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/lit/ - Literature

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11603455 No.11603455 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good /lit/ memes

>> No.11603457

my diary desu

>> No.11603465


>> No.11603533

bugs... easy on the carrots

>> No.11603712
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>> No.11603719

Absolutely not.

>> No.11603725

This is what Hegel did: for the first time in the history of philosophy thought gazed at its own gazing, Mind became the self-seeing eye. Hegel wanted to break out of the Kantian straitjacket of the subject: for Kant the apperceptive "I think" cannot exist independent of the object it cognizes. The "I" that all the thoughts you've ever had in your life have in common is nothing apart from this activity, there's no substantial cogito to excavate, no diamond ore Self, the pre-representational ground of representation is a hollow void, and the ring of subject-object codependency tightens. Kant didn't believe you could infer the existence of a self-subsistent self from the "I think" - strictly taken, the "I think" is simply the formal, abstract unity of experience, but what he couldn't understand was that its self-subsistence just is this formal guarantee: meditation is an abiding-in the constancy of self, in the simple fact one is (without giving into the urge to thematize that emptiness with thought). And so the "divine darkness" of the mystic is shut off forever. Kant says this "I" can never make itself its own object, an eye can't turn around to see itself seeing (what it finds are only blood and nerves and the Lacanian horror of the Real). A dilemma: the eye must either identify with what it sees or the fact that it sees. The former is the worldly consciousness, the latter the mystical. What you are is not your thoughts but the space they occur in, you are not content but the form, the autodifferentiation of content. This is what anatta is: mundane ego emptied of all contingent attachments, identification with the apperceptive frame (the sky) over content (the clouds). The certitude of flux over its moments. No two clouds have ever been alike but they have always have been clouds: the claustrophobia of the absolute. Nirvana is what extinguishes the pull objects have over you. Drugs. fucking. her. food. Kant locked the subject in the prison of his own finitude. The mass couldn't think the God of a transcendental = x so we kicked capitalism into high gear. Capitalism is a defense-reaction against the non-predicability of God, the void without stimulus. Capitalism is intelligence accelerating towards recursive explosion/singularity. That is to say, Kant/s subject accepts the opacity of the noumenal without provoking it, his world comes to him pre-digested by his unique representational schema, he only has to sit and listen to a symphony played with one instrument and learn to love it and accept it and think it a proper substitute for the Sea he'll never sail that haunts, capitalism is the rape of this planet born out of our incapacity to think of a better way to organize the minds and bodies of billions of humans that isn't just the assembly line production of technological novelty. Capitalism is entropy, a species on autopilot, letting its ontological gut hang. Kant was a warden with a halo. Hegel was jailbreak.

>> No.11603727

Gravitys Rainbow is a poor man's catch 22

>> No.11603728

Building on this jailbreak relation, Dasein for Heidegger is the "site of its own dissolution", beings are the event of their own passing away, I elapse in this world just as I grow into it. Children grow out of an abstract universality into the A = A of senescence: all this philosophical talk about man overcoming otherness in himself, the spirit positing the object just so it can take it back into itself, etc. is the march of years acclimating a man's consciousness to itself. Maturation is the overcoming of our first impression of life.We speak for the stars. For the same drive that articulated galaxies out of hydrogen slush. Everything is this individuation. The Pleroma is death. You must identify with the center in yourself, not the boundlessness of which you're only a seed-crystal. We are repulsed by the obese because their stomachs have usurped their center. As you get healthier your body approaches the ideal human form, refracted through your genes. Plato believed there was a common mold from which the diversity of human forms was cast, Hegel rejected this, he thought forms mimed an absent center. The immanentization of universals was the true death of God: the belief that what appears to man has its ground in itself, in its immanent mechanism, than in his creative power. Synchronicities are signs from God because I make them so. Magic is the reclamation of what Shestov called the primordial jubere, the power to Command, the strength to grasp the center instead of being thrown off the periphery like a runaway carousel. The alchemic nigredo is being confronted with the fact with just how arbitrary my facticity is. A reversal of power, now I lead the image by the leash, it doesn't lead me. I am no longer thought by the forces outside of me, I think. You find a space that absolves you of your failures in this world: the recognition that this is yet another coping mechanism for failure only brightens it. Christ doubles as the patron saint for beta men, ontological betas, the empties of the cosmic bacchanal. Those whose tongues caught nothing. Life is a feast to which you were invited by yourself. Well, not you, really, but a higher self, not one that wants to gorge but to savour. Depression, stagnation, inertia, these are the effects of self-denial. You did not eat at the wedding feast. As the Master punishes the slave who buries his coin for fear of losing it: you did not play your hand but packed up your shit and left. How could you know? That genius is the mirror of God.

>> No.11603729

>the first time in the history of philosophy thought gazed at its own gazing, Mind became the self-seeing eye
what about ma nigga Plotinus tho

>> No.11603730

We finally find that Theurgy is ritualized anamnesis: the things of this world are used to jog our memory of the one beyond it. See, the modern can't think the transcendence of form, he can wrap his mind around atoms but not around the fact that the patterns and properties these atoms exhibit need ideality to be intelligible. Ritualized consciousness is magical consciousness. Magical consciousness is just an action performed in full identity with itself, paradoxically, this means non-action, because action reflexively concerned about its results is always impure. This is why karma isn't some moralistic meta-language, there really is no way to objectively judge the actions of myriads of individual beings acting according to immanent criteria, karma is simple causality: the action performed thoughtlessly, without full presence of the mind, commits you to the mechanism operating in its stead. Internal to desire, I experience being as wanderlust, movement, poetic longing. Outside the round, desire isn't becoming but fixity, objects are filtrated through the virtual = x that makes them more than what they are, what makes obsession possible and turns faces into vortex. Everything is a mouth. God is a mouth with his tonsil in the stars. Mysticism is the love of the devourer: being reconciled to the sacrificial act of breathing.

>> No.11603735

You moron. You absolute fucking moron. Just READ what I wrote and THINK about it. It's immanent.

>> No.11603749

wait, so the anon posting this shit has just been AW the whole time? Holy fuck boys we’ve been had. Shut it down.

>> No.11603829

I knew this fucking tryhard garbage had to be the resident Reddit Hegelian

>> No.11603847
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based AW

>> No.11603862
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>the absolute state of AW
Imagine being so hated, so despised and so unsuccessful at shilling Hegel that you have to start posting your retarded fanfic anonymously. You sit there, constantly posting your little excerpt to get some attention and spin a little web of lies about being an absolute madman. Feeding this idea that you are touched by gnosis and the revelation drove you to insanity. Then in a fit of sperg rage you leave your name in the post and the whole house of cards tumbles down, showing that you're just an attention seeking faggot whose gay little blog failed.

>> No.11603869

The real A.W. wouldn't sully his good name by putting Hegel and Kant in the same paragraph

>> No.11603882

this aw cocksucker fell for my hegel memes. and all the appetizers

>> No.11603907

Reminder to call out AW next time he posts this shit.

>> No.11604194
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>> No.11604217
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>> No.11604298
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half of these are just facts from wiki but this one's kinda cool

>> No.11604301

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in classical literature, and I've been involved in numerous secret translations of historical works, and I have read over 300 books on Greek philosophy alone. I am trained in Aristotelian ethics and I'm the top debater in the entirety of Harvard University. You are nothing to me but just another pseud. I will wipe you the fuck out with literary precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of critics across the USA and your works are being critiqued right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can write anywhere, anytime, and I can kill your reputation in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare pen. Not only am I extensively trained in literary criticism, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Western Canon and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.11604358
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>> No.11604369
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It's cultural terraforming.

The platonic bugman isn't simply a fully assimilated workerdrone for globohomocorp... He is a man who never had the need to change in order to assimilate to globohomocorp.

C-sectioned into a sterile environment by credentialised alien medical personnel and raised by strivers who had incubated what they intended to be a narcissistic clone of themselves. Rather than the mirror of self affirmation his parents intended to create, they inadvertently brought something far worse into this world. Something... Empty. Something with the smallest possible soul, which occupies the smallest possible corner of the cavernous soul-space inherent to a man with his inherited high IQ that was intended to be tempered by an ethnocultural heritage of altruistic romanticism.

His caretakers' empty loveless platitudes, persistent physical and emotional absences, and fanatical striver dedication to relentless "inclusiveness" and "efficiency" resulted in the utter starvation of the child's solitary soul fragment.

An unclaimed heritage makes its presence felt through a haunting melancholy that propels a fully-souled individual to seek it out, at any price. A weaker-souled individual still feels the call, but weakly... It is easy to drown out with drugs, drink, and other forms of desensitization.

The platonic bugman hears none of this. His soul has been shrunken to a tiny characterless bead that serves only as a mechanically animating force- and nothing more.

The fullest soul sings like wind through the veins of heroes. But the bugman's blood is naught but iron, plasma, and carbon dioxide. Simple elements. Physical blood pumped rhythmically through tissue that is warm, yet remains lifeless.

Completely bereft of emotional, sociocultural and memetic antibodies, his body and mind are fully colonized by the roaming metabacterial influences of the managerialist mileu. There is an Amazon Alexa in his soul cavern.

Inverted panopticon: A ring of corpogovernmentally programmed thought police surrounding a lone man in a cell. But there is no cell, because the man is incapable of considering any alternative.
He is tweeting, and nomming on organic granola.
He am become globohomo, monocultural fagger of worlds.