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File: 245 KB, 1739x859, lauren southern literary genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11695707 No.11695707 [Reply] [Original]

how can someone write like this?

>> No.11695724

by earning a phd from harvard

>> No.11695732

she dropped out of college after a year
and it wasn't Harvard

>> No.11695742

Lauren Southern's musky pussy

>> No.11695743

look at this self absorbed crap
>me me me i i i
seconding this

>> No.11695744
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Utter idiocy and never seeing anything remotely well written. I honestly believe that this is a transcript from a recording or a joke.

>> No.11695747

What is exactly wrong with it? She reminds me of Guénon

>> No.11695754

What's wrong with it? She's BASED and REDPILLED

>> No.11695759
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The utter state of /lit/

>> No.11695794

Clearly sarcasm escapes your notice.

>> No.11695805
File: 91 KB, 998x1000, 1535308402113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just writes like a woman. Disregarding the subject matter, her style of writing reminds me of how my mom writes text messages.

>> No.11695807

>The fact is that nationalism is a great, necessary idea

That reads really badly

>> No.11695817

> I honestly believe that this is a transcript from a recording
I think you're on to something
she dictated it
had it transcribed
did no editing

>> No.11695827


It reads like a transcribed right-wing valley-girl monologue. Like youtube captions.

>> No.11695844

she's a college dropout

>> No.11695849
File: 152 KB, 777x777, 1534789774751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come when women try to sound passionate about something, they come off as hysterical and unstable? She sounds like she's about to lose it.
A man could write the same thing but it would be much more calm and level headed.

>> No.11695857

I'm having deja vu.

>> No.11695875

I see plenty of rightwingers aboslutely hysterical about not getting their own way and being disagreed with all the time here on 4chan, reddit, and elsewhere online

There is a strong streak of petulance amongst the right and demand for conformity and a belief that any disagreement or contrary opinion is wrong, immoral, and possibly a plot aimed at them personally

>> No.11695877

>/lit/ perpetually SEETHING over based lauren saving the white volk

stay cucked and bluepilled. we will NOT merely lay down and accept genocide.

>> No.11695879
File: 1.55 MB, 1894x1685, altright bromance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11695886

There are lots of hysterical left wingers too though. It's not a right wing trait so much as a female trait.

>> No.11695887

christ, SJWs aren't half this gay

>> No.11695893

>There are lots of hysterical left wingers too though.
feeling threatened does explain some of that

is that the same for the right? they have a perpetual victimhood, no matter how much power they have, that seems them translate into justifying their vicious behaviour

>> No.11695896

>This is one of the major intellectuals of the alt-right movement
No wonder they are thick bastards

Honestly, how can you read the passage OP posted and not be embarrassed for her?

>> No.11695907

>they have a perpetual victimhood

Of course. They perceive themselves to be subject to what amounts to genocide. They believe that they are the victims of some international Jewish conspiracy that aims not only to destroy their masculinity, but their nations and communities as well. They perceive themselves to be victims of a dark, worldwide conspiracy that is dedicated to the destruction of all they hold dear.

If you read Mein Kampf, you will find the same to be true of Hitler, that he thinks of himself as a lone crusader, fighting against the thing that has made him a victim in his own mind.

>> No.11695911

i am so sick of internet politics. left, right, or center, i wish these retards would drop dead

take me back to when the internet wasn't serious business

>> No.11695912

how much power do they really have though?

>> No.11695913
File: 52 KB, 480x360, IMG_8108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They believe that they are the victims of some international Jewish conspiracy that aims not only to destroy their masculinity, but their nations and communities as well. They perceive themselves to be victims of a dark, worldwide conspiracy that is dedicated to the destruction of all they hold dear.
All of this is true though.

>> No.11695922

Point proven. Self-imposed victimhood is just as rampant within the far-right as it is with the radical groups on the left.

They are fighting a perceived injustice which exists only in their mind.

>> No.11695928

t. Jordan Peterson

>> No.11695932

Who fucking cares. What did YOU do today to save the white race? Exactly nothing.

Unless you are helping with the genocide of white people. stop shitting on people are are.

>> No.11695935

but hitler was followed by millions of people to. you might say he lied or manipulated them, but i doubt he would have gone far if his sentiment wasn't popular among his peers as opposed to being a delusion that existed only in his mind.

>> No.11695938

Lauren Southern is controlled opposition though.

>> No.11695942

can someone (or a group of people) be a victim at all? what would it take for someone to prove he's actually being victimized as opposed to deluding himself of it?

>> No.11695947

i've been calling niggers "niggers" on twitter since i woke up this morning. every little bit helps.

>> No.11695954

thank you for your service

>> No.11695959
File: 104 KB, 428x426, 1530821421848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lauren Southern is Jewish you massive retard. She's not even a natural blonde. You're worshipping a sneaky, conniving Jewess.

>> No.11695962

just because they were ready to receive his message doesn't mean they already thought it.

>> No.11695965

i'm a jew working in the financial sector and just today i refused mortgage loans for their first home to five germanic families with at least two children, based entirely on flimsy premises

you mad? :^)

>> No.11695966

How many kids this bitch popping out.

>> No.11695973
File: 29 KB, 736x490, 1535307766400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for helping to redpill them faster, Shlomo.

>> No.11695981
File: 118 KB, 811x739, vcPwTdG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be a drooling braindead retard if you think that it was pure delusion and that the Germans didn't have valid, legitimate reasons to be angry at the Jews.

>> No.11695983
File: 11 KB, 261x195, 1533202001931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this our savior, we're fucked

>> No.11695989


>> No.11695991
File: 54 KB, 250x338, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore that dumb Jewess. Our true savior was always Varg.

>> No.11695993

>but hitler was followed by millions of people to
Because of an intense and effective propaganda machine that still manipulates people today, even with all the contrary information easily available to them.

Hitler was followed by millions, not because of the accuracy of his sentiments, but because they struck a chord. Germany had faced defeat in World War 1, and they were embarrassed, Their strong imperialist state had been diminished to a second-rate, subservient power.

Then Hitler came along with ferocious public speaking that inspired emotion among his listeners, and a scape goat to blame losing the war on ("It wasn't the face that we were outnumbered, bit off more than we could chew, had weak allies, had depleted our manpower, had a weak navy! It was the JEWS!")

Hitler also came along at a time of economic crisis, a time when people are ready to abandon their rights and liberty for national and economic security, which Hitler provided, temporarily.

>> No.11695996

Jordan Peterson please go

>> No.11696018

i'd have to disagree, in part. a complete fabrication out of nowhere that had no basis in reality AND wasn't shared by people, wouldn't be so effective.

obviously there was an element of embellishment and exaggeration and propaganda, but to say hitler was pulling shit out of his ass and didn't have his finger on the zeitgeist is being too dismissive and not very helpful. "yeah, he just brainwashed the rubes into following him, the end" is not a productive analysis.

>> No.11696023

>AND wasn't shared by people
i meant if people didn't share his views

>> No.11696030

I've read some of the book, it's more like a very long blogpost put between two covers. Ecelebs are terrible at writing; Molyneux, Cernovich, etc., they're all awful at what do.

>> No.11696048

Well they don't have to be good at writing to sell books, which is something that has been true forever.

>> No.11696056

> a complete fabrication out of nowhere that had no basis in reality AND wasn't shared by people, wouldn't be so effective.

But it was shared by people, in part. Antisemitism wasn't manufactured by Hitler, it was rampant across Germany (and Europe as a whole). And this was not helped by the leaders of the Communist uprisings in Germany being mostly Jewish. But again, this holds no credence to their being some international Jewish plot dedicated to the destruction of everything the Germans held dear. Hitler just made it in to one, with the help of an intense propaganda machine, an economic crisis, and an outside enemy that people felt a strong leader could protect them from (USSR and France). People are very liable to manipulation under these circumstances

>> No.11696087

oh okay, i agree with that. i originally butt in because i thought the original poster (maybe you) was saying alt right persecution sentiments were completely baseless, like they were in hitler's case. while i feel there's partial truth in both and dismissing it outright isn't particularly helpful.

for example, i don't believe the holocaust was a hoax or something, but i do think american foreign policy was influenced by jewish politicians and lobbyists to engage in wars in the middle east.

>> No.11696140

>but i do think american foreign policy was influenced by jewish politicians and lobbyists to engage in wars in the middle east.

Oh yeah, that's pretty clear and transparent to everyone, I think. The American government allows lobbying (to line their own pockets), and the Jewish lobby, and the various Christian lobbies (that lobby on behalf of Jerusalem) take advantage of this and they use it to advance their own political or religious agenda.

An effective lobbying system is also twisted and distorted by the alt-right to resemble some international world order dedicated to the destruction of western civilisation.

>> No.11696193
File: 39 KB, 550x512, 1415551734385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Regarding her reason for dropping out, Southern stated that it was a waste of money to pay for knowledge that she could get on her own

>> No.11696250

Well the alt right is famous for its gay orgis so it's not surprising.

>> No.11696259
File: 124 KB, 1152x2048, TheThingsIwouldDoToHerAss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most books written are on that level. I find that people overestimate the intellectual competence of the average individual. At least half of the people who go to university shouldn't, neither should they write books, which strikes me as an enterprise of incredible complexity - at least if you want to make it worthwhile. Just to say a somewhat nice thing; it is her voice and it is written for her audience.