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/lit/ - Literature

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11627426 No.11627426 [Reply] [Original]

The occult is a pathway to many abilities some might consider unnatural... Tell me about the fortrean and forbidden books you've read, /lit/.

>> No.11627451

all books are allowed and inoffensive in liberalism

>> No.11627458


>> No.11627475

/co/, but Promethea.

>> No.11627491

Like >>11627451 points out, there's really nothing considered "forbidden" in our secular world, but with that being said reading something like the Gnostic Gospels would probably be the closest, since they were quite literally suppressed information and there are even Christians today who would find you suspicious / evil for having read them.

>> No.11627731
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Hegel is a dialectical sorcerer along with his apprentice Marx who has influenced the present more than anyone else.

>> No.11627739

I read think and grow rich

>> No.11627973
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>> No.11627983

If you think that there's something novel in reading old books then you're fucking retarded.

>> No.11627999
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>> No.11628121

The closest thing to 'forbidden', in the spooky melodramatic sense, you will find regarding occult or esoteric books is the many works of biblical apocrypha in the hands of the Vatican that have not been made public. Similarly, although probably less interesting to some, is that only a fragment of the found writings from Sumeria and Babylon have even been translated. Only a handful of people in the world are capable of doing the translations and for every work that has been translated there are about 100 that have not. Again, in a similar fashion, there are tens of thousands of works on the subject of Alchemy and much of it has not been made available in English, although many are not too difficult to get your hands on. Simply by virtue of being mostly written in Latin they have been mostly untapped. These works are particularly interesting because if you sift through enough of them you will begin to notice that there is a thread connecting some of the works, many from different times and geographical locations, yet bearing similarities. A lot of Alchemical works appear to be sui generis, but if you see enough of them you will notice that some do have similarities to others and thus the intimation of a long standing tradition is given.

>> No.11628138

>they haven't read David Myatt

>> No.11628402

>How much did you have to pay out the ass to join their sooper seekrit klub?

>> No.11628844

Is artificial scarcity the same as being forbidden?

>> No.11628897

I've read selections of the Zohar, the Midrash, and other Kabbalah and Jewish holy texts- rendering me part of the dark and nefarious cabal.

>> No.11629078

you won't find shit. If you look at enough of anything you'll see similarities. doesn't mean the are helpful or have importance

>> No.11629112

A profoundly lazy and ahistorical point of view on display here. Must save you a lot of time.

>> No.11629999

that's just modern active nihilism, nothing surprising or scary about it, just the natural counterpart to the reigning passive nihilism

>> No.11631221

Maybe the best answer in this thread and best answer you’ll get, OP. If you can conceivably easily get something in your language of choice in a public library, it’s not likely to be so “forbidden” and strange as you think.

These are not too bad either though, honestly.

You’re dumb, you’re talking about something you don’t know anything about.

>> No.11631245

Why do you niggers always speak of this mystical connection but never describe it?

>> No.11631262
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>wasting your time and money on useless 2deep4u pseudo-knowledge
Why not simply do some drugs with your local low lives?

>> No.11631458

Because it can only be spoken in metaphor