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/lit/ - Literature

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11432250 No.11432250[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that burnout who turns to christianity to get his life in shape
>thinks it isnt embarrassing because he reads "intellectual" christians like cs lewis and kierkegaard

>> No.11432274
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>wise old man with "mystical" wisdom
>"crazy wisdom" guru
Maybe it's because I almost got sucked into a cult when I was young.

>> No.11432291
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>> No.11432294

>trying to get your life in order is cringeworthy

Stop being so cynical

>> No.11432301

Acting like they read and studied Finnegans Wake, and that it's not absolute shit.

>> No.11432307

/lit/ in general makes me cringe

>> No.11432311


>> No.11432316

trying to get your life in order via christianity, jordan peterson, nofap, etc. is cringe.

>> No.11432317

>that poster who has gone too deep into Deleuze & Guattari to the point where their posts have become incomprehensible schizophrenic rambling

>> No.11432323


>> No.11432329

no fap is definitely cringe

peterson is a decent place to start

but christianity has sustained western civilisation for 2000 years, and almost everyone has a still practicing grandparent that can show them the ropes, i fail to see how that's cringe?

>> No.11432333

>phenomena that make you cringe

very cringe and pretentious title, so awkward. very obvious that ur a brainlet

>> No.11432334
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>christianity has sustained western civilisation for 2000 years
other way around, bucko

>> No.11432340


So what are the ways that you personally allow for getting your life in order?

>> No.11432344

>being such a brainlet you think "phenomena" is pretentious

youre not gonna make it

>> No.11432346
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t. listens to sam harris' podcast

>> No.11432356

>that person who isn't me

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with that guy?

>> No.11432360

phenomena seems like the right word. have you considered youre just a brainlet who cowers at the site of a word with more than three syllables?

>> No.11432363

How many decades did Western civilization survive without Christianity? Heck, it's replacing itself with glorified apes from garbage world.

>> No.11432368

anything that doesnt involve joining a cult

>> No.11432370

>I am finally able to filter out the shitposts.

>> No.11432372

yes, when u could just say "stuff" and not be a try hard brainlet

>> No.11432383

>all peoples in the past did horrible shit, the last beheading was in the 70's, if you believe any old things you're a murderer by association

>> No.11432384
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>How many decades did Western civilization survive without Christianity? Heck, it's replacing itself with glorified apes from garbage world.


>> No.11432386

>he doesnt realize that mass migration is the natural consequence of christian ideology

>> No.11432388


So where can I go to one of those Jordan Peterson/nofap secret meetings?

>> No.11432389
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"look at me i used da bigger -locution- instead of da smaller one, me be so smart"

>> No.11432395


>> No.11432398

me desu

>> No.11432399
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>that boomer that unironically believes Marx was right

>> No.11432401

>How many decades did Western civilization survive without Christianity?

If you call this surviving sure

>> No.11432407

Pretending you believe in God in 2018 is pretty cringe, I agree.

>> No.11432413
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>healthy diet and exercise
>developing your hobbies in a productive way
>taking an interest in the world and learning something new every day
>caring for friends and family and being social and outgoing
>being overall optimistic and enjoying the beauty in life

>> No.11432415

>right winger who projects onto mid-20th century japanese lit because he worships anime girls

>> No.11432425

Disgusting. Opinion is discarded.

>> No.11432426

Ugh, just look at this degenerate little athiest.
Mm, yes yes, I believe I am correct in my analysis: you're an imbecilic idiot hedonist athiest, who is quite simply dumbfounded by the works of say, oh I don't know, maybe um, every fucking great mind that's been?

I'm sure you widdle liddle athiest mind can't quite comprehend that every great thinker was christian, but worry not, I'll pray for you degenerate sinful soul anyway.

>> No.11432427

So this is the thread where passive aggressive cunts vent their butthurt after being BTFO in another thread

>> No.11432435

>replacing God and the Church with hobbies, food, and traveling teh wurld

Holy shit you sound like one of those 'live laugh love' 30 year old boomers lmao.

>> No.11432439

Having a healthy social life.
Having a healthy romantic and sexual life.
Having a healthy diet.
Having a healthy exercise routine and active lifestyle.
Having an enjoyable job, with good work mates.
Being accepting of myself, without the need to repress or self-hate because some larpers on the internet told me to.

>> No.11432441

t. butthurt BTFO passive agressive cunt

>> No.11432447

>Holy shit you sound like one of those 'live laugh love' 30 year old boomers lmao.

Damn son, you sound like one of those 'dank meme' 19 year old millennials. LOL!

>> No.11432448

>implying these preclude and would not be enriched by religious devotion

>> No.11432450

Sounds like a load of spooked up shit to tie you down and tell you what to do.
You're a fucking nobody surrounded by nobodies

>> No.11432451


>what do you do?
>oh I tend to my hobbies on my free time, am learning to cook really well and caring about my health more, anyways want to see pics of my last travel?

>and what do you do?
>... I go listen to some dude lecture me for an hour once a week

>> No.11432454
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>A healthy X

>> No.11432460
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Dad, get off the computer, you were supposed to pick Maia up from field hockey 15 minutes ago.

>> No.11432465

>replacing life with the worship of authority, hierarchy and rules
Lmao what a sad state for a human being. Imagine being this much of a wimp.
Tolstoy was all right tho.

>> No.11432470

You sound like you're 20 or younger.

They don't preclude it, but I am not a religious man. I won't lie and become one because it's the cool thing to do on /lit/.

The stupid mind hates the boomer.
The enlightened mind strives to be the boomer.

>> No.11432479

Its christcucks themselves that welcome 'glorified apes from garbage world' with open arms.

>> No.11432480

Reminder that /lit/ is composed of a bunch of twentysomethings. You're all getting worked up arguing against a bunch of young adults and teenagers that are just as clueless as you are.

>> No.11432481

not op, but phenomena is a fine word in this context, and it's not even a difficult word you utter brainlet.

>> No.11432491

never said it was difficult. semantically it's fine. it's pretentious as fuck in this context though. just fucking say "stuff" or "shit" and stop trying to sound smart

"shit that makes you cringe" sounds way less pretentious, gay and awkward than "phenomena that make you cringe"

>> No.11432493

literally everyone here is a fucking embarassment, if you chucklefucks don't quit sneering at one another and figure out the meaning of life in one year I'm going to punch a librarian in the ovaries

>> No.11432494

i honestly think religious people should be executed en masse. you would extirpate most niggers, spics, arabs and retarded whites in one fell swoop.

>> No.11432495

who cares tbqh
quit being so autistic

>> No.11432496
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>> No.11432500

Christians form the largest pool for populists and nationalists, though. Everybody who goes through public education accepts modern policies to unholy extent.

How come? They don't even behave well.

>> No.11432499

yeah but you dont understand how shocking the existence of right wing millennials is, the regular millennials are still adjusting to the new normal

>> No.11432506

how can bait be pretentious? if anything it was smart because he got people like you to think he trying to convey something in earnest.

>> No.11432514

>that guy who becomes atheist and is convinced enough in his own thinking that he doesn't feel the need to study anything, christian or atheist works, and dismiss every single legitimate thinker simply for not agreeing with him

>> No.11432515

it's only because christians are socially conservative and low iq to begin with hence they gravitate towards nationalistic ideologies regardless of how well they align with their own purported religion.

>> No.11432523

>it's only because christians are socially conservative and low iq to begin with
The leftist takes 2-5 IQ point average difference seriously, but ignores the 30 IQ dip between European and African.

>> No.11432524

>almost everyone has a still practicing grandparent that can show them the ropes, i fail to see how that's cringe?
Christianity hasn't been genuine since before your grandparents were born. And I mean that globally. Individual study of religion, theology, and the relevant contextual history is great, but unless you're living with some monks somewhere who haven't been infected with Christian revisionism in decades (or even over a century, possibly), you don't even have a shot at having a genuine religious life.

>> No.11432527

For all you can hate atheist autists, you have to give it to them how they will obsessively read the bible trying to find gotchas to use in their next le debate.

>> No.11432528

>training wheels have sustained me for 10 years, might as well keep them on indefinitely!

>> No.11432537
File: 146 KB, 974x1351, 8353e837-4b19-44bd-a49f-0e85497af5ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading that study finding out atheists are more likely to be autistic
It explains so much.

>> No.11432538

>that atheist who makes a negative claim as to the existence of God on top of his own position of disbelief
>doesn't realize that said claim is derived from the same evidence as those who claim positive knowledge of God's existence

>> No.11432547

Having a stable source of income.

That's pretty much it, everything else is just a state of mind.

>> No.11432556

Christianity isn't religious, it's unironically more like a parasite in your brain. I respect religion, Christianity just isn't in that category.

>> No.11432559

keep the /pol/shit on /pol/ please.

>> No.11432567
File: 35 KB, 367x500, 26DF431E-6231-46E0-9CD4-16C7430E4945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity isn't religious, it's unironically more like a parasite in your brain. I respect religion, Christianity just isn't in that category.

>> No.11432576

>implying 4chan christians aren't the new fedoras

>> No.11432577

I don't agree with him but his videos are top comfy

>> No.11432591

It's a contested position, with all the LaVeyan satanists, gnostics, pseudo-jungians, fedora pagans and libertarians.

>> No.11432594
File: 76 KB, 477x403, 78DCF412-8D7D-48B2-A5F9-5482A8932EF8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would you “people”

>> No.11432599

The Christian ""faith"" is only politics and power. This is one of the things Kierkegaard wrote about. There's no genuine religion, just a bunch of monotone wimps clinging to their group identity.

>> No.11432601

Or this situation exists for God to distill and harvest quality souls.

>> No.11432615
File: 79 KB, 941x470, 89D4D5F3-EB77-4E8D-8BE7-7F899BCF2AD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Christian ""faith"" is only politics and power. This is one of the things Kierkegaard wrote about. There's no genuine religion, just a bunch of monotone wimps clinging to their group identity.

>> No.11432624

>being this earnest
>reddit spacing
sure’summer’n here

>> No.11432628

All raw emotions and urges are parasitic. Consider the 4 year old child who demands candy at a store and throws a tantrum. However, the parasites are cultivated and shaped to be something useful or relatively harmless. Or in the worst case scenario, ignored and pushed to the subconscious.
Christianity is a new hunger. On this level, it is parasitic. Though it is more the protestant approach to it; indeed, we are told to cut off even our arms and pull out our eyes if they tempt us away from God, and to judge trees by their fruit. Charisma movements might be the kind of religious experience you are willing to accept, with their miracle healing, snake charming and such.

>> No.11432669
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>> No.11432671

Whenever you learn how to teach.

>> No.11432680

only people left would be chinks and slavs

>> No.11432686
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;--------------------; BUT I TOLD HER MANY TIMES

>> No.11432692

She knew. That's why she went in.

>> No.11432693

Did you ask her for help

>> No.11432696

>stopping or even looking away from your fap material
How does it feel to be this beta?

>> No.11432710
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>> No.11432718

>that boomer who defines himself by his opposition to Marxism and "the left"
>that boomer who conflates Stalinism with Marxism
>that boomer who reflexively argues with anyone who doesn't condemn Marx absolutely

>> No.11432723

What kind of idiot doesn't condemn Marx absolutely? Even Marx did it by being born.

>> No.11432795

Anyone who uses this word.

>> No.11434014

Next time do this but unironically

Shuaibeee yourself ;^)

>> No.11434061

Same I almost lived in a disgusting apartment with 3 fetish/hedonists. girl was hot though

>> No.11434200

He makes great ambient music. I guess every artist is kinda nuts in his own way.