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File: 30 KB, 498x400, 9f337f73b06b91f9cda8ce99b3c38287--friedrich-nietzsche-lou-salome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11527063 No.11527063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>Shares a girl (beta already) takes picture to immortalize moment (cuck, pervert thinking) and at the end the girl chooses the other guy over him in spite that he proposed to her twice.

>Goes to franco-german war... as a nurse...

>writes pages and pages about how thinking is the weapon of the weak, using Socrates as example (in spite Socrates actually DID fought in a war against one of the most prestigious armies in history), conclusion he got by... thinking.

>as the nerve to say that "the weak and ill constituted should perish", and give birth to the concept of the "übersmench"… then goes insane and dies slowly in the CARE of a mental institution like a fragile child.

What was your fist thought when you realized that nacho here didn’t put his money where his big mustached mouth was?

>> No.11527079

can somebody photoshop nietzsche out of this picture?

tiny boobs girl is cute
small dick boy is cute
and moustache man is silly

>> No.11527084

I've got no dog in this fight, but from what I see the other guy will be forgotten before nacho. Even if he was a little bit of a cuck he still comes out on top.

>> No.11527090

why do you want to mutilate history m8?

>> No.11527098
File: 22 KB, 680x510, 64e5b9140bc5a768a273b72245a8fa41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pops a woody way too early
>Seems giddy and pathetic

>> No.11527097

Lol, would you rather being the "cuck/virgin queen" than "chad, bull and destroyer of pussies"?

>> No.11527103

That's not a picture of Nietzsche, Ree, and Salome, you pseud

>> No.11527111

because i find it very hard to masturbate to nietzsche
he's not very arousing:(

>> No.11527112
File: 117 KB, 442x661, Nietzsche_paul-ree_lou-von-salome188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is even the context of these silly pictures? is this what passed for fun in old times?

>> No.11527118

it's not even nietzsche lol

>> No.11527119

I keep seeing this repeated but who the hell is is then

>> No.11527120

who cares

>> No.11527127

Yes it is.

>> No.11527134

isnt it obvious? Salome had a femdom relationship with Ree and Nacho (aka "the gate to the overman"), and as you can see in the photo posted by>>11527098 , Nacho was aurosed by this so much that he proposed to her. On the other hand, Ree is thinking "lol what a gay cuck shit nacho convinced me doing, he doesnt know i fucked salome already when he was sleeping". Of course Salome recognized the superior male and went with Ree.

Thats it.

Posters like >>11527118 are in a HUGEEEE denial because its a reflection of themselfs.

>> No.11527143


>> No.11527161

Thus Spoke Cuckothustra

>> No.11527165

imagine seething with ressentiment so much you make the same shitpost over and over again to "discredit" neetz

>> No.11527184

im not saying nacho was wrong, im just judging him by his own standarts. Isn't it fair?

LOL this guy gets it

>> No.11527198

and here i was thinking that the life of philosopher is dull and uneventful

i must reconsider

>> No.11527202

>are in a HUGEEEE denial because its a reflection of themselfs

no, you see, you are in denial because you want it to be a reflection of yourselfs

>> No.11527210
File: 77 KB, 320x569, Göttingen_Stadtfriedhof_Grab_Andreas-Salome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting shape for a gravestone

>> No.11527379
File: 1.66 MB, 1132x1280, comparisons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the big problem here is the supposed Paul Rée, very different bone structure. Salomé, it's possible.

>> No.11527388


>> No.11527393

no, I've changed my mind, actually. Looking at the ear and the chin, it's definitely Paul Rée. He was a little chubbier in those headhots.

>> No.11527419

So it's actually them, this is hilarious.
At least he partook in the Dionysian cult he shilled though.

>> No.11527462


LOL cuckfirmed.

Well if you're going to go dionysian wouldn't it be manlier if its you and two women? didn't he said forming groups is the weak strategy to compensate for their lack of a strong will?

If anything, we have to admire Salome here, she has those bois by the cock just for her. She is the real "Over(wo)man".

>> No.11527480

look guy, you're probably right about everything here, but you're making it way too obvious at this point. You were a big Nietzsche fanboy, and became disillusioned and ashamed when you found out about his personal failings.
It's ok, man. He didn't get the girl. That's sad. We don't need to make a big fuss about it, shout "cuck" and "beta" in all-caps. Life is a lot more complicated than that.

>> No.11527515

How can you take him seriously when he was the opposite of everything he wrote about

>> No.11527518

and you look here "guy", you got your diagnosis wrong. Im like Nietszche, but im far from glorify him and or any other thinkers. I've only read about 5 or 6 books of his work only, thats not what im saying here. What im trying to show (and i have accomplished it) is that nacho didnt live to his own standarts, not only with Salome, but you can read the original post for that.
Isn't it fair that everyone should be judged not by the law of others, but for our own inner law? could there be a more just trial than a Judge judging himself? Isn't it virtue to expose the truth and doom the hipocracy? Im not saying what Nietzsche said was wrong, im saying he is a pussy that in our times would be typing "fite me in real life m8" behind the security of the internet, but would be cucked by his own friends in reality.

It kinds of reminds me of 4chan, thats all lol

>> No.11527526

So was Socrates, that's why their battle is so interresting. Socrates was literally an alpha warrior while Nietzsche a sick cuck.

>> No.11527545

sorry, in which way was socrates untrue to himself?

>> No.11527559

I guess all I'm saying is hypocrisy is not such a big sin. It certainly doesn't mean he's wrong about anything. I think we all agree that living by your ideals is best, and perhaps Friedrich wanted to, but simply wasn't able to. I don't hold that against him.
Also, though we may know quite a bit about this love triangle, we don't know the whole story. Him and Lou might have shared many tender moments. Why should anyone ask for more than that?

>> No.11527560

He never praised the instinct-warrior virtues he possesed.

>> No.11527583

>the instinct-warrior virtues
what did he mean by this ?

>> No.11527601

lol, thats not untrue to himself. I eat meat but i dont praise carnivore behaviour because i dont feel it's needed, its just there, the same way homeric values were normal in greece.

To be untrue with himself, then he should have spoke AGAINST warrior virtue, the same way Nietzsche spoke against weakness, but was weak himself.

>Not a big deal
LOL if you respect nietzsche (the tought) then you should disrespect Nietzsche (the man).

>> No.11527624

again dude, you talk as if he actually authored his life in that way; Shit happens along the way! We can't always win.
Respecting a person isn't the same as admiring them. A failed man may not have earned admiration, but every one deserves respect.
I don't know of anything in Nietzsche that implies we shouldn't be kind to people. especially less-fortunate people. Especially if you understand kindness as strength.

>> No.11527637


NEETzsche even pulls the same faggy face he pulled in the top portrait. It's definitely him.

>> No.11527671

I'm explaining nacho's logic here. I agree that Socrates was more based than Nietzsche ever could be.

>> No.11527887

who the fuck said "in compassionate men, severity is a virtue"? Care to look it up jackass?

See? im being mean to you as Nietzsche thought me, that will make you wiser you stupid dickhead.
>everyone deserves respect
tumblr is that way my man

hehe then we agree socrates wasn't untrue to himself? while nacho was?

>> No.11527908
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yay the retarded "Nachofag" poster is back from mom fixing him his tendies!!!

>> No.11527922

"girls.png", the last standpoint of a desperate man.

I've never feel this superior. Im Apollos Magnus. (The way u make me feel )

>> No.11527932

I think that somewhere deep down in the Greek OS being an alpha-warrior was a necessity or taken for granted and not needed to get paraded round, that's why Socrates never sperged about it.

If he was alive in the 19th century things might have been different so yes we agree.

>> No.11527935

It's them. That anon is lying, probably because the pic triggers him.

>> No.11527942

Also forgot to mention, according to Xenophon's memorabilia he did give out advice to basedboys.

>> No.11527973

care to look up "severity"? Not the same as disrespect, unkindness.

And you associate basic human decency with Tumblr? Never gave that website a second thought, but I might check it out now, thanks.

>> No.11527978

Xenophon is just using Socrates as a mouthpiece, while Socrates was an accomplished hoplite and probably in ok physical condition, he was not ripped but an ugly hobo. That quote in particular is just Socrates (Xenophon) persuading Epigenes by appealing to his vanity.

>> No.11527998
File: 21 KB, 460x276, 1527203418965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apollos (Greek: Ἀπολλώς) was a 1st century Alexandrian Jew

>> No.11528048

Then we agree. First time it happends for me here lol. Good day sir.

care to look up "disrespect"? does it mean i would piss and shit over nacho's grave? No, of course not, but i wouldn't mind eating some nachos with cheese and beef over him in an ironic way to express his dead body and remaning memories what i think lel, i would even leave some nachos behind for him, for im a kind generous man.

hehe im the sun boi, im eternal.

>> No.11528093

Did Socrates even exist then? If Plato was just using him as a mouth-piece and Xenophon too then WHO WAS HE