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11537466 No.11537466 [Reply] [Original]

what critique/problem/philosophy BTFO's materialists and scientific naturalists?

>> No.11537557

Realism, regarding universals and forms

>> No.11537557,1 [INTERNAL] 

He said BTFOs not proves right.

>> No.11537672

bump for interest

>> No.11537678

How so?

>> No.11537684

the hard broblem of gonsciousness :DD

>> No.11537706

That soul is the source of life

>> No.11537713

Not being able to use empiricism to prove empiricism is the only legitimate type of knowledge

>> No.11537796

Turning 50 and being hated by your family, especially if you have kids.

>> No.11537818

Anon, is there something you want to talk about?

>> No.11537833

It's 30 years early for me. But from what I've seen, being a prick over long periods of time makes you miserable no matter how much you achieve in life.

>> No.11537839

would you call yourself a solipsist as well?

>> No.11537840

why endorphines make people happy

>> No.11537843

Measurement problem in QM and the hard problem of consciousness.

>> No.11537851
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Romantic materialism

>> No.11537992

Maybe. But you'll also be right so it doesn't matter.

>> No.11538017

What? No. How is my post indicative of solipsism at all?

>> No.11538029


>> No.11538051

Endorphins are anti-inflammatory, brainlet.
Defaulting to "muh qualia" as an anti-materialist talking point is like gesturing to the sun and asking "Why is heat hot? you can't explain that".
Why can't some things be fundamentally responsible for feelings when there have been fundamental electricity-bits and gravity-bobs in other domains of naturalism?

>> No.11538054
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This kills the analytic

>> No.11538081

>Why can't some things be fundamentally responsible for feelings when there have been fundamental electricity-bits and gravity-bobs in other domains of naturalism?

Because emotions are dependent on the immanent experience of the brain not the mere cocktails held within it. A sad event is experienced as sad and a happy event as happy regardless of what the brains current chemical balance is which can only dampen or highlight that fact, not negate it

>> No.11538245

not indicative. especially since your statement can be interpreted in many subtly different ways, to imply different things.
i guess the following just ocurred to me:
a person who is willing to doubt the epistemological supremacy (forgive the expression) of empirical evidence, may also come to doubt the reality of the things he perceives, and may end up assuming that everything he sees is a projection of his own mind.
i think some people might call me a solipsist.

>> No.11538451

You can't be a solipsist, I'm the solipsist

>> No.11538504

acausal and atemporal abstract entities that nevertheless exist would deal a fatal blow to the physicalist worldview

>> No.11538656


>> No.11538664

The mind-independent existence of numbers, the fact that there are mind independent concepts, modal relations like necessity all spell trouble for the physicalist monists out there.

>> No.11538733


>> No.11538758

Strawson's panpsychism, because their "b-but it's muh supernatural so it doesn't exist" card doesn't work against them and they have no better arguments than that for anything

>> No.11538766

Just talk about the absolute fuckery that is quantum mechanics and physics

>> No.11538767

against it*

>> No.11538773

Hell of an assumption you've got there

>> No.11538777

Blown the fuck out's?

>> No.11538798

mfw when such an autist gets such nice digits

>> No.11539074

You can't be.

>> No.11539560

keep arguing, dream-minions, i love these illusions

>> No.11539605

You do not think that necessity is a true concept? If you want there to be necessary features of any thing, then you must go essentialist, and there's very few physicalist essentialists out there.

There being abstract entities is an appeal to best explanation, which they are.

>> No.11539618

The problem of induction