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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.28 MB, 4159x3155, Le_poeme_de_lAme-13-Louis_Janmot-MBA_Lyon-IMG_0496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11479113 No.11479113 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind

>> No.11479126

Seeing these women holding hands makes me go into a fit of seething rage, because I know that women in real life hate each other to the fucking core. I hate seeing them interact with each other, there is always this enmity and jealousy. Fucking whores. I can't even be nice to women because of this. I always insult them in some way or the other or cut the conversation short which makes them think that I am autistic or retarded or something, but that's okay, it is better than interacting with them. I hate touching them or when they touch me. Reeking whores.

>> No.11479137

This is like Celine going Elliot Rodger

>> No.11479249

I saw this beautiful woman with a fantastic ass today and I felt a kind of passing disconnect with my surroundings. If the world was a better place I could have just picked her up and slung her over the back of my horse as my just prize of war. But this epoch requires men to talk to women in order to bed them and talking with women is such a waste of time, they are so dull and inane. Talking itself is an incredibly feminine activity that favors crypto-male-lesbians and Jews over real men.

>> No.11479290
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I don't feel very good. I'm don't think I am very good at being a person.

>> No.11479307

you can see the faces distorted in each's own way

>> No.11479352

anybody got that /pol/ true love copypasta? I forgot to save it and now I can't find it anywhere

>> No.11479486

No one seems to give a shit about the coming collapse. No one seems to care about climate change or global warming. Everyone just keeps consuming and consuming. Capitalism keeps throwing us in to the sun. People think the democrats will save us. Americans think democrats are leftists. Fuck I hate this country. I have a hard time trying to not hate the people I share a country with. I try to pity them because the propaganda is strong. It's hard.

I'm angry.

>> No.11479506

Do you remember any keywords from it?

>> No.11479511

>your picture
*od I wish that were me

>> No.11479521

There was something about hating women first, and I remember some variation of "only true love is between [...] comrades/men on the battlefield [?]". It was worded better.

>> No.11479545
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Is it this?

>Also, I would like to point out, with strong emphasis on pointing out.

>Living with a woman - is Hell. Always. No bypassing it. There are no heavenlike marriages. It is Hell.
>There is true love only when you are teen, you fall madly in love and the bitch tears your soul apart. Out from that destruction, western man is built. The depressed man, who just wants a bullet between his eyes, if asked honestly.
>After that teenlove, you are able to love, but it will end up miserably, always.
>It takes WAR to unite people in a profound soul level, where true happiness can manifest itself in the midst of ruins and horror.

>> No.11479554

no, the copypasta was comedic in effect

>> No.11479582

I despise writing because the whole exercise feels like nothing but vanity. It also seems like you can either say something well or say something meaningful, and either way some group of useless bastards is going to scoff at you and some other group of equally useless bastards is going to worship you, but that's better than the alternative which is that they all ignore you, which just places the scoff-worship battle internally rather than externally, which is yet more self-focus. The only thing more vain than loving your own work is hating it; which makes me think that the best books ever written are the little adventure stories that kids read because those seem like the only honest books in the world. With the only audience that doesn't care how you said it or who likes it and the point is to make yourself clear so everyone can understand and give strong, bold statements about humanity and not try to confuse everyone with all this false depth and ugliness. The human soul should not be reduced to something so complex that it becomes unfathomable except by those with the time to read eighteen thousand books and fifteen thousand essays and twenty-seven thousand reviews by people who wish they could write books and thirty to forty dinner parties and three notable summer vacations, one of which had to be in Europe. The worst thing is being just good enough to write a thousand pages of nonsense and not good enough to write a fifty page adventure book about a boy who fights a dragon.

>> No.11479622

>I'm redpilled.

>'True love' is a jewish Hollywood fiction made to emasculate the white man and make him easy to control. It's a way to get women power and subsequently have liberal beliefs (women feelings) pervade all aspects of society so that the white race can be eradicated, i.e. by lowering birth rates and importing immigrants.

>In reality women cannot truly love, as they are too shallow to be truly ethical or loyal. true love exists only between white male nationalists fighting for a cause in the trenches.

>> No.11479631
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>> No.11479635

The effect I would like to have on people:

I would like for them to be slightly intimidated by my judgement, but not to the point of discomfort. They should be at ease about the impression their soul makes on me. I would like that they feel it's ok to be forward and candid about their personality and lifestyle. They should know I will see through all facades and guile. That I want to be their friend, sincerely, and to listen to their passions and curiosities, yes. I would like to have that effect on people.

>> No.11479642

Just read my first book since high school, feels good. Crime & punishment was a good read.

>> No.11479701
File: 127 KB, 396x297, libby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is backroom casting couch real? Obviously it's not, and many of the girls they had were cam girls or porn newcomers. But on the other hand, i can't help but feel that a couple of their videos have to be real. There's just no way the Elizabeth Hawkenson video wasn't real; it's not even up for debate. The Jasmine video they uploaded not that long ago has the girl apologizing for not shaving because she didn't know she was going to be getting naked, and it's just too good to be acting. A couple of their walkout videos are also obviously real, and the same goes for the mandy and jamie video (just watch it yourself). The Lyla video has the girl get obviously mad when told she won't be getting paid. I get that some of this must be amateur nervousness or whatever, but it just doesn't add up. My impression is that most videos are planned in advance, but that they go on a limb and decide to go authentic every now and then and then upload the successful attempts.

>> No.11479709

For the past 2 years I've felt a total sense of listlessness. I work a job that requires maybe half my attention on a busy day. I see my old friends no more than once in 2 months. I shamble through relationships that end for 1 reason or another. I live in a small, but clean, studio apartment that costs more than it really should. People in my life suggested that keeping my living space clean would help me feel motivated, but I can't say it's had much effect.
Yesterday, as I was coming home, I passed by a house just off the street where I live. An ambulance waited outside while an elderly man was brought out. He was quite still. I believe he was the kindly old gent that ran one of the local pubs.
His wife and what I assume must be his son were there. His wife was inconsolable, weeping like someone who's just lost their world. The son was visibly distraught, but silent. I lingered for a moment, watching him. I wondered if he experienced the same listlessness as me, in that moment. I wondered if that's what I've become, the man that wouldn't even cry at his own father's funeral. I hope not.
As he was lifted from a gurney into the back of the ambulance, a line from a poem I haven't thought of in years leapt to mind. From Philip Larkin's Ambulances.

The fastened doors recede. Poor soul,
They whisper at their own distress;

I had the good grace to feel guilty for a moment. I moved on before the bereaved noticed a man gawping at them from across the street. In this moment of utter devastation all I could think of were my own petty concerns. Even now, that's what consumes me.
I think I'll go to that man's funeral, if I can.

>> No.11479722
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I've always hated learning in classes, I learn everything so much easier and thoroughly when I figure it out for myself or read a textbook alone. Going to university for a 3 year degree is going to be hell.

>> No.11479738


There are two possibilities. It's either going to be hell, or you're going to become a normie. Don't disappoint me.

>> No.11479739
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My only real friend is my penpal. I wish I had someobdy like him IRL. He's so unique it hurts.

>> No.11479761
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>My only real friend is my penpal.
>He's so unique it hurts.

Lonely people get desperate and delusional. The more happiness you try to squeeze out of this one personal interaction that you get, the worse it's going to be. If you decide your happiness depends only on this person, prepare to be miserable. At least it's not a friend of the opposite sex, then you'd be completely fucked.

>> No.11479814

>At least it's not a friend of the opposite sex
I don't really like girls if you know what I mean. Hopefully I never fall in love with him.

>> No.11479890

Why do you say that anon?

>> No.11479958

My friends have all surpased me acdemically and in their careers. I dropped out university and I feel so ashamed. I don't know what I am doing. I feel so small.

>> No.11480032
File: 742 KB, 1440x900, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promised I wouldn't come back to 4 chan, but I just have to take this out of my chest.

I'm so lonely. I want to be close to someone I met on the internet almost 2 years ago, I have this burning desire that can never be quite sated because he doesn't love me back. It's like I'm forced to quench my thirst by drinking piss, and even then it comes one little drop at a time

>> No.11480041


>> No.11480060
File: 4 KB, 153x179, tuvu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's 32 degrees Celsius in my apartment
>called in sick, because I puked a few times last night
>my back hurts

>> No.11480073

Fuck college. I dropped out and it was the best decision i ever made. Cheer up, find a job, read, and realize that what works for others doesn't necessarily have to work for you.

>> No.11480107

Dont compare yourself to others, you know you didn't do your best. Gather yourself, do your best, and leave the rest to fate.

>> No.11480272

How does the psychological egoist reconcile their worldview when met with examples of altruistic suicide? Self-destruction for another human or collective cause (e.g: the immolation of Thich Quan Duc) seems to violate the very parameters that forge this form of egoism.

>> No.11480576

And every day I roll out of the bed to welcome the next day of numb misery. It isn't even that I curse this life, I find it tolerable but at the core eternally boring. There is almost nothing for me to do and not of lack of possibilities and opportunities, but of my laziness, my dear and my neverchanging state of mind and body. Thus my state is boring me. And I dream colossal dreams of growth and strength and epicness in the morning and find that I have not come closer to anything I dreamt at night. And so I sit by the window, eyes locked on the shining stars wishing that a sudden movement in the sky would tear apart the note of my existence. But nothing ever happens. And I feel that my pathetic impatience let's any exciting event drift further away from me. And so I head to my bed, broken, sad and bored. Lay in it, close my eyes and let myself be forced to dream again. To be a hopeful fool is an extraordinarily full and unpleasant existence.

>> No.11480601

I had a pseudohypomanic stint of intellectual productivity and general optimism and enthusiasm for the past couple weeks and now it's tapering down. Reading and writing have become tiresome for the moment and erudition feels further away than ever.

>> No.11480637

If you can't find meaning in ordinary life you definitely won't find it in the extraordinary. Boredom and excitement feed each other.

>> No.11480715
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Someone recommend me a book that will make me sympathize with women.
I feel like browsing 4chan for several years has twisted my view of them to the point were I see them as some sort of alien creatures incapable of the same feelings and emotions as men.

>> No.11480716

A line, a second line, a third. I look at this corner, myself sitting on a piece of wood. My bottom hurts, but standing is more exhausting. So I stay and sit. There are smudges on the wall. It's easy to see because it's white. On some days the spots are gone and I draw the conclusion that the painter was at work again. It's not the first time I look at this corner and therefore I know, that the smudges will reappear. And the painter will too. And all this will repeat until the painter quits or the building collapses. What an unthankful business. What an ungratifying job. How can someone spend their lifetime with that. That smudged wall appears more and more like a mirror. How can I do what I do. Paint over dirty spots like they were never there and always they appear again and stubbornly I paint again. This time they won't return, I tell myself. It'll be better this time. And I tell myself all that and still hold the brush in my hand. It's so familiar to me I wouldn't want to lose it. Maybe I'll need it again someday. Not for painting, because I know the spots won't return. I keep it just in case. In case the thing I try to convince myself won't happen anew happens anyway. The painter is a sad man. He got the paint and brush and yet instead of painting wonders he paints walls. I wonder if he would be uplifted to know that someone spends as much time staring at his work as I do. He probably won't even care. He is a sad man for painting walls. Walls that sadden me. White Walls, the dirty spots in my mind. The painter, the walls, the lines and I, we all meet in the corner.

>> No.11480776

I'm committed not addicted but it keep controlling me

>> No.11480904

Well, I’m a pretty cool guy who attends monster truck rallies on the reg and I consume copious amounts of monster energy drinks. My house is filled with monster energy merch and yeah I wear their hats too. Yeah it’s my dream to be a monster truck driver. I practice by crashing shopping carts together, and yeah I trick them out by spray painting them and duct taping cardboard boxes onto them. In my opinion, you should be intimidated by my knowledge of monster trucks, dog breeds, and fast food drive thru menus. I’m a true beast and a full blown aryan. Yeah I also love to read video game instruction manuals so I’m an intellectual too.

>> No.11480905
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I'm facing the crisis. I haven't been outside for a month, I've got nothing to do since I can't apply for a job. Rotten inside.
Basically drifting mindlessly in life. Should I get into Kierkegaard to seek answers? Is it ever possible to get out of the vicious cycle of porn, instant gratification, games, media?

>> No.11480917
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Holy kek

>> No.11480932

That's probably your kidneys.
You're dehydrated. Drink water.

>> No.11480936

Read all the Scientologist literature you can get your hands on.

>> No.11480951

Learn to play an instrument. It will at least give you something to aspire to.

>> No.11480955


>> No.11481154

The sooner 100% of humanity converts to Scientology the sooner the aliens will come to save us from Donald trump (AKA Hitler 2.0)

>> No.11481179

If eternity were possible the best souls among us would not endure it: to knowledge of all truths and the oppression of all beauties would rob them of their eagerness to exist. Soon they would implore God to allow them to cut off the wrists of their spirits and let the liquid electricity of the soul's blood leak out, until the supreme dehydration was consumed, until they were no more.

The boredom would be unbearable, even the boredum of eternal pleasure, the perpetual bursting of an aneurism containing oceans of orgasms, flooding the mind unceasingly; even to sit like a family with Love, Friendship, Affection and Comfort and having tea with these entities through the drowsy sunsets of eternity: even this euthanasia of the most visceral fears and consecration of the fleshy expectations of our psyches could not defeat the tedium of existing forever.

That with the best among us. The rest of us would willingly accept the eternity of this masturbation of the spirit, content to lie on the floor, drooling, a void that does not have to struggle to hurt itself into becoming, but simply to accept the penetration of God.

>> No.11481244

I save up money to buy stuff, but feel gross by thought of using it. Is it autism?

>> No.11481254

save up money to buy equities, properties, and other investments like art and antiquities, then you won't feel guilty because you're basically using your money to buy more money

>> No.11482243

Wrong answer, though not a completely bad choice

>> No.11482249

*Hits bong* Woah dude, deeeeeep

>> No.11482250

how were so many intimate details gotten down in some ancient roman histories, like every meeting with a famous person, going here and there, saying this and that, guards coming to arrest him or her, what he or she said, how they looked, were there just scribes everywhere writing everything down, or historians interview each person after a meeting or event happened? "what did he say, how did he look, what was he wearing, what was his demeanor, he said what, and then what was responded with?"

>> No.11482806

there is a lot of writing left over from the ancient world bro, you only get memed into reading the greatest hits, but the total amount of writing left over is fucking massive, just /lit/ is too lame to even be familiar with b-tier works never mind the minutiae

>> No.11482856

i'm such a horrible pseud, today i was talking to this dude about pseud shit, and the whole time everyone including myself is thinking what a fucking pseud, it was awful but i couldnt stop myself, the only way to keep going was unconvincingly assure myself i'd kill myself later, luckily i'm back home where i can pseud it up with no shame, man the problem with being a pseud on 4chan all the time is eventually you go full pseud irl and then you get hit with some serious self-loathing, i am so lame man haha

>> No.11482885

ive beenschizoposting around this site with my schizo posting around this site and

>> No.11482891
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>> No.11482893

that kind of danced around my question, I read some books about some of the emperors and alot of the sources are Suetonius and Tacitus but the amount of little details from all these little occurrences are crazy, some events where guards were sent to someones house and its listed how the encounter went down, and what was said, so were there writers waiting when the guards got back to ask them exactly what happened to write down?
and some other things that just seem like, how did anyone ever know about this, get told this, I mean its just possible some amount of it was embellished, made up, even like 0.0001%?

>> No.11482919

i'm going to assume when the praetorian guards fucked up an emperor people recorded the details, yeah, i mean its the fucking emperor of western civilization we're talking about, they can't just be like "oh, he, uh, died i guess"

then again ur not reading some faggy pop history for "history buffs" are you? that might embellish it with "speculative" details n shit

>> No.11483095

Heh not really


>> No.11483150
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looks like its going to be hell

>> No.11483168

"The Darling" by Chekhov

>> No.11483281


what's this crazy thing?

>> No.11483308

I cannot escape my desire to hold a beautiful sweet smelling girl in my arms

>> No.11483346

Is long term happiness even possible? I fear that I will never escape this everpresent depression for longer than a week at a time

>> No.11483347

>sweet *sweaty smelling *anime girl

>> No.11483350

>when it's hot out and girls go by smelling of flowers and candy and nice things you didn't even know existed
i didn't need to die another death today, anon. how do they do it? i swear some of them don't even sweat so i can't fantasize about licking sweat off them later. they know, don't they?

>> No.11483444
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>ywn be 18 again
>cuddling on the couch
>smelling her soft hair
>not saying anything, just enjoying being close to each other
>praying this moment will never end
>ywn see her again
god ducking damnit god fucking damnit god fucking damnit

>> No.11483589

fuck off normie

>> No.11483601

my social skills are too shit to ever make it in life, its just not gonna happen, on top of that i have a third rate education, and a suspect work ethic

>> No.11483680

Mass culture feels diffused and schizophrenic now. This decade has no identity. It's as if our society has lost consciousness of itself, like it refused to awaken from the dream of the 20th century. I don't think media will ever reflect reality again, as things deteriorate further we'll slip deeper into the dream.

>> No.11483771

"society" or whatever isnt any worse today than it was in the 60s and everybody looks back on that shit with nostalgia

>> No.11483774

someone link me a documentary or a class or something i can have playing in another tab while i shitpost so i can feel like im sort of not totally wasting my time

for example some shit like this:


>> No.11483788

Will my clasped hands be stained with blood from my new mission?
Will HaShem still enter my heart if I commit acts which I do not wish to speak?
Is this my destiny, is this HaShems will?
Is my journey to teach and secure ego or HaShems will.
I pray that I may come to even more understanding of HaShems teachings.
I pray that my foolish mouth does not render HaShems disciple less than useful.

>> No.11483855

I respect jordan peterson a lot for at least trying to help people.

>> No.11483876
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xavier renegade angel is a masterpiece of postmodern storytelling. its seriously underappreciated.

>> No.11483911
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x799, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two separate women are on my mind; one a terrible memory of the painful past and the other a terrible fantasy of a blissful future. So I wrote a poem that blends that.

Black Apothecary

Jeweled orbs which through photons sing,
cry out their beautiful, terrible, ring.

What baffling things they thus inflict,
and to see--just the half of it.

There was no hope where those spheres impinged,
Nerve endings numbed, no spark, no twinge.

When just a glance stole march on chance,
Now paired with a smirk, force of an avalanche.

It was hoped no door was left ajar,
Yet clearly heard, "come near, go far!"

Tensions rose and then expanded,
An orchestra seldom commanded.

Within, a conflict burning bright,
Give up the struggle, or stand and fight?

Foolish courage thence congealed,
"Follow this road that bends and peels!"

"Soon enough you'll reach the shop,
You can't miss it, you'll know the stop."

Rumored medicine, both cold and bitter,
That soon soothes and warms like liquor.

"I've come this far, what's a little further?"
Explained, excused, with rising fervor.

"Push on the door, you'll find it's open,
But watch your step, the stairs are broken."

"Welcome, friend, it's been a while,
We've missed you here." less tact, more guile.

"You've been down and out, we've just the thing,
The barkeep, she's a coiled spring."

"Make a friend, live a little,
You know it's always noncommittal."

Nervous fingers grip and claw,
He'd heard that tale, that lying saw.

A patron spoke, "you'll lose your head,
"Some, they say, even end up dead."

"But there's no returning from beyond this border,
So sidle up, and place your order."

His head was spinning, senses weak,
Would he even manage to speak?

"Your strongest draft! Your stiffest drink!
Hurry up, before I can think!"

"This medicine," she said, "made from fruit,"
"You'll like the taste, the sting's acute."

"We've just one left, it's out of season,
You'll get no more, and get no reason."

Recklessly imbibed, then all he desired,
"Ingredients!?" frightfully inquired.

"The fruit? It's Love, we use just the pit,
The price?

That you'll remember it."

>> No.11483925

good read

>> No.11483938

Step 1. stop being unhappy
Step 2. be happy

There your problems are solved

>> No.11483950

Sup Sam

>> No.11483991
File: 55 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know some books like this shit? why am i always tired n shit

>> No.11484008

How much sugar do you eat in relation to other carbs?

>> No.11484013

not that much really, i had two arizona drinks that had a lot, but none of my other food has sugar, and i only drank that today cuz somebody bought it for me, i dont think its sugar

>> No.11484022

do you eat enough food? how many calories per day do you eat?

>> No.11484041 [DELETED] 

a lot probably, lately i've been eating pizza after work cuz its so cheap, and then at night i'll have paneer and brown rice which is high fat so probably loaded with calories, should i eat a bigger breakfast? i usually either have oatmeal with protein powder mixed in, or a couple eggs, then the pizza after work, and then paneer at night, maybe a protein bar somewhere which is a source of sugar if i get the cheap ones, but i try to just buy the two dollar good ones

>> No.11484067

Handel's compositions include 42 operas, 29 oratorios, more than 120 cantatas, trios and duets, numerous arias, chamber music, a large number of ecumenical pieces, odes and serenatas, and 16 organ concerti.

>> No.11484068

/mu/ is over there, fag

>> No.11484078

what are you?

>> No.11484079


>> No.11484090


>> No.11484150
File: 204 KB, 1300x956, trunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I'm imagining a teacher writing ED on a white board (or smart board), and lecturing the class with these vague sexual references. The girls are thinking Eating Disorder, while the boys are all about Erectile Dysfunction. There's a lot of jokes I can come up with for both topics. I'm just wondering the medium for writing this.

>> No.11484166


>> No.11484246

I have an app idea, anyone wanna help?

>> No.11484255

I feel like I'm pursuing a degree in something I have little interest in
I struggled for so long with picking a major, I finally did and chose Business Administrations. But how bland does that sound? I want to study arts more, I want to read and write more. But I'm unsure that's justified, I don't know what I can do with an English degree or whatever. I only chose BA because it seemed very broad and applicable to many areas

My entire college career so far has been a mess, it hasn't at all been what I wanted

>> No.11484257

right now im trying to figure out how to have coherent political opinions in general

>> No.11484606

Prolly the best original story I've ever read/seen

>> No.11484859

I think my schizophrenia is getting worse again but I'm unsure, I have memories but no idea if any of it happened and people telling me things happened but I have no recollection of them, my care coordinator is visiting tomorrow maybe I'll mention it, they only offer medication that makes things slow down until I die

>> No.11485388


Honestly, books by lesbian feminists. Adrienne Rich (21 love poems and transcendental etude, particularly) and Marilyn Hacker are very good, and offer insights into a (particular kind of) woman's worldview. Rich also has an essay, compulsory heterosexuality, that's really interesting and worth looking into. You may not be amenable to what is admittedly a very radical point of view, given where you're coming from, but it's worth engaging with it regardless. Empathy is the key component to a lot of life, keep that in mind.

Also, women don't really experience emotion the same way as men, that's the point. Well, that's not really true...nebulous feelings like anger, sadness, etc., that goes without saying, but the impetus for and expression of those feelings are much different, is what I mean (and that's probably blatantly obvious to everyone). They experience life differently on a profound level; that doesn't mean inferiorly, only that yes, it feels alien to you because it is. That's why some hardcore feminists call for separatism, because there's such a severe gulf between men/women's emotional understanding/needs. Common ground can be found, of course, but the angle from which each sex approaches things is wildly unique and requires a Herculean effort to try to reach said common ground, as well as a lot of introspection.

I'm not gonna pretend to understand women, but in a broad sense this is what I'm coming to learn.

Anyway, try them out. You could also try the usual suspects like Woolf or Morrison. I remember Shaw's pygmalion being pretty good in this regard, too.

>> No.11485452

I told myself that i was going to masturbate before going to the library today but I didn't because i was running late. I was struggling with a passage from Plato when this girl with pink cheeks and crimson lips sat in front of me. No matter how many time I reread the passage, I couldn't make sense of it because the girl kept intruding into my mind. Exasperated, I packed my stuff and left.

>> No.11485480

masturbation wouldn't change that pal, you need to get a prozzie in or go have a one night stand or something

>> No.11485496

Lol it does for me.

>> No.11485506

ok then mate continue not having sex and losing your ability to read because of a stiffy you popped in a library

>> No.11485520
File: 3.03 MB, 4032x3024, 1524108095523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My studies are getting more and more intense every day. If I can continue like this til the end of the year without burning myself out or having another mental breakdown then I think I'll finally have something to be somewhat proud of, as insignificant as it is. While typing this I've realized that I don't even know what being proud feels like, I've never experienced that feeling before.

>> No.11485536

Are we living in a new golden age of personality cults, or does it just seem that way? Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molyneux, Mike Cernovich, Sam Harris, Varg Vikernes, Gavin McInnes, even Sam Hyde - all cults, of greater or lesser magnitude, composed of lost young men.

Has it always been like this, or is it taking on a newer intensity?

>> No.11485538

>spent money on a gaming console for children
>doesn't have a bed or desk
>taped his webcam on a laptop that spies on you by design
is this one of those cursed meme images people make or something?

>> No.11485541

>cant reach books without disassembling desk

>> No.11485548

I cannot decide if the photo is from a manchild or a crime scene picture

>> No.11485556

Nah it's always been like this. Ever heard of Muhammad?

>> No.11485564

It's not my photo. I saved it from a battlestation thread on /g/, anon was rebuilding after he lost his house in a hurricane.

>> No.11485569

the aura of that image is terrifying still

>> No.11485571
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, 1524108176673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was pretty comfy. It got better for anon too

>> No.11486035
File: 871 KB, 1473x2048, 31260139754_70902c863f_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a friendship where one person wants to be more than friends . Can such a relationship be saved or will it inevitably degenerate into passive-aggressiveness and resentment?
It is a good friendship, bring me joy from time to time, but I don't know how much of this joy comes from the delusional excitement of flirting, or from the scraps of affection that I think are better than nothing...
Help me /lit/, for I'm hurt

>> No.11486202
File: 64 KB, 736x734, 0fc9e506e1d3ef6f549eac5a7da709d5--face-art-hale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dreamed that I was my high school self again. It was a miserable spring morning, clammy and eerily still. There were a couple of other people in the classroom but there was no motion, no sound. It was dim, grey. I was possessed by hatred. Standing beside myself, somewhere to my right, I looked like I was waiting for someone but knew that nothing would make the hatred stop. I tried to move but couldn't, not even my eyes. It was not so much that I knew it would never stop, but that I couldn't conceive of something other than hatred. The dream barely lasted a moment but while I was there that was all there was, not even time, not even me, just hatred.

>> No.11486207

Being single at 27 makes me want to die.

>> No.11486277


I'm married with 31. Trust me, there are many benefits in being single. The freedom of a bachelor’s life is as valuable as the companionship you get by living with another person. That’s the great tragedy of relationships: you will never feel entirely satisfied either by being single or by uniting your fate with someone else’s.

As for sex, I remember when I was single and spend money with prostitutes: it was a very nice life. I advise you to do that if you are feeling sexual urges.

>> No.11486968

The pretty thing walks in the room covered in clear clothes. Walking through the room he shows his beauty to everyone who is present without even realizing it.

>> No.11487522

My family is low IQ and it's time to admit I am as well.

>> No.11488359
File: 542 KB, 674x2464, nameofthewind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to read this review and not end up hating all women?

>> No.11488483

That's a good feeling to have. Maybe you could stop buying shit you don't need.

>> No.11488544
File: 32 KB, 653x490, 3456970204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I ever be able to go a day without thinking about her?

>> No.11488596


>> No.11488624

Sex and Character by Otto Weininger.

>> No.11488638

she is enjoying herself. you needn't bother yourself hating someone for enjoying pleasure.

>> No.11488662

Is there ever a reason to hate someone who is enjoying themselves?

>> No.11488666

Why the fuck my pee pee hard

>> No.11488670

Dont despair anon
Just be educated

>> No.11488684

Sure, a psychopath enjoying pleasure while nonconsensually torturing someone for instance.

>> No.11488693

If there are legitimate reasons to hate some people who are enjoying themselves then the fact that she's enjoying herself cannot in itself be a reason not to hate her.

>> No.11488705
File: 23 KB, 600x600, 14359274_1113449282077143_3613446542082125471_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all modes by which enjoyment can be achieved are the same

>> No.11488720

Straight out of 2010 with that implying shit. No, I didn't imply that. I said a persons enjoyment in itself is not a sufficient reason to either love or hate them. You need more than that. You need to explain why their particular enjoyment doesn't merit hate as opposed to other forms of enjoyment which do.

>> No.11488729
File: 777 KB, 861x566, life_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hate it because they fear the unknown. They would rather stay with whats comfortable, even if its slowly killing them.
Couch and videogames is more appealing than labour and brotherhood. The associations fascism has with murder is also scary to many. But those aren't tenets of fascism, those were the result of weak men in desperate times.
Hopefully one day people get over the propaganda of the past century and see the merits of a unified collectivist militaristic society working towards a common goal as brothers and sisters, led by a father who truly loves his children.
The only thing that keeps me going is the hope that one day an avatar comes again and inspires humanity to unify together into a fascistic society and take us to the stars instead of squabbling on earth, forever warring with each other until a stray meteor connects with our little blue dot and wipes us out for eternity.

I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this post from ignorant people and thats ok.
No I dont go to /pol/ before someone tells me to go back there. /pol/ are just as misled as everyone else, all they care about is racism and venting their anger, they dont even remotely understand what the men believed in in the early 20th century.

>> No.11488732

Did you even read what I originally said?
>you needn't bother yourself hating someone for enjoying pleasure
Do you take pleasure in hatred? If yes, seek help.

>> No.11488767

By saying I shouldn't bother hating someone for enjoying pleasure you were actually saying that I shouldn't hate someone purely for the pleasure of hating something? If so you're an awful writer. Regardless, why would it be wrong to gain pleasure by hating something worth hating?

>> No.11488780

This is absurdly sublime. But in truth we should probably go back to a system that restricts the choices women have. The father should act as the primary care taker of his daughters.

>> No.11488973

>You need to explain why their particular enjoyment doesn't merit hate
what do you want your hate to amount to?

>> No.11488979

>But those aren't tenets of fascism
>muh not real fascism

>> No.11488982

i want to be bad but i am good :(

>> No.11488987

>worth hating
the question has already been proposed, how does one decide what is worth hating

>> No.11488990

I'm disgusted by my current state right now. Trying to finish my archive so I can stop using internet completely.

>> No.11489002

how many of you people are cool? actually cool

>> No.11489020
File: 304 KB, 400x400, emerson_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cool

>> No.11489045

Dear Diary,

I like this girl named Cosette. She's like real pretty and super cool. I want her to be my girlfriend. That would make me happy.


>> No.11489079

I'm trying to recall a debate/argument fallacy. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it and it's driving me nuts
Essentially it's when you reach a conclusion based on your previous unfounded points

>> No.11489093

i am a completely helpless depressive when sober and a social, friendly comedian when buzzed.

>> No.11489113

It's a circular argument or begging the question when you assume what you're trying to prove.

>> No.11489126

I'm so full of angst right now because of her. It's truly amazing how despondent a man can become over the love he feels for a woman, one he doesn't even date, no less.

>> No.11489158

>By saying I shouldn't bother hating someone for enjoying pleasure you were actually saying that I shouldn't hate someone purely for the pleasure of hating something? If so you're an awful writer. Regardless, why would it be wrong to gain pleasure by hating something worth hating?

You are so far up your own ass, it is incredible.

Tell me, what do you think it means to hate? To hate is to strongly detest, abhor, dislike. Pleasure is the opposite of hatred. If you hate someone then you are not experiencing a feeling of pleasure upon your cognition of them. I am beginning to hate you because you are so far up your own ass. So this is the last (you) I'm giving you.

>> No.11489170

the logical validity of an argument is a function of its internal consistency, not the truth value of its premises.

>> No.11489171
File: 25 KB, 250x312, 64609523-FBE4-4EA6-BA0B-31EA4868E33D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t stop prematurely ejaculating. It’s so embarrassing.

>> No.11489173

Excellent shitpost but I never said it wasnt true fascism. It was just corrupted and strayed from the path. The doctrine of fascism states that the goal of fascism is a revival of the imperial spirit without the need to conquer a single square mile of territory. Imperial as in either directly or indirectly the leader of nations. But neither is it about peace. It acknowledges that human history is in a constant state of flux, that there can be no utopias, and war is inevitable. Fascism is about realism and pragmatism.
War and murder aren't tenets of fascism just because fascists in the past did those things, that was a result of the time and the people involved. WW2 would have happened regardless of who who started it because WW1 was never properly resolved. The Jews would have been persecuted, if not by Hitler then by someone else. These were the results of the period not the result of ideologies.

>> No.11489205

>how many of you people are cool? actually cool
would it be better (meaning what? context? for any/different contexts) for after the question mark to say: like actually cool?

which one would make for a cooler complete sentence, actually cool...... which one would make for a cooler sentence just as a cooler sentence, like actually cool

? which one, can the reasoning be explained? syllable balance? the 'like' is meta good or bad, adds something to it, or judged to be lame, like gay, like a girl says like alot, like, ya know, but in that context, if there are not a lot of, like, likes around, like, would it be cool to use it?

>> No.11489212

should I drink wine

>> No.11489235

Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise (illicit negative) – a categorical syllogism has a positive conclusion, but at least one negative premise.[12]
Fallacy of exclusive premises – a categorical syllogism that is invalid because both of its premises are negative.[12]
Kettle logic – using multiple, jointly inconsistent arguments to defend a position
Inductive fallacy – A more general name to some fallacies, such as hasty generalization. It happens when a conclusion is made of premises that lightly support it.

>> No.11489267

>war is inevitable
>War and murder aren't tenets of fascism
if you want fascism to exist, and you say war is inevitable, it appears

>> No.11489287

if god wills it

>> No.11489356

I don't remember the last time I was not sober. I only really enjoyed getting wasted with a group of friends I had in school. We used to go to wastelands. The broken bridge was so fucking nice. Also that piece of land next to the highway.
I just don't see the point in drinking now. Looking back at these memories makes me feel that I won't get that kind of experiences ever again. Why would I drink if I know that it won't be with them at those places doing the shit we used to do? I want to drink and get wasted but the memories keep making me feel like it's not worth attempting to recreate those moments knowing that they can't be recreated. I don't know if I'm making any sense.
We were so young too. A bunch of 15 year old kids. I hope they all didn't end up fucked up. I hope he didn't end all washed up. I hope he didn't kill himself.
Will I ever be able to enjoy drinking again? Is it possible to have experiences that are close to those I remember so dearly? Is it even possible to have better times than the ones I had then?

>> No.11489380

Why is it so easy for things to be crappy? The phenomenon of life itself is a cosmic tight rope act and to realize how the vast majority of the universe could kill you makes you wonder if the universe wants you dead.
Radiation, dehydration, UV rays, tobacco, other people: the list is endless. The world holds human life in contempt.
And yet with all that in mind is the flipside, whatever's miraculous about life, the sapling, the butterfly caught in a ray of light, the hopeful newborn.
Trying to reconcile the idea that things are only brought to life to ultimately suffer and die with the shining edge of the joy of life is quite something, and I'm not sure this is the right venue for it.

>> No.11489407

The way I see it is that things are brought to life for the sake of bringing them to life. They are not brought to life to "ultimately suffer and die". What I'm trying to say is that there is no ultimate purpose or reason to this cycle just as there is no starting or ending point in a circle (or in energy if you like to keep it in the materialostic/scientific level). The cycle is just there for no other reason than to be there. It isn't brought about by something other than the consciousness of its existence. This might be obvious after that last sentence but I'm referring to Hegel.
There is nothing to reconcile about the dialectic process of the world —strictly speaking, your perception of the world.

>> No.11489418

I sat in a grandiose setting, a sheer testimate to the lack of skill it takes to fit the celebrity mold in America. Instead of being a prude, I chose to aquaint myself with the bimbo who called this place home.
(It’s part of my Kim K. x Reader fantasy that I’m writing. This was a very early rough draft.)

>> No.11489423

how many of you live in weed legal areas? whats it like?

>> No.11489424

That just brings me to the absurdity of it all. A purposeless cycle: why should that be the definite form of existence? Why should it have that attribute at its core as opposed to all possibility?
The incidental nature of life is an eternal proposition and so is the problem of evil which entails from it.
Every attempt to reign in the chaos and impose an order eventually runs into this point. Despite all the efforts of religion and storytelling and everything else, there is no conclusive answer to why the world is the way it is, why it goes wrong, and why arbitrariness prevails at the root of existence.

>> No.11489437

My balls
My balls
What manner of organic splendour are my balls
Heavy and heaving, breathing things are they
Hark an angel
Wailing on the trumpet
My balls they make the semen
While my penis merely pumps it

>> No.11489441

these two are very good pieces of writing

>> No.11489446

I text a number and get high quality weed products delivered to my home in an hour.

>> No.11489452

It's only natural that you are perplexed by the apparent absurdity of it. It gets even worse. Purposelessness is by itself a purpose. We can say that lack of purpose is the defining characteristic of the cycle, thus making it its purpose.
You have to stop asking why it is this way or why it isn't that other way. Participating in that is falling head over heels for the cause of that evil you speak of. You perception is framed between either chaos or perfection. Either good or evil. Your understanding is framed by that perception.
I can only say to you that however hopeless it seems, the way out exists. It is there for the same reason that we are caught up in the cycle. The existence of the cycle necessitates the existence of its way out of it. This again is basic Hegel. The negation.
Know this also. You frame everything by either of these four propositions:
There is
There isnt
There is and isnt
There neither is nor isnt
Now, negate everyone of the four and make sense of the world outside of any of those four propositions. Only then you'll be able to experience the truth. Yes, this is pragmatic. You have to experience it directly. There is no other way.

>> No.11489498

These threads used to be filled with posts like this. I remember quoted anon. Hope he's doing good.

>> No.11489504

no way to get in touch with your old friends?

>> No.11489524

>stating a fact of human nature means i want it to happen

>> No.11489525

Yeah. You think I should contact them?

>> No.11489528

how does your area handle it, and the people, change anything? urban/suburban/rural? multiple shops near? know how their business is? what you usually get?

>> No.11489552

Life seems exceedingly difficult at times. Things get confusing and the work ahead of us seems too difficult a task to overcome, so we complain and complicate the very task itself rather than even attempting to do it. Then it becomes a loop of useless bickering that eventually leaves us feeling shittier than just doing the work itself.

I think we all know deep down what to do to make our lives better or even what we consider happier, but a lot of us just don't have the courage to do so.

>> No.11489601

The shops open are fine for awhile. Some new law passes to require a new licence or something and nobody hears about so the shops all get raided. Then they come back. The price is cheaper then when it was illegal. I'm suburban. There are many shops. They all do fine. I get edibles cause they are dank and cost like 4$, some tincture so I can pour some in like a coke or something when I am out, and weed. The weed typically comes in nice packaging.

>> No.11489616

exactly mate, should have just let hitler carry on, he was enjoying himself after all

>> No.11489623


>> No.11489683

I like you.

Do you really feel like humanity can continue to exist on the same path it is now? If you look at population statistics, factually there has to be a collapse. If the population of rabbits out grows the limits of the forest, their population crashes. Humanity will see that at some point soon. It's just taken centuries because of technology advances. But tech has and will continue to stagnate until it can't keep up with demand. Humans will never colonize space. Maybe thousands of years from now but not now. The way society currently exists, it's just not possible. At some point the whole of Earth is going to have a real problem. Humanity is going to be set back ages to small groups fighting over food and clean water.

Do you really think that society will matter when everything collapses? Do you think identity politics will matter when everything collapses? Do you think our planet will die before humanity does?

People worry way too much about the stupidest shit.

>> No.11489708

I lived like this image for almost a whole year. It was comfy as shit. Being minimalist is truly underrated. I have since purchased furniture and what not. I regret it.

>> No.11489757

>he needs a reson to hate women

>> No.11489775

It's how I want to live when I finally move out too. To have no attachment to material things is the dream.

>> No.11489813

why don't we just breed animals that will feed themself?

>> No.11489818

Do it. It's so much more simple and clean. Cluttered homes are one of the most frustrating things. I don't understand how people and pack their family rooms with couches, recliners, and coffee tables to the point where they can barely move. It also makes cleaning and moving infinitely more difficult. While living like that I felt less stressed out and much more at peace.

>> No.11489833

scion born under wilting pages of mechanical apocrypha
a dim light among infinity bearing witness to manifold grandeur
shone though your copper-hollow
soul a bright starlight blind and blue
and wire all tangled

>> No.11489854
File: 102 KB, 560x376, average_anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11489884

Everyone is larping at all times. It's just that most don't know who or what they're larping as

>> No.11489950

Things inside my head are cluttered enough, I don't need a home full of disorder to add to it. I can't wait to leave now, damn.

>> No.11490167
File: 506 KB, 600x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most tragic aspect of scenes like this is that the pianist will never have anyone to dance with. He is providing the music, and he is driving the dance, but he will never get to join in.

This was something that came to me when I was practicing Erik Satie's 'Je te Veux' - it was amidst my despair in the fact that after all these years, I'm still absolutely trash at playing the piano, just like everything else in my life.

>> No.11490220
File: 59 KB, 220x276, boring.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so bored all the time but don't know how to change my life. Feel stuck.

>> No.11490269

Go for a run or something

>> No.11490407

It bothers me how being direct in speech is generally taken with offense in English speaking cultures. When speaking in Mandarin if somebody asks me to do something and I reply with a simple "yes" it is no problem, but in English people consider it rude.

>> No.11490423

Imagine wanting to be a herd animal this bad, lmao

>> No.11491209
File: 47 KB, 600x600, berniebrosfallback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after all the damage you bernie bros did to the country in 2016, don't you think it's time to step aside and let women decide?

>> No.11491213

in english you can just reply with a simple "ok" you fucking low verbal iq mong, if someone asks you to do something, it doesn't make sense to respond with "yes" since it's not a yes or no question

>> No.11491226

>can you do this for me?

How is this not a yes/no question?

>> No.11491246

and your autistic ass thinks answering "yes" to that wouldn't be acceptable in english? also there is no word for "yes" in mandarin, dui means "correct", also in mandarin you just put "ma" on the end of the statement to make a question so your mom is saying "you eat your tendies, yeah" and you say "correct" face it you are just a pseud

>> No.11491386

Are you really sure that I would reply with 对 and not the corresponding verb? I'm sure you knew that though since you're well versed in Mandarin. That's the thing, I do think responding "yes" to "can you do this for me?" is acceptable. If I say "yes" and proceed to do it how is it an issue? Do you require the extra words to not have your ego hurt?

>> No.11491401



>> No.11491404

you thought you hurt someone's ego because you said yes to something that asked you to do? lmao what a tard, and yeah i know you can respond with the verb, but thats not the same as saying "yes", you have low social iq, low verbal iq, and are just an all around pseud

>> No.11491422
File: 18 KB, 702x558, 14956579_1395603307146683_7786001038231281228_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the same as saying "yes"

>> No.11491624

so its disrespectful because of how you say it? if you say it bummed out? they think you arent excited, you can say, but then if you say it too excited they will think you are sarcastic, in english maybe this is used the softer; yeah, its more inviting then a formal hard yessss

or tacking other words on, will you do this? yes, i will, sounds good, when is a good time?
and how the emotion and tone of voice play, you have to create the sounds and inflection of the 'yes' so that it sounds like you honestly dont mind

>> No.11491700

Been there too.

>be me
>last year of school
>changed school type cause the former didn't work out
>be there for around a month
>two other girls join my class, also visited another type of school before
>one of them is her
>introverted kind of girl, mostly sitting there alone with her headphones in
>notice she smokes
>be kind of a loner too (no problems with socializing, just don't care that much)
>go outside to smoke together
>have some nice conversations
>similar kind of humor, interests, views of life (at least partly)
>seemingly perfect chemistry
>spend a lot of time with each other
>becomes important to me but never thought of a relationship or stuff like that
>she has a boyfriend but she doesn't love him at all and never did (she literally told me), actually suffered from it but couldn't get herself out
>whatever, don't think I'm capable of loving someone anyway because emotionally crippled autist
>get even more close to each other
>feel like she understands me on a level no other woman prior to her did
>become one of the most important persons to her too
>tells me I'm the only one she can really talk to because I actually listen to her and understand her unlike her shallow friends or dumb bf
>bf hates me by the way which she finds funny
>especially amusing when he got already pissed of by simply seeing her phone light up
>still don't try anything, still don't realize I already have the feelz for her
>everyone ships us though, so thought about having more than friendship is at least present
>talk a lot to her and try to help her with her problems
>some are just general existential problems, some are specific
>many have to do with her being stuck in shitty dead end relationship that gives her no pleasure in any form (dude is dumb and shallow, has a wagecuck job, sex life is boring and, as previously mentioned, there is no love)
>one day she almost breaks up with him
>doesn't because she's the most inconsequent person I know
>get crushed by it and can no longer deny feelings for her
>talk to friend about it
>friend tells me that, considering how much I mean to her, I could be the one to help her out by actual love
>decide to confess my feelings
>do it
>she doesn't feel the same
>she tells me in the sweetest, most understanding way possible though
>think I'll get over it and also don't want her to loose the only one who listens to her
>try keep going with friendship as if nothing happened
>be writing second book at the time
>give her my manuscript
>manuscript also contains some very intense thoughts about the rejection that doesn't even will be in the finished book, but needed to get them off my chest
>don't want her to read it, so tell her to just don't read the part from page x to page y
>she gets curious and asks why
>be honest (I almost always am) and tell her it's about her
>gets even mor curious
>let her read it eventually

Part 1

>> No.11491717

it doesnt make sense to answer like that in english you dumbfuck, man u sure are stupid

>> No.11491722

in english you just say "ok" but that guy is a fucking pseud who thought he could show off his first week of chinese 101 knowledge and impress us like we're his mom, fuck off faggot

>> No.11491735

i've done a lot of dumb shit ion my life but these confessing love to your friends shit i avoided some how, i guess because i like thought about it from the girls perspective, when i was a teenager some chunky white girl told me how she had this big crush on me in jr high blah blah blah i was like "i barely know you and you're overweight"

>> No.11491780

lit is so full of idiotic spergs and manbabies and chubby nazis, but i did get memed into reading spinoza's ethics by some fagt on here and man that shit is dank af, unlike most philosophers spinoza actually has something to say

>> No.11491833


Part 2

>tell her she can ask me anything she wants about it
>some questions are just "what did you mean by..." and so on
>one is different
>"do you think it would have worked out?"
>tell her that even if it wouldn't have been forever, we still could have found beauty beyond comparison and that there would have been no regret left in our heart afterwards
>she tells me it's a good answer
>ask her if she thinks it could have worked
>tells me she doesn't know
>not what I expected
>feelings never disappeard and now they blossom again
>school trip is near
>decide to give it one more try, if it doesn't work out cut off contact
>she still doesn't feel that way about me
>tell her that I can't keep in touch with her regularly, since it would destroy my heart
>tell her she still can contact me if things get really bad (we're both really damaged and I don't want her to suffer alone just because she can't love me)
>she understands
>school is basically over except for some days with exams (don't have school inbetween because my country's education system is weird)
>at the day we get our diplomas we talk to each other again for one last time
>one and a half months passed since last time we talked
>tell her again that she can contact me anytime she needs me cause I won't
>she doesn't
>nothing but a painful memory now

I'm over it by now, but I hope my story shows how much suffering could have been avoided, if I just cut her out of my life before.

Doesn't mean that you have no chance but don't lie to yourself either, you know what I mean? Leave the past behind and bury what's dead.

>> No.11491842

Just say you got friendzoned faggot
Kind of similar, but me and this girl both liked each other without ever really talking for several years. However I was too much of an autist to confess. When I did learn that she used to like me, I found out firsthand that she got over it.

>> No.11491853

I would have been unable to forgive myself if I didn't try. The "What if?"s would have been unbearable.

>> No.11491908

Don't read the post, if you don't care, faggot.

>> No.11491941 [DELETED] 

yeah i feel u, but in this era of 4chan and redpilled "manosphere" shit people should know that never works, when i was in college the worst case ever happened and i cringed so bad, there were these two sort of nerdy hippy kids who would play hackysack in front of the student union and you could tell they were potheads but also gamers and anime types, the girl was cute and the guy was dorky culturally but he looked ok i guess, and they were always together, sometimes with other dorky gamer stoner types, sometimes id join their hack circle and the girl seemed a little flirty like she was clearly interested in meeting new dudes, etc. .... so one day her "best friend" published a letter in the school newspaper declaring his love for her! the whole fucking school read that shit man, this was just around the beginning of facebook, so probably a lot of people didnt know who they were, but that shit was an insane fucking cringe, and the next time i saw them after that the guy was holder her hand in the student center, but she looked fucking mortified and just miserable, haha oh god whenever you think you did something cringe at least you arent THAT guy

>> No.11492006

Fuck, that sounds horrible. In today's times, that dude would have been fucking ripped apart on social media.

>> No.11492243

Google: emotional tampon

she was leading you on 'yeah my boyfriend is sooo bad... ugh... its so annoying like... he leave the toilet seat up... argh... he fuck my pussy too hard once..heheh and once he cum in my eye.... hehehe .i haatteee himmm soo annoying..... hehehe"

"aw that sucks babe, lets hangout and talk while you dont have anyone to give you attention I will be here for you"

"alright...well, its been a while, *gets down on knee* i-i love you"

"ohhh sweatie...even if my chad bf gave me a black eye every other week as much as i would complain about it for attention and to make myself feel like a movie character, I will never actually leave him, silly"

"yeah, heh...duhh...hah...."

>> No.11492576

We got into a huge argument yesterday, so I was lucky to skip the pathetic "I need some space, call me if you need me tho" (nothing personal, just acknowledging I'd do the same). When I find someone else I'll get back to this friend, I don't think there was real love or hope towards him, I'm just very lonely.

>> No.11492625

>Google: emotional tampon

No, thanks
On a more serious note, I get the idea, but these issues can be simply circumvented with brutal honesty, no need to join the woman hate cult

>> No.11492633

Existential crises are middlebrow.

>> No.11492793

>but these issues can be simply circumvented with brutal honesty
I believe what I offered was the brutal honesty, I didnt say anything about hating women or cults

>> No.11492810

whats the deal with this sound at 7:18 + 7:21
is this due to computer generated sound? perfectness, natural process sound? or some doppler shift weird blur audio effect? or some mixture? it sounds so intriguing and weird,


>> No.11492838

Brutal honesty in the sense of actually telling the girl "I want to date you, not just to serve as a shoulder to cry".

>> No.11493325

doubt anything would come of it. best left as a memory.

>> No.11493436

I have tried to be a good person but it doesn't work. It's not that I'm a bad person but I'm definitely not a good one. I've never had the wish to be one until recently, and I don't know if the wish is something mine or I'm finally losing against the whole good person idea. I'm trying to find real reasons to be a good person but nothing satisfies me, and I hate when philosophers just solve this with epistomology.

>> No.11493591

this piece is what a certain kind of autism sounds like

from around 3:21 (3:34) (though before) it picks up and I dont think it drops or lets down after, the slow intro is kind of weird and..interesting, though may have some kind of awkward ugliness, bizarreness, unnaturalness in relation to musical ideas of mozart, maybe it is a purer touch of Liszts own absolute personal expression and belief of high positive novelties, though also maybe the slightest bit as mentioned, odd, compared to other musical ideas of liszt (and even among intros), and the ending is just so epic. And a theme, a little counter idea, that may come up fewer times in this score than in the actual piece of Mozart, at 12:34, its played in trumpet in the actual opera here:
at 42:43... but this sweet trumpet call back part at: 42:56 is such a beautiful and harmonious and idealistic idea, its like military fanfare, buglers excited cavalry call

many beautiful, subtle, fitting brilliant ideas like this weaved together awesomely is what makes Mozart great

And why sampling music became extremely popular at all, as little tiny sections such as there can offer lovely reply value.

>> No.11493668

>makes them think that I am autistic

>> No.11493684

Is it possible to glance at the catalog and not end up hating all men?

>> No.11493692

>that may come up fewer times in this score than in the actual piece of Mozart,
thats false, he themes on it

>> No.11493728

i was just at the store and there were these two white teenage girls with their asses hanging out of booty shorts, and im like get a load of these fucking thots, they started talking and im like is that polish, usually white girl in the hood is like a pole, or maybe its portaguese and this are brazilian thots, but it was hebrew, why are israeli chicks so slutty? is that why the muslims make their women wear a bedsheet to go outside? cuz in that region chicks just walk around with everything hanging out otherwise?

>> No.11493748

committing suicide is sometimes done for the ego

>> No.11494003

i think that sorrow goes much deeper

>> No.11494092

lately whenever i go in grocery or department stores to buy shit right when i'm about to leave the fucking security guard always walks right up behind me and like tries to bump into me, this happened at two different stores with three different security fags, i'm not even black, back the fuck off me mother fucker, i guess they think if they stand like two inches from your ass they will spook you and if u stole u will try to run or something, i just ignore them, but im gonna have to start staring them down if they keep pulling this shit, back the fuck off or ill just order from amazon and you can hit the unemployment line bitch

>> No.11494316

theres a certain poster itc who ive begun to recognize consistently just by his posting style and content, its kind of weird how recognizing him shatters the veil of anonymity that you usually see here

>> No.11494432

It's too late for me to do anything about this, but I just wanted to say that you deserve to have started a proper discussion.

>> No.11495013

who here sluggard?

>> No.11495021

'I am losing her' I thought.
But I did not feel. I thought it; but i did not feel. Not for her, for that fact, or for much of anything. She had been cold since I had come home. I ignored her call around 6. When she expected me to be off work, and when she expected me to at the very least tell her when I would be off. She declined my return call an hour later. When I arrived home I was greeted coldly. A glassy and uninterested glare all that she had to offer at my arrival.
'Dinners on the stove if you're hungry.'
'Whats wrong?' I asked, feigning interest.
'Nothing. I'm just tired.'
A blatant lie. I knew what was wrong. And so did she. Constantly bouncing between feeling neglected, feeling taken advantage of, and suspicions of my infidelities, there was almost always something wrong so far as she was willing to see. I've not always been a faithful man. And she's keen to being able to sense when my indulgences come between our already strained relationship. But her observance of the…less than provable details of our bond often extend to wherever her imagination leads her. I've been faithful in the flesh, but my mind constantly wanders. She always knows when we aren't connected. But often not why. Her active imagination and innate insecurities inevitably lead her to the worst case scenario everytime. In any case, this is something we both seem to have become accustomed to. The dreary day to day dread of forced interaction with one another.

>> No.11495138

that's actually kind of funny, maybe poetry?

>> No.11495200

I am so sick of this chaos and religious angst. The chaos has to end eventually.

I should write. Today I will write. Even if I have to write it in here I will write. Writing is actually a kind of game, after all, and if you can see that you'll come to enjoy it more than if you see it as a solemn duty. In a way, play is even more essential to the human being than sexuality. Play is like the archetypal higher activity that human beings can do. Everything I do I have begun to check against a Catholic superego which I've developed which I nevertheless do not believe in. I feel I created and fed this super-ego about a hundred pages of the online catholic encyclopedia + countless other thousands of words of theology/apologia/scripture in order to give myself some certainty in this otherwise dizzyingly complicated and incomprehensible existence.

The only problem is that I have absolutely no faith to speak of. I've said it before and I'll say it again—I don't know any better, I only know worse. I only know when to say know, which I've read enough to know is "always." Because if it's not good theology I say no and if it is I say nothing, which is an implicit know. Because I don't believe a fucking word of it. It produces absolutely no conviction in me. All that remains is a powerful sense of guilt that shouldn't even exist. I want some way to justify my contempt for the ugliness of this world, but I can't find one. Because even in the Catholic one feeling the least contempt for any of my neighbors or this world (which is good) renders me eligible for being pressed between two slabs of molten hot iron for two hundred years, with my nerves regenerated to the level of pain sensitivity of a baby.

Nah, just kidding, hell is actually much worse than that. Even the worst suffering on earth is nothing in comparison. You can't even speak about it in terms of nerve cells because in hell I imagine there will be no intermediary between yourself (your soul) and the torture.

I cannot believe such an abominable, abhorrent, horrific doctrine, and no true Christian is willing to refute it. For he couldn't. It's practically all Jesus talks about.

I have no convictions and nothing to defend and I'm completely confused and frustrated. I am so sick of this fucking dancing, but I"m too much of a coward and you are all too fucking simple and stupid for me to say fuck religion for good

>> No.11495210

>the best books ever written are the little adventure stories that kids read because those seem like the only honest books in the world. With the only audience that doesn't care how you said it or who likes it and the point is to make yourself clear so everyone can understand and give strong, bold statements about humanity and not try to confuse everyone with all this false depth and ugliness. The human soul should not be reduced to something so complex that it becomes unfathomable except by those with the time to read eighteen thousand books and fifteen thousand essays and twenty-seven thousand reviews by people who wish they could write books and thirty to forty dinner parties and three notable summer vacations, one of which had to be in Europe. The worst thing is being just good enough to write a thousand pages of nonsense and not good enough to write a fifty page adventure book about a boy who fights a dragon.

FUCK yeah dude. Best times I ever had reading was reading adventure stories as a boy. Basically YA fiction when I was in the age that warranted it. Silverwing and shit. Redwall. Those books made me feel new emotions I'd never even imagined I had within me and shook my soul to the fucking foundations on multiple occasions. Also Rumo... fuck I had a good childhood reading-wise

>> No.11495211

u shudnt write so much bro no one wanna read a 500 word shitpost especially some fedora shit thats not even humorous

>> No.11495217

fuk u

it's not fedora shit, the only reason you don't care is because you don't think, believe in, or understand anything

>> No.11495234

youre gay if you think sex is the ultimate pleasure

>> No.11495238


>> No.11495259

you gotta be honest and tell her how you feel. that or you're fucked

>> No.11495288

>The freedom of a bachelor’s life

man what freedom?

why would this make you mad


>People hate it because they fear the unknown

look at the legacy of blood

bullshit you're good

dont listen to that hegel bullshit man, it rots your brain worse than tv

you maudlin fucker, ever considered he might not be the only pianist in the world? Ur post is like getting sad at the barber because there's no one to cut HIS hair.

Also if you're really that bad at the piano after so long, pick another instrument

>> No.11495291

ya and that something is "the universe = god"

>> No.11495294

ya dude. it's always good to reconnect with old friends

>> No.11495296

do you think good people are born good? No, they become good. It can be hard, and it can take a while, but it can happen

It really doesn't, whatever that means. the moment you feel true joy you forget sorrow so completely you can barely imagine what it even feels like lol

what are his properties? and don't say the semicolon guy

>> No.11495303

>what are his properties?
>assuming it's a he

woah sexist much

>> No.11495304 [DELETED] 

Hey it's holy grail girl

>> No.11495310

I know you're just joking but I'm honestly so tired of this culture. I don't know what it is but this little nitpicking culture where the gay little nerds win the moral high ground every time. it's so frustrating it really does make me want to overturn the whole world and make good evil and evil good. I feel that's what they're doing, on some level, by their snideness and how they speak the truth without living the truth. They slander it much more than kkk nazi drumpf cheetoman

>> No.11495311

It's all fake man, chicks are the best actors

>> No.11495318

back room casting couch posts ads for chicks who want to get into adult videos, it doesnt tell them they're going to fuck that day, but usually ones who already work in the sex industry like strippers and shit come in shaved and enemad and ready to take dick, but the naive ones dont, they do pay them after even they will say stuff like "you're not gonna pay you today" etc but other times they spill the beans and say "you should get the check in like three weeks" or whatever

>> No.11495395

When people make fun of me for the way I perceive myself it's confusing. On one hand, I think that I'm better than ok but I also understand that I look silly being myself. I wonder if these people who critisize are themselves very special. I guess I can't be mad either way, but worry about refining my personality. Or not, do I need to?

>> No.11495400

i really have to quit 4chan man and maybe porn too

>> No.11495408

Nah. This world is full of posers. Who are you trying to impress? Conan? Who honestly gives a fuck about that loser or his loser audience, or anyone else? You have to be a narcissistic demented fuck to rape someone and expect her to tey to impress you. If i were raped i would murder my rapist or kill myself before i ever saught his or her validation.

>> No.11495432

Right now the problem it's not how hard it is but why should I.

>> No.11495512
File: 298 KB, 457x433, dvv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That recent Harold Bloom interview where he's 900 years old really hit me some place deep. That motherfucker would probably do anything, absolutely anything, for another year with the energy and the time that I have right now, that I'm squandering playing a fucking stupid video game or watching garbage Youtube videos.

Why do we perceive time's passage as a series of "mulligans" when we're young? Why do I instinctively feel like I'll "do better tomorrow," or a month from now, or next year? That's what I fucking said last year, and the year after that. What the hell am I doing? Every moment I am wasting is a moment I could have been climbing higher up the mountain of wisdom and seeing something truly worth living for.

>> No.11495513

It is not real, for numerous and obvious reasons. That anyone on /lit/ would believe it's real frankly depresses me.

>> No.11495555

if you were hot and fit you could have just go over to her and hand her your phone

you're just coping in fantasy land

>> No.11495573

I'm on a really good run of finding novels I wholly enjoy and I worry that will some day end

>> No.11495596

try nietzsche. it's all about saying yes.

>> No.11495962


thank you for that

>> No.11495982


I mean, I'm not him but it definitely is fedora shit. I get struggling with faith, it's a normal and serious/beautiful thing but you seem in a way arrogant about it. I don't know how to describe reading your post. You seem like someone who is wrapped up in their own arrogance about their adversity with faith rather than someone who sincerely wishes to get over their own ego. Idk, you seem hurt and that makes me sad and I genuinely do hope you learn to love God and find the guidance in your life than religion is meant to bring, but you must first really just try to get over yourself. Think about WHY you're having a hard time believing. Are you in your own way? What about it is difficult to digest? I've been undergoing the process of converting to Islam for the past several months now and wrestling with faith has been a consistent experience but it only has emboldened mine. The same will happen to you so long as you are noble about your intentions and really do want to immerse yourself in God. Good luck man seriously, ,much love and hope is there for you but it's up to you to recognize that shit and get out of your own head.

>> No.11496057

I think Trump is used to being president now. Do you think he is depressed or is he just angry? I think when he is sad or angry he probably just thinks of how hot Melania is and how even if everybody hates him at least his wife is a supermodel, yknow? That no one can deny she is HOT. Even all the fake news journalists when they take their photos of her they are thinking about how hot she is and how she is TRUMPS - she BELONGS to TRUMP. I bet he jacks off to pictures of Melania more than he has sex with her.

>> No.11496062

Write what's on my mind?
I fail to form a coherent explanation of whatever it is that I'm thinking about. Maybe this is what it feels like to be a brainlet. That was a joke. I don't think of myself as one, but not many people would want to, would they?

>> No.11496132

Where was it one first heard of the truth? The the? Into what sinuous, byzantine depths does Parmenidean με ov bring the Russellian? Certainly not the prodigally prodigious Meinongian jungle. Can you <i> tell </i> me -- you can say or know (a heap of broken images) -- did the boy assis sur son lit bras croisés sur la poitrine kserei pyoss tha einai (en algún sentido importante)?

>> No.11496143

>boy assis
>thinking about boys in french

>> No.11496260


>> No.11496354

kyrie eleison

>> No.11497569
File: 725 KB, 1111x748, 2454745724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11497599

Murakami represents everything wrong with Japanese culture.

>> No.11498681
File: 58 KB, 310x310, 1457727166-673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that I'll probably never visit the Bayreuth Festspiele.

>> No.11498694

Every day that passes, I become more and more disconnected from the world. If God is good, why is everyone going after their self-interests, unaware of the harm one does to their surroundings. Either ignorance stops them from choosing the all-around best choice or arrogance in the knowledge of what is best, yet one takes the path that yields the most reward since one deserves it no matter what.

I do not hate the world. I hate myself because I know what I am doing is wrong, but the alternative is suicide. I want to be married to a good girl one day, but I take the easiest choice and look after women willing to cheat on their spouses.

I understand that to love, one must open themselves up to love. But love always fades away. What fruit can love give? A child. And what actions must be made to have a child. Intercourse.

I can only have Intercourse though, as the very notion of falling in love is absent in my heart. I know the good I can do, but I rather meet women who love a man more than they do me, yet they're still messing around with me. It pains me knowing that despite getting the very thing that could conceive a child, they will never stay with me like I know they will stay with their spouse. And I am okay with it, until the night is over and I realize that the orgasm is not enough and I am alone again in bed while he is not.

>> No.11498725

implying im not looking forward to it, we could be on the brink of world wide collapse or at least western collapse, life could get real funky in the next 10-20 years

>> No.11498743

Story going nowhere. Still holding on to the delusion. Just one more day I promise.

>> No.11498765

Hedonism: the post

>> No.11498822


orgasm can be used as a metaphor for pleasure itself (or the summit of pleasure). It dosen't need to be related to sex.

>> No.11498829

just do it. swallow those pills and sleep it off

>> No.11498867

I just cried to this song and the ambiguity of my future, I hope it all gets better, but even if it doesnt stuff like this will continue to exist and that makes me happy

>> No.11498890


Looks like one of Kafka's neurotic aphorisms

>> No.11499106

I'm having a crisis of identity where I feel like I can't just be myself and I am forcing myself to be something I am not. I made myself get a routine and whilst it's easy it isn't me. Does that make sense? I have always been a "well this will happen and okay it will" kind of person and I have set "routines" before but never strict and more of a "well I have to get this done this week so whenever I want to get to it I will" and it was never really a schedule down to time or anything. Now I do, and I hate it.

Not related to Peterson or anything but I don't want to really clean my room. I cleaned and keep it tidy but I miss my organised chaos. Stuff was cluttered but I knew where it was, you know? I want to go back to that but I am forcing myself not to and I don't know why when it isn't what I want.

>> No.11499162

a lot is getting in the way. I don't feel anything when I read the bible. None of it makes me feel anything except disgust and some aesthetic displeasure, with maybe a little fear and dread mixed in, too.

It's a deeply ugly book that doesn't speak to me in any way. I can accept that I'm so depraved that I am unable to understand any of it (that is, that it is pearls before swine) or to appreciate its beauty, but where does that leave me? What am I supposed to do? Christianity doesn't make me feel anything, so all I can do is ask God for help. I've done that (many, many times), and nothing has happened. So I don't think he exists.

>> No.11499311

You're literally going to have to relearn where stuff was, stop tacking the easy route on everything.

>> No.11499353

kill me

>> No.11499358


>> No.11499383

This resonates.

>> No.11499401

Im not certain on how I should start writing, by that I mean how I should start writing about the topic I chose.

>> No.11499404

Do you have any meaning in your life you can identify?

>> No.11499439

I am having trouble expressing my emotions to the people in my life. I am having trouble making sense of them myself. Everything is going well in my life. But I am always gripped by melancholic discontent and sometimes consumed by existiential terror.

There is a bizarre, solipsistic philosophy coalescing, bubbling up in my mind from my subconscious. It is nothing revelatory, or new. But it has pervaded throughout my person and dominated my thoughts.

I probably have some sort of mental illness.

>> No.11499491

Well, it's all over. We had our time together, and now I'm probably never going to see you again. You have made my life so refreshing and full of wonder, and I know you feel the same. I have to say that the painting you made resonates with me so much, that you cared so much about me to put that into your art. Holding you while you cried as we departed was soul crushing, and I already fucking miss you. What's more, the fact that you had a hard time holding back tears in the car with flowers further cements how powerful this relationship has been in our lives.

I love you Clare.

>> No.11499840

parallel two passages, one from the viewpoint of a boy and one from a girl? dont describe the mindset of the teacher of narrate from the third person at all?

>> No.11499937

define "not real"

chicks answer an ad to get into porn, they no doubt do all the paper work and shit before they go in the office, the guy has them do an adult video, he pays the for the adult video... its's exactly what they say it is, i used to have a huge like 30gb torrent of those, including outtakes of chicks going into the parking lot to talk to their bf, or crying and running out, or the best one girl pretended to be disgusted and left in a huff, then came back later and did the scene, lmao, then obviously the ppl that are really good like amia moretti get more gigs

>> No.11500005

I wonder if I’ll ever get good at reading? I can’t read fast like everyone else. I guess it takes practice. Ah well.

>> No.11500127

It's clear that all Paraguay Pictures are sexually transmitted, all of which are sexually explicit, sexually explicit ads, all paper-based advertising does not benefit paper-based advertising. Of course, all forms of sexually explicit and clear paper are the paperwork that most certainly affords the ad. Not all paper products provide free ad-free ads, and all paper jobs limit advertising as sex, and all paperwork is more secure for publication. Pornography is redistributing all commercial pornography, no doubt all of the paperwork is backed up to pornography, no doubt all paper work is back to sexuality, no doubt all of them come to pornography. No, obviously, when all of your paperwork is returned to ownership, all the paperwork will undoubtedly be upsetting. Not all pornography is available, no pornographic images are available. No paperwork will respond to pornographic images. All paperwork will return all paper, sexually suggestive advertisements, paperwork, papers, papers, and papers to more accurately depict sexually explicit pictures, so all paper work is sexually explicit and all paperwork will use the paper to recycle all paper pencils for all paper work. They do, no doubt. Not all paperwork is undoubtedly accomplished.

>> No.11500225

what percentage of potato bread is potatos? I think its quite low, I wonder if it would be good 50% or more... and then you eventually just get hash browns..

>> No.11500235


Trump is a lonely old loser who married some worthless mooching russian whore because no one else would hsve him. What you have is an autistic ignorant peice of shit marrying some goldsigger while his children pretend to like him so they will get gis inheritence. He’s no better than the mooching unproductive idiodic ignorant jew. How this motherfucker got elected or how he’s likwd is beyond me.

>> No.11500267

I can clearly see what I must do next, but I lack both the courage and passion.

>> No.11500290

My neighbot is an uppity little bitch. Problem is his daughters are ugly as fuck regardless of how much he tries to make them attractive. I made these bitches sit on baskets of nachos during their quincianeras whether they liked it or not.

>> No.11500519
File: 61 KB, 960x720, [EG]ZZ_Gundam_BD_33(720p)[D3420967].mkv_snapshot_20.59_[2014.08.18_23.47.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over lads, its done. As of ten minutes ago, I finished the first draft of my first novel. It took me 3 years and 3 or so months, but now its over. Save for the editing and revising, which begins, with digitizing it. I wrote the entire fucking thing by hand--nearly 700 pages I'd estimate--and now i've got to type it up. And makes innumerable changes, not just to the grammar, diction, word choice, etc but also to the plot and to character development. I have no illusions that it'll ever be published, much less sell well, much much less get any sort of the lukewarmest praise, but I've finished the first draft. An absolute mountain of work remains to be done on it, but not finishing the first draft. I've done that.

>> No.11500557

Serialize it

>> No.11500595

Trump is the quintessential alpha, and women love alphas, regardless of character. Ivanka obviously doesn't like him that much, but she can't let go of his glorious dick either.

>> No.11500606 [DELETED] 

yeah, thats why he has to pay them 100k to bang em

>> No.11500615

trump is a pure narcissist, and theyre candy to women, when you add in his billionaire celebrity status youd have to be fucking retarded to not see how many women he has throwing themselves at him

>> No.11500715

>Pop some adderall yesterday
>Feel like writing
>Ideas flowing like they've never flowed before
>Wrote 23 pages in a day and felt like they are the best stuff I've ever written
>Re-read it today
>Everything is written like a fucking newspaper article and is unusable
>Wasted 6 hours
Anybody else know this feel?

>> No.11500720

all the essays ive written so far in uni
thank god i am math major and not a dirty humanities major that has to write every fucking day

>> No.11500722

The most obvious reason for thinking it's not real would be that the girls could sue him for uploading the videos for the public, but that could be taken care of by paying them after the fact (and not uploading the videos where they refuse the settlement). I've seen pretty much all of their videos, and like the other guy said, after seeing girls have their periods on set, refuse to have sex because they're on their periods, walk out in tears, get coaxed into getting naked, run away awkwardly when ordered to undress, and throw hissyfits for being told they weren't getting paid, the idea of it being real in at least some limited sense doesn't seem so far fetched. Girls aren't too smart to have sex with complete strangers, and it's not like getting strippers and cam girls to do so is much of a challenge. He just scams them into doing sex then pays them afterward to keep them silent.

>> No.11501525
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Im starting a Humanities course this September, should I bother to read the books Im going to before hand?
The course is a mix of History and Literature, and Ive been told already what books and subjects we are going to go over the course of the year, like 1984 for example, should I bother reading all the books before hand? I dont want to make the course redundant but Ive heard the course is really heavy duty and intense, and I dont exactly I have the best track record. I want to get a head start studying, but Im not sure whether reading ahead is the best idea.

>> No.11501905

You in the UK? Whereabouts?

>> No.11501956

What job?

>> No.11502253
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>> No.11502284

damn just had the most unpleasant turds, i ate one of those fucking spicy ass korean ramens yesterday, well today i was like constipated, but instead of standard constipation where after your toil a nice solid nugget plops out, this shit was all soft bordering on diarrhea, its just weird to sit there trying to push out a turd and then when it finally moves its all mushy and just sort of glides out

4chan is my favorite fecal microblogging service btw

>> No.11502292

>someone remembers dan quayle

hell ya bro pass the monster!

>> No.11502417

i happen to be the best of them
an african american
and i'm on the roll
there's no time to stop
and i'm on the roll
there's no time to stop

>> No.11502866

Should I try it? I don't know I am not a really good writer and english is not very good.
Maybe they won't like it but ei it's just what I'm thinking right now no one expects a new moby dick on this mongolian pan enthusiasts forum.
And yet the uncertainty of rejection is enough to block you, you stupid cunt: afraid of judgement even that of strangers online.
You will die afraid if you continue like this. You mimick boldness and nonchalance inyour every day life but here you are a mouse trapped in the labyrinth of his own thoughts.
Ironically you are still writing all this and you will send it after completing the captcha affirming to yourself that no absolutely not you are not a robot. Just like a good robot would say. Aren't you afraid to be considered crazy, sometimes? I do

>> No.11502884

Should I opt to study English Literature or English Language?

>> No.11503068

inceldom: the post

>> No.11503271

I'm sorry but I have to say something. I have been a Manchester United Football Club supporter (NOT 'customer') since I was old enough to properly choose what team to support, and I have had it up to here with the abuse Alexis Sanchez, and by association my football club, recieves here. He is perfectly entitled to earn half a million pounds every week, and every single week until his contract expires (I hope among hopes that we never sell him) as that is his current market value. Saying otherwise is simply insulting him/my club just because you can, because you're jealous of our pragmatic and hugely effective playing style, jealous of our world famous and style icon marquee signings, and jealous of our continued league and European success. No other club has come close to finishing second this season and yet all I hear is how good Liverpool's attack is, how well Spurs have continued to progress, how unlucky Chelsea have been and how Arsenal are now having a fresh start. Where are United's accolades? Who is patting us on the back for a season full of top quality football results? Nobody, just like always. But we'll see who's laughing at the end of next season, because as soon as Fred signs for a frankly dirt cheap release clause that isn't even 60 mil, then Pogba will be unleashed and you can all finally shut up about him. And as soon as Lukaku is given the right service he will score 30+ for us in the league alone. And once Alderweireld completes his transfer (easily better than Van Dijk and at the same price, which makes it another absolute steal of a signing) we'll concede even less. And then none of you will be able to say anything, and City might just go out and buy Mahrez for 55 mil or whatever stupid price they'll pay but it won't matter, or Jorginho (a worse and probably not as expensive Fred, which just proves he's worse) and it won't matter, cos we'll walk the league like we always used to, and you'll hear me all the way from London pmsl you ABU mugs

>> No.11503288
File: 903 KB, 257x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh i don't need to read De Sade to feel disgusted with humanity, i can just go to /gif/ and *watch* 120 days of Sodom via webm's and gifs, bar only pedophelia

>> No.11503331

When I read I imagine a light tower casting a beam of wisdom on a dark continent. I imagine I am holding a bright marvel. I can hear choir singing for me.

I watched too much tv and wasted too much time imagining rather than reading.

>> No.11503591

I'm horny and want my ex to come over and suck my cock. Then I want to play with her perfect c-cup titties. but i'm just staring out my window scowling at the palm trees while she's 3,000 miles away

>> No.11503715

I have recently came to the realization that I could never have a child. I always tear up when I see a kid on TV or whatever because it is a reminder of what I'll never have. I was stupid enough to buy into the fantasy that "there's someone for everyone". I know If you've been on here for over a year or two you've heard my sentiment ad nausem, however I have only recently began to allow this fact to weigh it's heavy burden on my shoulders. I have always wanted a family, and I think part of it is not having a father of my own around consistently. It one of those desires that you can only feel. it's not intellectual, but an emotional yearning that comes from with unknown parts of our minds.Intellectually I know I would be a terrible father; short- tempered, Impatient, unskilled in communication, emotionally immature, and prone to push people away in favor total isolation. It's difficult to kill a dream, especially one you've held since childhood. It must die.

>> No.11503959

aww poor incel nazi won't get to save the white race, fuck off degenerate trash, your genes deserve to die

>> No.11503979

what? hopefully you are trolling

>> No.11504108
File: 25 KB, 500x506, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My perception of time has been rather strange recently. Things seem to end almost as soon as they begin, leaving only faint memories. It's frustrating that life seems to just be one moment after another, never stopping, always speeding up.
What's been bothering me lately is that moments seem to pass faster than I can process them, making it feel like they almost didn't happen at all. It sounds stupid and cliched to say but I really wish life had a pause button so I could stop during a good moment and just appreciate it, perhaps forever.
Trying to be "present" is helpful to an extent but can also be distracting in and of itself. Focusing on being present during a situation can ironically make you miss the entirety of said situation.
My guess would be that these strange feelings are caused by my idleness over the last few months. My search for a better understanding of myself and life started off fruitful but has since degraded into confused wandering. I have begun to over-analyze everything to the point of absurdity. I've been finding myself trying to convince myself that I don't understand the simplest of things (e.g. definitions of words, subtle humor, etc) even though I know that I do.
It's probably time I get myself a job to distract myself, as much as I don't want to. It feels like a really lazy thing to do, almost like I'm quitting on myself and my understanding of life but I think I might go crazy if I keep up like this.

>> No.11504899

Question is why wouldn't you read ahead. You are just trying to convince yourself of your lazy ass. There is no reason not to read the books. Unless of course it's not an important course or you don't care about it.