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/lit/ - Literature

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11433920 No.11433920 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on internet addiction?

>> No.11433932

I'm also interested. The internet has ruined my life. I could be using it for good but I'm using it for porn and shitposting.

>> No.11434277


>> No.11434383

nicolas carr the shallows

>> No.11434400

Infinite Jest

>> No.11434406

Pale Fire by Nabokov

>> No.11434537

your brain on porn, it's cites studies on porn but a similar effect will take place with anything from social media to browsing 4chan or youtube

>> No.11434667

my diary desu

>> No.11434716
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>> No.11434729

NEET culture is so repugnant. He's right about CBT being bs

>> No.11434780


>> No.11434802

anon if this is you, you have to stop right now

>> No.11434918


>> No.11435133

"Technocracy Rising" by Patrick M Wood?

>> No.11436302

My diary, desu.

>> No.11437652


>> No.11437683

so I tried to give up the net for 2 days and realized how shitty it is. theres no information iv. you no longer get constant data fed to you. I concluded this addiction is a nevessary evoltuionary state and going back is like being a caveman.

>> No.11437715

You are literally on a board about discussing books.
If you want more information, read a book you brainlet.

>> No.11437720

House of Leaves by Walt Whitman

>> No.11437765

The Attention Merchants
Im Swarm

>> No.11437897

most books are mainly filler, you can get everything out of them by article summaries, and archives of /lit/ or reddit discussions

>> No.11437911
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>> No.11437924

>muh clif notes

stay dumb fag

>> No.11438822

Anon, I would like to introduce this thing to you called non-fiction!

>> No.11439133

Thanks for this lad. These look excellent.

>> No.11439139

This is the gayest thing I've ever seen posted on 4chan

>> No.11439236


>> No.11439920


>> No.11439925

playboy magazine

>> No.11439974

Sounds faggoty, but I think taking a lot of small steps to eliminate constant feedback/stimulation in your life makes it easier to wean yourself off idle internet browsing. This includes things like not listening to an iPod in public; not looking at your phone in public (or even taking your phone with you unless you really need it); not reading or doing anything on the bus/train except looking out the window and thinking for yourself, etc.

>> No.11440743

The Winter of Our Disconnect: How Three Totally Wired Teenagers (and a Mother Who Slept with Her iPhone) Pulled the Plug on Their Technology and Lived to Tell the Tale – January 20, 2011
>fuck, iPhones came out in 07 and by 11 people were already hopelessly addicted to them