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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.11436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, /fit/, what is your favourite book?

>> No.11451
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>pic related

>> No.11479


>> No.11503
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Starship Troopers

>> No.11524
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I mostly read obscure SciFi books.
"Two Faces of Tomorrow" was one of the best, "A Fire Upon the Deep" was also good.
My favourite book that anyone might actually know is pic related.

>> No.11562

A Farewell to Arms

>> No.11594


>> No.11595


wtf we should have merged with /k/ instead. I hate /fit/ now.

>> No.11655



>> No.11680

What are you, 16?

>> No.11785

my diary desu

>> No.11813
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Pic related, i dont know how it's called in english

>> No.11846

The elementary particles.

>> No.11854

Opa, Kundera.

>> No.11858

the unbearable lightness of being

>> No.11867

when I read my last book yea

>> No.11926

That's sad.

>> No.11980

I read too much pop shit to have a favorite book.
Nothing I've read has left an impression on me.
I've read the entirety of Asimov's sci-fiction books and almost all of his mystery series, then I moved into Terry Pratchett and I'm 3/4ths into his collection.

I need to become more cultured and shit.

>> No.12025

....at least its not zen and the art of memecycle maintenance

>> No.12047

harry potter 1

>> No.12072

Seven Pillars of Wisdom, it's dope yo.
I also really enjoyed House of Leaves even though it's very gimmicky

>> No.12076

I really liked the book "The name of the wind"
probably the best fantasy book of the last decade

>> No.12087
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Right now it's Crime and Punishment by Dostojevski, I don't know if he's considered good in /lit/ but I like him.

>> No.12117

Slav detected

>> No.12142
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/lit/eratis rate /fit/izens required reading list.

>> No.12149
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Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.12156

Swann's Way

>> No.12164

How'd you know?

>> No.12185

>that feeling of superiority looking at entry level reading lists on other boards.

Right now Laurus, Germinal and A Hero of Our Time are meta on /lit/, and I couldnt be happier

>> No.12194

Unironically American Psycho

>> No.12197

48 laws of power
this was a huge red pill for me

>> No.12200


>> No.12210
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This make begs the question: HOW MUCH DOES /lit/ LIFT?

>> No.12221

If you were Germanic you would write Dostoyevsky.

>> No.12236
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how do you feel about the /lit/ one?

>> No.12237

The little engine that could

>> No.12240

my numbers sound fake af because I used to be fat so my squat is like twice my dead lift

>> No.12247

> implying

>> No.12253

I only read the heaviest books I can find for isometric gains

>> No.12269
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I have never fully read a book

>> No.12278

The brothers karamazov

>> No.12282
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This one

>> No.12296

Rabbit, Run

>> No.12306

It shows

>> No.12313
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what fucking retard made this list

>> No.12320
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Alice in wonderland

>> No.12321


>> No.12327
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That is not the /lit/ one, it is a troll.

Here is a solid /lit/ chart, one of thousands

>> No.12334

>Hundred Years of Solitude
>Low Tier

>> No.12351


>> No.12356

Marble Cliffs is top tier

>> No.12364

coloring books

they are dope

>> No.12366
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this one

>> No.12376

Which book can I eat for the fastest gains? I'm halfway through the Cyclist's training bible, but all the cardio tastes horrible.

>> No.12383
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>> No.12387
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Is there an approved /lit/ reading list that deals with interpersonal relationships, developing empathy and such that isn't depressing as fuck?

(pic unrelated)

>> No.12407

fuck you cuck pick up something heavy in your life

>> No.12420


>> No.12422
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The Book of the New Sun

>> No.12459
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Controversial, but I think apt. Kristin Lavransdattar for instance.

>> No.12484

Like your Oedipus complex?

>> No.12558

Good-fucking-Lord, yes you do. Imagining what you read is giving me sympathy pains. If you really love sci-fi then just start hitting every Ray Bradbury SHORT STORY collection you can get your hands on. When you're done with that, think about the difference in his work compared to what you already read. THEN read Neuromancer, and think about how the internet didn't exist when that book was written.

Honestly, what you read was so light and easy that maybe you should start with Ender's Game for easy sci-fi with stronger themes and more well developed characters. Seriously though, stop reading an author's catalog. Get some variety.

>> No.12594


>> No.12630

I was hoping this would be the first post

>> No.12645
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Foucault's Pendulum
I really like how much effort Umberto Eco put in his books, there's no author like him nowadays.

>> No.12928
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Kanye West > J.R.R. Tolkien

>> No.12964


>> No.13018

Flash boys

>> No.13101

Don Quixote is one of the best book I' ve ever read. But you have to be VERY fluent in spanish and know Spain history and culture to fully understand it.
There are parts I legitimely don't know how they can be translated.

>> No.13178

I can barely overhead press a 20 kg dumbbell

>> No.13200

This is troll

>> No.13312

cory in the house

>> No.13368

we don't read books you nerd

>> No.13369
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get on my level

>> No.13404

Came to post this.

>> No.13573

Meditations is literally a self-help book you pleb

>> No.13601

The Great Gatsby.

I know I'm boring and it's everyone's favourite book, but I really liked it in high school and just kept rereading it over the years.

>> No.13606


>> No.13627

Faith of the Fallen and / or The Black Company series.

>> No.13630

novel: siddhartha (hesse)
philosophy: ethics demonstrated in geometric order, or the tractatus

I don't lift anymore though since I developed bad chronic pain, but when I did I used to deadlift 405 for reps, OHP bodyweight 1rm, etc- I was pretty strong


>> No.13685

>novel: siddhartha

I have finished reading this 2 days ago. Like, what the hell am i supposed to learn from it ? I don´t hear shit when listening to river.

>> No.13707


>> No.13729

shit taste

>> No.13737
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i just bought a physical copy of yurope for my fat sister
she made it about 15 pages in before calling me up and telling me i'm a cis gender, body shaming piece of shit
then holding the book up to the phone while trying to tear it up, but running out of energy after about 20 pages

>> No.13741
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Count of Monte Cristo is the god-tier /fitlit/ book.

Edmond Dantes is my idol for self-improvement

>> No.13742

My diddly is 475 brah

>> No.13783

Genesis 6 conspiracy

>> No.13791

Don Quixote, especially the second book.

>> No.13796


>> No.13797

Mine is the Fellowship of the Ring but I also really love the Guard series.

>> No.13842

I liked this one and I'm a /lit/ regular. But the first short story in it was the most boring flowery shit I have ever read.

>> No.13851
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>> No.13881
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oh i dont know, i dont read very often, i liked a lot the truth about the henry quebert affair

>> No.13916

roasties leave

>> No.13942

I really liked Ender's Game.

>> No.13980
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its for the book or the pic? because the book didnt strike me as roastie stuff

>> No.14293

Welcome to our self-improvement board you retard

>> No.14413

The last thing I finished was Last Evenings on Earth by Bolaño but I'm 30 pages into 15 different tomes I can't seem to finish

>> No.14550

Slaughterhouse Five
The 13 and 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear