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File: 91 KB, 438x403, theybecamewhattheybeheld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11659818 No.11659818 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever read this? Thoughts?

If not, check it out.


>> No.11659990

Very interesting post, thanks for the read. I think that this thread has a lot of potential, despite the lack of interest. =)

>> No.11660001

>marshal mcluhan quote on the cover

fucking dropped

>> No.11660005

underrated and interesting af.

thanks for sharing anon.

>> No.11660240

thanks guys, I loved this book. glad I could share something unique

>> No.11660254
File: 65 KB, 400x192, 343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a really cool book, i'd never heard of it before.

and mcluhan's always good too. a true astronaut for meme universe

>> No.11660269

my favorite concept discussed is how we don't recognize things until we are separated form them.

An example used is spit. We can swallow our own spit because IT'S US, nut if we were to spit into a cup all day, we couldn't bring ourselves to drink it, because it has been detached from us to the point that we recognize it.

This concept is then applied to technology and find myself noticing it manifest in popular culture, fashion, and many other aspects of life.

>> No.11660294
File: 98 KB, 500x480, main-qimg-dd1e35850a02ce61120cecbfd0dfdd75-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They beheld what they became.

>> No.11660307

imagine being the kind of brainlet who finds shit like this insightful

yo bro did u ever notice how we all walk around with puke in our stomach but as soon as we vomit it up we consider it totally grody? now imagine the mass media! wooooaaaaahhhh, pass the bong!

>> No.11660311

t. one who shall not receive the bong

>> No.11660316


See: >>11653005

>> No.11660729
File: 316 KB, 431x707, 18cb8e61-62d8-4b44-a242-87c79483a58b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See Berger's Ways of Seeing.

>> No.11662304

it is insightful

apply it to vaporwave

We never found the aesthetic appealing until it was far enough removed from our current culture that we could recognize it as unique.

but I guess not thinking is the way of the future

>> No.11662335

>We never found the aesthetic appealing until it was far enough removed from our current culture that we could recognize it as unique.

this makes a lot of sense

>> No.11662609


>> No.11662618

woah man u discovered nostalgia! that's fuckin' deep! what are you 22? probably

>> No.11662652
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, E7CAA99C-0473-4D99-88E1-7C30EF9431BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 replies
>8 posters

>> No.11662662

Oh thank God, I thought I was talking to myself for a minute.

>> No.11662673

Is this hauntology

>> No.11662779

no I'm >>11662304
and OP

just head to another thread dude