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File: 16 KB, 319x400, NEW-JORDAN-B-PETERSON-Maps-of-Meaning-The.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11535617 No.11535617 [Reply] [Original]

Books that you need a 135+ IQ to get

>> No.11535624

katawa shoujo

>> No.11535635


>> No.11535637

weak troll

>>republic/complete works

>> No.11535654

The Sound and the Fury

Plato hard to understand? What? In almost every work he literally walks you through every single thought he offers, step by step

>> No.11535681

>Peterson groupie believes in the fill in the bubble eugenics and genocide starter kit

>> No.11535684

I wouldn't know, I only have an IQ of 134

>> No.11535814

My diary desu

>> No.11537019
File: 106 KB, 1000x1000, minecraft_books2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11537022

"wash your dick"

>> No.11537050
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only 135+ IQ will know the feel of a clean room

>> No.11537051

"lord of the flies"

>> No.11537064

>spouting paranoid delusions from the 20th century
muh right wing ideas lead to genocide
back to rebbit kid

>> No.11537071

I would put Peterson's IQ at about 120, his verbal IQ at closer to 110.

>> No.11537094

>harvard professor who gives lectures off the hip has a 74th percentile IQ
I'd put yours at about 90

>> No.11537177

Post face

what's this book about?

>> No.11537210

How would anyone really know this? IQ isn't a great measure. Then you have to interview people on their understanding of a bunch of different books, which is also difficult. Plus separate out the books that are hard to understand from the books that are just so incredibly dull no one will bother.
Further I thought everyone had moved on to the Taleb meme.

>> No.11537244

Do you shill for the GOP for free?
Your post literally has nothing to do with mine, btw
You're just shilling for Republicans without even acknowledging what I posted.

>> No.11537312

Can confirm. 137 IQ here and learned a lot from this book. I did it in conjunction with the lecture series on YT, but I feel like I understood everything it was trying to say. The alchemy section is so good..

>> No.11537383

>One-time Harvard Adjunct who primarily teaches undergrads at U Toronto where he actually works, gives rambling lectures that are variants of lectures he has given before.


>> No.11537461

>Books that you need a 135+ IQ to get
I only needed €45 to get it

>> No.11537728
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>> No.11537754

t. <135 IQ

>> No.11538023

i have an iq of 53 and i had a great time

>> No.11538031
File: 47 KB, 328x505, gravitys-rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11538050

You can build an emulator in minecraft

>> No.11538085

Harvard doesn't only hire people of genius, so I don't know what his being an adjunct professor there briefly has to do with anything. Peterson just paces back-and-forth speaking in a loose, unfocused way about basic concepts that take time, not brilliance, to understand. He's given me no reason to believe that he isn't just a man of slightly above average intelligence who simply talks about some books he's spent his life reading. Most people if they were disciplined enough could do that. He's not doing physics or anything difficult.

>> No.11538346

People falling for the Canadian charlatan is lol worthy. JP is a professional swindler preying on fatherless youths. He's Sandusky on steroids because he's raping your mind.

>> No.11538379

Based, redpilled, and retarded

>> No.11538713

Plus, he says he can barely understand Jung. Jung is not a difficult author.

>> No.11538764

But this book is for marginally above-average-IQ males. Yknow the types that don't read and so when they're exposed to anything of mild eloquence and reason (that also conforms to their worldview) they take it as a work of divine genius

>> No.11538899

I like Peterson, but i agree 100%. When you see a person using always the same references/quotes/themes he has learnt very well, he's probably not a genius

>> No.11538942

Weschler or Cattell?

>> No.11538971
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>> No.11539565

Yeah, lol fuck males and white ppl too!

Only post itt if you're a black tranvestite- SO BRAVE

>> No.11539593

How am I supposed to know what 135 IQ brainlets think or understand?

>> No.11539661

triggered brainlet

>> No.11539674

>literally an associate professor at Harvard
>literally took Timothy Leary's position at Harvard
>an adjunct

>> No.11539727

You give them a box of crayons and tell them to draw their feelings

>> No.11540504

If by emulator you mean a Redstone computer that takes several seconds to do a basic computation then yes

>> No.11540569
File: 784 KB, 997x1681, Zentralbibliothek_Zürich_Das_Kapital_Marx_1867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11540631
File: 108 KB, 640x715, Golden Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11540637


>> No.11540831


>> No.11541422

>tfw 136 iq but still feel insecure

>> No.11541444

>Timothy Leary
You're not helping your case.

>> No.11541471

true, it seems you need a high IQ to understand why this could never work.

>> No.11541476

It took me an hour to wrap my head around the Euthyphro dilemma

>t. 128 IQ, officially tested