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/lit/ - Literature

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11567633 No.11567633 [Reply] [Original]

write what is on your mind

>> No.11567639
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nobody responded to my poem in the critique thread and i’m fucking pissed


>> No.11567653
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My brain used to be full of activity and I'd always think about new ideas and take a lot from stuff I read, but after a few shitty years my brain is basically silent and when I read stuff now it just hits my head with a dull thud and never internalises or connects with any other ideas or even any opinions.

What happened? Have I become a brainlet? Can I undo it? I've been reading more than ever but it's having less impact than ever before.

>> No.11568065

dude if u wanna get super paranoid and mgtowish fap to some of those "thot talkin to her man on the phone while taking dee" etc. videos, pornhub has a bunch of good ones, its kind of hot definitely, but when ever you talk to some chick on the phone you're gonna be thinking is some dude humping her pussy rn actually i wouldnt recommend watching them from a mental hygiene perspective, but from a busting a fat nut perspective i would

>> No.11568143


>> No.11568147

Unironically shit

>> No.11568295

The deeper I sink into my wounded pride the harder it becomes to humble myself enough to admit I have a problem. Hmmmmmmm.

>> No.11568314

This sandwich is good

>> No.11568327

what should practically happen to dicklets?

>> No.11568429

the same thing that should happen to titlets, asslets, personalitylets, and hotlets women

>> No.11568480

and that is?

>> No.11568496

I can't remember the last time I was this existentially anxious and despairing. My journal was compromised, an ad hoc, well-intended-but-tragically-ignorant intervention was arranged (which I was essentially tricked into), things are somehow worse than they were before as a result. Worse to what feels like an irrevocable degree. Relationships have been likely damaged and with no desire to mend them. Talking doesn't help, even those who understand can't help. What more can be done? Why do I even bother posting shit like this? As a plea for attention, clearly, but the attention does no good and I never take anyone's advice to heart. Something fundamental needs to change, but I don't know what or how.

Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.11568510

Back in college, when confronted with mysticism my friends at least partly believed it. What's better than actually being God Himself? "Yeah cool idea, maybe." Nowadays its difficult to find someone who isn't a skeptic. I wonder what changed or why their conditions were so radically different than most others.

>> No.11568541
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>> No.11568611

I'm very good writing

>> No.11568667

I feel like I’ve numbed myself to certain concepts like meaning, god, purpose, happiness, fulfillment through art, and many others. It feels as if there’s something more important that I have to figure out, but I don’t know what it is. I’m missing the bigger picture.

get fetishized

>> No.11568760

Oof, niggy, them shits look like ice cream.

>> No.11568763



>> No.11568773

a mix of mania and anxiety are returning extremely hardcore today. im alone in the city and afraid of drinking and doing crazy stuff. Best part of my life right now is unironically my shit job because i at least have people to talk to normally there

ive been compulsively writing philosophy again lately which is never a good sign.

right now im trying to figure out how to calm down. i did some pullups and pushups and now i am trying to breathe slowly and kind of focus on my core

>> No.11568864

can't stop thinking about the redpill on the trans question. haunts me to this day, senpai

>> No.11568934

I am 25, I have a law degree and no job. I still live with my parents and I'm getting a master's on law and I don't even know why. I hate my life, I see my friends once per two or three months and I have no motivation. I drink coffee and eat compulsively and I'm getting fatter and fatter. I hate my life and I feel like there are no possibilities anymore. If I were to die tomorrow, I wouldn't feel as if I'd lost anything of value. It sucks and I wish I could change my life.

>> No.11569012

Why can't you

>> No.11569018

I just don't know what to do with myself at this point. At least I have a scholarship and get some money every month. I don't really want to become an attorney or a public servant of some sorts. I guess I should just look for work outside of academia and outside the law.

>> No.11569032

What are you reading? Just random shit? Set out with goals of wanting to learn more about some idea or period or whatever, read, take notes, spend time just on thinking and trying to make connections, etc. It's much easier to have ideas which seem really novel to you when it's all new. The more you read and learn, however, the more it can tend to blend in. Map out your own ways of trying to expand your knowledge.

Does it involve the role of technology and virtuality? People can't stop chugging bluepills on the influence there. The implications are too much.

>> No.11569038

Wait, can I get a Quick Rundown on trannies and technology?

>> No.11569042

idk about tech but i see mtf trans as emasculated men who have been so beaten down they just give up because it's easier to be a girl

ftm are a different thing and i have no idea really what's going on there.

>> No.11569080

I'm your age and more or less in the same position as you (about to get a bachelor's though, not a master's), and feel exactly the same way. I still see some friends once or twice a week, thank Christ, but otherwise same deal.

The downside to this is that all I have is camaraderie, I can't offer you advice because I'm fucking stuck as well and can't articulate half of what I mean to say. The only thing that seems to be objectively good advice, though, is to avoid doing something you hate to the best of your ability. You can cut the law master's out and get a master's in something else, or you could be a copyright lawyer, or you could get into a trade (I know a guy who did this after college, no experience needed with on the job training, he seems to enjoy it). I don't know. There are options for you re: employment, but none of them may be something you'd like.

Anyway, hardly anyone knows what to do with themselves, the trick seems to be enjoying the process. Good luck with that, though, that's difficult to do in my experience. I hope things turn out well for you anon, sincerely.

>> No.11569098

>it's a funeral games episode
It was boring in the Illiad, I don't know why Virgil copied that part too.

>> No.11569139
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i don't know what's right or wrong or who's got the correct idea, whether or not it's compatible with God, etc

transhumanism also scares the shit outta me senpai, and transgender is the tip of the iceberg in regards to transhumanism. babby-tier compared to what could be.

>> No.11569199 [DELETED] 

i hate my life so much, i wish i could just be a normie with a job and a gf, my main goal now is to try to ruin other people's jobs with machine learning, if i can't have a job nobody can, luckily i'm too stupid to ever do that, but it gives me something to do while i wait around to die

>> No.11569213

We're all gonna make it, senpai. I'm sure this bad phase will pass and somehow things will fall into place. Are you also studying law?

>> No.11569242


You should consider turning down the volume on the musical instrument in your Youtube video. The musical instrument made the poem very difficult to hear and appreciate. All that I understood was something about a school dance and genitalia.

>> No.11569257

My uncle died, his father loved him dearly but my other uncle refused to tell my grandpa that his favorite son was dieing because of family feud and jealousy.

I'm contemplating why and how someone could have such bottomless hatred to prevent a final good bye between father and son.

>> No.11569260
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No more depression, just pure fucking rage. This is what it must feel like to be close to suicide. Nothing drastic in this world is done simply because you feel bad about yourself. Anger, on the other hand, is a powerful motivator. Not saying I have the balls to go through with it, but it's gotten to a point where I'm banging my head against the wall and shit. It can only escalate from here.

>> No.11569262

God willing.
>Are you also studying law?
No, something worse: English, with no plans to get into academia. Everything about this was a mistake, but it was the only thing I could do decently well and now I graduate in 4 months, so at this point, might as well, right?

>> No.11569296

In using the internet, we project a virtual self. Different communities, roleplaying systems, social media, etc. all impact the development of this sense of self in various ways. But once you become invested in this virtual self, traditional barriers break down. You can roleplay as another gender easily, and you may desire this for various reasons, including fetishistic ones, even if the roleplaying involved is not overtly sexual. Your roleplaying can also easily take you further than simple gender-bending. People try to act like the explosion of transgenderism is simply a population which has always been there in previous generations all through human history finally becoming more public about the situation; however, it makes no sense to assume that these technological experiences wouldn't be impacting anyone's sense of self. People are unwittingly roleplaying themselves into gender dysphoria, which a subculture quick to send out infinite acceptance promotes in a feedback loop. If we continue to ignore the implications of virtuality on identity, we will end up deep down the rabbit hole.

Some excerpts from "The Cyber Sutra" as featured in Indra Sinha's The Cybergypsies (1999):
>In cyberspace the real sex of your lover is not important. Neither does your own real sex matter. You may play either the male or female role, as you freely choose. The same goes for your lover. There is a third possibility, which you are not ready to hear. There is a fourth possibility, but you would not believe it. There is a fifth possibility.
>Your character is not just your own creation. It is created and constantly re-invented by you and your partner together.
>A man may play a woman. A woman a man. You may both choose to roleplay the same sex. At first this can be uncomfortable. Perverse. Such roleplay is valuable for understanding partners in the face-to-face world.
>Beyond this is the third possibility. Cyberspace has no either/or. There is no reason to be either male or female. Why not be both? We simply imagine suitable cyberbodies for ourselves.
>A fourth possibility appears. We give ourselves forms which in no way mimic physical bodies and our aim is to generate pleasures unknown in the physical world.
>The fifth and greatest possibility is that as cyberbeings we cease to need imagined bodies. We accept being no-bodies.

>> No.11569304
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I'm having a hard time with self control.
I'm too mean to people,I even almost made a coworker cry today and got scolded by my boss.
This won't do.

>> No.11569306

See also: from Julian Dibbell's "A Rape in Cyberspace" (1993):
>Ludicrously excessive by [real life]’s lights, woefully understated by VR’s, the tone of exu’s response made sense only in the buzzing, dissonant gap between them.
>Which is to say it made the only kind of sense that can be made of MUDly phenomena. For while the facts attached to any event born of a MUD’s strange, ethereal universe may march in straight, tandem lines separated neatly into the virtual and the real, its meaning lies always in that gap. You learn this axiom early in your life as a player, and it’s of no small relevance to the Bungle case that you often learn it between the sheets, so to speak. Netsex, tinysex, virtual sex — however you name it, in real-life reality it’s nothing more than a 900-line encounter stripped of even the vestigial physicality of the voice. And yet, as many a wide-eyed newbie can tell you, it’s possibly the headiest experience the very heady world of MUDs has to offer. Amid flurries of even the most cursorily described caresses, sighs, or penetrations, the glands do engage, and often as throbbingly as they would in a real-life assignation — sometimes even more so, given the combined power of anonymity and textual suggestiveness to unshackle deep-seated fantasies.

>To participate, therefore, in this disembodied enactment of life’s most body-centered activity is to risk the realization that when it comes to sex, perhaps the body in question is not the physical one at all, but its psychic double, the bodylike self-representation we carry around in our heads — and that whether we present that body to another as a meat puppet or a word puppet is not nearly as significant a distinction as one might have thought. I know, I know, you’ve read Foucault and your mind is not quite blown by the notion that sex is never so much an exchange of fluids as as it is an exchange of signs. But trust your friend Dr. Bombay, it’s one thing to grasp the notion intellectually and quite another to feel it coursing through your veins amid the virtual steam of hot netnookie.

>Small wonder, then, that a newbie’s first taste of MUD sex is often also the first time she or he surrenders wholly to the quirky terms of MUDish ontology, recognizing in a full-bodied way that what happens inside a MUD-made world is neither exactly real nor exactly make-believe, but nonetheless profoundly, compellingly, and emotionally true.

>> No.11569356

did your father now? or mother? any other uncles? why didnt he tell himself?

>> No.11569358

why whats going on, dont bang your head or hurt yourself, your fine, just relax, deep breathes,

>> No.11569382

I feel like i keep losing faith with god. Hes done so much in my life snd see his power heal misery everyday, im lacking in discipline even though a established years go discipline with christ and as a human. But i get so decieved so many times i just crash.

>> No.11569419

>that a newbie’s first taste of MUD sex

>> No.11569449

I have nothing. No money, no status, no job, no relationships, no material objects.

Im a ghost. Everyone who Ive ever known forgot about me.

Ill die and none of you will ever know.

>> No.11569730

I'm jealous of you.

>> No.11569768

Summer is almost over and I've accomplished none of my goals. Finish my novel(haven't touched it once. Lose 75 pounds(gained 15). Start investing(found good investments but did nothing). Why do I suck so much?

>> No.11569794

dude rockstar energy pure zero has 240mg of caffeine i almost bought one on sale from target for $1.25 but then i will have an anxiety attack and not sleep until tomorrow afternoon

>> No.11569981
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I fucked up a story I've had in my head for almost seventeen years. When I was in elementary school I imagined things just like any other kid, instead I imagined a giant sci-fi war against the school where everything was thousands of the times bigger, the school was a giant fortress the size of a mountain range and twigs and such were battleships. I imagined a war between two factions, "whos" and "lice" which were autistic names but I was a little kid. I had characters, Peter and Emily Green who were the whos' leaders, and Timeless who led the evil lice. I continued this story throughout middle school, and on the last day I imagined a battle in which Peter and Emily died, but their son Orion survived. Orion became main character and did all the great deeds, he liberated the tree-city of Sarengarth (a tree outside my house) from its corrupt king and journeyed to the west to ancient ruins to learn the origins of the war. When I was 19, he went on a mission to destroy a louse bioweapon, and hijacked it so the lice wouldn't be immune to it. Then he fought Timeless and sacrificed himself during their knife duel, pushing them both into a pit of energy where Timeless' regeneration wouldn't work. I take a lot of inspiration from Dune so there are knife fights and whatnot, as well as psionics/visions of the future. Orion's children, Leo and Andromeda, succeeded him as main characters, but I didn't like them as much. I introduced their cousin as an Orion-like figure but he didn't fit so I had him leave. Around this time I began considering to resurrect Orion. I had Andromeda (who had the family's penchant for visions more strongly) start having visions of her father, and these led her to the west again where she found some ancient tech, a pool of nanites that would resurrect someone. The lice found out about it too and brought Orion's burnt corpse (somehow) there to bring him back as an assassin. There was a confrontation and when Andromeda was almost killed, Orion rose from the pool to kick ass. I regretted his return almost immediately because (1) it was hacky as fuck, (2) resurrection makes death meaningless even though this device was a Clarkian tech-magic one-shot device and (3) now I had 4 main characters and splitting my attention between them lost me my alter-ego that had bonded me so closely to this story. It was so easy to slip into Orion's mindset before: now it felt alien. I could barely focus on the story anymore. Orion was like myself, we looked similar, I even have an "Orion's belt" of freckles on my right wrist (which he also has). He was the perfect self-insert, and I had him in my life for seven years (though it felt longer). Killing him off was a stupid fucking idea, but I was enamored of the generational nature of the story so I did it because I felt like he'd lived out his time. Now I've been daydreaming about some post-apocalyptic waifu shit in hopes that time heals all wounds. Idk wtf to do.

>> No.11570001

why hasn't anyone made a neural network that can bust these insufferable captchas god this shit makes posting a chore, fuck this site

>> No.11570002
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>> No.11570006

I think I might be the most high test alpha all around tough guy on this board. I read all of you guys posts and you all seem like such pussies. I just want to dominate all of you!

books for this feel?

>> No.11570026
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When will God grant me A HOT GOTH GF FOR ME TO FUCK?
I can't take it anymore, lads

>> No.11570147

I’m getting really fucking tired of these Christian posters.
I finally got a job, it’s semi close to Barnes and nobles so I could buy some good books but god damn work at this teacher store is horrible. The teachers and principals buy SO MUCH SHIT, an I have to help them bring it to their car if it’s reallt bad. Whatever, at least I’m finally getting paid

>> No.11570170

t. doesnt remember anontalk spam bots

>> No.11570177
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>I’m getting really fucking tired of these Christian posters.

>> No.11570179

>fucking your gf
this is a sin anon

>> No.11570187 [DELETED] 



>> No.11570188

Depends on how long he’s known her. I’d like to think a hit and quit is irredeemable, but if you know the woman very well, then perhaps not

>> No.11570190

kanye are you okay?

>> No.11570196

>sex before marriage
>not a sin
pick one

>> No.11570197

>Implying I'll ever be able to do that
I'm a hateful autist

>> No.11570201

It's probably not going to be okay, but that's for the best.

>> No.11570202

First time poster here. I been wanting to write a fiction book for the longest. I just started last week, and I'm already written up an introduction, I'm currently working on chapter 1. My question is.. how do I keep going? I started writing while drunk. Read it the the next morning a fixed a lot of errors, I want to continue, but I can only seem to get a real drive when I'm drinking.

Thoughts? Tips?

>> No.11570207
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You’re spamming it like the furries did in ‘08. Just shut up for like a week man, we want to talk about Dostoyevsky with your preaching. I don’t give a shit who you pray to, religion is a good hobby and even helps the community at time, but shoving it in people’s faces on an anonymous site just makes you another shitposter, but a self righteous making you worse then a regular one. At least the brap, poopoo, “based and redipill” guys are self aware

>> No.11570211 [DELETED] 

>>11570190iM GOOD MAN>>11570201>>11570202>>11570190>>11570188>>11570196>>11570207

>> No.11570216
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>tfw to intelligent for /lit/
>tfw making fedoras seethe daily
>tfw turning /lit/ into /Christianity/

>> No.11570221
File: 48 KB, 702x557, 4CF9C984-9E9F-47DD-8959-6053A39F4E86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be the most controversial opinion but just put pen to paper and write. Talk about the surrounding setting of the current place in the story, slog through until the gears start moving. Hell you can have a character walk up to a window and describe what they see. Just put down something. If it’s not good then get rid of it later but for now you need to have something on the page

>> No.11570237

The truth is, the truth makes for a boring story. You just imagine you have done something impressive when you've only done the ordinary. A very normal life for a very strange people. If you have the numbers though, you begin to redefine what is meant by "a normal person." As more than 50% of the overall population of man, the absurd becomes commonplace. Bigotry? I thought we got past that. It's making a come-back? Oh, how clever of you. If someone is different than you, you can in fact utilize that as a reason for hating them.

>> No.11570262

Thanks for the advice.. currently working on it right now as i post this. Im just gonna continue to write, and check back at it again later

>> No.11570281
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How exactly do you make them seeth? The atheists on this board are considerably more level head than one you find on Reddit, but making substantial claims such as “ oh man Jesus was the answer all along” and not providing a single ounce of reasoning as to why would make anyone question your stance. An atheist can have a reason as to why he doesn’t believe in god without it being anecdotal (though it may sometimes be a bad reason) however the Christians on this board advertises the Bible like a 2 week workout plan that “ if it worked for me it’ll work for you” levels of credibility. Mind you, I’m sure Christianity has helped you in life, but to protest that it was the end all be all of philosophy and using a story of surviving a car crash as proof will get you laughed out the door

>> No.11570304

I want to learn a right to left language since I'm left handed and writing is a chore but I don't know which one. I also want to learn another language besides English in general but I don't know which one.

Paradox of choice. Nice.

>> No.11570329

My hand is going numb. My arm hangs out the car window stroking the antenna above the roof whilst my other hand flicks the high beams on and off. The car vibrates with pleasure as I sit in its belly. The engine tone changes as my left foot taps the accerator in rhythm with my convulsing cock.

We come together.

>> No.11570517

Im an active, practicing Mormon. I served a mission in Chile for two years. Today I was talking to my dad and I realized that the church and the gospel were never as important to him as they are to me. I remember being with other missionaries who came from families which had been more active in the church, and I remember feeling overwhelmingly incompetent because I didn't have the background or knowledge that they did. I don't resent my dad and I know that he wants the best for me, it mainly just makes me think about how I would raise my kids differently if I had any, but then I realize that my dad already has a lot of things he would like to have done better in his life, and ill probably be no different.

Im also wondering why I keep coming back to this website when I know that practically no one identifies with what I believe, and I cant really relate to anyone here.

>> No.11570767

what parts of chile did you go to?

t. chilean

>> No.11571696

no but i do remember the gore spammer in /mu/ he did it by using a text to speech on the audio captchas i don't think that works anymore

>> No.11571986

im supposed to be writing but instead im browsing an asian waifuposting website and its killing me form inside

>> No.11572357

stop, get away from it, now

>> No.11572370

>"I'm young and inexperienced wahhh why am I not as experienced as my dad whos 25 years older than me"
This is you.

>> No.11572402

I have a chance to act out Alyosha Karamazov helping Grushenka with her redemption arc with a girl irl but the thought of being aware what I'm doing and doing it for my sake and not hers is so poisonous that I don't know what to do.

Many times I feel like I'm just merely pretending to be a person because of being self-aware of my motives and of what would be the right thing to do and doing it for the sake of getting the good feeling of doing good, which in turn makes me feel evil.

>> No.11572457

i shouldn't be on this website it's eating my brain away

>> No.11572466


>> No.11572467

My writing is too difficult for almost everyone to understand, and the people who are smart enough to understand it have better things to do than read it.

>> No.11572874

in what way, explain the tiniest bit of some challenging difficulty of it

>> No.11572960

It's too abstruse and technical, but by necessity, i.e. not because I want to show off my advanced knowledge of obscure topics, but because the complex, arcane details are required for effect. In one scene, for instance, I have two chemists discussing the synthesis of a new pharmaceutical; in the next, a group of coders are talking about a computer bug. I want a real-life chemist to be able to understand the first scene, but struggle with the second, and vice versa for the a real-life computer scientist. Obviously nobody can understand everything, but the point of this ultra-realistic slice-of-life scenes is to create an atmosphere of realistic complexity and confusion.

But honestly nobody gives a fuck which is why nobody smart enough to get this would bother.

>> No.11572998

hm yeah, thats pretty cool, like moby dick advanced whale knowledge, or ulysses latin and other languages, and stuff like that, maybe you can give some precursor knowledge so the reader knows, though yeah, the people involved in the dialogue arent going to mention simple aspects... how important is the absolute details being known, to the reader and story? The reader has to know the theory of electrons and quarks, and valence shells, and periodic able of element, and the symbolic way of writing chemicals with the hexagons and lines and stuff?

>discussing synthesis of pharmecutical:

Yeah, so x y z mixes with a b c becasue we want the drug to effect f e q in the body and it requires this abount of x y z and we think it will synthesize and make a chemical like p t y which does n m t to the heart and lungs and brain

>> No.11573128

Yes like Moby Dick and Ulysses, except the scope of the technical narration isn't just one specific area... it's all an attempt at a sort of synecdoche... Take a mainstream crime television show - you have that scene where the forensics team examine their findings, dropping just enough jargon to seem technical, without confusing the average viewer. I'm going for the antithesis of this, where the audience isn't "briefed" with a nice summary, but is turmoiled with realism.

>The reader has to know the theory of electrons and quarks, and valence shells, and periodic able of element, and the symbolic way of writing chemicals with the hexagons and lines and stuff?

They don't have to but I expect them to at least recognise those words... maybe you have to think back to high school chemistry to remember what "valence shells" are without having to remember in which order they are occupied, this is simply because the story and characters are intwined and subsumed with text containing the technical stuff, and if half the words don't make any sense to you, I've lost you.

>> No.11573139

it might be a selling point to have readers touch up on some science knowledge: maybe you can cheat this (difficulty of what I mentioned, simplifiying stuff, dumbing down) by having an apprentice in the conversation who keeps asking questions, that create simplified answers to help the reader understand, or he brings his little curious nephew along

>> No.11573161

maybe in those sections you could go a footnotes route? Or keep it under 50 words the reader will have to look up online in those sections?

What percentage of the writing of the book will be technical writing the average reader will not know/follow?

>> No.11573279

Thanks for the responses. I've got a lot of work to do still but after reading your suggestions I've thought about possible options for making that stuff more accessible and it feels more promising than it did two hours ago.

>> No.11573480

sounds like Trout Mask Replica