really changed, but the details certainly have. The books selected for courses tend to have more minority or female authors even if they weren't actually that important, lessons will talk about feminism rather more than is immediately relevant to the work in question, and the overall level of discussion is much lower than it used to be because students just don't have the background knowledge or familiarity with the material to be able to do much with in in class. This is true regardless of whether your professor is a normal guy who doesn't really buy into the whole SJW thing but kind of goes along with it unthinkingly, or a raging feminist who can't go ten minutes without complaining about Trump.

>> No.11703395

That sounds stupid. My classes spend a month on each book. I don't really know how many classes per week or how long they last in America, but here you hace two of each class per week and they last two hours.

That's fair but I'm working under the assumption that this is normal for real literature as well.

>> No.11703527

Maybe the teacher gave a quick rundown on each movement beforehand or mentioned futurism when teaching about fascism ?

>> No.11703586

Is this engkent? Fuck that guy

>> No.11703595

I'm not an Anglo, I have one 90-minute session of each lecture/seminar a week, and books are rarely 500 pages, but that happens

>> No.11703721
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>> No.11703890

That’s the one!

>> No.11703907

Even without the bad teaching/courses you can encounter humanities undergrads are pointless. You can easily teach yourself to that level (and if you can't the undergrad course is even more of a waste of time).

>> No.11703917
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>find a dialogue
>wrong side of history

>> No.11703958

The exact thing happened to me. I took his myth class at ryerson continuing ed and he gave me a 40 because my essay on gilgamesh and enkidu talked too much about enkidu.

>> No.11704005

brainlet here, can someone explain the preddy picture

>> No.11704278

Which one of you goes to Reed

>> No.11704667

>do I.T.
>still deal with mentally ill professors

>> No.11704712

Nothing wrong with me
Nothing wrong with me
Nothing wrong with me

>> No.11704953

>self-respecting social scientists
good one

>> No.11705196
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>be me
>study math
>litterally nobody cares about all the social justice shit, everyone just acts like a normal, well adjusted adult
>read in my free time
>more well read then 95% of english majors

>> No.11706031

I went to university for a semester, and the first two assignments in literature were to analyse Wuthering Heights from an 'othered' (black, female, minority) perspective, and to write an essay for some novel about transgender people that I never bothered to read.

I was disappointed about the direction that Wuthering Heights took, because I genuinely enjoyed the book.

>> No.11706072

transhumanism isn't some utopian fantasy for the future
it's here
and it's kinda goofy

>> No.11706086

still posts on Vietnamese basket weaving forum.

>> No.11706094

Anyone at the University of auckland here? Thoughts on studying English Lit there?

>> No.11707279

I can understand the female perspective a bit (Although it seems redudant since the book has a female narrator, no main character and was written by a woman.)
But how the hell do you put a black perspective on a book with only white characters (Closest thing would be Heatcliff who is described as looking like a gipsy, and his skin-color does not really factor in to the plot) ?
Do you write a fanfic where you change a character's race ?

>> No.11707429

I was wondering this exactly

I went to Reed for my freshman year before transferring out to a different school, mainly for personal reasons. I mostly took Math and Physics but the required freshman course Humanities 110 was pretty interesting as a gauge of the social climate there. I was there one year before the student body started to protest the course for being too euro-centric, and you could see the discontent reaching a boiling point. Especially at the last lecture which was a panel with some of the professors where students basically lobbed verbal hand grenades at them for an hour.

For the most part I had a good time in that course and the discontent didn't frequently find its way into our discussions but I do remember being annoyed when students in my class agreed that Aristotle's ethical philosophy was invalidated by the brief section in the Nicomachean ethics where he says women lack the part of the soul with the capacity to reason. I also had to sit through an hour of my classmates yelling about how we need to "blow up the western canon" because the Metamorphoses contains poems that make light of rape.

I keep in touch with some friends there and it sounds like the professors have been pretty firm in keeping the course, which I think is right. I thought it was pretty funny when I heard about how my then classmates were protesting the course and getting yelled at by freshman who just wanted to do the work and make their own opinions.

>> No.11707452

>>more well read then 95% of english majors
>I red duh Odyssey i'm so smart XD
It's amusing watching STEMtards waddle in intellectualism and think they are swimming in it

>> No.11707462
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Thank fuck I went to a community college in the countryside. All we read were medieval pieces and bucolics, and not a single utterance of pop lit. ever surfaced from the profs nor anyone else, really. I'm dreading a transfer to Berkeley, though, boys. Where can I go to finish my English degree where I won't have to experience OP's pic related?

>> No.11708369

>my Humanities-majoring ass is on fire!

>> No.11708396

>>students (nearly always female) will constantly pipe up with the most retarded comments like "I didn't like it when _____ happened in the story" as if it's a bad thing for something sad or upsetting to happen

Oh God, my girlfriend does this. We read to one another, and she always says this. It annoys the fuck out of me, especially when we're reading Crime & Punishment together and she says "I don't like how Sonia was treated", which in itself isn't a bad comment, but she treats this as legitimate criticism of the book rather than just an unpleasant act inflicted upon the character

>> No.11708432

It's like an unironic version of the Zizek essay on how Lars Von Trier deserves the death penalty for the treatment of his female characters.

>> No.11708473

>although he is decidedly a Marxist, he can’t stand the current climate of the neoreactionary left
I mean, Marxists are almost definition against the neoreactionary PC crowd. They are structural modernists who believe in underlying principles and metanarratives.

>> No.11708604


>> No.11708856

>t. assmad humanitard who can't deal with the fact that his queer studies degree was a waste of time and cash.

>> No.11709466

im pretty sure its an inverse of the "communism has never been tried" picture, this time saying that transhumanism has been tried and has worked successfully(?)

>> No.11709472

Why do you read?

>> No.11709482

its one of the oldest rites of passage for bored white males with vaguely interesting inner lives and horrible conscientiousness. idk why people come here who didn't even just lurk as kids. I admit i didn't even post more than 2-3 times between ages 13-16 yet I was perfectly aware of how this place was and never really had a problem with it. Why do you come here if you want censored discourse, or even discourse at all? This board is totally distinct from every other. Go on /biz/, /pol/, /b/, /a/, /r9k/, /tv/, /fit/, /k/, its nothing like this. This is probably one of, if not the tamest board on this site and the only board i've ever been banned from for saying nigger or kike.

>> No.11709540

>paying money to force someone to make you read books

>> No.11709579

>im pretty sure its an inverse of the "communism has never been tried" picture
correct in a way
>this time saying that transhumanism has been tried
>and has worked successfully(?)
no, not really. the inventions of each single transhumanist point guns at every aspect of life that's been changed/killed by it (hence the aspect being symbolized as a bleeding corpse).

>> No.11709594

Are we supposed to lament the loss of cavemen and primitivists then? Also, it's such a strange sequence of events, how does "memory, math, interaction" follow from "primitivists"?

>> No.11709710

>"paying" money for accreditation and a 3 year student identity so you can read, write, socialise and not think about the future
I'll take it

>> No.11709751

People in my mathematics courses were 1/3 turbo autists, 1/3 slightly unpleasant eccentrics, 1/3 turbo normies that dropped out by the end.

>> No.11709790

>Take Introductory Japanese on a whim because I heard the professor is easy to deal with.
>Expect the class to be full of fat white gaijin pigus.
>Most of the class seems pretty well adjusted.
Was pleasantly surprised that day.`

>> No.11709840
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>have to pay for private university
>they still receive tax benefits anyway
>U$30,000 in debt
>"thank christ we're not like those other countries that have public education"

>> No.11709863

Same type stuff for me. The most Foucauldian English profs are the ones who roast students for sophomoric gender-crit.

>> No.11709883

Read Adorno on popular music. Hip hop is the utter distillation of spectacular manufactured culture. Rap produces no form nor content but only permutations of existing and contingent forms. What he's saying isn't even /pol/. The ascendancy of rap is due to how fucking cheap it is to crank it out. Read my manifesto: "I Call It 'Crap Music'."

>> No.11709894


>> No.11709916

After the 90s, rap started a downward spiral into the trash. With 2007 came Soulja Boy's crank that, which was the final nail in the coffin. BY the time Kendrick comes around, nothing can be done to save mainstream rap.

>> No.11710356

I think we were in the same class, anon.
Did you have a goofy, balding Asian kid in the front row who stopped the lecture to stutter the most bizarre and unrelated questions?
Sometimes they weren't even questions. He'd just blurt out some shit about elder scrolls or something.

>> No.11710567

>that all you brainwashed neo-Nazis hate.


Using unqualified generalizations makes your whole screed vulnerable to just one single counterexample.


Who? Me? This post applies specifically to me. Are you a psychic?


*strawmanned* (ftfy)


This is only namecalling. But IM rubber and YOURE glue. Nanny Nanny boo boo.


Very strong word for a passionate feeling. I really meet any passionate people at all. Where are the haters? I doubt hatred even exists as commonly as you think it does. Please calm down, you neurotic bitch.

>> No.11710836

>memory, math, interaction

Has google really destroyed my short-term memory, will I ever be able to recover from the drastic changes all this technology has mode to my cognitive capabilities?

Also, I can't stop thinking about how I am subordinated to all these technology instead of the other way around.

>> No.11710845

Quick question, was that class taught by an MFA student or a professor?

>> No.11711056

I almost went there myself, but that whole deal with Hum 110 was really off-putting, and I don't smoke so I probably would have felt rather out of place.

>> No.11711110
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I attended a top five UK uni for English Lit and Philosophy.

>The only male in almost all of my besides an Iranian trans-boi and gays
>Everyone laughs at the incredibly well read autismo incel from Canada when he gives amazing points
>Everyone nods profusely when Hegelian/Marxist Chad related every work back to the dialectic
>NO constructive debates. Only adding to others points. Fear of disagreement and challenge that may single you out as actually having read the book in discussion.
>75% of my peers were privately educated. React as pointed out above to books with ‘I didn’t like the part when...’
>Height of the ‘roadman’ fetishised lower class fashion trend. Laughable to see hundreds of wealthy rugby players dressed up in ralphy caps and beaten air max 90s, listening to exclusively grime at near all parties.
>Poetry lecturer was stereotypical cat lady. In the opening few weeks she gave a lecture on Homer that was 90% ‘funny’ images of cats. Virtually no content.
>Arrive at her seminar the next day. Proceed to dissect and analyse Kanye West’s Gold Digger
>Creative writing module. Slam poetry everywhere
>Made to formally apologise by my feminist film professor (Surrealism module) for making a joke comparison between Laura Palmer and The Black Dahlia as ‘shlaaaags’
>Write a great essay on Schopenhauer and pessimism. Told verbatim: do not be seduced by this dark stylish philosophy. As my conclusion aligned my own thoughts with Schops.
>Every single one of my male professors without fail were PhDs in American Studies (either Melville, Whitman, Faulkner) but ALL identified as Marxists. They would drink very expensive coffee and wear very expensive cardigans and move around a lot when they spoke like a ritual hypnotic trance dance concealing sophistry.
>Philosophy professor was my saving grace. A practising and very well known philosopher. It was a shame that no one engaged him in his lectures and seminars. He’d usually pick on people as we were so quiet. Asian students didn’t even pretend to have read the work or know what he meant.
>The first five minutes of any English seminar started with all bemoaning Trumps ascent for all the usual reasons. The horror when I told them I won £100on election day because I’d placed £5 on him winning months before.

That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. But it was an echo chamber of empty heads to say the least. It wasn’t quite as infected by American social justice as it probably is now, but it was getting that way FAST. I need to go to work.

>> No.11711123

The future of humanity is the death of the individual ego to give birth to a collective.

The übermensch will be built on human shaped cells.

>> No.11711144

Ah yes almost forgot:

>Mandatory post-colonialism, feminist theory and trans issues weeks in every literature module on weeks 6,7,8 of each term

Goodbye /lit/

>> No.11711507

I think that the image isn't very linear.

>> No.11712376

It was really a bummer because Hum 110 was and I hope still is an excellent class. The entire humanities department at Reed has been perfecting it for decades, some professors spend their whole summer revising the materiel and reworking the lectures they give.

I would have been so angry if upperclassmen were disrupting the lectures I was paying to attend

>> No.11712384

if rap is literature, is every form of music with lyrics literature? Or is rap getting a pass because it is made by primarily black people?

>> No.11712661

Literally not a single one of these stories is true.

>> No.11712675

Did you graduate? What do you do now?

>> No.11712906
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Not that guy you're responding to, but your story made my day an the balding Asian elder scrolls lore master made me kek the heartiest of keks.

>> No.11712979

>not looking at the course before you apply
>not looking at the faculty before you apply

Students blaming institutions for not being prudent enough with their own actions. It's not exactly hard to avoid this shit if you actually looked before going.

>> No.11713382
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Shot in the dark, but did anyone here go to Lewis & Clark?

I had a decent amount of issues with that school's student body but I have a great amount of respect for its teachers. I'm always shocked to hear these kinds of threads when I consider how great most classes went there because of their teachers. Though I do worry about the future of these schools considering there were more than a few railings against "Eurocentrism" etc. I also only took one English course and it was on Milton, so I didn't get much exposure to the kind of classes were this stuff would be rampant. I was an art history major and mostly took classes about topics that were pre-industrial revolution, where you have a lot less of this kind of thinking.

For what it's worth also, my issues with the student body weren't really about ideological "SJW" mindsets for the most part, though that's what mostly bugged me. Most of them were just way too much stoner hippies for my taste.

>> No.11713676

>study math
>normal, well adjusted adult
Pick one.