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/lit/ - Literature

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11574551 No.11574551 [Reply] [Original]

I had this idea for a Psychological/Dark Fantasy story concept in my head for a while and I was wondering whether or not something like it, or close enough to it, exists.

The idea is as follows:

A character-driven narrative, centered around characters, who (in the eye of a regular person) are absolutely irredeemable, scum-of-the-earth type of people - sociopathic murderers, rapists, folks with all of the... less pleasant types of -philia etc. Basically, a cast of consisting of the worst of the worst. The thing is, the book does an interesting twist on morality in the context of the story, in order not to make everything one-sided and those characters inherently evil, but rather morally gray, with their actions' credibility depending more on the context of the situation they're in rather than a preconceived morality system - sometimes their "evil" deeds are entirely justifiable and the most logical solution, while in other it's just them feeding their metaphorical inner demons and trying to justify it in front of themselves.

Does something like that exist?

>> No.11574560

a lot of books take that dynamic, yeah

>> No.11574570

Well, any examples? Because it wasn't really a yes/no question, but rather an indirect request for reccomendations.

>> No.11575030


>> No.11575395

game of throne

>> No.11575457

>A character-driven narrative, centered around characters

Your idea is vauge too, but it's not revolutionary either. Maybe you just won't make it

>> No.11575670
File: 67 KB, 634x894, 972DFDFB-25C0-4844-A6C2-20147DD1AFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Writing genre fiction

>> No.11576383

>Your idea is vauge too, but it's not revolutionary either. Maybe you just won't make it

Didn't know you needed revolutionary ideas for a request to get recommendations around here.

>> No.11576388

Go Ask Alice
Unironically, the works of Phillip Roth

>> No.11576393

Too vague

>muh bad characters are bad but sometimes even bader

>> No.11576401

And here I thought /lit/ was supposed to be the place full of intelligent, well-read people, but it seems it isn't so, considering even fucking reddit gave me recommendations and you can't because "hurr durr too vague".

>> No.11576407

>im robbing this bank so that i can afford medicine for mah baby

>> No.11576419

I was thinking more like:
>I am a sociopath with huge lust for murder, so I became a mercenary soldier in order to satisfy my urge to kill, while also being a useful asset to one side of the war I'm partaking in.

But okay, keep telling yourself what you want if that makes you feel better.

>> No.11576431

Your story is shit, what are you gunna do? Cry? Hahahaha.

>> No.11576439

No, I couldn't care less what you think about my story. I'm just going to read the recs I got on reddit because they decided to actually help instead of compensating for their failed lives by being mean to strangers on the internet.

>> No.11576450

Hahahaha! Cry white boy, CRY!

>> No.11576459

Good, stay there too. Perhaps if you lurked moar and weren't such a faggot you might find people more willing to help

Hope those reddit recs to shit like the novelization of Requiem for a Dream serve you well

>> No.11576524
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it doesn't sound like you genuinely want recommendations at all. to me your posts read like you're seeking some sort of intellectual validation/circle-jerk (which you won't find here). if you really want recommendations, check out a song of ice and fire, like another anon suggested, or the broken empire trilogy, or basically every dark fantasy novel ever written.
>pic related, it's (you)

>> No.11576547


>> No.11576577
File: 7 KB, 179x282, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And here I thought /lit/ was supposed to be the place full of intelligent, well-read people

>> No.11576614

So you basically want books narrated by antiheroes justifying doing bad shit? Some obvious examples would be...

The White Tiger
The Wasp Factory
American Psycho
The Tin Drum

>> No.11576616

>Does something like that exist?

>> No.11576622

...oh, and Blood Meridian fits what you describe pretty well. Not so much justifying, but a disturbing lack of moral judgment and it definitely has the degrees of evil you talk about.

>> No.11576628

This is only compelling if you are 15.

I guess you might like The Lies of Locke Lamora and probably several million words of Harry Potter fanfiction?

>> No.11576630

...And more seriously, the Hannibal TV series. Which redeems its luridness and fanfictioniness by being clever and well-directed.