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11697499 No.11697499 [Reply] [Original]

How did Schmitt, a radical right-wing thinker, manage to gain respect from people on the left and from respected mainstream intellectuals? I want to know how writers who have ideas that are considered unthinkable and disgusting by the establishment can become respected.

>> No.11697506

Because fascism is left wing
Read Hayek

>> No.11697532

So dumb

>> No.11697558

because his ideas were actually academic and not just chimping out about 'muh freedom'

>> No.11697566
File: 254 KB, 1276x1920, salmahayek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I read from her?

>> No.11697618

His ideas, as expressed in the concept of the political, aren't "disgusting". He just finds a framework to describe how political action is initiated and carried out. His model was extremely compatible with marxist thinking, which he took seriously despite opposing it, and outlined devastating flaws in the liberal naivety that characterized the Weimar state. Self-interest could not provide a justification for self-sacrifice, and anti-democratic forces can erode democracy through democratic institutions, just like competitors in a market system don't compete for the sake of competition but for the sake of controlling more of the more of the market - liberalism, taken to it's extreme, would defeat itself. You have to understand that he was anti-nazi initially and called on the Weimar state to use the dictatorial mandate in the constitution to protect itself from anti-democratic forces. Only when the Weimar state gave way to the Nazi state, he felt that his country was finally on track to have stable political order. In a way, he was the epitome of western legalism - he was less concerned with what the state was for society, and more concerned with what the state could do for itself.

He also put forward enduring concepts like the friend-enemy distinction and the state-of-exception which are useful to describe the dynamics of consolidation of political power.

>> No.11697647

You should really be more surprised that the Jewish state took some of his ideas for their constitution.

>> No.11697670

read braille of her pussy

>> No.11697889

I never claimed that they were disgusting. I'm talking about how the establishment sees them.

>> No.11698390

How do liberals manage to be gayer than Marxists

>> No.11698402

Excellent post anon. Thank you.

>> No.11698413
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>Because fascism is left wing
>Read Hayek

ha ha no

like you're really dumb

Seriously, you're really fucking stupid. Pic related is the only meaningful assessment of fascism that's ever been performed. It is amazing how simple it is to articulate what fascism and how easily a layperson can even intuitively grasp this definition, yet virtually every academic has managed to fuck it up until now.

>> No.11698574

you've convinced me to read carl schmitt, thank you

>> No.11698586

Fascism is a left-wing invention. It came directly from socialism.

>> No.11698593
File: 292 KB, 1065x655, Ernst-Junger-and-Carl-Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Schmitt and Junger were bff's

Minus somewhat similar political views what else did they have in common?

>> No.11698597

your mom invented my dong because it came straight out of her cunt just now

>> No.11698696
File: 90 KB, 1200x627, socialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>government owns and controls all facets of the economy
>massive welfare state that disproportionately burdens the middle class at the behest of the ruling and working class
>Identity Politics out the ass, irrational appeals to emotion and "morality" rather than factual and evidence based policy determines the direction of society
>excessive nationalism and personality cults
>constant interventionism and imperialism
>worship of the military and use of slave labor
>Nazi was literally short for National Socialism
>Mussollini was a socialist for years before "inventing" Fascism
>the actual creator of fascism, Sorel, was a Marxist for years and said fascism was an attempt to fix the problems in Marxist philosophy

Yep absolutely fascism is totally right wing
Fucking retarded bootlicking faggots

>> No.11698699

>confusing the left vs right spectrum with the authoritarian vs libertarian one
Bad anon, bad

>> No.11698702
File: 50 KB, 960x960, 1532019543845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit can't tell bait from retards anymore, /pol/ has infested the board too much
Hold me /lit/

>> No.11698708

Schmitt and Heidegger are darlings of the Left simply because they present far more devastating arguments against Liberalism than any degenerate pervert Jew ever could.

>> No.11698712

how does it feel, your sheltered, groomed from childhood to suck on bluepill and suck only on that drone mind melting? are you afraid and scared?

>> No.11698719
File: 228 KB, 1022x862, argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that being right wing is inherently authoritarian
>he doesn't realize that Marxists started pretending to be right wingers in the rest of Europe and "fight" communism with fascism because Russia was failing massively less than two decades after their glorious "revolution" and needed to save the "movement" by pretending it appealed to people's natural political affiliation AKA rightism
Also pic related for you and for

>muh p-/pol/
Go back to /leftypol/ retard

>> No.11698720

>nazi was literally short for national socialism

good bait my friend

>> No.11698733

Marxism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism: Chapters in the Intellectual History of Radicalism by A. James Gregor

>> No.11698737

The faustian bargain of infinite memes in exchange for /pol/tards and trump has ruined this website forever.

>> No.11698738

But Schmitt was a major proponent of contractualism, the main political foundation of liberalism. He perhaps provided the argument for the problem of democracy and liberalism's attempt to fuse without but not liberalism in itself.

>> No.11698739

>I call you out on conflating leftism with authoritarianism
>you retort by saying that I'm conflating right wing with authoritarianism
? ? ? ? ?
You fuckin' DUMB, kiddo

>> No.11698742

What is the Night of Long Knives

>> No.11698752

Part of a series on
Flag of the NSDAP (1920–1945).svg
Racial ideology[show]
Final Solution[show]
Nazism outside of Germany[show]
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Category Category
Flag of the German Reich (1935–1945).svg Nazism portal
Part of a series on
Core tenets[show]
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Fascism portal
Politics portal
National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsiJzəm, ˈnæt-/),[1] is the ideology and practices associated with the Nazi Party – officially the National Socialist German Workers' Party

Other "Worker's Parties"
Guess what's big in North Korea? Oh yeah, nationalism, racism, death camps etc. Totally nothing like Nazis though despite it being "communist"

>> No.11698756

A night where all dissent was purged from the party? Sort of like antifa and other leftists do now with twitter callouts and shit? Oh no wait, nvm totally different


>> No.11698762

We live in a world where a human being can unironically compare the night of long knives to "twitter callouts". I would kill myself if I chose not to live out of pure spite.

>> No.11698763

You have to read between the lines. All social contracts are null and void when a strong enough leader comes along.

>> No.11698766

libertarian is communist because it was invented by yids

>> No.11698784

>Identity Politics out the ass
Anytime a person uses a fagspression like that, that person is a faggot, and anything a faggot says goes fucking INSTANTLY into the fucking trash.

>> No.11698790

True. Night of Long Knives was about brining back order within NSDAP after SA under Röhm went out of control and started terrorizing civilians. Hitler personally slapped and arrested Röhm.

Leftist twitter purges are all about creating even more chaos and punishing wrongthink for arbitrary reasons. Twitter liberals are the Röhm and the SA terrorizing meek and powerless because they can. It can't be compared to heroism of Adolf Hitler and his loyalists.

>> No.11698814
File: 36 KB, 600x480, unabomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Present ONE argument proving me wrong or shut the fuck up and admit you're all leftist totalitarian scum just like the sjws you claim to hate
Libertarianism/anarchism is true "far right" ideology (if you want to even call it that cuz it's not even an ideology its just the sublimation of the true and natural way of living into stupid modernist language IE "ideology") and if you truly are a right winger you will fight every last attempt to claim fascism as "true" rightism because you know that only freedom and naturalism is the true "fair right" ideology

>> No.11698818

>party disagreements when MY worker's party does it aren't arbitrary ;)
Kek this is literally what Lenin said to justify purging the Unions from the Communist party and then said he did it in their name

Just shut the fuck up

>> No.11698847

This. You're pretty high iq and based anon.

>> No.11698861
File: 47 KB, 326x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lenin can say whatever he wants, he's a lying communist jew and only idiots believe jews and actual retards believe communists. What I wrote is actual history and from pic related.

>> No.11698867
File: 192 KB, 794x780, Screenshot_20180828-202315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cause some austrian guy said it don't make it true

>> No.11698893

>still no arguments demonstrating fascism and Leftism are different just platitudes about "HAHAHA I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD SAY THAT XDDDDD"
>meanwhile I have presented a massive body of evidence proving it beyond a reasonable doubt
If this was a court you'd be in jail right now you fucking freedom haters

>> No.11698997

>Fake quote from Strasser
>ungodly amounts of retardation

>>>Mises institute

>> No.11699028

le fake news xD is not an argument

>> No.11699056

Neither is using fake quotes for your argumentation in fact if it was in a court of law you would be in jail by now.

>> No.11699062

floating signifiers are floating

>> No.11699073

right wing is literally pro heirarchy and always has been fucknut. the right were literally the ones to the right of the king, supporting him. fuck off. also libertarianism and your likely idea of what anarchism is cowardly shitty not actually radical, limpdicked impotent and mediocre in everyway and so are you

>> No.11699132
File: 123 KB, 470x776, dsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still no arguments

>> No.11699160

heirarchy is fine but doesn't work in the modern world since it must necessarily be based on propaganda in groups over the dunbar number. teddy was right and teddy was neither left or right wing. Both are retarded materialist scum t b q h and any reasonable person should distance themselves as much as possible from either

>> No.11699521


>> No.11699549

>heirarchy is fine but doesn't work in the modern world since it must necessarily be based on propaganda

yikes that is some top-tier delusion

>> No.11699555 [DELETED] 

your mom's fat schlong is an argument

>> No.11699855
File: 35 KB, 560x577, were reaching levels of smug that shouldnt be possible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i won

>> No.11701032

Stop playing stupid. The term 'leftist' (and 'right wing') is wholly a moral descriptor. How we use them says way more about ourselves than about reality--they are in effect completely empty signifiers which we fill with out own values. Demanding proof of a moral statement isn't a 'gotcha' as you seem to think but rather a tacit admission that you are making unfalsifiable (i.e. completely meaningless) statements.

tldr libertarianism and anarchism are leftist because they are in opposition to the monarchy therefore they are basically the same thing as es jay doubleyooos and literally stalin

>> No.11701156
File: 64 KB, 1200x630, joe rogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop playing stupid. The term 'leftist' (and 'right wing') is wholly a moral descriptor. How we use them says way more about ourselves than about reality--they are in effect completely empty signifiers which we fill with out own values. Demanding proof of a moral statement isn't a 'gotcha' as you seem to think but rather a tacit admission that you are making unfalsifiable (i.e. completely meaningless) statements.

>> No.11701319

rigidity of the right = academic theory by commie kikes
if we reverse this we can get tea party boomer gubmint=zocialism rhetoric

>> No.11701322


>> No.11701391

How is it possible that someone can call himself educated without knowing that the origin of the terms left and right, in politics, is a reference to where revolutionaries and monarchy loyalists respectively sat in the National Assembly during the French Revolution?

>> No.11701413

Right wing libertarians are typically gigantic ignoramuses. They're not dumb, they just don't know anything about anything.
In fight, I'd say right libetarianism and especially its extreme version (ancapism) is probably the only ideology that gets almost everything wrong.

I strongly dislike and disagree with marxism but even I think it gets a few things right here and there.

Right wing libertarianism literally doesn't get anything right.

>> No.11701631
File: 262 KB, 552x237, 1535522754537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11701925


>> No.11701969

>tfw Junger wasn’t raped to death by soviets

>> No.11701992


Five years ago, the janitors of /lit/ would ban anyone that espoused /pol/-tier ideas or started reactionary lit threads. Meanwhile, a tranns tripfag that went by 'butterfly' posted endlessly on degenerate, left-leaning political topics and never got touched. All that's changed now. The counter-culture's getting stronger. It isn't leftist.

>> No.11701998
File: 273 KB, 434x428, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The counter-culture's getting stronger.
Take a nap buddy

>> No.11702011

He's respected because, unlike 99% of right-wing nutjobs, was intelligent and made actual contributions to philosophy.

>> No.11702018


>> No.11702022

Thank you for reminding me that I unironically miss butters

>> No.11702023

You, sir, are a faggot.

>> No.11702027

Buttafly was annoying most of the time. Still one of the best /lit/ posters, though.
/lit/ has become so shit even the tripfag era is good in comparison.

>> No.11702090

Agree. I even think a case could be made for the libertarian/capitalist extremes to be farther to the left than marxism. Interestingly, their ideas are somewhat close to the left nihilists and ultra-left in many areas, "The Right to be Greedy" being a somewhat unknown but I think good example. Although the American Situationists who wrote that certainly had more of a viable philosophy. The libertarians/ancaps are simply a contradiction of absolute microeconomic determinism and cultural nihilism.
This is always a tentative definition though, politics are never rigid and the left and right can shift quite readily (as we are seeing currently, at least in certain aspects), and I have my own separation which I think works much better.
Another thing I have pondered for some time, and this is related to the comments on hierarchy, is how despite the focus on equality and egalitarianism there really are few words to describe such structure. This perhaps explains the reliance on abstracting and contradictory words like 'capital', even though there can be some truth to these concepts, and the madness which falls upon those unable to grasp the order in which they live. I would go so far as to say that post-modernism can be explained as the restructuring of this upright mass, this order without form - and hence its chaotic peeling and tearing away into subsequent abstract feeling with precision symbols. In this sense it really is not so dissimilar to socialist realism, and the extent of difference at the political level can be seen in the art: positions of the geometry and their limit into total abstraction. Here the communists are seen as Pythagoreans and the capitalists Euclydeans; although this overstates their real differences.
I don't know, how many synonyms can any of you come up with for 'non-hierarchical'? I can think of about three, and they're not very precise.

>> No.11702104


>> No.11702123

i got no problem with rightwingers like Carl Schmitt, Ernst Jünger, ted kaczynski or even the traditonalist threads on here. i do have a problem with retards who post stuff like >>11698814 tho

>> No.11702125
File: 71 KB, 1016x1016, 1527194716488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I am not autistic enough to read through this paragraph
Feels good man

>> No.11702133

Although an even more apt analogy would be Euclideans and post-Euclideans, which precisely defines the cultural difference in the arts but also the rigid form and abstraction within each society.

>> No.11702160


>> No.11702168
File: 16 KB, 464x360, 1515804531490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just said that I am NOT autistic, can you not read?

>> No.11702170

That quote was from Strasser, who was purged in the Night of the Long Knives along with the rest of the socialist element of the NSDAP. Hitler's definition on who was a socialist was someone who "put the German Reich and Race first" and isn't a socialist in the sense of worker's owning the means of production or whatever. Hitler banned trade unions and the actual fucking socialist party and purged the Strasserist parts of his party.