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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 174 KB, 720x1024, 1523930843622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11463318 No.11463318 [Reply] [Original]

Which authors make the best use of punctuation? I am looking for some works with perfect punctuation or even inventive and creative use of punctuation. Thanks.

>> No.11463333




>> No.11463436

Cormac McCarthy

>> No.11463438


What, you mean like exclamation marks?

>> No.11463475

Probably Nabokov is who you're looking for.

>> No.11463479

me? desu,

>> No.11463486


>> No.11463493

i mean me; i'm the most creative when it comes to punctuation as it stands on this board; others may try to replicate it but this is inherently and precisely my little style; with words that just barely miss the mark, along with an extraordinary and plenteous abundance of semicolons and some archaic antiquated sayings


>> No.11463499

But your punctuation isn't creative; it's simply the overuse of the semicolon.

>> No.11463587


>> No.11463630

muh dick

>> No.11463785
File: 524 KB, 1073x1724, 1520529997720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically DFW.

>> No.11463792

I won't sabotage day one of fap reformation that easily, OP

>> No.11463883


>> No.11463885

WORKING WOMAN: Women of glamorous body derail armed with mysterious and sensual sex Sexual goddess spread the pheromone

>> No.11463930

gib code

>> No.11463931

JUFD 839.

>> No.11463954

Is that the title? What is up with JAV titles?

>> No.11463957

subtitle in horizontal text on the left side in engrish

>> No.11463970

The Prescription, But His Cock Still Won't Get Hard! "This Shit Is Fake!" This Is The Story AboutWhen The Wife Went To The Doctor To Complain, She Got Fucked By Him Instead "It's Not Fake Ma'am, Here, Let Me Show You How Hard I Can Get" "Ahhh, Oh My God, You're So Hardddddd!"

>> No.11463976

this vid is glorious, love when she rubs that dude's had on her thighs. muh dikkkkkk

>> No.11464060

Timestamp? God I'm fucking loving this.

>> No.11464073

1:17:13 onwards, it's fucking awesome woooo baby just jacked off to it

>> No.11464079

Ughh I'm about to do it. Pics? ;)

>> No.11464093

too late lad, maybe next time?

>> No.11464097

It's never too late baby. :/

>> No.11464108

Arno Schmidt & Julian Rios

>> No.11464137

God I wish that were me.

>> No.11464154

U gay?

>> No.11464179

Depends on who is asking anon ;)

>> No.11464218


>> No.11464536


>3 sex 180 min

Come on, I can do 1 sex in 25 sec.

>> No.11464555

Prove it sweetie. ;)

>> No.11464650


>> No.11464655

Alright kid, I don't who you are or where you live, but that is going to change. Soon. That's right, I'm going to find out where you live and I'm going to fucking KILL you. Why, you ask? Take a look at the picture you attatched to the originel post of the thread. Yeah, notice anything? It seems that you have used JEZEBELS to further aggregate attention to your thread. Big mistake, buck-o. I am going to kill you for many reasons, but the principle one will be this propensity of yours to propagate licentious behavior which is the utter buttress of our society's (and our individual souls') downfall. No no, don't bother trying to delete it, the deed is done. You were dead the moment you attached these scantily whores to your post and filled out the captcha.

You think it's easy being me? You don't know the half of it, kid. You don't know the sort of rejection I've faced. And this is my territory you;re in. I bet you thought you could just come into this board and post whatever you wanted, like /b/ or /r9k/, rite? Wrong. I and many others come here for the specific point of discussing TECHNOLOGY. Read that word carefully, look it up if you have too. And while we were amiably pursing this noble subject of erudition, you came along and decided it was a propitious idea to put a libidinally charge representation of what I, and many others on this board, cannot attain on the front fucking page. You cretin. You sad, dead, little phallus-minded moron.

So in conclusion: prepare yourself. Post whatever jezebels you have left, with the time you have (it isn't very much time). I'm coming for you, bitch.

>> No.11464680


just let me penetrate those pusy lips

>> No.11464719

The only right answer

>> No.11464794

The; semicolon; is; the; greatest; piece; of; punctuation; ever; invented;. Its; basically; a; half-breed; between; a; comma; and; a; full-stop;.
No; other; piece; of; punctuation; can; match; its; use; and; the; sense; of; pretentiousness; it; gives; you; is; amazing;.

>> No.11464819

Arno Schmidt's "Zettels Traum" uses punctuation and symbols in very interesting ways, iirc (I read an article that talks about it, not the book).

>> No.11464825
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1491838014928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11464833

José Saramago.

>> No.11464942

sometimes I feel like Jezebelposting is actually very smart in the sense that the Jezebels guarantee the thread not only being noticed by hungry incels, but also getting bumped endlessly by anti-Jezebel posters.

>> No.11464969

got a link to the article, anon?

>> No.11464987

There's something about this whore which just looks vulgar. I guess it's the fact they tried to make her look classy but the dress is simply to revealing.

>> No.11465991

Laurence Sterne - ultimate master of dashes
Thomas de Quincey

>> No.11465997
File: 62 KB, 310x435, celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ferdinand Celine and his three fancy dots

>> No.11466012


>> No.11466051

Laurence Sterne

>> No.11466750

The text on the image translate more or less literally to:
When you're overcome with a passion to engage in sexual intercourse which is more obscene then that performed nude: a fully-clothed fuck with a working woman of sublime glamour.

>> No.11467804

incredibly based description

>> No.11467829

I am sick and tired of this. Every day I come to /lit/, and every day there is at least one thread up with an OP image of an attractive woman dressed scantily and posing seductively. It's probably the same one or two people who do it honestly. Let me tell you something, you faggot pieces of shit who are doing this: you are the poster child for everything that is wrong in literature, art, and society as a whole today. You are incapable of coming up with anything creative, thought provoking, or of substance, and you lack even the smallest modicum of intelligence, so you use "style" and "flash" and pizazz in place of it and to draw attention to yourself, because that's the only way your SHIT "creation" and ideas would ever get seen by anyone. And before you say anything, this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I don't have a girlfriend. Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses, so enjoy being able to post here while it lasts, because it's not going to last long, just like you that one time you convinced an obese girl to let you fuck her.

>> No.11467833

The fuck is this lmao. I was just about to Journey to the End of the Night too. Thanks anon I know what not to gert now.

>> No.11467838

Women don't understand how male lust actually operates. Women think that men experience women as "the Beautiful," as something pleasant and trifling that can be enjoyed at a distance and then allowed to pass on. They think that a picture of themselves wearing clothing that shows off all their fat and all their soft skin and warm nice holes is like a postcard with a picture of a beach on it. But to men, female beauty is not the Beautiful, it's the Sublime, it's not trifling but great and terrible, and it stirs something great and terrible and daemonic in man's subterranean depths that impels him forward to fuck things from roughly below and behind the prostate area.

When a man sees a picture of a beautiful sexy woman he feels half a million years of race knowledge thrumming in his veins, an infinity of sexy women reaching around behind themselves to spread their asscheeks and pussy apart with one hand and say "fuck me." He hears the drums from the movie Jumanji, his soul tangibly but invisibly leans forward outside of him grasping desperately for the pussy and gnashing its teeth. He wants to taste her holes and squeeze her fat and smell that combination of smells girls have that when you ask them what it is they say it's just normal shampoo and fabric softener but you know it's something more.

It's not fair to post these hot sluts constantly. The jezebels guy is right and this post is not an homage. I'm going to kill myself if I can't escape from this feeling soon. Women don't understand what they're doing. I saw a girl on a bicycle yesterday and I started thinking about what it would be like to be a bicycle seat for 10 minutes.

>> No.11467846
File: 55 KB, 750x562, TrumpHomerun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad and bluepilled.

>> No.11467855

a pickle for the knowing ones

>> No.11467863

Just because the guy was woke on the kikes doesn't mean his writing is worth reading lmao. That grammar is fucking atrocious and ironically seems exactly like the kind of subversion of form I would expect from some Jewish "intellectual"

>> No.11467909

Nice try JIDF.

>> No.11467915
File: 266 KB, 980x742, 3ksW6q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not woke on the kikes

>> No.11467923
File: 713 KB, 2970x1671, IHopeTheSmokingManIsInThisOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're alright then, bucko.

>> No.11467933

Yes, very literary

>> No.11468092

I think Arno Schmidt makes great use of punctuation. Definitely very different. Bottom's Dream is the biggest display of his style, but I'd recommend reading his short stories first to get used to it.

>> No.11468098

would smash asian beauty

>> No.11468105

howard nemerov, you homo op

>> No.11468182


Good use of punctuation is silent and invisible. At its best you'll never notice it.

>> No.11468190
File: 47 KB, 657x879, 1444051111824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like a penis.

>> No.11469406

I can't understand why people get so turned off by it. If you don't like his dots just skip them, it's his style. He never gave a fuck about rules.

>> No.11469508

Start with the Greeks to understand why punctuation is entirely superfluous

>> No.11469986

Absolutely Shakespearean.

>> No.11470138

I'm into dogs, going on adventures, and the Oxford comma!! Tehehe

>> No.11470336

>pic related

GOD YES. Thanks OP for this piece of beauty and making me feel invigorated. But I have to focus. Mashallah brothers.

>> No.11471296

>I'm going to kill myself...

That's all I skimmed to read of your post. Do it you underage ban! :-)

>> No.11471434

Would you please stop trying so desperately to fit in?

>> No.11471724

Simenon makes an excellent use of the exclamation mark.