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11663857 No.11663857[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I do not use /pol/ or anything and would really like to know if this is an insightful read or just another meme.

Please advise

>> No.11663869

stale meme, not even truly antisemitic yet but the rest of the author's works helped bury it

>> No.11663895

Not a /pol/ack here, but definitely one of the most insightful things I've ever read. Really made me wake up the Jewish problem and how whiteness and masculinity is being replaced by trannies and third world brown folk. Mandatory reading for everyone, as far as I am concerned. We must take our white lands back from the clutches of the Jews

>> No.11663918

You sure you dont use /pol/ anon?

>> No.11663938

the biological explanation he gives is bullshit, but overall it's a nice collection of subversive shit kikes have done

>> No.11663942


>> No.11663955

pathetic bullshit
those who threaten your white lands are #1 enemies of the Jew

>> No.11663966


>> No.11663969

Great book, must read.

>> No.11663983
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It's worth the read and will probably help you understand why USA is so fucked up politically and culturally. The mindset of judaism with it's nepotism and loxism will wreck any country pretty quickly. We can only hope that muricans either expel the jews once again or at least let their country collapse before their fucked up policies ruin rest of the world.

>> No.11663984

cringe and blupilled

>> No.11664004


>> No.11664013

Incredibly childish post. Only a simple-minded person can think this way.

>> No.11664015

The problem with the JQ is that it relies on a lot of non-provable assumptions. Anything that the Jews do gets interpreted to be anti-white, with extreme mental gymnastics if needed.
So its proponents end up being dogmatic people that you can't really have a debate with.

>> No.11664024

Unless you elaborate a little bit then the same could be said about your post.

>> No.11664044
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I think the massive jewish overrepresentation in many American institutions is proven solidly enough. Lately these institutions have not been exactly subtle in their anti-white attitudes, either.
The next question is how much of that overrepresentation is because of nepotism and how much is something else. This is also where race-realism creeps back into the picture.

>> No.11664068

>I think the massive jewish overrepresentation in many American institutions is proven solidly enough.
Sure. And blacks are overrepresented in NBA.

>Lately these institutions have not been exactly subtle in their anti-white attitudes, either.
Some of those institutions, not all.
Probably the biggest peddlers of race realism to the mainstream right now are Jews. But that gets conveniently ignored. Just like the fact that most Jews in the US marry non-Jews or that 20% of Israel is Arab (and GROWING) or that it has the same problems with lgbt degeneracy as the West...
Many poltard memes about Jews are just factually wrong.

>> No.11664077

Engaging in a /pol/-tier discussion? Haha no thanks, I'm a little above that standard

>> No.11664095
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Meme, cherry picked examples of people who just happened to be jewish

>> No.11664101

Yes, but afterwards read "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" (pdfs are online).

>> No.11664109

I have the book because I believe it will be banned here in EU. So I have it that I can sell it with good price, if that Happens. Not really intrested in reading it desu.

>> No.11664140

It's insightful insofar as it epitomizes the biggest methodological failings of the social "sciences". In other words, it demonstrates how not to do research.

>> No.11664145

This is actually interesting. I don't care fore the 'Jewish' debate but it's been a few years since I realized social sciences have become a means of sucking antisemite dicks.

>> No.11664291

Wanna know how I know you're a brainless nigger monkey?

>> No.11664296
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>Pfft... Intellectually.... I'm above you all...

>> No.11664303

The Jew who lives in Israel and the US in elite positions. So how exactly is flooding European countries with brainless muslim cattle not in his interest?

>> No.11664305

>Probably the biggest peddlers of race realism to the mainstream right now are Jews

You mean liberal centrists like Steven Pinker and Sam Harris? They just like the notion that Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQ than the goyim, and they still oppose white identity politics while promoting Zionism, a form of Jewish identity politics. MacDonald actually talks about Jewish advocates of HBD in TCoC.

>> No.11664339

By golly I can't wait for summer to end

>> No.11664372

E.micheal jones the jewish revolutionary spirit is better.

>> No.11664411
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>> No.11664437

A bald assertion isn't an argument. Give me something else.

>> No.11664447

The amount of research that went into it is amazing. The first volume was praised by Jewish scholars on the depth it tackled the history of Judaism

>> No.11664459

you don't seem to understand the concept of 'interest'. I'm not being ironic at all.

>> No.11664505

I'm struggling with my Judaism. On one hand I believe in G-- and in particular the G-- of the Torah. But i find the Talmud reprehensible and the antiwhite actions and nepotism of most Jews unjust. I don't think Hitler was right to persecute and demonize an entire people but there are legitimate reasons for antisemitism. I don't know what to do, i don't want to cease worshipping Hashem but i also do not want to associate myself with a wicked people who are either consciously or unconsciously orhestrating and undermining the very foundations of Western civilization.

>> No.11664532

It's an unphilosophical work that leads to erroneous conclusions about the current state of affairs in the West. If you want a better understanding of today's social ills, I advise reading this instead: http://orgyofthewill.net/

>> No.11664556

Even leftists of the yesteryears were quite aware of kikes and their ways... What happend? Was it just german autism that started to make leftists start turning a blind eye to this stuff?

>> No.11664609

I think it's an interesting work that delves into a subject which we are all supposed to completely ignore and pretend is not worthy of study.

>> No.11664782 [DELETED] 

If the stupid Nazis didn't begin exterminating Jews we would still be able to look squarely at certain, shall we say, deceitful tendencies. All credibility is lost the moment you begin systematically murdering an entire people.

>> No.11664892

You seem to be a double digit IQ gorilla nigger. Not being ironic

>> No.11664948

cringe and bluepilled