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/lit/ - Literature

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11515116 No.11515116 [Reply] [Original]

true philosophers would invent languages in which to express their ideas

to my knowledge this has not happened, ergo all philosophers hitherto are false prophets

argue against me at your own peril

>> No.11515130

OP seemingly has not invented his own language in which to express this post. From this we may conclude one of three things

a) OP does not sincerely believe this and therefore sees no reason to apply his own logic.
b) OP does sincerely believe this but has not been able to create his own language.
c) OP HAS created his own language but chose to write this post in English in order to reach the largest possible audience.

But what all of these would incontestably prove is that OP is a faggot that should be ignored by his own logic.

>> No.11515135

Insincere posts? On MY 4chan?

>> No.11515137
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based nicky confirmed for real philosopher