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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 351 KB, 1200x1166, harvard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11608238 No.11608238 [Reply] [Original]

So what /lit/ classes are you taking this semester? Easy? Hard? NEET?

I am taking Modern German Social Theory at top one uni.

>> No.11608269

I'm doing like shit in my first semester, philosophy major
I will try to take some literature classes because I'm really sick of reading philosophy and philosophy in general

>> No.11608275
File: 570 KB, 1200x1196, 1200px-MIT_Seal.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks a kike-infested, affirmative action toilet prone to cheating scandals which bases its "qualitative" admissions on "leadership skills," alumni connections, and million-dollar donations is "top one uni"
It's not even number one in the Boston area

>> No.11608276
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a Metalogic course at pic related.

God, imagine actually going to a sub-top-5. The thought terrifies me.

>> No.11608281

Retard STEMfag.

>> No.11608292

Brainlet who thinks he can buy IQ points

>> No.11608309

>implying MIT isn't the exact same

>> No.11608317

I'm trying to get into Stanford for grad school. I'm probably going to lie on my application and say that I'm Jewish so I get in.

>> No.11608323

I study biochem as an undergraduate and work on stem cell research with genetic engineering. Almost went with major in English at college but I decided that was more of a hobby for me. Now I can do cool shit like manipulate genomes and inject embryos as an undergraduate studying the basis of life, while being able to read/study whatever literary or philosophical topics that interest me on the side.

>> No.11608325

Studying PPE at oxford this year. Honestly, sometimes I feel bad for commoners who aren't at least in a Russell group uni, then I remember that the British caste system has premoted order, tradition and excellence throughout society for hundreds of years. Just the natural way of things, I suppose.

TTFN chaps! I'm off to lead the country!

>> No.11608340
File: 144 KB, 685x558, F399A95E-8355-4F96-870C-CE0332C11B2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ivy League
Consider suicide

>> No.11608356
File: 76 KB, 835x478, f4-large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good way to measure how corrupt and detached from actual academic performance elite university admissions are is to look at the number of Jews they have in their student body, and compare them to the number of Asians.

Jews are 2% of the American population (TWO) and 6% of the best performing high school students, as judged by their share of NMS semifinalists. Asians, on the other hand, are 5% of the American population and 25% of the best performing high school students as judged by NMS semifinalists.

If any elite university has more than 10% of its body composed of Jews, it is highly suspect, and if any elite university has more Jews than it has Asians, it is probable that there is a sniveling rat kike sitting in the admissions office, handing out admissions to every Kushner or Green whose daddy had the good fortune to pass his application along. Also likely is that this university has one or more cheating rings operating in secret, as Jews can cheat and bully and whine and buy their way into good schools, but that doesn't mean their Semitic brains can keep up with the coursework.

>> No.11608362

you sound like one of my old friends who works at morrisons now
though he went to cambridge

>> No.11608363
File: 148 KB, 850x670, f3-large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N-nothing to see here, goyim!

>> No.11608367

is it possible that ummm
you know

they're just smarter?

>> No.11608368

Over 1in 4 lmao

America is so cucked

>> No.11608370

Lel, elite universities hate Jews, since they're the Asians of white people and elite universities hate Asians and white people. The only reason that they're overrepresented is because Jewish moms are tiger-moms-lite.

>> No.11608377

Nothing. I fell for the accounting meme.

>> No.11608390

red and basedpilled

>> No.11608398
File: 123 KB, 822x650, f1-large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope! If Jews were smart, they would be getting good grades in high school. But strangely, Jewish academic performance in high school has completely cratered over the past several decades, while mysteriously, their share at America's top universities has exploded! Indeed, Jews are getting WORSE grades at a time of increasing competition in college admissions, yet making up a greater and greater share of the student body at top schools, now being overrepresented by 1200 (TWELVE HUNDRED)% relative to their share of population.

>> No.11608401

but that's impossible, since there are no differences among races, ethnicities, genders, etc

>> No.11608456
File: 24 KB, 450x188, jewishenrollment-small[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elite universities hate Jews
Lmao, are you sniffing glue? Nobody, not Asians, not minorities, most especially not the white gentiles who actually created these institutions, has an easier time at elite universities than Jews. Of the past 4 presidents of Harvard, 3 have been Jewish. These administrations are stuffed front to back with sullen petulant Jews who immediately use the slightest bit of power to promote their own over everybody else

>> No.11608457

>Being this retarded

>> No.11608477


>> No.11608505

Post stats bro

>> No.11608648

I go to Kenyon College.

I’m taking an intro political philosophy class where we survey the great political philosophy works of western civilization through he ages.

A philosophy class on “Perception, Art, and Philosophy.” The prof is supposed to be amazing, and this is a “special session, meaning he designed the class for this session. Should be very interesting.

An intro art history class (art requirements).

Intro latin. I don’t care much for languages, but they’re required, and I’m taking latin to learn about ancient rome. Should be interesting.

>> No.11608898
File: 75 KB, 260x300, university-of-cambridge-logo-E6ED593FBF-seeklogo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archaeology at pic related

>> No.11608929

Someone give me attention please. Rate my upcoming semester.

Pic related is a picture of campus. That’s the dorm I’ll be in next semester. It looks so fucking comfy.

>> No.11608956

Read Gombrich and Wolfflin before you take the class



Maybe read Strauss' An Introduction to Political Philosophy, but don't become a Straussian

>> No.11608987

Thanks, I will look into them!

>Maybe read Strauss' An Introduction to Political Philosophy, but don't become a Straussian

I’ve heard that this class actually has a pretty strong Straussian bent. What are the issues with straussianism? What should I look out for, and what are the best things about it?

>> No.11608999

How the fuck do you even get into Harvard? High sat scores?

>> No.11609051

Could you also explain what you mean about the gestalt shift with relation to this class?

>> No.11609069

diffy eqs I
physics 3 (quantum)
physics lab
latin III
chem I

i wish i had more time to read and shitpost desu

>> No.11609075

I know a few good writers who came from Latin-American slums.

How many good writers have come from Harvard?

>> No.11609080


>> No.11609084

Straussians are either a cult of lizardmen who control all US politics, an academic country club for wannabe movers and shakers, or a nonexistent grouping of people who simply happen to like Strauss, depending whom you ask. The "strong" Straussian assertion is that they are disciples, and disciples of disciples, of Leo Strauss, a Jewish political philosopher whose response to the problem of revolution, terror, and fascism is that they are inevitable unless politics is safely steered by a small group of elitist shadow brokers who whisper in the ears of power. Supposedly big on manipulating the sheep-like masses to keep them docile, a bit like Edward Bernays or the Powell Memorandum, and on spreading this to every corner of the globe by benign imperialism as in Francis Fukuyama. It's alleged that they are the founders and intellectual core of the Reagan-type neo-conservatives, and generally of the world described in this:

Strauss himself is an interesting figure and it's questionable whether this was his intent. Philosophically, it probably was, but whether this specific outcome was his intent is another question. Look into Paul Gottfried's book on Strauss, and to a lesser extent Shadia Drury. Gottfried is radical right wing.

They target intelligent young people with elitist inclinations by affecting the allure of a secret society. Being talked about as a mysterious group is part of why people want to join them. Being cultivated by a mysterious informal club is flattering. My advice is to maintain your intellectual autonomy.

>> No.11609088

Fuck your uni. You think you're special here? You are not the only one my friend, and anyone on the inside knows it's bullshit. Ivy leagues are sad.

>> No.11609109
File: 267 KB, 500x281, djokovic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduated with English Lit degree from no-name university
>working dead-end office job
>too tired and depressed to read when I get home from my 11 hour work day, just read a bit on the train if I'm not dead tired

>> No.11609111

I'm so sorry anon.

>> No.11609116


I'm thinking of hazarding a master's program but, like I said, the school I graduated from doesn't have a great reputation, I wouldn't want to do it there, and my GPA was a B+/A-

Existential problems only get worse once your done, it's sort of the shits

>> No.11609117

Ancient Phil
US Gov 2
German I
College Algebra

I can't deny I'm a bit anxious

>> No.11609118

I keep changing my major. I hate everything in universities. I screw around on computers all day, so computer science must be my destiny I thought. Assembly and boolean algebra are a fucking bore and my stinky peers even more so. But the symbolic logic and ethics classes were fun, so how about philosophy. 99% of philosophy after medieval times is pure dog shit. There's no originality, just responses to their predecessors. I tried history because I thought war and shit was cool, but my first history class was about some obscure part of history like environmentalism in the US from specifically 1965 and I was immediately turned off, just more bore. Why even bother with degrees like environmental science or chemistry? Environmental science is just making sure companies can get away the maximum amount of pollution without being sued, and we're still doomed from climate change. Chemistry is worthless without a graduate degree, undergraduates get glorified blue-collar work. There's nothing in university for me, is there? It all sucks.

>> No.11609123

Why not classics?

>> No.11609128

>There's no originality, just responses to their predecessors

Should probably motivate you more desu. Whether or not it's true is whatever, but yeah.

>> No.11609133

None of the colleges near me offers a classics degree. I'll have to go to a further one and live on-campus just to try it out, I suppose.

>> No.11609144

Ah, makes sense. I didn't know there were universities that didn't offer classics.Seems crazy.

>> No.11609156
File: 16 KB, 460x276, jewsis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol are you an anti semitic chink?

fucking hilarious dude

>> No.11609168

How do you go to cambridge and end up at morrisons?

>> No.11609175

>tfw going to cheap state school
Sorry guys.

>> No.11609183

>Modern German Social Theory
Which actually means simplified Frankfurt School Critical Theory which is more or less jewish ideological propaganda designed to undermine western society?

Typical "top" uni brainwashing, keep at it shabbos goy (unless you are an actual jew).

>> No.11609270

Doing a biology PhD in Oxford, the actual best university in the world

>> No.11609306

Unless you can do mathematics like a calculator (yeah being a genius at anything else doesn't count as a prodigy in uni) you'll need money or connections.

>> No.11609575

Stanford is actually a good school that bases its admissions on academic performance, so claiming Jewish ancestry won't get you far there. Try a mediocre school like Harvard or Yale instead

>> No.11609693
File: 12 KB, 200x200, king_s_chapel_cambridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean 2nd best :^)

>> No.11609697

you're not fooling anybody

>> No.11609701

Tbf I think Oxbridge, although the best, accepts too many students per year and loves to fill themselves up with afroids

>> No.11609706

Face it lad, the only reason yours is more famous is because Americans can pronounce it easier. Cambridge is where all the best boys go

>> No.11609761

You mind telling us what school?

>> No.11609772

more like blow it out your ass

>> No.11610114
File: 71 KB, 1181x1181, oxford-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think oxford is the best university in the world

but i cant imagine going somewhere you couldnt even *argue* is the best in the world

>> No.11610279

>but i cant imagine going somewhere you couldnt even *argue* is the best in the world
Its easy, just get over your ego, drop delusions of grandeur and treat your studies as a means to an end. 'End' being comfortably employed in a field of your choice while being able to live an enjoyable and fulfilling life. You know, like huge majority of functional people do.

>> No.11610455


would you really be satisfied with just "comfort"?

to be marked for mediocrity at the point at which you greatest potential?

the majority of students at good schools go on to do nothing at all, but almost everyone who did anything at all went to a good school

>> No.11610714

it's because I live in a country that only has a couple universities in the top 100s are no top 10 material

>> No.11610747

>would you really be satisfied with just "comfort"?
better than being a larping incel desu

>> No.11610807

what do those last three words mean?

i googled them but im having trouble combining them

- live-action role play
- involuntary celibate
- japanese for "to be"

are these internet jokes?

>> No.11610814

Wow you're actually larping

>> No.11610850

I studied PPE at Oxford, then got kicked out. Then talked my way back in. Then got kicked out again. Then talked my way back in again. Then realized I wasn't actually enjoying it much and left, somehow talking my way into a job which normally requires at least a bachelor's and preferably an MBA.

Looking back a decade, everything turned out nicely, but fuck me if it wasn't stressful at the time.

>> No.11610880

Why is /lit/ so much more focused on school name than /sci/? You'd think it'd be the opposite.

>> No.11610904

/sci/ can be judged much more easily by quality and significance of research, and it's not unusual for a not-top science university to have a few people putting out significant stuff.

Meanwhile in the humanities the waters are a lot muddier.

>> No.11610911

I took Political Philosophy as well, with big brain Harvey Mansfield

>> No.11610914

people who study humanities are much more classist than STEMfags and there's also the fact that if you go to any uni aside from the top 3 for say, philosophy, you won't be getting a job

>> No.11610925

It is nice to not go to brainlet uni Mr. O.

>> No.11610946

School name is all that matters

>> No.11610947
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 1506488374522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11610953

For arts and humanities? Yeah, he's right.

>> No.11610971

as in, im pretending to be something?
i guessed that one but it didnt make sense with the other two words.

sorry im not an expert in 4chan memes

>> No.11611308


>> No.11611394


>> No.11611444

Literally got a friend who graduated from Oxford last year with a 2:1 in PPE and is currently working in a call centre.

>> No.11611449

Why do people on /lit/ LARP about being in top schools?

>> No.11611456

not everyone who goes to a good school does well in life

but *almost* everyone who does well in life went to a good school

stop using your loser friends' failure to make you feel better

>> No.11611471

lmao these schools do have students, yaknow
they arent secretly empty

it's not so rare that you'd assume they were lying -- like if they said they'd gone to the moon or smth

>> No.11611477

Yeah but I doubt people who go to Ivy League schools waste their time shitposting on /lit/

>> No.11611479


>> No.11611481
File: 137 KB, 858x536, Geddes Quadrangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I study medicine at Dundee. It's far from the best uni in the UK but it's pretty good for my course, the city's very suited to student life and I have the guarantee of a reasonably emotionally-rewarding and well-paid job at the end of it.

>> No.11611495

>*almost* everyone who does well in life went to a good school

They also had a fuckton of money, you slackjawed cum-muffin.

>> No.11611499

My point was just that a degree in PPE isn't particularly good without underlying connections. David Cameron advanced through the Conservative Party to become PM because of the networking he did at Oxford and afterwards, not because he got a degree in PPE.

>> No.11611500

99% of /lit/

>> No.11611508

You don't think young students waste time on popular internet sites?

>> No.11611624

>to be marked for mediocrity at the point at which you greatest potential?
Those who are destined for greatness will achieve it despite all the odds. Those destined for mediocrity will be mediocre regardless of how good their school or professors or classmates are.

>> No.11611636

yeah ofc
but going to a shit school is a good sign you *arent* destined for greatness

>> No.11611674

if you didnt apply aspirationally bc of whatever social/locational factors then fair enough

but if you got rejected for anywhere that's a big clue -- the vast majority of students at top schools are mediocre as fuck, and they all managed to get in

>> No.11611688
File: 12 KB, 589x589, Oxford-University-square-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realising that all American shithole unis base admissions on "leadership skills," alumni connections, and million-dollar donations

Lived the life. ama

>> No.11611694

Topologie et calcul diff
Algèbre 1
Mesure et probas
meca lagrangienne
meca stat

and i'm thinking about taking a class on plato that looks nice and a latin class

>> No.11611695

Honestly, it's a pretty good degree even without connections. Sure you won't end up ruling the country unless you were an obsessive networker, but unless you come off as a complete piece of shit at interviews, a 2:1 or first should be enough to at least get your foot in the door at any financial services company, management consultancy, etc.

Source is I'm this guy:

While my situation was only possible bc of luck, connections, and being really fucking good at interviewing, I have kept in touch with people I studied with, and even the rather passive and anti-networking types got good jobs very easily.

Obviously it's no guarantee of long-term success, but the school's name has weight.

>> No.11611699

Do you have an elite genetically profound english rose gf?

>> No.11611715

only intelligent person here

>> No.11611716

i'm an autistic virgin, so no

>> No.11611723

You clearly do not know many people at Ivy League schools.

t. student at Ivy League school (albeit one who only got in because of sports)

>> No.11611725


what kinda circles you guys run in?

>> No.11611728

MA in Town Planning

I don't want to but I have no choice

>> No.11611731

im at ox and i swear there are loads of autistic virgin girls you could chirpse?

>> No.11611737

The hottest girls when I attended Oxford were almost all foreign or half-foreign.

The few genuinely high-tier English girls weren't worth the bother, because due to the low national average looks they thought they were god-tier.

>> No.11611740

I'm >>11611688. Graduated last month in PPE (2:1). No circles, really; I'm an autist who has trouble making friends or getting out. Did some P&P and got loved for my speeches there, but other than that just a few friends at my college who have all went on to do mediocre things.

>> No.11611744

The school I'm going to next year has as much fields medal has the US, but takes in 40 students every years

t. goes to the world's best university

>> No.11611752


>> No.11611756

Oxford was honestly way more socioeconomically diverse and less of a wealth-bubble than my hometown lol. Shit broadened my horizons.

>> No.11611763

I missed out, I guess. May have been hampered by the fact I spent much of my middle and final year depressed and cut off most people, and that I had difficulty attending any clubs/societies more than sporadically. And that nightclubs give me meltdowns (and trust me, I tried the drinking+normie camo game for three years, it never worked for me).

I often feel I missed out. Don't have that many fond memories and I don't even have a first. I just can't do unstructured socialising and the few clubs I could have coped in (like RPGSoc) I flamed out of because the people there are fucking shitty.

>> No.11611765
File: 272 KB, 1500x1001, 160906-utokyo-submitted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't go to todai

>> No.11611766

And my social circle was people who give too much of a shit about rowing. I was one too. It's a great sport, but I've calmed down since.

>> No.11611776

I got banned from Camera for reasons I still can't remember.

Skipping out on the drinking and clubs was prob a good call on your part.

>> No.11611777

>what classes
All the youngfags and zoomers ITT. I take classes in the school of life like an adult.

>> No.11611780

lmaoo probably ran into you
were you a hack/a name id recognise?

>> No.11611782

They closed down in '15 tho so I got my revenge

>> No.11611783

>America's top humanities students post the content that's on /lit/
That makes me think less of those schools.

>> No.11611786

wtf how do you get banned from the rad cam

>> No.11611792

lmaooo no

also it's vac what do you expect us to do

>> No.11611797

Not that guy, but being an autistic shut in is honestly better and more respectable than being a union hack.

>> No.11611800

oh i thought you meant the library

>> No.11611801

Would prefer not to dox myself too badly. Someone likened me to a Pound Shop Mosley/Mussolini, once, if that sparks any memory.

>> No.11611805

The nightclub Camera.

Didn't realize it was closed in 2015 until after I posted. Fuck me I'm getting old. They were the hot new shit when I was around.

Next thing I'll find out Old Man Bridge is dead and no current students know who he is.

>> No.11611821

no dw man
old man bridge is well and truly kicking

the bucket

but ironically he's now banned from bridge

>> No.11611837

RIP, old man bridge was great chat.

Was he just there to pick up girls? I never found out whether that guy was just there for the pootang or not.

>> No.11611852

What did he do? If he groped a girl or something, she should've been banned instead. The man is an institution.

No clue. Spoke to him once I think but I was shitfaced. Never saw him do anything I'd call a serious attempt to pick up a girl.

Maybe he just liked looking?

>> No.11611858

ive spoke to him quite a bit

he knows me by name which is actually a mess bc he greets you in front of people

and then youve got to explain why you know old man bridge


my theory is that he is just reliving his youth somehow. like michael jackson, or humpert hump. he probably fell in love with a girl during university who died on a skiing trip and never moved on.

all this is conjecture.

>> No.11611867

i think the Mail did a piece on him, accusing him of being a creep, and Bridge got worried

im not sure he's still banned. this was last TT, he was saying that the other clubs are better anyway

>> No.11611880

haha trying to relive his youth what a moron!!

t. feeling nostalgic urge to quit job and do a postgraduate degree I don't need so that I can go back to Oxford and relive my youth

>> No.11611897

yeah are you in your mid 60's though?

>> No.11611906

I like to think that by the time I'm anywhere near that old I'll have stopped shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.11611914

Implying we won't be spending our days in the retirement home shitting on people online.

>> No.11611920

its not reliving your youth if you do a postgrade before your 40. that's just living your youth

and it will be glorious

>> No.11612522

hey bro I hope you find what you like but at least finish a minor in cs/data science/accounting. those are p much failsafe with some extra networking so if u get a humanities degree u don't end up in some shitty dead end job that pays like anus. u may end up with a job that isn't in your absolute favorite field, but with the skills I mentioned, ull at least be paid well enough to afford to indulge in ur interests in ur free time

>> No.11612578

Hey fellow harvardian, rec me a good humanities class? Haha

>> No.11613435

Take Harvey Mansfield's courses, take a meme language, take hum 10 for peak memery, try the Divinity school if you really want your brain to expand (also your GPA), and take history of economic thought in the History Department (taught this year by literal Rothschild).

Also, are you freshman or upperclassman?

>> No.11613464

Don't take hum10, rather take your time with books like that imo. People fall behind so quickly because reading one book a week understandably btofs them at some point in the semester. Didn't take it but am close friends with two people who took it

Expos sucks btw that's probably the thing you'll hear people cry about most next to d-hall food (which isn't even that bad most of the time but when it's bad it truly is bad).

Most humanities classes are nice though. Just avoid econ/gov/cs -- partially serious with that

>> No.11613471

>English 201
>Early African American History
>Human Evolution
the joys of being an undergrad

>> No.11613508

I'm going to Salamanca,
Didn't try at all until last few years of secondary school, due to family connections and general wealth managed to study in Spain (I'm Central American).
My only real strong suits are debating, literature, languages (english, french, spanish), and history.

Frankly I am satisfied, I will get spanish citizenship in a matter of months, and the school carries a certain prestige via namesake alone. It's Ivy League at a bargain, in my eyes. Rate my boys

>> No.11613511


>mansfield's "courses"

lol nty i shopped his histroy course and it's literally just a lecture hall full of people about to get assfucked by his decision to give everyone B's. yeah no

>meme language

triple check but I might take a nordic language just to have 1 on 1 tutoring lol wouldn't that be sweet

>div school

Literally everyone I've met from there has been weird as fuck, feel like it would legit be bad for my health if I took a divschool class.

>history of ec

Good rec thanks

I'm an upperclassman

I'm talking specific recommendations for this coming semester actually, not just "hey haha this dept is bad" because imo they're all garbage and each only offers one good course every two years

>> No.11613529

What house you in bro?

Also look at Modern German Social Theory in the history department, it is Hist 1323.

>> No.11613554

I know this guy irl, let's all take Hist 1323

>not just "hey haha this dept is bad" because imo they're all garbage

Also I heard Anthro 1010 is fun

>> No.11613561

>Algebra 1 (linear algebra but more rigorous)
>Analysis 1 (also calculus but more rigorous)
>Intro to German
>Fundamentals of Physics
>Philosophy for Scientists

I guess intro to German and the philosophy class are the only /lit/-related courses I'm taking. Looking forward to them.

t. first year student

>> No.11613565
File: 18 KB, 424x424, uoft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This uni btw

>> No.11613566

>Algebra 1 (linear algebra but more rigorous)
Someone is in for a tough first semester if this is what he thinks algebra is

>> No.11613579


Y-you could probably figure out who i am if I told you my house

Gordon is the goat, I've taken a course with him and the past and he teaches really easily too. will def consider.

is cs50 courses down for you guys? i cant find it on google.

>> No.11613587
File: 33 KB, 733x172, 1530179379304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CS50 courses is discontinued (pic related)

I feel like I might know you -- are you in Eliot?

>> No.11613604


that sucks, can you please rebuild it? And can't confirm or deny my living in eliot, but yes i do. who are you? lmao

>> No.11613618

>This course is an introduction to Linear Algebra, aimed at students in our specialist programs.
This is literally from the course website.

>> No.11613619

Yeah my.harvard sucks, I preferred CS50 courses too. Already gonna be slaving for Malan this coming sem so idk if I wanna spend time rebuilding another one of his pet projects :^)

We've met before at a radio event as well as somewhere else before that. If not I've got the wrong person kek

>> No.11613627

Your school is naming things wrong, ask them to change it

>> No.11613864


Yeah def met you before, but I don't remember your name (sorry in advance). I enjoyed our conversation though even though. I would recommend against cs50 btw, you could finish the whole value of the course in the 3 weeks between now and sep 4 if you really wanted to and save your gpa in the process

>> No.11613911

I'm taking phil of mind with a focus on consciousness, phil of language, causation in early modern phil, and early modern English (Shakespeare, Milton)


>> No.11613917


Pretty good. I wouldn't take the middle two though, because they seem pretty washy. If you like the syllabi, go ahead.

>> No.11613953

Jai toujours voudrais etudier dans les ecoles francais. Je suis americaine: les ecoles ici sont tres bon aussi, mais france ai in histoire magnifique dans les mathematiques et physiques, et les universites francais sont plus difficiles et rapide. Mais mon francais nest pas tres bonne :( but yeah that's a loooot of stuff for one semester. Do you do research too?

>> No.11613975

Late modernism, Early Renaissance Poetry, and a class on Heidegger

Then 2 classes to fulfill gen ed reqs

>> No.11613976

Fell for the meme already ;( just CA-ing at this point

I'll text you or something once school starts, could get lunch together sometime if you're down for that

>> No.11613991


Absolutely, please do. Text me before then too if you want to discuss some lit; I'm going to be persevering through the last two weeks of summer to read a few big things (Brothers K, something else to be decided).

>> No.11614027

Sounds good, sent something to what I think is your number to confirm

If not I think you use protonmail? Hopefully I didn't mess up lol

>> No.11614090

Hmmm going to a university with a bunch of people that maximally contribute to a societal system is pretty toxic. Go to one that people maximize the bang for their buck on the system. I love ivy league/Ocbridge students because they're intelligent, but otherwise they don't have the rage or originality to actually contribute to a discussion beyond some specific points. More than anything, they use their intelligence to capitulate to a system and reap rewards with effort, rather than thinking about why they're doing it in the first place. Depth of understanding, free thought in the extreme, and irreverent jovial humor doesn't exist except for the fringes of large universities. Also, most people I've encountered at these institutions aren't cynical, and cynicism is so vital to deep thought one could almost consider it a component.

>> No.11614110

shit sticks can't even refrain from networking and proscoial behavior

>> No.11614452

True Words for True Romans!

>> No.11614604

mechanics applied to machinery
Strength of Materials
Numerical analysis
Fluid Dynamics
Aerospace technical design

At Bologna in Italy

>> No.11614853

The fact that almost every Englishman who's done anything original went to oxbridge, kinda disproves this:

>Intelligent, but otherwise they don't have the rage or originality to actually contribute to a discussion beyond some specific points

>> No.11614863

>Modern German Social Theory
is that making up excuses for refugees ruining the country?

>> No.11615076


>> No.11615093

I always trash white oxbridge graduate applications away. I work in recruitment at a hedge fund.

i only hire UCL and Imperial Chads

>> No.11615148

Which is, I suppose, why the hedge fund I work at has more assets under management than yours could ever dream of.

Unless we work for the same company, in which case all your work wasn't enough to keep me and several others out

>> No.11615492

quick scan of nobel laureates says you're wrong

>> No.11615528

holy shit, the absolute state of /lit/. When did we get fin and ivy league jerk-offs? As an incoming management consultant I am simply appalled

>> No.11615693

You should take a Jordan Peterson class and post about it

>> No.11615723

stop larping lad

>> No.11615851
File: 1.13 MB, 2249x3190, Ewart_Grogan_c1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cambridge alumnus reporting in. Was reading medicine in Jesus College and fucked tons of blonde posh bimbos during my times. They're absolute shit human beings though and every single of them think that she is a Gossip Girl character which makes them and their intrigues unbearable after some time but slapping these little sluts with a fist in their hair while fucking hard till they scream just feels soooo gooood. They're absolute top in bed and receptive af to dominance, you just need to don't let any of them catch you. I remember that one swap of our dining society with girls from St. Johns after which I brought two of them home and made them call me Ewart Grogan and beg for my dick. Good times, I've made many good stories

>> No.11615853

I should have somewhere a video of me and my mates getting blowjobs from 5 or so of these posh sluts on their knees when we took them to Camridge Union in night after a Christmas Party at Pitt Club a few years ago. We were absolutely smashed and shouted at them that it's the last day of Rome. One of these sluts went to our director of studies after she woke up with bruises and shit claiming that we raped her, but when we showed the video to DOS he laughed off this. Shit was absolutely hilarious. She's now working in BBC, so I think about it every time I see her on TV

>> No.11615909


i remember last time i read this larping nonsense. i laughed. now i just feel pity

my god cambridge is so fucking insecure. what the fuck happened to you lot?

>> No.11615912

>implying posh people would go to Cambridge

>> No.11615932

We will be supposed to write a paper at the end of the year I believe, something like 50 pages. I guess it can be researche but i'm not sure

>> No.11615935

Honestly sorta wish I was LARPing, don't think I'm gonna stick in this job much longer as I don't find it especially fulfilling.

I will say that the corporate culture at this firm is nowhere near as bad as articles and salty Glassdoor reviews make it out to be (even if Principles isn't the best written book in the world, it's hardly a sociopathy manual). Honestly the only people I've seen having a horrible time are those who aren't very good at their jobs.

I like the company and the people I work with; my issues are with the industry as a whole not being what I want out of life.

>> No.11615942

This on the other hand is pure LARP.

>> No.11615961

reading this made me a virgin, thanks

>> No.11615994

That's a comfy life right there.

>> No.11616174


Ok but you make big bucks right? Jk money is garbage, banking and consulting people suck

go teach high school english lad

>> No.11616178

marxist political philosophy at a third rate public school

>> No.11616344
File: 263 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Georgia_Tech_seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My uni has absolutely zero /lit/ courses of any kind and I am coming back this semester from a nervous breakdown that nearly got me kicked out wew lads
I'm taking quantum information theory though so that's fun

>> No.11616463

Decent money but nothing worldshattering, I'm not very senior. There are other industries where you can make plenty of money as well. Very good health plan though, and my parents live ~10 minutes drive away from the main offices so when I work really late I don't need to go all the way back to the city to sleep. That aspect is pretty comfy, I'd probably live with them instead of commuting if I wasn't cripplingly insecure about getting judged for it.

I like the people plenty, it's just becoming clear to me that I don't especially enjoy finance. Fell into the common mental trap of feeling that if your family pretty much all work in a certain field, you should work in it as well. Not retarded enough to leave until I decide what it is I actually want to do and have a job offer though.

>> No.11616590
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i think the NEET demographic is higher than 1% desu

>> No.11616604

Howd you do it? Brainlet askig

>> No.11616778

Any phdfags here?

>> No.11617057

How hard is getting into Oxbridge from a british perspective, considering here are like a half a dozen Oxbridge students?

>> No.11617092

Yes a few

>> No.11617093

what course?

it's slightly skewed because it's vac and we're bored as fuck

and oxbridge dweeps are exactly the kinda autistic but pretentious fucks who are gonna be on /lit/

>> No.11617161

If privately educated you stand a good chance if youre not a brainlet.

If state educated its very difficult even if youre elite.

>> No.11617177

but being privately educated gives you little advantage if youre smart

it's like youre judged by max{smartness, poshness}

>> No.11617197

Varies so much from course to course it's hard to say.

I can't even say firsthand for my own course—PPE—as I applied from the US (which changed things up a bit since it's all about APs rather than A-levels). Applied mostly as a "fuck it, why not?" kind of thing, and was pretty pleasantly surprised to get called in for interview and then given an offer before US college applications were even due.

I feel like the academic criteria are fairly straightforward compared to the US equivalent. Best advice I can give you for interviews is to relax and not stress out about it. If you get in, great! If not, you at least had a conversation about a subject you find interesting with an expert in the field, and there are other good unis. Win-win really. If you seem relaxed and comfortable, and have actually done reading in your subject beyond what school required, you're well ahead of many interviewees.

Also for God's sake when talking to other prospective students during the interview process, act like a normal person instead of trying to turn every conversation into an intellectual dickwaving contest to soothe your nerves.

>> No.11617202

God it hurts. Idk why I even bother getting books anymore. Like zero time to read them or barely want to anymore. Especially since I """"try""""" to have some kind of social life on the weekend.

>> No.11617217

>Also for God's sake when talking to other prospective students during the interview process, act like a normal person instead of trying to turn every conversation into an intellectual dickwaving contest to soothe your nerves.

OR if you are, do it with those who also want to wave their dicks

in the jcr (or wherever you wait pre-interview) there's also a little gang of dick-wavers. sometimes it can be fun

>> No.11617236

exact same problem. what the fuck am i supposed to do

>> No.11617238

I'm taking a Heidegger Class and an environmental Philosophy class

>> No.11617304

Private education is more than just teaching. As you said smarts + poshness.

Statistically the amount of people that meet oxbridge requirements are huge (especially meme degrees). But only harry and george will get accepted.

>> No.11617307

I don't go out of my house i am underweight and go to bed at 7 am and my mom provides for me because of severe agoraphobia I CAN'T USE ANY TOILET AND SLEEP FOR LESS THAN 4 HOURS if i am not at home. I am a friendless neet from a shithole of an irrelevant country and i used to earn 170 euro a month off welfare.

>> No.11617326

Try getting a job

>> No.11617334

trust me, im aware of the difference between private and state school in uk

im not saying smarts+posh
it's more like max{smarts,posh}

ie. private education helps dumb kids pretend to be smart. if you're already smart -- you arent disadvantaged for not being posh

>> No.11617368

Either insane test scores/perfect GPA and grades/fifteen AP classes/teacher recommendations that say, "this is the best kid I've taught in 10 years"
donations to the school, connections, and parents that give the kid money to "start a non-profit," or pay another smaller college to let the kid put their name on research
be black or hispanic and have decent grades

I'm currently at a top 15 uni, and I know a guy here who was on the waitlist, and got in because his dad wrote the school a $500,000 check. I transferred in from a much smaller school after getting rejected and busting my ass freshman year.

All the anons on here circlejerking about school rankings should spend time thinking about how important it really is. I didn't become so jaded about it until I arrived at my current school.

>> No.11617470
File: 174 KB, 1200x1045, Columbia_University.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contemporary civilization, architecture, loads of art history.

>> No.11617622

ranking fades once you get into the university system. Its all anticipation and prestige, which in reality is an illusion.

>> No.11617649

>Varies so much from course to course it's hard to say.
In which way does it vary? Is getting into humanity courses easier than getting into medicine or some other subject where you seriously need to know stuff?

>> No.11617798

You're not less likely to get into humanities but getting in is more random (and more dependent on ability to seem smart ie: private schooled)

You can't say which is easier without first establishing whether it's easier to be good at medicine than classics. Which people will disagree about.

>> No.11617835

I'm graduating high school late desu.

>> No.11618057

19th century russian literature, i'm excited

>> No.11618227

Probably kek

>> No.11618491

intro to american lit
introductory english major seminar
creative writing fiction

>i swear im not a freshman

>> No.11618555

Maritime Studies at the University of Piraeus
>Political Economy
>Maritime Economics and Policy
>Environmental Port Management
>Ship Systems
>Introduction to Port Economics

>> No.11618581

Problems in Metaphysics and Epistemology (subtitle: Vagueness)

Timothy Williamson as the textbook. Has anyone read it?

>> No.11618693

>undergrad at a canadian uni

lol enjoy your intense grad deflation that will cuck you out of any good grad school because every single us school gives 4.0s for attendance

>> No.11618742
File: 127 KB, 1920x1541, rword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol enjoy your intense grad deflation that will cuck you out of any good grad school because every single us school gives 4.0s for attendance

>he thinks community college is the same as university

>> No.11618767

This is true, I went to UofT and it's famous for grade deflation in certain majors. It's not bad in the humanities or social sciences but I heard really bad things about STEM.

>tfw when I applied to American graduate schools I learned that the GREs are even a thing in October, exactly 29 days before grad applications were due and 16 days before the last GRE exam that could be processed and sent to out graduate schools was scheduled
>tfw I had to prep to take the GRE and find $200 in two weeks

Fuck Americans. Holy shit.

>> No.11618771

>americans suck lol why are they so dumb!
>please let me go to your schools though

>> No.11618781

hey bud did you know that this is water?

>> No.11618787

ts eliot

>> No.11618790

I said "fuck Americans" because I got charged $200 by a shitty private company. Do you think it's more likely that I meant:
>Fuck America. Death to America. America is PIG country for stupid sloth pig subhuman filth. I challenge any and all Americans in this thread to death duel for defend honour of their stink country.
>Fuckin' yanks.

>> No.11618791

also go to tech, can relate

>> No.11618867

enlist, you'll be happier

>> No.11619286

Then who the hell are you? One of the like ten kids in our liberal arts college? Nobody here reads

>> No.11619295


Prepare to be confused.

>> No.11619297

Studying Ancient Greek language, history and philosophy at a top Australian university

Pretty lit.

>> No.11619355
File: 45 KB, 653x367, arbys1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>tested verbally gifted from young age all the way through high school
>high 99th percentile
>get incessant praise from teachers
>retarded at math dont understand why algebra isn't a massive conspiracy theory with numbers
>middling GPA cause muh geometry
>deluded myself into thinking I could still get into an elite school come time for the ACTs
>test 36-34 on everything
>test 28 on math
>enroll in community college after realizing I'm kind of retarded

There's not really a moral to this story except that I thought I was gods gift to earth intellectually and swiftly realized I was as retarded as everyone else in this world just more aware of it. Nothing more humbling than thinking yourself above others just to find yourself next to sheniqua and her crying baby in class 2 months later as the tatted up 20-somethings in the back who are clearly only there for Pell money OD on heroin. Dont forget the way the look of hope in the intelligent, elite school grad professor's eyes disappears over the semester as they realize this isn't a "freedom writers" a la Hillary swank but more of a none of your students would even spit on you to put a fire out kind of environment.

All this is to say OP's pic reminded me of my young delusions and the crushing blow my ego took when I realized I would probably be lucky to peak as a night shift manager at an Arby's. Life comes at you fast.

>> No.11619487

I hate the word "semester". What you need is michaelmas, hilary, and trinity.

>> No.11619495

You haven't started yet. Be excited, but don't go in expecting Brideshead Revisited. You have to get into the right circles for that.
>tfw in a private wine-drinking society people are criticising as elitist due to all the privately schooled folk

>> No.11619529

>99th percentile verbal IQ
>retarded at math
How? this seems impossible. I've never met somebody that verbally intelligent that wasn't also brilliant with numbers.

>> No.11619565


aside from ucb your schools are a joke literal tell you what problems are going to appear on the midterm core

>> No.11619811

Why are there so many Oxford lot in this thread fml

>> No.11619898

autism + intellectual curiosity to browse a literature board on 4chan

>> No.11619952


>> No.11620030

>implying the Pitt nerds get any women to show up to their events, let alone get lucky

>> No.11620033

Piss easy. Put barely any effort into the UCAS, and then winged the interview.

>tfw pretty sure I only got in on some diversity reason because I'm from somewhere really underrepresented

>> No.11620162

I’m a CS major that reads a lot on the side. I’m gonna graduate in a year. Who are you?

>> No.11620174 [DELETED] 

What? Those scores are all still above average, nothing close to community college tier

>> No.11620191

What? Those scores are all still above average, nothing close to community college tier

>> No.11620240
File: 65 KB, 800x1440, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A physics major that reads a lot on the side, also graduating in a year. Weird.
What english session(s) did you end up with? I only had to take 1102 but I signed up at faset assuming they were all similar literature classes and accidentally put myself into "folklore in videogames." I had to do a project on "the cultural impact of Civilization II" and wanted to slam my head into a wall the entire time.

>> No.11620255

“Literature on Drugs” which was pretty interesting. We read Coleridge, Burroughs, Tao Lin... though that was years ago. None of my friends read much. I wonder how many literary minded people there are at this school because I’ve only encountered like 2.

>> No.11620297

If you still need any social science credit, Dr Knoespel in the HTS department is the only opportunity for it I'm aware of who doesn't shoehorn stem into everything and has you read interesting shit. I found a class of his called European Intellectual History that my friend suggested because he's in HTS and I told him how frustrated I was not finding anything along those lines. We started with the Epic of Gilgamesh and ended up reading St. Augustine, Dante, Montaigne, more good shit than I can even remember. He's also a super nice guy, the class was only based on a few essays that he would sit in office hours and individually discuss with you to make changes and improve your grade on.
And yeah, I don't think there are many. There was an Atlanta /lit/ meetup that apparently had enough success to meet multiple times around spring semester, but I never went.

>> No.11620366

Neat. I have to take a humanities class in the spring so I'll check him out.
I didn't know there was an Atlanta meetup, but I'd be down to go if it started up again.
The LMC kids I know here are white liberal know-it-alls that grew up in Dunwoody. Not really interesting people to debate with. I wish there was some sort of philosophy/intellectual discussion society at the school (it may exist as a club, I haven't really looked). Most of my friends are kinda fratty so not much help there.

>> No.11620404

Honestly if you're genuinely bright and interested in your subject, winging it on the interview is the right move.

Professors can tell the difference between some nervous fuck who's spent days cramming for the interview and someone who's relaxed, well-spoken, and knows what they're talking about. Guess which one they prefer.

>> No.11620407

What this guy:
said, combined with the fact that realistically a thread like this is gonna attract people from high tier schools for the same reason 'post your face' threads tend to attract the more normal-to-good looking types.

>> No.11620410

I've only met one LMC kid who was a freshman, and when I tried to ask her about what her major was about she literally told me she didn't know. I have no idea what their classes are like, hopefully they're more interesting than our two-class english department. I don't hang out with greeks really, the only one I spent time with other than girls I've been with was in a mental hospital for most of last year and doesn't keep himself medicated anymore.
And yeah, it's a bit sad to see the downturn in physics especially when all the greats used to have a huge reverence for the humanities from much more comprehensive educations. There aren't a lot of Oppenheimers or Bohrs around anymore.

>> No.11620428
File: 238 KB, 2000x2315, D38440C6-7355-42E8-9A42-527086270FD9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11620483

Many industry folks have told me that Tech produces the country's best engineers by far. We have a "blue collar understanding" students of other schools don't have. There is definitely something virtuous about that and it has to do with our over-emphasis on STEM.
Tomorrow's Bohrs don't need a school to direct their humanities learning; they're already reading the right stuff on their own. Tis a moot point my dear. Reading is a solitary activity anyhow. But I would love to round up all the people like us at this school and have a book club or something. I could host it in my apartment, I'm living in uhouse this year.

>> No.11620538

I'm sure there are a couple dozen hiding somewhere but yeah, all of my hobbies are completely solitary, I've noticed. I'm not sure what the best way to round all of them up would be, or if they'd even be willing to participate.

>> No.11620674

I'm taking a lower level literature class, is my professor a pseud? Rate his readings:
>Oedipus Rex (Sophocles)
>Oedipus (Seneca)
>Florville and Courval (Marquis de Sade)
>The Metamorphosis (Kafka)
>Faust, Part 1 (Goethe)
>Six Character s in Search of an Author (Luigi Pirandello)
>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea (Mishima)
>Information for Foreigners (Griselda Gambaro)
>The Complete Persepolis (Marjane Satrapi)
I've already read some of the /lit/ core here like the Metamorphosis, Oedipus and Faust, the rest seem interesting as well. I get the impression my professor's knowledgeable but trying way too hard to make his class seem quirky and interesting.

>> No.11621433


There was a lot going on in my personal life at the time; I come from a really, really poor trailer trash desu family so CC was the best option at the time. Now I go to a middling at best state school. Can't complain about my lot in life; I love every moment of life I get but I've had my identity and frankly sanity shattered multiple times at this point. Just keep marching onward I guess.


I know man. I've seen the IQ literature. I think I'm some kind of anomaly or something -- maybe it's psychological, I don't know. I remember being put into a gifted program when I was young and got the boot because I couldn't multiply by the second grade or whatever. Out-read all those fucks though go little me.

I mean my math scores are still well above the mean but I do struggle to stay afloat in math. Really not a fan.

>> No.11621456
File: 87 KB, 1200x478, West Point Nigger Crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't really think that means anything anymore, do you? Not when any common street nigger can act like this there.

>> No.11621487

Could say the same about any other elite uni.

It’s not so bad here

>> No.11621503
File: 145 KB, 969x824, 1494463918327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>lower level literature class

I mean /lit/ thinks everyone is a pseud but I would say based off of your reading no. Your prof. has varied but relatively interesting taste if you're genuinely interested in literature, though I could see how reading through those could become lackadaisical and mechanical.

That said I've seen a lot of lower level curriculum at private and public colleges alike, elite and middling and community colleges -- didn't matter -- and the literature is always... forced and disappointing. I hate myself for even saying it but diversity quotas and white guilt have ruined reading and writing programs across the humanities. Odds are on your average list you'll see a garden variety of obscure minority authors that are supposed to "challenge your presuppositions" (meanwhile all the ideas contained therein are virtually mainstream). They're challenging old taboos and mores for the sake of it at this point despite that fact that their orthodoxy maintains hegemony in universities. If they actually gave a shit about challenging you in these lower level courses they'd make you read some Evola, some military generals, some Chomsky and some theologians etc. ad nauseam. What they have you reading now is shit that 99% of young college students already agree with.

And when I say I hate saying that I mean it. I hate being that white guy with a penchant for shitting on modern lit programs in university. But that's about the state of things at this point.

If anyone else who works close with universities has a different perspective on it I'd love to hear it. I don't think I'm being hyperbolic here.

>> No.11621505

Why did we decide women could go to university, especially service academies again?

>> No.11621525
File: 64 KB, 680x574, 0F6D0614-7E24-4AB8-9581-00153079678D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine actually going to a sub-top-5
you don’t have to

>> No.11621712

>tfw cant pick a major.
about to drop out lads

>> No.11621764

Because it's important for the gender that has never produced a single great thinker or creator in all of human history to be over 60% of attendance at all centers of education so that we can hear their self-satisfied gut feelings about things they only half-read because they have no ambition and assume they'll get married after college anyway

>> No.11622114

>I come from a really, really poor trailer trash desu family so CC was the best option at the time

>thinks he is smart
>doesn't know what scholarships and financial aid are

>> No.11622144

What's the best humanities major?

>> No.11622300


>> No.11622318

Classical studies obviously

>> No.11622360

Hi, allow me to inform you how I got fucked out of the Ivies.

>be me
>be poor
>have 131 IQ (Stanford-Binet IV), 31 ACT (29 min. to enter Harvard in 1993)
>enlist to get dat GI Bill
>that way won't have to take loans and scholarships should cover the rest
>discover that its value is subtracted from Pell Grant and other federal and state student aid eligibility
>so get the same amount of aid (in fact less) as any other student, just had to earn it first
>and now have to take loans to make up the difference


>it also renders you effectively ineligible for any type of scholarship

Every time I see a license plate frame from an Ivy I smash out the window with a rock.

>> No.11622381


So you made decisions without knowing their repercussions? Did you even get into Harvard? Having a good (lol) ACT score does not guarantee admission, the fact that you think that makes me feel like you had no chance at getting in to begin with.

>> No.11622397

Maybe he's black?