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/lit/ - Literature

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11642868 No.11642868 [Reply] [Original]

>book says f*ck, sh*t, or worse, the n-word
>get a pen and scribble it out

>> No.11642870

>t-they said the n-word :O

>> No.11642875

are you that anon's 23 year old cousin from the will self thread?

>> No.11642911
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>book has sex scene
>but it's from the school library so I can't scratch it out

>> No.11642930
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>book has a sex scene
>it makes my knickers wet

>> No.11642941

You're on 4chan, sweethearts. We're proud to be racists here. Fuck niggers, fuck women, and fuck kikes. If you can't handle it, then fuck off. The words are true, so they belong in books

>> No.11642950

redditors really can't fit in can they?

>> No.11642951
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>> No.11642970
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>> No.11642978


4chan is a Christian board. We believe in decency, respect, and loving others regardless of race. Please take your obscenities elsewhere.

>> No.11643007

>The redditor tells you to go back as he reveals himself...

>> No.11643022



>> No.11643145
File: 27 KB, 508x524, __37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and sinker
Never change, r*dditors. ;)

>> No.11643149
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>> No.11643151

No racism outside of /b/.

>> No.11643155

>I was just pretending to be retarded!

>> No.11643172

I was just trying to fit in

>> No.11643184
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>I keep on falling for retarded bait, providing a direct incentive for users to post more retarded bait!

>> No.11643189
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>The amount of asshurt this causes the actual nu-fags
Tumblr dykes / leddit niggers out out out

>> No.11643191

You can't control what other people post, but you can control how you respond. Sperging out about muh r*ddit bc of an obvious ironic shitpost is embarrassing. I'm sick of you people shitting up the blue boards.

>> No.11643193


>> No.11643424
File: 53 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read a book
>imagine myself arguing with the author
>walk in cricles for hours visualising myself explaining how in fact he is wrong and proving my point to him
>write my arguments on page
Please tell me I'm not the only one doing this

>> No.11643494

I don't do exactly this but I'm retarded enough that if I did it wouldn't surprise me. Feel better?

>> No.11643510

How's this a bad thing?

>> No.11643528

not sure if this is a false flag, a shit post, or a genuine comment

>> No.11643531

There is nothing wrong with this, and you knew this too but wanted other posters on an indonesian basket weaving forum board to tell you.

>> No.11643538

unironically a very important and relevant post

>> No.11643601

Whenever I read a book, and I see a female character being described as cute/beautiful, I imagine them to look like slightly less-than-ugly human being, mostly because that's what I expect the author to have originally been imagining. Whenever I do assume that the characters are cute/beautiful, I imagine them to look like an anime/manga character, or like a person depicted in some famous painting, since that's all I can actually think of as beautiful.
Whenever I try to create female characters in my writings, they usually end up as heavily idealized 2D-like characters, with relatively static personalities.

>> No.11643610

shitty false flag

>> No.11643616

>gets 700 replies
makes u think

>> No.11643624

it's all and yet none

>> No.11643632

>common-sense racist bro pretends to not be racist by pretending to be comically racist to make fun of redditors
my analysis

>> No.11643911

This is really obviously what happened. Unfortunately the huge amount of newfags on this website will believe otherwise because they unironically have never heard of someone posting something they didn't really think or believe.

>> No.11643920

Okay, this is EPIC

>> No.11644012

based and redpilled

>> No.11644022

Impossible. No true racist thinks themselves as racist.

>> No.11644168


>> No.11644180

absolutely fricking based

>> No.11644184

If 4chan actually had real upvotes, it would end up being just like reddit except people would be ironically upvoting what would qualify as a poor quality post here.

>> No.11644193

High IQ post (>150).
Only a redditor would hesitate on how to interpret it.

>> No.11644209
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>> No.11644219
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>> No.11644229

(and thats beatiful)

>> No.11644234
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>> No.11644247 [DELETED] 

ugh, so much toxicity in one thread...
I'm proud in you! You go girl!
omg go to hell you monster!

>> No.11644257
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>> No.11644262

based and redpilled

>> No.11644265
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>> No.11644278
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>> No.11644285
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>> No.11644292
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>> No.11644302
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>> No.11644311
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>> No.11644314
File: 16 KB, 265x90, riscv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11644321
File: 250 KB, 938x1200, william callow- house of albrecht durer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11644334
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>> No.11644339
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>> No.11644341
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>> No.11644343

Good. /lit/ is a Christian board

>> No.11644348

Hello my fellow re—I mean 4channer