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File: 7 KB, 560x190, Academia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11555759 No.11555759 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11555778


>> No.11555791

Reminder that over 80% of papers in the humanities are never cited, not even once.

>> No.11555942

How many of the remaining 20% are only cited by the author or their grad students?

>> No.11555959

Reminder that university's are sitting on a hundred years of translations, books, and articles, and that we should really go through and set up an internet archive university.

>> No.11555985

I've always thought about this and I'm sure most of us do. Why isn't there a virtual Library of Alexandria?

>> No.11555990

based and redpilled

>> No.11555991

t. Hari Seldon

>> No.11555993

Because universities and academicians are the most corrupt people in the world? Find me another person in this world, even a capitalist pig like described by Marxists, that would charge you $20+ for a single 5 page paper.
The day the Cathedral crumbles is the day humanity rejoices.

>> No.11556007

Academia today is mostly useful for sterile lab work, the kind where there is no chance of disturbing popular delusions or offending anyone. And even that is better in industrial research.

>> No.11556010

Yeah man, fuck that shit. Fuck 50-100 dollar academic books, 40something dollar JSTOR articles n shit. At least Shakespeare and Milton and stuff are all public domain.

>> No.11556114
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>> No.11556122

real tears

>> No.11556133


>> No.11556156

You know scholars have nothing to do with that, right? That market is controlled by just a few corporation and I never met a professor who didn't complained about that at some point

You can email the authors of any articles and most of them will gladly send you the pdf. Again they have nothing to do with that. If not, sci-hub is still working

>> No.11556227

>Academia is shit
>Wageslaving is shit
>Being an entrepeneur takes away your life and happines
>Being a music/sport star leads you to a shallow world, with fake people and substance abuse
>Being a NEET deteriorates your mind, body and social abilities

I'm sure we were better off as hunter gatherers! Those were happy times!

>> No.11556244

start with the sumerians

>> No.11556274

> letting Google suggestion algorithms define your line of thought, even if your line of thought is an opposite to what it says


>> No.11556275

This. Take down the publishing parasite. Humanities will crumble once it's no longer able to use it as a measure of success but it isn't worth preserving anyway

>> No.11556286
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year zero soon

>> No.11556303

third post best post

>> No.11556363

it's not wrong. Nothing's more annoying than seeing academics and their sympathizers dismiss any and all criticism as anti-intellectualism and expect that to be sufficient when they've largely failed society as a whole.

I can't even blame the general public for being genuinely anti-intellectual when intellectualism is used as a justification for organizing society based on the decisions people make as teenagers. I try not to think about it too much lest I become a genuine Khmer Rouge sympathizer.

>> No.11556423

The humanities don't belong in academia in an age where basically everyone is literate and books are common and as cheap as dirt. Kick humanities out of universities, make them all STEM and government controlled (non-privatized), and stop letting in people who are simply average.

>> No.11556499

A few days ago I read an article about this problem, which is apparently even worse in STEM unis. Ridiculously overpriced subscriptions for scientific magazines, and some EU countries are trying to fight that, make the articles freely available to scholars, but the companies are fighting back, fucking them over, blocking online access and shit.
Instead of being ganked by online piracy, academic publishers are more powerful than ever. Old scholars of middle English religious poetry don't have much to do with these international multimillion companies.

I hope you're just pretending to be this retarded.

>> No.11556608

He’s right in that private education should be abolished, but everything else is ridiculously wrong.

>> No.11556674

you know google suggestions are based on your past activity, right? they don't just show what's popular, but what you may care about, based on their data on you and their algorithms

>> No.11556687
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kek / 10

>> No.11556839

>t. butthurt literature/philosophy majors who think spending 4-8 years of life "studying" what amounts to a hobby as an adult is something that should be encouraged

>> No.11556870

Just tried it and got the same suggestions

>> No.11557466

Yeah, Aristotle should've ploughed the fields and killed some facking Persians instead of wasting time on his hobbies, logic, poetry and shit.
I'll make sure that all translations of philosophical and Greek texts that I buy are done by hobbyists, to guarantee maximum quality.

>> No.11557627

I'm an accountant, but I wished I had studied philosophy. There's certainly societal value to these fields, and there's also value in the educational environments that allow this information to transferred from experts to students, and I'm saying that a person who isn't particularly fond of academia (>>11556363 is me).

>> No.11557688

Part of this is actually the result of the state of academia but part of this is also from public talking heads like Jordan Peterson constantly trying to delegitimize it.

Fucking hilarious post. Made my day.

Got the same exact results.

God. It's so depressing to encounter people with such an aggressively hyper-utilitarian worldview that they would scorn someone for studying something that actually interests them. Go read a self-help book and get your fitbit steps in, you pathetic social climber faggot.

>I have a nice job in finance and I double majored in economics & philosophy. No regrets. I respect academia and I have friends in grad school, but I see them struggling to get by and having a crisis about it being a meaningless endeavour. Still read a shitload and it is definitely my main "hobby". I guess I am "happy" or at least less suicidal than my grad student friends.

>> No.11557692

Didn't mean to greentext.

>> No.11557705

>room goes dark and the smiles of cenobytes gleam from the corners

>> No.11557731

>the cathedral

are you the brain dead retard anon who linked me to that "open letter to progressives"?

i did a lot of research after reading that and i've come to conclusion anons like you are mental midgets

>> No.11557733

>I respect academia and I have friends in grad school, but I see them struggling to get by and having a crisis about it being a meaningless endeavour.
some friends I went to high school with studied phil/humanities and are doing pretty well for themselves, but they all went to much better schools than I did (I think mine might actually have been ranked last in the country.)

While I'm glad they've managed to achieve these things, I've become cynical about academia's social function and think it needs some major outside reforms to actually be respectable.

>> No.11557751


>> No.11557776

>Work hard studying your entire life for a slice of the ez Academic life
>Internet comes around and smashes the concept of "knowledge" into a million insignificant pieces
Academia is like a dam holding back the flood. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is yet to be known.

>> No.11557805

Academia as we know it isn't about spreading knowledge. It exists to control social mobility so that it exists in favor of established interests, and it creates an illusion of meaningful social mobility existing in the country. The schools with the most money have managed to monopolize segments of the most elite levels of society. The vies have done it with the federal government, Stanford with the tech industry, etc.

>> No.11557821

>Yeah, Aristotle should've ploughed the fields and killed some facking Persians instead of wasting time on his hobbies, logic, poetry and shit.
this but unironically

>> No.11558744

More than one university I considered to be an utter joke (after seeing their classes and the research produced by their students, both graduate and undergrad) turned out to be in the top 25% of universities worldwide when I checked.

This leads me to believe that 75% of universities should be closed.

>> No.11558777

What sort of research were they producing? What sort of research do you expect them to produce?

>> No.11558810

idk lol i just know bro what are you tsupid??

>> No.11559664

It's true though, universities are now infested with extremist white-guilty vegan neo-libs.

>> No.11559694
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>> No.11559716
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there's nothing wrong with any of that.
Get a real degree, publish a paper that actually serves to advance your field, and you'll be cited. Gabbish?

>> No.11559720

What place in the world has the best academia? Is it unironically North Korea?

>> No.11559724

>tfw planetary sciences
>best of both worlds between STEM and humanities
>nearly half female, all highly intelligent and attractive
>low people to problem ratio
>most people in the field are bad at advanced maths so little competition
I have arrived at the promised land my friends

>> No.11559740
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>search through university's database for research sources on a relatively obscure topic
>it's all thesis papers for MFA and PHD students
>talk to professor about it
>"uh.... don't use those, they're not reliable enough"

>> No.11559859

Hire some personal trainers and scholars. Live well.
Did you know an adjunct professor gets only $3k/class? You can hire a bunch of phds to be your private tutors for a year for half the price of an ivy league and they come to you!

>> No.11559908

>be a glorified sci-fi consultant
I mean, a living is a living, right?

>> No.11559911

Fellas I am only studying to become a part of academia to have a job related to my love of literature while I work mostly on my fiction writing. I don’t mind if I never “get discovered” or “make it big” with my fiction because I’ll still have my reading job to support me and if I do make some money off of writing then I can quit the job or just stick with it and maybe gain some respect or recognition or something. Is this a bad plan, boys? I could probably still pull out now and move to stem if I really wanted to it would just have been a waste of a few years and a lot of money

>> No.11559915

Academia has become a trade school now. Everyone uses it as a way to get jobs instead of simply for the knowledge. This goes for everything.

Capitalism has ruined everything it has touched.

>> No.11559923

Not wrong, but the problem is that the problems are too big to fix from within the system. We’re going to literally have to wait until shit can’t sustain itself any longer for there to be any change

>> No.11559925


>> No.11559931


It is a pity. I'd love to go back to college and be amongst others that are like-minded and wish to learn a subject for its own sake. I have been priced out completely unless I wish to go into debt and be even more of a slave than I will inevitably have to be.

>> No.11559932

It's become this way because America has no fucking trade school system. They literally expect everyone to go deep into debt just to get a job. And I wouldn't blame capitalism for this one-- it's the government backing of student loan debts that prevents default on them which is causing the student loan bubble. If it was as difficult to get a student loan as, say, a car loan, we wouldn't be in this situation.

>> No.11559937

>I wouldn't blame capitalism

I would. It's the root of 99% of problems despite people making excuses for it.

>> No.11559941

Because a socialist system where everyone got college for free would be so much better for academia, amirite?

>> No.11559950


Sure, but that isn't what I said.

>> No.11560254


>> No.11560313
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*Rackets your path*

>> No.11560319


>> No.11560325


>> No.11560340

wallahu akhbar, well said my fellow med

>> No.11560532

>>best of both worlds between STEM and humanities
Wtf do "planetary sciences" have to do with humanities?