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11689916 No.11689916 [Reply] [Original]

20th century philosophy vs...

>> No.11689920
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...21st century philosophy


what went wrong?

>> No.11689926

> Klossowski looks like a Nosferatu
> Deleuze has claws

I'm starting to get French philosophy.

>> No.11689931

compare it to 18th Century Philosophy. and compare that to 300 BCE philosphy...

>> No.11689935
File: 476 KB, 1406x2500, BESTGIRL14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-war philosophers -- especially the dweebs in OP's image -- are by and large obfuscatory hipsters pretending to be after something useful while writing paramasturbatory prose. This goes double if they are French. Exception: Girard.

It's all a house of cards. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11689941
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yea that's what im saying. philosophy was at its highest point in the late 20th century, and now in the 21st century we end up with THIS. how do you explain this?

>> No.11689952
File: 120 KB, 1200x675, bestgirl13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you explain this?
computer revolution. internet. social media, including 4chan. obscure philosophy is available to the public.

It's Luther all over again; the unqualified are reading the Bible and starting their own churches. Those are the people in your pic. Get used to it.

>> No.11689961

It was long dead by the 1970's.

>> No.11689981

These guys aren't philosophers, that's where it "went wrong". Popularizing, and politicizing scientific and philosophical topics superficially does not a philosopher make. At best, I'd call these guys sophists, and even that's generous. They are completely divorced from the western philosophical tradition, even moreso than some people on this board, who are at least avid readers of the tradition.

Stop comparing these entertainment intellectuals, who keep overstepping their boundaries and drifting away from their respective fields, to relevant academics. I understand, memes and whatnot, or you might be a confused teen who actually thinks these individuals carry some sort of intellectual weight. They will be forgotten in 20 years, if not less.

If you really want to know what happened to philosophy and philosophers, look into the shift that occured with Heidegger. Unless you are interested in pure, contemporary politics, actual 21st century philosophers aren't that interesting, yet, at least. Don't confuse philosophy with science here, a method of constant progress, refining, and tearing down old paradigms. Hence, these popular speakers are twice removed from the actual tradition, insofar that they aren't engaged in contemporary philosophy at all, and merely attempt to quote or refer to certain points to further their drivel. Atheist, religious, left, right, masculine traditionalists, LGBT, feminists, it doesn't matter, they all do the same. As you can guess, the US is mainly guilty of this, but it's spreading. I wonder if this is what it looked like right before the fall of rome.

>> No.11689993
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Based. Nah, this is simply a reaction to 20th century old French nincompoops who huffed their own farts. I mean the internet allows these people to exist. They are largely untrained, and supported by the mob. This is not philosophy, as you say. It's the democratization of philosophy, the gatekeepers are dead and every idiot gets a vote if he's willing to pay or watch ads or post about their favorite sophist on /lit/.

This is a blessing in disguise. Someone, twenty years from now, who was raised on JBP and Joe Rogan and these cats will actually contribute meaningfully to if not "advancing" the search for truth then at least guiding mankind through the birth pains of singularity.

>> No.11690040

Is that MC Grindah, the best MC in the galaxy, in the middle???

>> No.11690140
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19th century philosophy vs...

>> No.11690145
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>20th century """""philosophy"""""

what the heck went wrong bros?

>> No.11690150

you should probably read Spengler, Heidegger was very influenced by him, as was Wittgenstein

Spengler is not really even a philosopher, or a historian, i dont know exactly what he was, but his vision of things changes you view stuff forever

>> No.11690151

what went so right?

>> No.11690173

>deterritorialize oneself following distinct but entangled lines
That actually makes a great deal of sense, the entangled lines of being that flow out from each other and make the things we are, which we confusedly group in false entities.

His ideas about wolf and anus are completely out there, just random shit that he associated with philosophy throughout his life, but i get where he's coming from.

>> No.11690888
