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11449259 No.11449259 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books to impress a Catholic girl (other than the bible)

>> No.11449275

who is she?
we need a sequel for my twisted world sooner or later

>> No.11449296
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Tell her like the good little bitch she is,that she doesn't believe in this bullshit.
She is only doing it for the acceptance of her parents,and community.
The truth is,that the moment she gets out of that place,and lives alone without her old folks knowing.
Shed whore around like no tomorrow.
Tell her you can see through her like an open book.
Then grab her by the hand,and force her to come with you.
After this.
If she starts to sperge out,and scream,
Beat her,and rape her into submission.

>> No.11449303

You should genuinely want to read the books, not to just impress her; she'll appreciate it more and be touched by it. So I suggest a book by Venerable Fulton J. Sheen.

>> No.11449305
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>> No.11449315
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Former altar girl from my church

>> No.11449323

>altar girl
Read up on St. Pius X and turn her into a traditionalist

>> No.11449330

There's something deeply comedic about asian christians .
Do they believe God is slant eyed like they do with Santa ?

>> No.11449331

DM her Romans 10:9 like Chad would

>> No.11449342

f that
true chad would dm her song of solomon

>> No.11449356

Catholics don’t read the Bible

>> No.11449358
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God and the State

>> No.11449378

>altar girl
why are tradcats so maddened by this

>> No.11449382

Denouncing certain books is more likely to impress a catholic than reading anything.

>> No.11449414

Altar serving is meant for young men to start their discerning a vocation. Having a young man help on the altar during the Mass does wonders for his spirituality. Altar girls drive away and discourage young men from serving.

>> No.11449417

proddie-cuck get off my board ree

>> No.11449423

>altar serving
is this code for sucking off the priest?

>> No.11449425

why are young men driven away by altar girls?

>> No.11449427
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>> No.11449439

A parish having altar girls is already a sign they are modernists. Their fruits will be low and sparing in terms of vocations because young men will not gravitate to the structure and order of the traditional Mass. The new Mass is lame and never appealing to the youth. On top of that from my experience most of the altar girls are forced to serve because some mom wants their daughter “up there with the boys”

>> No.11449442

fuck i wish i was raised catholic

>> No.11449445

*they WILL gravitate towards the traditional Mass

>> No.11449451

lmao you don't seriously believe any of the larpers on here were actually raised catholic?

>> No.11449465

A lot of people who now turn to tradition were raised Catholic only they were raised in the post Vatican II culture of it and were drive away

>> No.11449471

The city of god.
The confessions
Summa theologica

She'll get wet instantly if she's a pseud

>> No.11449472

or maybe it has something to do with the corrupt childfuckers who make up the clergy

>> No.11449473

I married a Catholic girl. Trust me, the last thing on their minds is Catholicism.

>> No.11449480

a satanic bible written by a leftist

>> No.11449484

>1. Read up on early Christian heresies, Arianism, Docetism, the Council of Nicea, Origen, etc.
>2. Realise the Catholic Church is built off crushing dissenting and tell her she follows an invented doctrine
>3. ????
>4. Profit!

Works everytiem, OP

>> No.11449486

get some cs lewis christian books and "the imitation of christ" they get fully wet. deflowered many girls this way. love how tight they are.

>> No.11449498

also does wonders for their anus'

>> No.11449516

reeeeee kys degenerate scum

>> No.11449531
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>> No.11449536

>The few bad seeds in a large and historical organization established by Christ represent the whole

>> No.11449538

>established by Christ
nice meme

>> No.11449546


>> No.11449550

yh this is basically my experience except i'm no longer tradcat
not at all. my experience with the church was entirely positive

>> No.11449553

The sign says "I think of you everyday", but her face says "holy shit anon, you creepy incel, stop posting my pics on your Nazi picture forums or I'll call the cops!"

>> No.11449558

That’s not the only thing she’ll be declaring with her mouth, if you know what I mean

>> No.11449563

>few bad seeds
the catholic church in its entire history has never been anything but a club of corrupt hypocrites and sexual deviants

>> No.11449578

I get that your church was founded by some used car salesman your family has know for years but not everyone that is a stranger is trying to rape you. The Catholic Church is the Only Church that has the body and blood of Christ, many confirmed miracles and saints who performed them, and has done much more for the good of the world than some strip mall worship center

>> No.11449584

i applaud u for wanting to fuck a catholic. harder than proddie sluts but still pretty simple.

>> No.11449588

But the Catholic church isn't even the original one Anon. It was formed in the middle ages.

>> No.11449591

All the martyrs, believers, and bishops of the early Church were Catholic

>> No.11449595

wait I fucking remember you; I don't recall if it is good or bad that I do...

>> No.11449601

what >>11449591 said

go read the early Church Fathers and you'll find that they're unbelievably Catholic: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/churchfathers.html

>> No.11449608
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Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11449612



>> No.11449613

>they're unbelievably Catholic
What does that entail and imply: what sets Catholic apart

>> No.11449614

ITT: resentful catholic converts fail to recognise the superiority of orthodoxia

>> No.11449630

not really. the catholic church was a direct continuation of early christianity. if you're talking about the great schism that created the roman catholic church and the eastern orthodox church that we know today, that still happened within the catholic church.

>> No.11449640


>> No.11449647

maybe a continuous tradition but that doesnt mean what it is now is anyway near anything back then. nor is the protestant bastard cucks.

>> No.11449651

you're not wrong with the last bit but its more like ITT frightful degenerates hate on Christ for offering them refuge from sin

>> No.11449654

Except that the Orthodox Church resembles early Christianity and the Catholic Church does not and also directly contradicts the bible on many practices.

>> No.11449662

The Eucharist and the papacy sets Catholics apart from other Christians.


Actually look at the content of the links, not just the website name. Here are two quotes:

>Justin Martyr
We call this food Eucharist, and no one else is permitted to partake of it, except one who believes our teaching to be true and who has been washed in the washing which is for the remission of sins and for regeneration [i.e., has received baptism] and is thereby living as Christ enjoined. For not as common bread nor common drink do we receive these, but since Jesus Christ our Savior was made incarnate by the word of God and had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so too, as we have been taught, the food which has been made into the Eucharist by the Eucharistic prayer set down by him, and by the change of which our blood and flesh is nurtured, is both the flesh and the blood of that incarnated Jesus (First Apology 66 [A.D. 151]).
But since it would be too long to enumerate in such a volume as this the succession of all the churches, we shall confound all those who, in whatever manner, whether through self-satisfaction or vainglory, or through blindness and wicked opinion, assemble other than where it is proper, by pointing out here the successions of the bishops of the greatest and most ancient church known to all, founded and organized at Rome by the two most glorious apostles. Peter and Paul, that church which has the tradition and the faith which comes down to us after having been announced to men by the apostles. With that church, because of its superior origin, all the churches must agree, that is, all the faithful in the whole world, and it is in her that the faithful everywhere have maintained the apostolic tradition (Against Heresies 3:3:2 [inter A.D. 189]).

>> No.11449663

>not really. the catholic church was a direct continuation of early christianity

Really? The:


and bunch more would all disagree.

>> No.11449671

if Catholics were not to argue that they aren't the same (ex: there are more saints than before and priest celibacy [a discipline, not dogma] exists now), they could easily argue that they fully encompass the teachings of the early Church Fathers.

>> No.11449676

>constant hate on the jesuits


>> No.11449683
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>constant hate on the jesuits

>> No.11449708
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Didn't the Romans believe in Orthodox Christianity?
How could Catholicisms be the original one?
Also all of those martins,were charlatans.
There is no god,nor are there gods chosen people like martyrs.

>> No.11449715


>With that church [Church of Rome], because of its superior origin, all the churches must agree, that is, all the faithful in the whole world, and it is in her that the faithful everywhere have maintained the apostolic tradition.
St. Irenaeus's words, not mine.

>> No.11449750

Who invented the Eucharist idea, and who is it necessary according to?
What do Catholics think about circumcision and what did the early church fathers say about it?

>> No.11449755

Have you read the book? The Jesuits (as a representation for the catholics) are remarked on frequently and almost always negatively.
The Grand Inquisitor as a whole is anti-catholic
bad suggestion

>> No.11449773

Christ revealed the Eucharist (John 6 is the best display of its literalness; everyone in the bread of life discourse took Christ literally, not metaphorically and Christ doubled down on the literalness).
If I have your implications correct, you no longer have to be circumcised; you do not have to enter the Old Covenant to be received into the New Covenant (Acts tells us of the deliberation between the apostles on this subject. I would add that this was a deliberation that created tradition without the use of scripture.).

>> No.11449791

this doesnt make logical sense.

>> No.11449805

when did christ "double down" you fucking uneducated moron,

>> No.11449833

>If I have your implications correct,
I thought the early church fathers said not to be circumcised, in pauls letters

>> No.11449839

i didn't say it was the only continuation

>> No.11449848

lol go read John 6...

>I am the living bread which came down from heaven.
>I am the bread of life.
>This is the bread which cometh down from heaven.
>I am the living bread which came down from heaven.

>And the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world.
The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat?
> Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you.
>He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life
>He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him.
Many therefore of his disciples [not the twelve], hearing it, said: This saying is hard, and who can hear it?
>Doth this scandalize you?
After this many of his disciples went back; and walked no more with him. Then Jesus said to the twelve:
>Will you also go away?

Are you kidding me?

>> No.11449860

He condemns it in relation to Timothy. Paul is known for telling us that adherence to Jewish laws is no longer needed. Hebrew people can now fulfill Judaism by becoming Christian and Gentiles aren't Jewish in the first place, so they are not bound to Jewish law.

>> No.11449897

how is not a metaphor? talking about his words and ideas, to consume the concepts. You think he was telling them to literally eat his body?

>> No.11449911

christlarpers are so fucking cringe

>> No.11449915

I remember this thread too, it's literally a reprint. I think OP is just baiting us all.

>> No.11449919

I brought it up because he seemed pretty adamant about not getting circumcised so wondering whats the deal with, the early church followers said this so it absolutely must be followed (is the realest truest original religion of which X is perfect continuation), but oh they said this but it doesnt absolutely must be followed

>> No.11449925

underbaked toast

>> No.11449963

It's not a metaphor because of the context of the discourse. The Jews freak out saying "he wants us to eat his flesh????" They literally saw Jesus produce the two loaves, five fish miracle; they definitely took His comments literally. And at no point does Christ even hint at, let alone blatantly say, what He said was metaphorical. He affirms His explicit comment four more times.

Yes, He was telling them to literally eat His body. He was not telling them to physically eat His body though. When you read further towards the Last Supper, Christ institutes the Eucharist. He turns the bread and wine into His literal body and blood, though not physically. Think of a married man, whose wife just gave birth. He is a man, but he just became a father; but he did not change physically. He literally changed though. This is a less grave analogy for how bread and wine turns into the literally body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ.

I should add too, that calling this ridiculous would give warrant to calling the raising of Lazarus or the turning of water into wine ridiculous as well.

>> No.11449979

i don't think you believe chomping crackers on the right day is what it means to be a good christian so could you explain more how the importance of the ritual sits with you? is it just that christ said it and that's enough?

might be a shitty question but practising catholics are unicorns where i live

>> No.11449982

i'm not the guy you were talking to btw

new guy

>> No.11450027

>i don't think you believe chomping crackers on the right day is what it means to be a good christian
>practising catholics are unicorns where i live
I can tell.

Being a good Christian is really to affirm your existence. God created us in His likeness and Image, but it is that we are infected with original sin. A good Christian is one who tries his best to be what God originally created to be.
The Eucharist is the height of the Mass (the Mass is one huge singular prayer). It is effectually the coming down of Heaven to Earth in physical form. It's a miracle and more importantly it is an gift from Christ and from His eternal sacrifice. It it meant to give you a taste of what radical union with God is like (one reason why it's called communion and it's merely a physical experience as opposed to experiencing the Beatific Vision spiritually). It gives you eternal life, literally; if I were to receive the Eucharist in a state of grace and died the next day, I would begin my process of going to Heaven. I mean, what a exalting gesture given from the most exalted to the most humble it is for Christ to give us eternal life, a taste of Heaven, a preamble to union with God, a gift.

Hope this conveys how I feel about it.

>> No.11450034

no that was very enlightening thanks anon
i can appreciate the depth of the symbolism and probably understand the argument for the ritual a bit better

sorry for having to spoonfeed me

>> No.11450043

Yeah man no problem.
Like the Eucharist is a literal occurrence and the symbolism (metaphorical aspect of it) is such a beautiful complement to it as well.

>> No.11450144

Anything by Chesterton. My catholic ex-gf used to love him and he have some really interesting works

>> No.11450158

Read the History of the Church collection by Daniel-Rops

>> No.11450192

>She has an Instagram.
>She is a good Christian.
Just LOL

>> No.11450198

>letting women near the Alter
lmao the state of the latins is laughable. Come home to the Orthodox church

>> No.11450215

i read this with rodney dangerfield´s voice, it´s hilarious desu

>> No.11450235

>tfw in the Orthodox Church women need a special dispensation from the Bishop to enter into the Altar, behind the Iconostasis.

>> No.11450251
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Decameron Day 1 Story 2
now shut up

>> No.11450306


>> No.11450360
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>> No.11450448

unsure, just type it into google; you'll probably find it

>> No.11451272
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I saved them too

>> No.11451275
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>> No.11451505

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Roger Scruton, Edmund Burke, Thomas Sowell, P. J. O'Rourke, Mário Ferreira dos Santos, Ludwig von Mises, Michael Oakeshott, Willmoore Kendall, Eric Voegelin, Nikolai Berdyaev, Richard M. Weaver, George Grant, Vladimir Nabokov, Lew Rockwell, Alain Peyrefitte, Václav Havel, Alexis de Tocqueville, Vladimir Solovyov, Olavo de Carvalho, Roger Kimball, Xavier Zubiri, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, Constantin Noica, Lucian Blaga, T. S. Eliot, Ayn Rand, Franz Rosenzweig, William F. Buckley Jr., G. K. Chesterton, Malcolm Muggeridge, Louis Lavelle, H. L. Mencken, , Paul Johnson, Russell Kirk, Miguel Reale, René Girard, Mortimer J. Adler, Marshall McLuhan, C. S. Lewis, Bernard Lonergan, Frédéric Bastiat, Jorge Luis Borges, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Orlando Figes, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Benedetto Croce, Viktor Frankl, Judith Reisman, Vilém Flusser, Hossein Nasr, George Santayana, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Bertrand de Jouvenel, José Ortega y Gasset, Jesús Huerta de Soto, Andrzej Łobaczewski, Leo Strauss, Mircea Eliade, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, Carl Schmitt, Thomas Woods, Carl Menger, Jean-Baptiste Say, Nicolás Gómez Dávila, David Horowitz, Murray Rothbard, Peter Hitchens, Henry Hazlitt, Vladimir Bukovsky, René Guénon, Frithjof Schuon, Friedrich Hayek, Mario Vargas Llosa, Vladimir Tismăneanu, Irving Babbitt, Charles E. Lindblom, Irving Kristol, Daniel Bell, Robert Michels, Mikhail Sholokhov, Gaetano Mosca, David Hume, Adam Smith, José Guilherme Merquior, Isaiah Berlin, Arnold Toynbee, Johan Huizinga, Christopher Dawson, Modris Ekstein, John Lukacs, Jacques Barzun, Niall Ferguson, Bernard Lewis, David Stove, Theodore Dalrymple, Leopold von Ranke, François de Chateaubriand, Robert Nisbet, John Henry Newman, Werner Sombart, F. W. Maitland, Raymond Aron, Karl Popper, Julien Benda, Leszek Kołakowski, Alexander Solzhenítsyn, Arthur Koestler, Joseph de Maistre, Rivarol, Pat Buchanan, Samuel P. Huntington, Konstantin Leontiev, Vilfredo Pareto, Edmund Husserl, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Martin Heidegger, Giuliano Gentile, Willard Van Orman Quine, François Mauriac, Robert Brasillach, Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, François Furet, Czesław Miłosz, Hillaire Belloc, Henri Massis, Ivan Ilyin, Edgar Julius Jung, Juan Vázquez de Mella, Juan Donoso Cortés, Masahiro Morioka, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Jacob Burckhardt, Christopher Lasch, Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, Richard Pipes, Hans Trevor Roper, Petre Țuțea, Paul Gottfried, T. E. Hulme, Ernst Jünger, John Kekes, Arnold Lunn, Alasdair MacIntyre, Gabriel Marcel, Julio Meinvielle, E. F. Schumacher, Igor Shafarevich, Karl Ludwig von Haller, Evelyn Waugh, Thomas Fleming, Karl Jaspers, Jean-François Revel, Philip Rieff, Oswald Spengler, Gustav Le Bon, Peter Kreeft, Alain de Benoist, Víctor Pradera, Francisco Elías de Tejada y Spínola, Jaime Guzmán...

>> No.11451517

>nonwhite Christians
nope nope

>> No.11451632

Oh not you again, stop stalking this girl you creeper

>> No.11451667

the new mass is fine so long as they use actual hymns instead of hillsong rock music

>> No.11451673
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Have you met a Jesuit? I've talked to 4, 1 of them was alright, the other 3 ranged from "wut" to "I'm 90% sure your views are heretical".

One gave a sermon about Catholicism's ties to Judaism and how we need to ban guns, the other was advocating for Jesuit schools to pay for students' abortions.

Fuck Jesuits.

>> No.11451775

Yeah; I went to a low mass; and it's very similar to novus ordo.

Novus Ordo with an organ and full choir at the National Shrine in DC is really magical. NO isn't bad at all to be quite honest.

>> No.11451783

gonna be checking out an EF mass this sunday for the first time. pretty excited desu

>> No.11451793

>Mário Ferreira dos Santos, Ludwig von Mises,
Are you from Brazil?

>> No.11451834

trad catholic here. altar girl is more rage for V2 Catholics, because it's in 1983 they clarified that it could be performed by either. the clarification afaik also said that it need not be performed by both (i.e. dioceses didn't have to start insisting on girls joining and it's at the discretion of the bishop whether they get accepted at all). it's not like there's any FSSP girls who would think to apply. i mean, can altar servers even wear hats? how would that work?

>> No.11451931

Have fun! See if you can get your hands on a little missal so you can follow along

>> No.11451978


>> No.11452030

Yes, but that's an old list, and I didn't make it. Probably Olavo or some Olavo student did it.

>> No.11453877

Sigh...why does this board hasn't heard of Simone Weil? Read her Grace and Gravity and thank me later!

>> No.11453890

The books of Enoch, and the Gnostic Apocalypse of Thomas

>> No.11453904

The Book of Revelation

>> No.11453928

Not being a spineless cunt who's doing things just to impress girls

>> No.11453977

what is the first thing on their mind?

>> No.11454372

CoA crew detected

>> No.11456292

Catholic girls love Flannery O'Connor.

These only impress pseud men, desu.