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11684782 No.11684782 [Reply] [Original]

What authors lived the opposite of the stereotypical "artist lifestyle", that is, a regimented life of discipline and self-improvement?

>> No.11684789

Hunter S. Thompson

>> No.11684793

Orwell lived a manly man's life full of manly man things.

>> No.11684800
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>> No.11684804

Was he AGP with a masculinity inferiority complex?

>> No.11684811

most, if not all of the people with their poems placed in Best American Poetry Years 2014-2016

>> No.11684819

No, from what I've gathered, he had more of a class inferiority complex. He didn't overcompensate his masculinity, but rather his alliance with the working class. He had a massive guilt issue stemming from the fact that he was born into the (low-end) bourgeoisie.

He was honest about it, though. He often wrote about his inner conflicts between wanting to live among the lower classes while feeling utterly disgusted by some of their practices.

>> No.11684823

Based Mishima couldn't save Japan

>> No.11684972

>he had more of a class inferiority complex
checks out

>> No.11685062
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>> No.11685313

the stereotypical artist lifestyle is by definition disciplined. forgoing the comforts of a regular paycheck to devote yourself body and soul to your work is the ultimate discipline

>> No.11685324

t.s.elliot worked at a bank. wallace stevens was a corporate executive. gabrielle d'annunzio conquered a city and organized a proto-fascist state

>> No.11685362
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God I wish that were me

>> No.11685373

He was too immersed LARPing as samurai thinking that the common man would revere the emperor as he did.

>> No.11685502

The true king of manlets.

>> No.11685684
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I'm so fucking deep in the closet holy shit: the book

>> No.11685690

>wanting to live among the lower classes while feeling utterly disgusted by some of their practices.
Some people are lower class for a reason...

>> No.11685704

based goethe
isnt there also one about him beating up poor people in the street?

>> No.11685714


>> No.11686842

If philosophers count then Lenin would win by far, way ahead of the small samurai man. Stalin as well, although he wasn't really a philosopher.

>> No.11686912

Killing yourself isn't self-improvement

>> No.11686917

4chan contrarianism

>> No.11687041
File: 58 KB, 570x725, HemingwayShotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a questionable case because of his alcoholism but Hemingway did all kinds of cool shit. He hunted on land and sea, was a boxer, engaged in bullfighting, earned a medal in the Great War and was a correspondent in the Spanish Civil War and WWII.

>> No.11687048

absolute this

>> No.11687353
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the stoics

>> No.11688487

yes, but how many niggers did he hang from his noose? Why did he fight against the facists during ww2. You have to understand that as great as his writing is. The kike lover supported the dindu's, or at the very least failed to advocate for their lynching.

>> No.11688518

I'd like to keep going, and shift the conversation to the fact that the man has not once whipped a kike to death. You see the problem is that a nigger can take a whipping. The subhumans have been genetically bred to take a beating stronger then any human. The dirty jews on the other hand need daily whippings to keep them in fear of the white man. I consider it a crime against humanity, or should I say JEWmanity as Hemingway may as well have said, that he fought against Hitler during WW2.

>> No.11688526

If the man is so great, then why didn't he support the gassing of all kikes, and niggers. If anything the nigger lover should have gone so far as to say any man who associates themselves with the niggers and kikes, need to be thrown in the gas chambers with the degenerates.

>> No.11688533

goethe was a beta sperg
he was a pederast
they do drugs, cry, emotionally abuse women, have bad sex and sleep all day they’re the definition of slothful parasites.
none of them are good artists
i have a better physique

>> No.11688537

In fact steps should be made to point out the fact the man didn't actively whip the faggots and gypsies to death. I know this will tarnish the nigger lovers legacy, however, it's worth mentioning that he could have taken great steps to preserve his legacy by simply whipping the homosexuals to death when he had a chance. Now I imagine the man shot the faggots whenever he could, and would occasionally beat them to death, however, he neglected to do these deeds publicly.

>> No.11688556

Does failing to publicly whip the faggots in the town square save him a spot in Hell?

>> No.11688565

I regret to say that without a doubt the man is burning in hell. Every time you let the dindu's move into your neighborhood, or walk freely on the streets you are doing a disservice to god. It is your duty to castrate the male dindu's, and rape the female negress's, or face an eternity in hell.

>> No.11688644
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>> No.11688660

He was a hedonistic tool in his youth, very much in line with what >>11688533 said about the stereotypical artist

>> No.11688730

Marcus Aurelius

>> No.11689025

>isnt there also one about him beating up poor people in the street?

>> No.11689438


>> No.11690847

aka before he started writing