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File: 59 KB, 554x720, John Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11625305 No.11625305 [Reply] [Original]

What is his secret?

>> No.11625312

Articulating the the thoughts of his fellow bugmen and their perfidious """women"""

>> No.11625338

>Food analogy

>> No.11625357

If a key can unlock many locks, it's a master key. If a lock gets unlocked by many keys, it's a shitty lock.

>> No.11625359

I hate food analogies because you can prove literally anything you want with a bullshit false equivalency. For instance:

>There is a single giant bowl of water in the park
>All the homeless drink out of this bowl, as well as a few stupid children and runners forced to on their run
>Would you want to drink out of that water?

>> No.11625393

This whole disccusion is wrong.
Woman fight for the "right" not to be called a slut whilst being a slut.
The correct discussion would be if we should criticize man for being a slut

For both sexes it is a degenerate lifestyle

>> No.11625401


When did he actually say this?

>> No.11625457

In a video. About how his wife is a slut who married him for hid money.

>> No.11625477


>> No.11625486

Fuck man, why even bother coming to /lit/?

>> No.11625519

A fortress that repels many attacks is a virtue, and a soldier that cannot siege a fortress is pathetic.

>> No.11625550


>> No.11625561

>comparing the woman with, literally, Cheerios
How did he go away with this?

>> No.11625570

Key are just like penis! Hehe!

>> No.11625586

Sodomy 2020

>> No.11625595

His tefillin.

>> No.11625625
File: 53 KB, 394x790, 1523934446170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>describing the feeling of pushing into a vagina with your penis as 'whole grain crunch'

>> No.11625652

My wife's bull sticks his dick in my cereal bowl sometimes and he's right. This does NOTHING to change how crunchy the cereal is.

>> No.11625689


Kek, that's so John. Link?

>> No.11625712

Cannot is different than will not.
People are different from objects.

>> No.11625725
File: 1.51 MB, 500x281, waifu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allegories in general make no actual logical connections. They aren't arguments but heuristic devices to make an idea more palpable.

>> No.11625754
File: 159 KB, 900x540, Effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The typical bugman approach to a double standard. Instead of calling men to virtue, he rather asks that we excuse the vice of women.

>> No.11625761

This, basically. Everyone deserves to be "slut-shamed." If you think there's a double-standard here and men aren't expected to behave in the same way, the solution isn't necessarily to decide that nobody should have these expectations thrown onto them at all. Why is there not even a thought given to the possibility that this should be expected of everybody?

>> No.11625839


Hear hear. There is nothing to be celebrated about eviscerating a woman's capacity to pair-bond, and the facilitation of the emergence and dissemination of STDs.

>> No.11625866

I love drinking water out of the same hole a hundred other men drank.

>> No.11625874

Correct, but they are often used as an argument (like pic in OP)

>> No.11625892

He's comparing men with cheerios. Did you even read it?

>> No.11625908


>> No.11626034


>> No.11627270

Inferring that women's light is only leads to tragicomedy.

>> No.11627567

Has anyone here unironically read his work? When I was in the 7th grade I read The Fault in Our Stars and stopped midway through after I realized I could never get quirky, terminally-ill pussy.

>> No.11628628

based and redpilled

>> No.11628758

Anyone, man or woman, who derives their self worth from their sexual exploits is not living a healthy or fulfilling life, so yes it fucking matters you pathetic white knighting pseudo intellectual

>> No.11628763

cuckoldry is BASED
literally the fetish for philosophers and kings!!!

>> No.11629092
File: 115 KB, 634x697, Smugposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED and also very REDpilled

>> No.11629102

is bugmen basedboys I just realized that

>> No.11629121
File: 9 KB, 266x189, 1532842879264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck why did i laugh so at this

>> No.11629781

A better analolgy would be if someone chewed a mouthful of Cheerlos, spat it out and expected you to eat it.

>> No.11629873

I watched the movie-adaptation at the cinemas. And by "watched" I mean fingered my now-girlfriend's pussy. Thank-you Based John for bringing the two of us together.

>> No.11630054

He writes for the lowest common denominator (women)

>> No.11630084

there is really nothing more disgusting than this sickly bugman looking freak in his ill fitting suit sitting against a wall filming himself telling people they shouldn't care how many cocks a woman has taken with such fervour that his eyeballs almost fall out of his skull

>> No.11630095

But how does that work if there are no logical connections?

>> No.11630867
File: 15 KB, 500x333, a752cbf15bb8fe3374b277e9a917bbb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*thought no one*

>> No.11631804

Sam did it better.