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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 300x400, 896285457-1814-les-mis__rables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11480480 No.11480480 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about Les Misérables?

>> No.11480487

Never got to the bottom of who Les was, or why he was so miserable.

>> No.11480513

Plan to read it. Loved the hunchback of Notre Dame, what am I in for?

>> No.11480520

Its a good story but its ruined forever for me due to endless high school memories of trendy kids performing the songs.

>> No.11480521

It's surprisingly more about rich people than poor people

>> No.11480530

>due to endless high school memories of trendy kids performing the songs.
oof, my condoleances

>> No.11480604

Cute loli

>> No.11481807

what is some essential french lit?

>> No.11481822

>Tfw the musical is better

>> No.11481832

Any recommendations for translations on Les Mis and Hunchback?

>> No.11481897

Balzac (Le Père Goriot)
Flaubert (Madame Bovary)
Voltaire (Candide)
Proust (Swann's Way)

>> No.11482120
File: 322 KB, 1920x1080, les mis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what you get for being young enough to be in HS when the hollywood movie came out.
Or old enough to be in HS when it came to broadway, or Seinfeld was airing

>> No.11482244

I never read the very end due to an unfortunate incident with a banana, what I read I liked though. That said would it have killed him to ramble a bit less in the waterloo section? It felt like he was trying to pad out the book in parts to be quite honest with you my famalam

>> No.11482338
File: 16 KB, 620x118, miserable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11483304

It made me feel reasonably happy. Should I seek help?

>> No.11483766

The back and forth between valjean and javert is an underrated literary rivalry

>> No.11483784

It’s a fantastic book exploring themes ranging from redemption through religion to the conflict between love and duty. Highly recommended.

>> No.11483795

Went through the audiobook this year. Feel like most of my reactions to it are pleb tier. I remember feeling caught up in the story and enjoying it. Made my commute far far far less sucky. Was interesting to accompany the protagonist through lots of ups and downs and twists and turn. Felt that MOSTLY the plot made sense but there were a few ridiculous coincidences that sort of took me out of the story. Was interesting way to learn more about French history, but don't know how accurately it portrayed said history.

>> No.11485049

I read it a decade ago in high school, and would love to go back and reread it now that I know more about the time period, but its just so long.

Its hard to put the time aside for it when Ive got a huge stack of other unread books beside it.

>> No.11485701


>one of the greatest rivalries in literature

wew lad

>> No.11485730

I‘m gonna learn french by reading this.

>> No.11485986

The Cosette/sword scene is memorable.

>> No.11486122

can you tell me about the incident?

>> No.11486510

it's the girl in the cover

>> No.11486671

Basically it got left on a shelf, a banana was left on it and it went off in the sun. The brown fruit stankwater filtered into the book's pages and stuck them together. It would've been fine if I'd left it cover-up, but the back of the book was touching the banana, and thus the final act rendered unreadable. Fate is truly a cruel mistress.

>> No.11486688
