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11580296 No.11580296 [Reply] [Original]

>"plato was wrong tbqh"
>"woah genius"
why is this hack held in such high regard again?

>> No.11580438

He never said "Plato is 100% wrong about everything he ever said". Many of Aristotle's works, like his Physics, Metaphysics, and Ethics are heavily systematised, well-thought out versions of the same things that Plato talked about in dialogues like Timaeus, Parmenides, and Meno, respectively, to put out a few examples. Aristotle may have rejected ideas as existing independently of noumenal experience, but I highly doubt that Aristotle would have disagreed with statements such as "Wisdom is virtue". The most important thing that Aristotle picked up by studying at the Academy was learning how to arrive upon a conclusion by the means of reason, and this skill is much more important than any of the sacred, obscure doctrines (concering the relationship between the universe and the suos of individuals) that the Academics preserved.

>> No.11581384

Aristotle seems like the kind of person who was getting slammed in Theatetus

>> No.11581845

Try again.

>> No.11582187

>This post
Better luck next time sweetie

>> No.11582204
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>> No.11582268

absolutely based

>> No.11584107

>all the greeks were dumbass until le based and enlightened ARISTOTLE btfo with his FACTS and LOGIC

I can pretty much smell STEM degree from here

>> No.11584114

>dumbass religiousfags*

>> No.11584166

even more evidence aristotle is for retards

>> No.11584182

Plato > every other philosopher except the upcoming mentioned ones > Aristotle > Nietzsche

>> No.11584330


>> No.11584842


>> No.11584851

Heraclitus > Parmenides > Empedocles > Jesus = Pythagoras > Protagoras > Plato > Democritus > Your average anon > Aristotle

>> No.11584873

>that last bit
mild kek

>> No.11584874


>> No.11584896

>He doesn't know that Jesus was a crypto Pythagorean-Dyonisian syncretist
Never gonna make it desu senpai

>> No.11585650

Have you actually read his work? Do you understand its historical context?

If you've answered, "Yes," to both these questions, yet still made this thread, then I'm sorry OP, but you're fated to a life of uttermost plebeian-ness and no number of anons explaining Aristotle to you will save you from yourself. Just get a business or technical degree, and stay away from science, mathematics, philosophy, and the arts.

I honestly can't even imagine your perspective, OP. I don't think you comprehend the circumstances under which we all exist or how they came to be. I think you're almost, if not entirely, devoid of understanding altogether, and probably no more than a scoffer, a fanboy, and an imbecile.

To even consider using the word hack regarding Aristotle says you don't even understand the importance of choosing your words. It is one of the chief powers man possesses, and you make a mockery of it and yourself by applying that term to a man it couldn't possibly fit under any examination.

Quit posturing, OP. You aren't an intellectual and if you ever want to be one, you'll drop this ludicrous arrogance straight away.

>> No.11585904

no one has actually read his philosophy anon, they just read a wikipedia article.

>> No.11585955


>> No.11585957

*smirks* ummmm how about better luck next time sweaty

>> No.11585996

Aristotle was the first Enlightened Centrist; never making a strong claim in one direction or the other, sitting firmly on the safety of the fence. Plato had the balls to at least experiment with some more radical and novel ideas. If Aristotle were alive today he'd be one of those neoliberal "I fucking love science" types that would promote Science(TM) ideas like "gender fluidity" and "cuckoldry".

>> No.11586148

>heraclitus first

>> No.11586186

>Enlightened Centrist

what a dumb ass take. god damn twitter turns people into morons.

>> No.11586328

Self-proclaimed enlightened centrists are almost always neoliberals. Goddamn mental retardation turns people into retards.

>> No.11586398

Not even close.

>> No.11586402

Plato>>>Democritus>Parmenides>Heraclitus>Empedocles>Aristotle>Protagoras>Pythagoras>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your average anon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jesus


>> No.11586419

>Goddamn mental retardation turns people into retards.

such poetry can only be found on /lit/

>> No.11586555

What else but The Form Of Retardation would cause retardation?

>> No.11586564

>your average anon > Jesus
Jesus only wanted (you)s so he could save your soul.
What does the average anon have to offer?

>> No.11586599

He's right in that it's retarded for us to look down on Aristotle, but he's really playing down the importance of Plato, Socrates and the pre-socratics. There was a lot of genius there.

>> No.11587564


>> No.11587741

It's painfully obvious that you've never read Aristotle and possibly not even Plato

>> No.11588156


>> No.11588216
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>> No.11588269

Oh shit he posted a funny hat thing run

>> No.11589017

Read Gadamer and Ammonius Saccas. They agreed on literally everything.

Brainlets can't swallow this red pill.

>> No.11589073

everyone agrees on everything if you earnestly reduce their positions

>> No.11589615
File: 66 KB, 600x737, huge Orson Welles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was no fucking metaphysics before Aristotle

>> No.11589735

>Ammonius Saccas

He didn't write anything